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Lesson 1

RA 1425 or Rizal Law

 The Context of The Rizal Bill

 Republic Act No. 1425 referred to as the Rizal Law - a need for re-dedication to the ideals of
freedom and nationalism for which our heroes lived and died.
 The law was met with fierce opposition in both the Senate and the House of Representatives
during its passage.

 The Rizal Law; Why students are required to study the life of Rizal and his works.
 The Rizal course was created as an act of Congress of the Republic of the Philippines through
Republic Act No. 1425 on June 12, 1956.
 This was approved during the time of President Ramon Magsaysay.
 "An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges, and Universities
Courses on the Life, works, writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly his Novels, Noli Me Tangere and
El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes."
actual title of the law.

 The Story of Rizal Law

 In 1955, legislators filed a bill upon seeing the need to promote nationalism and patriotism
specially among the youths. 
  The original bill was filed by Sen. Claro M. Recto and it was sponsored by Sen. Jose P. Laurel. 
 The original bill that would eventually become the Rizal Law (R.A. 1425) was filed by the
Committee on Education in the Philippine Senate (Sen. Jose P. Laurel being the chairman at
that time) as Senate Bill 438 on April 1956
 The original Rizal Bill was called - An attack on the church.
 the novels painted a negative image of the Catholic Church and these contain messages that
are not suited to the present time. The opponents said.

 The Supporters and Oppositions of Rizal Bill

 Sen. Francisco "Soc" Rodrigo and Congressman Miguel Cuenco - powerful allies in the senate
and congress who took a stand against the bill.
 Accion Catolico - catholic organization joined the opposition who where composed of
conservative catholics The Knights of columbus, The Congregation of the Mission and The
Catholic Teachers Guild.
 Fr. Jesus Cavanna - Rizal's novel painted a false picture of the conditions of the country in the
19th century.
 120 anti-catholic statements compared to only 25 nationalistic statements. Fr Cavanna
pointed it.
 Jesus Paredes said that the novels contained objectionable material and the Catholics have a
right not to read them in order not to endanger their faith
 Senator Rodrigo - who do not allow his son to read the works of Rizal
 Congressman Miguel Cuenco - led the opposition to the rizal bill.
 Rizal Bills supporters - the Veteranos de la Revolucion Filipina (composed of war veterans), the
Alagad ni Rizal, The Knights of the Grand Ordeal, and the Freemasons. ARSSENIO LACKSON
 Fr. Horacio de la Costa S.J. - rizals works only exposed abuses

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