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ADRIANA: Hi Adriana

ANDDY: Hi Adriana

ADRIANA: look at this news! Surprising right? environmental pollution is increasing more and

ANDDY: Yes, it calls my attention: paper factory pollutes river. Well, everybody knows that this
companies pollutes the river, and not only the river, also pollutes the air. So, this a serious
problem for the people who live near them. I believe that these companies should move away,
this way they do not contaminate the food sources of many people.

ADRIANA: Yes, I agree, but not only that, nowadays with technology it is easier to treat the
waste they generate. In this way the environmental impact is reduced. And if the company
does not treat its waste and continues to pollute water or air, the best thing to do would be to
close it down.

ANDDY: I totally agree with you

KELVI: Hi guys ! what are you doing here? watching the news about pollution?


KELVI: Look at this! It calls my attention , Scientist warn: fossil fuels and deforestation are
increasing global warming!

ADRIANA: It is a fact that these problems are severe. The greenhouse gases and increased
deforestation cause the earth's temperature to increase and this affects the living beings on
this planet. And it could also cause many natural disasters. There are many actions we can take
to reduce this, for example, if we are going to a nearby place it is better to use alternative
transport, such as public transport.

KELVI :Great idea! We should also promote the use of other types of energy, such as solar and
wind energy, to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment.

And definitely raise environmental awareness to be able to know the importance of taking
care of our environment, because it is the place where we live.

It is also important to reuse and recycle, to avoid carbon dioxide emissions. in addition, if we
use recycled paper we are contributing to reduce the deforestation.

ANDDY: And definitely, plant trees, they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. This
helps a lot to reduce the greenhouse effect.

ADRIANA: Great, I share your opnion

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