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Cast: Narrator; kids (3); shoppers (2); teenagers (2); teacher

and group of small children; pastor; church ladies (3); Choir (can
be everyone in the cast)

Props: 5 large boards (3’ x 7’) covered with white paper. Paint
on each board a different theme using these objects:1- clothes,
2-eggs, 3-shoes/boots, and 4-bakery items, 5-opened tomb.
Three stools for the three kids who will sit on during the play and
these are placed in front of one of the large props to the left of
the stage. Props are space out evenly across the stage.

Narrator: The kids at the Community church are having an

Easter Program. They have practiced hard, but some of the kids
are having a difficult time understanding why we celebrate
Easter. Why do we? Let’s find out.


Kid 1: Why do celebrate Easter?

Kid 2: I don’t know. I guess because of Egg hunts.

Kid 3: I don’t think that’s the reason.

Kid 1: Then why do we celebrate Easter, if that is not the reason?

Kid 2: I don’t know. Maybe, because of Easter bunnies. I saw a

lot of bunnies at the animal store Friday. They were in all kinds of

Kid 2: I don’t think that’s the reason.

Kid 1: Then WHY do we celebrate Easter. Tell me why? I want to

know why.

Narrator: The mall is busy with many shoppers. And here are
some coming now. Please don’t pay attention to their rudeness.
They must be busy with all the new clothes on display for Easter.

Shopper 1: I do love that lime green dress that I saw. It was

perfect on me.

Shopper 2: Yes, with your hair color it would go really great.

Kid 1: (Kid 1 goes to stand where shoppers are) Do you know

why we celebrate Easter?

Shopper 1: Who are you? We are busy, please let us pass.

Shopper 2: We do not have to discuss what Easter means. We

have shopping to do.

Shopper 1: Come on let’s hurry. The stores will be closing soon.

(Exits opposite of stage)


(Kid 1 returns to stool)

Kid 2: What did they say?

Kid 3: Did they tell you what Easer means?

Kid 1: They were too busy shopping. I want to know what does
Easter mean. Can’t anyone tell me?

Kid 2: Maybe it means new clothes.

Kid 3: I don’t think so!

Kid 1: Look! Here comes those mid-school kids, They think they
are so cool! Look at them.

Teenager 1: Hey, man, these are cool. (Shows boots they are

Teenager 2: Yea! Just take a look at these new pants I got. Pretty
cool, aren’t’ they?

Teenager 1: I like the new hair style you got.

Teenager: Yeah thanks, I got it for Easter. We are going to

church. You know…a building you go to on Easter.

Kid 1: Can you tell me what Easter means? (Goes to where

teenagers are)

Teenager 1: Who me? You kiddin! I go once a year is all I know.

My parents expect it.

Teenager 2: Great! Now kid, we’re busy, you run along and stay
out of our way. (Swagger off stage)

Kid 2: Did you find out anything new?

Kid 1: No. They think it is going to church once a year.

Kid 3: I don’t think that’s it at all. Do you?

Kid 1: Can’t anyone pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease tell me what Easter

really means?
Narrator: The kids are still having trouble understanding what
Easter is all about. They are getting discouraged. The shoppers
could not help them and the teenagers were no help at all either.
Maybe, someone will come along who understand about Easter
and they will learn the meaning of Easter. Why look here comes a
class with their teacher. She must be teaching them all about
Easter. Let’s listen in, and see what we can learn.


Teacher: Let’s all say our lines together. Repeat after

me….”Easter is a special time”

Small Kids: Easter is a special time.

Teacher: “For lots of boys and girls”

Small kids: For lots of boys and girls

Kid 1: Do you know the meaning of Easter?

Teacher: I am sorry…what did you say?

Kid 1: What does Easter mean?

Teacher: Please excuse us; we are practicing for our Easter

program. Maybe, I can talk to you about that later.

(Kid 1 returns to stool)

Teacher: Now let’s say it all together.

Kids & Teacher: Easter is a special time. For lots of boys and

Teacher: Once more all together….really loud this time.

Kids & Teacher: Easter is a special time. For lots of boys and

Kid 2: I bet the teacher knew what Easter was all about.

Kid 3: Teachers don’t know everything!

Kid 1: She was busy practicing and will tell us later……maybe. I

think Easter sounded like it was only for boys and girls.

Kid 3: I think there is more to it than that. I smell something

good. Do you smell that?

Narrator: Some ladies at the church are having a bake sale for
missions. They have arrived and have plenty to sale. They
probably know all about Easter since they are selling so many
cookies and goodies. Maybe the kids will find out what it is all
about from the bakery ladies.

Lady 1: We must sell these at a good price.

Lady 2: We don’t want to give them away!

Lady 3: I spent a lot of time baking these Snicker Doodles. My

Henry could not keep his hands off them. As soon as they came
out of the oven, he was begging.

Kid 1: Mmmmmmmm! I smell something delicious! (Rubs


Lady: No, we are not giving these away, young man.

Kid 1: Could you please tell me the meaning of Easter?

Lady 2: I do declare. Isn’t he a smart one! Just give him a cookie.

Lady 3: Here take this cookie, and don’t tell all your friends. We
are selling the rest. Run along. (Exits opposite of stage)

Kid 2: Did they tell you?

Kid 3: I bet they gave him a cookie.

Kid 1: I think it is about cookies and pies. It must be; they were
such nice ladies.


Narrator: Will the children ever find out what the meaning of
Easter really is? I think here comes Pastor Smith. He is a good
pastor, and preaches the Word. I am sure the kids will not be
disappointed this time.

Pastor: (Humming the song He Lives)

Kid 1: You sure are happy today.

Pastor: It’s Easter! That is a reason to be happy.

Kid 1: Sir! Could you please tell me the meaning of Easter?

Pastor: Sure! Do you have a minute?

Kid 1: I’ve got lots of minutes!

Pastor: What about your friend over there?

Kid 1: They’ve got lots of minutes too, Will you tell them, also.

Pastor: Come over here and sit down. (All sit around him)

Pastor: Long ago, God sent Jesus to earth born from a Virgin
Mary. After Mary gave birth to Jesus, he grew up on the earth like
you and I. When he became older like your fathers, he preformed
miracles on the earth – like healing the blind, and lame, and
curing people of all kinds of diseases. There were some Pharisees
who were envious of his ability, and had him nailed to a cross.
Since this was part of God’s plan, he allowed the bad men to nail
him to a cross. This man’s name was Jesus.

Kid 1: I’ve heard of him!

Pastor: After he died, they place him in a tomb, and sealed it
shut tight so no one would take his body away. However, Jesus
arose right from the grave and showed himself to many people.

Kid 2: Wow! Like Superman!

Pastor: Better than that! He returned to heaven and is preparing

a place for all those who confess their sins, and believe on Him.
He died for the whole world that we might have a home in
heaven some day when we too die.

Kid 3: Now that sounds like the real story.

Kid 1: Thanks bunches, now I DO know the meaning of Easter.

“Jesus arose from the grave”!

Pastor: And that is why we celebrate Easter. Jesus arose from the
grave. Do you know that song?

All Cast: Up From the Grave He Arose… (Hymn Book)

All Cast: Alive, Alive Forevermore

Alive, alive, alive forevermore

Jesus is alive, alive forevermore
Alive, alive, alive forevermore
Jesus is alive

Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah

Jesus is alive forevermore
Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah
He is alive for evermore

Narrator: And so, that is the true meaning of Easter. It is

wonderful to know that Jesus is alive today. He lives in the hearts
of men and women, and every boy and girl who will invite him in.
One day, He will return to take us to a wonderfully place he is
preparing in heaven. If you do not know him today, you can. He
will forgive you from your sins, and give you peace and joy. If we
confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us, and He will
cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Jesus is alive today, and we
can sing and praise his name.

© Jeanne McIntosh December 2009. All rights


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