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Cruzpero, Joshua L.


One of the main skills that anyone should possess is communication. It is through
communication that we can pass on data to others and receive and understand the information
we receive. There are three distinct forms of communication (contact), namely social, academic
or, business communication. The use of verbal and nonverbal capability, social interaction in
social cognition has been attributed to or social communication.
This is a kind of communication not written and only recognized by people. Socializing with
classmates, friends, families, employers, etc. requires this form of contact. Academic
communication, on the other hand, refers to communication concerning education involving
scholarly activities.
It involves the presentation of ideas, the writing of academic essays or the delivery of
speeches and conferences that usually occur in academic education. You could make use of
this when you attend institutions of higher education. The last method will be Company Contact.
Socializing with peers, friends, families, colleagues, etc. includes this form of contact. Academic
communication, on the other hand, refers to communication about education involving scholarly
activities. It involves the presentation of ideas, some writing of academic essays or, the
production of speeches and reports which usually happen in academic education. You can
make use of this when you attend institutions of higher education. The last type would be
Business Communication.
This style of communication emphasizes only exclusively the term 'job' itself, but rather on
the real business of buying and selling, customer-service provider dialogs and communications,
supervisor workers, and professional experiences between subordinates. Maybe under the
same shade of the tree that is contact, all three have their distinctions and differences as well.
Similarities would involve the same purpose of providing simple and reliable communications to
the intended recipients, simply because they all belong to a certain form of contact subject. This
will require the degree of formality when we speak about variations. Social and scholarly
communication may use either slang or casual terms, but once this sort of communication
happens, it also requires a degree of formality for business communication.
The reach of the persons involved in these interactions would be another difference. Social
contact will most likely involve the families or colleagues of friends, while personal
communication encompasses peers, professors, and others connected to education and
business communication, all who work in an office or areas of a company would be such
entities. Communication lets individuals socialize and engage with other individuals. There may
be parallels and differences in social, academic and, business contact, but all three will all go
back to the same objective at the end of the day, which is to convey communications simply and

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