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Sustainable Coastal Management for
Social-Ecological Systems—A
Typology Approach in Indonesia
Bernhard Glaeser
German Society for Human Ecology (DGH) and Berlin Free University (FUB), Berlin, Germany


Coasts and oceans have gained ever more importance during recent decades. Roughly
two-thirds of the human population live, work, and produce on coasts. Oceans and coasts
are major sources of food, minerals, and other resources and services. Oceans are the
“unknown planet” where a census of marine life was launched. Coasts and oceans represent
a maximum of biodiversity. They also represent political and economic vested interests,
which produce conflicts (Knowlton, 2010).
Economic costs and social hardships induced by global change, such as climate change,
ap- pear at the local level. The terms “level” and “scale” are often used synonymously. For
clarity reasons, it was suggested to distinguish between scale and level (Gibson et al., 2000),
with scales being “the spatial, temporal, quantitative, or analytical dimensions used to
measure and study any phenomenon” and levels “the units of analysis that are located at
different positions on a
scale.” Scaling problems as an umbrella term relate to issues surrounding both scale
and/or level. Perry and Ommer (2003: 513) discussed “characteristic spatial, temporal, and
organizational scales in marine ecosystems and human interactions,” noticing “the
difficulties inherent in their cross-
disciplinary application.” They suggested that the “essential task is to discover how to com- bine
social and natural science scale analyses to understand the impact of natural systems on peo- ple
and the impact of people on natural systems.” Research should focus on case studies that
clarified “the need to manage marine resources in such a way as to encompass global to
local scales.” This contribution attempts to pursue such an approach, that is, to include the
“local” and the “global” in order to arrive at a coastal typology that is based on regional case
Coastal Management 61 # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Important political decisions, activities, and measures usually occur at higher levels,
mostly national. Internationally, an uneven distribution of interests, benefits, and costs relat-
ing to climate change is evident. Climate impacts, poverty, and social justice are interlinked
across spatially nested, hierarchical levels. The uneven distributions of wealth can be under-
stood as nested hierarchies that are reproduced at the various levels of the socially and eco-
logically organized global system, beginning at the local up to the global level (Glaeser, 2016).



An Indonesian case study is presented to show the coincidence of and the link between
social and ecological systems. Indonesia is located in Southeast Asia, the world’s largest
archipelagic country (Fig. 1). Its unsustainable use of marine resources poses threats to its
coastal and marine ecosystems and its social systems. A severe decline in marine fisheries
has been predicted for the decades to come, with disastrous impacts on the livelihoods of
coastal populations (Glaeser, 2016; Glaeser et al., 2018).
The Spermonde Archipelago is part of the province of South Sulawesi, off the coast of the
old trade and merchant city of Makassar, with a population of about 1.8 million. The archi-
pelago covers an area of approximately 2500 km , consisting of about 67 low-lying coral atoll
islands, 54 of which are inhabited. The islands’ inhabitants are almost exclusively dependent
on marine resources for their livelihood (Fig. 2).
While some islands have been inhabited for several centuries, others were settled more re-
cently, for example, during the Japanese occupation in World War II. All islands have seen
considerable population growth during the past 50–60 years. The predominant activity in the
area is fishing, which occurs in a wide variety of different types using multiple fishing gear
and targeting numerous fish species. However, a wide range of species is harvested in an

FIG. 1 The study area, the Spermonde Archipelago, is located west of Makassar, South Sulawesi, at the center.
Map: Sebastian Ferse.
FIG. 2 The Spermonde Archipelago, divided into the districts of Makassar (south) and Pangkep (north). Map:
Sebastian Ferse.

unsustainable and even destructive manner, leading to the degradation of marine

ecosystems in the area (Figs. 3 and 4; Glaeser et al., 2018).
The Spermonde case shows in an exemplary fashion how perceived or felt global climate
and environmental changes produce economic, social, and cultural dimensions of change at
the regional and local levels. Fig. 5 illustrates nested social and ecological hierarchies from
the local to the global in a systemic view. The spatial scale adds a third dimension (Glaeser
and Glaser 2010, 2011).
According to local respondents, climate change is felt in the islands. Increased ocean tem-
perature, rising sea levels, acidification, and coral bleaching attributed to climate change are
affecting not only the region’s fragile ecosystems and species, but also the human communi-
ties that rely on fishing for their livelihoods. Ecological problems and resource shortages are
first noticed locally. Fish stocks and their diversity diminish. Fishing becomes riskier and
more time intensive. Fishers leave the coast and move toward the open sea. Coasts and
beaches face erosion, streets are destroyed, and near-shore houses are washed away. Wave
breakers of varying quality have been installed to protect beaches and coasts (Figs. 6–8;
Glaeser 2016; Glaeser et al., 2018).

FIG. 3 Most Spermonde islands need an extended pier to be accessed: Lumulumu Island. Photo: Bernhard Glaeser.

FIG. 4 In lack of building materials, islanders mine their coral reef for island protection: Lumulumu Island. Photo:
Bernhard Glaeser.
Nested hierarchies: a systemic multilevel view

The impacts on societies and
ecosystems tend to be better
Costs and benefits are unevenly
distributed among continents and nations.

Similarly among central and peripheral regions
at the national level: e.g., Seribu & Spermonde

The residents of small coral reef is lands are hardly able to find solutions
if their houses are washed away. They move to relatives, to the mainland
or ask the local authorities for help.

FIG. 5 Nested hierarchies—a systemic multilevel view. Modified from Glaeser, B., 2015. Klimawandel und Ku€sten
– Humano€kologisch-systemisch betrachtet am Beispiel Indonesien. In: K.H. Simon, K.H., Tretter, F. (Eds.),
Systemtheorie und Humano€kologie, Positionsbestimmungen in Theorie und Praxis. Edition Humano€kologie. Vol. 9.
oekom, Munich, pp. 316–336.


In the following, I integrate problem-focused social-ecological systems and regional

analysis. The shelf area, the basis of the ecological system, is confined to the east by the
Sulawesi mainland and to the west by the deep waters of the Makassar Strait. Habitats
consist of coral reefs, seagrass beds, and a few mangroves along the shore. Most
mangroves have been destroyed for shrimp and fish ponds, and reefs have been declining
in coral cover as well as associated fauna over the past four decades.
It is most difficult to define the extension of the social system. Regarding economic aspects
and depending on what activity is considered, the “system” extends over a very large geo-
graphic area. Fishing, fish processing, and fish trading are the major occupational activities.
Around 80% of the population depends directly on fishing. Approximately 70% of the
fishery operations are small-scale (one to four people per boat), with the remainder of the
fishers engaged in medium-scale operations (purse seining and mobile lift-net fishery with
10–20 people per boat) (Glaeser et al., 2018).
The focus is on a regionally based social-ecological systems analysis that links to global
drivers and global change in order to build the foundations of a coastal and marine typology
by comparing an undefined number of local and regional case studies. The case studies vary
FIG. 6 Beaches are eroding, and trees
are being derooted: Lanyukan Island.
Photo: Bernhard Glaeser.

according to problem focus, social agents, and geographical location, including different
climate zones or ecozones. Comparative case studies appear to provide a reasonable
approach to reconcile a concept-driven agenda with an empirical baseline, a combined
top-down and bottom-up approach.
The goal is to use a “global sustainability research matrix” (Glaser and Glaeser, 2014)
to arrive at a coastal and marine typology that is based on problem types and ecozones
and combines descriptions, responses, and appraisals for the natural, social, and governing
systems. As a reality check, I use an exemplary tropical case study from Indonesia.
Its specific generic problems are climate change, storm surges, overfishing, and coastal
poverty. Global problems are directly linked to the stakeholder regional and local agendas
(Glaeser, 2016).
FIG. 7 Public toilets were washed away: Bone Tambung Island. Photo: Bernhard Glaeser.

FIG. 8 Large wave breakers were installed as a protecting harbor to host fishing boats: Polewali Island. Photo:
Bernhard Glaeser.


4.1 Two-Dimensional Research-Based Hierarchical Typology

By employing a comparative analysis, I create links across hierarchical levels on the one
hand (vertical analysis), and across geographical areas or regions on the other hand (horizontal
analysis) to construct a two-dimensional matrix as the conceptual frame for a research-based
hierarchical typology. A problem focus is needed as suggested above, as there can be no
general (unspecific) definition for a social-ecological system. A social-ecological system
definition for comparative purposes is feasible if and only if limiting boundaries are set and
the and the problem focus is defined, the territorial and climate conditions plus scaling are
included, and an interdisciplinary and natural and social science approach is used (Glaeser,
2016: 375).
At the national level, a political and administrative response to the felt pressure may link
the global and local levels. It is, finally, at the regional and local levels where the ecological
and social impacts of global change are encountered. This is the place for political and
administra- tive measures or for responses by the affected population itself. The responses to
hazardous or threatening situations reach from passive adaptive strategies, such as
migrating, to proactive responses, such as coastal protection, change of professions, or
educational efforts (Table 1).

4.2 Two-Dimensional Research-Based Policy Typology

In a second step, I search for interfaces and feedback loops between global change and local
dynamics in an interdisciplinary mode, in interplay with levels of action. Eventually, all
global change is induced and produced locally. For the double feedback (global to local

TABLE 1 Two-Dimensional Research-Based Hierarchical Typology: The Example of Indonesia

Social-Ecological Multilevel Typology for Coastal and Marine Systems:
With Respect to-Specific Features Under the Condition of Climate Change
Indonesia (SPICE Case Study) as a Tropical Zone Example
Ecozones/Climate Zones
Temperate Polar
Spatial Social Tropical/Subtropical Social
Scale /Level Ecological Social Ecological Ecological
Global Global climate and environmental change, linked to the economic, social,
and cultural dimension of change
National National (e.g., Indonesian) coastal, ocean, and environmental policies,
linking ocean developments and coastal threats to climate change
Regional Local (e.g., Sulawesi) coastal developments and livelihoods
and Local Social: Earning opportunities for women, including aquaculture (sea
cucumbers, fish cages, algae cultivation)
Ecological: Beach protection, mangrove plantation, and reef
management and rehabilitation to reduce beach erosion
Based on Glaeser, B., 2015. Klimawandel und Ku€sten – Humano€kologisch-systemisch betrachtet am Beispiel Indonesien. In: K.H. Simon,
K.H., Tretter, F. (Eds.), Systemtheorie und Humano€kologie, Positionsbestimmungen in Theorie und Praxis. Edition Humano€kologie. Vol. 9.
oekom, Munich, pp. 316–336.
and vice versa), once again, a comparative analysis is needed. This time, on the one hand, it’s
across the policy cycle of actions and reactions taken, including their different levels, scales, and
units (vertical approach), and on the other hand, it’s across the various types of social-
ecological systems, typified study areas, and regions, such as urban metropolitan areas, river
mouths/catchments, small islands, and open seas (horizontal approach) (Glaeser, 2016: 375).
As a comparative analysis using both a vertical and a horizontal approach, I develop a sec-
ond roadmap that leads to different social-ecological coastal and marine typology, including
different focal areas. Once again, typology includes ecological and social factors and is ori-
ented toward governance features. This second variant, however, does not proceed in a hi-
erarchical multilevel order. Instead, it follows a systems-type sequence of actions and
reactions whereby either society or nature can be the actors. The social-ecological zones
are refined and custom-made to fit the regional-local level. The emerging cells represent
social-ecological systems and behave dynamically (Table 2).


The comparative approach at the regional and local case study level needs further speci-
fication by means of the involved subsystems. The typological matrices provide or will pro-
vide comparative data for the three social-ecological subsystems: natural, socioeconomic, and
governance. They also incorporate different approaches and tools: various quantitative and
qualitative methods, including multivariate analysis or fuzzy logic (Cf. the interrelated meth-
odologies in Bailey, 1994: 66–76). Values and norms play a role when it comes to identifying
goals and objectives. System-specific issues need to be identified. Systems boundaries vary
from subsystem to subsystem and may overlap. Levels may range from local to global
(Table 3).
Changes involve a time horizon whereas the mere descriptive social and ecological fea-
tures do not. Changes call for, or have triggered, responses by the governance system. The
governance system consists of three elements: (1) government/administration at different
levels, (2) markets at different levels, and (3) civil society at the national or subnational level.
The responses have happened or happen over time. This means that the nature of the
changes and the response cells is different from that of the descriptive social and ecological
cells; they are dynamic and not static. Timelines need to be developed. The example is taken
from the above Indonesian case study (Table 3).
The term governance is used in contemporary contexts within several social sciences, par-
ticularly in economics and political science. The concept is quite versatile but usually refers to
the threefold exercise of power: to actors, persons, or departments that constitute a body for
administering purposes; to the act of governing or exercising authority; and finally to the
means used to govern, such as rules or regulations. Political governance is often connected
to notions of good governance, which includes multilevel participation, legitimacy, account-
ability, and transparency. Coastal governance is about the creation and change of the legal and
institutional framework for coastal management, that is, to influence objectives, policies,
laws, or institutions. Coastal management implements objectives, policies, and laws provided
by coastal governance at a specific site or in a specific region or country. It deals with com-
peting issues and attempts to resolve conflicts among stakeholders, including the local

TABLE 2 Two-Dimensional Research-Based Policy Typology: The Example of Indonesia

Social-Ecological Policy Cycle for Coastal and Marine Systems:
At the Regional Level With Respect to Climate Change
Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia (SPICE Case Study) as a Small Island Example
Social-Ecological System (SES) Types

Small Islands: Fisheries (Life,

River-Mouth Ornamentals), Aquaculture (Finfish,
Urban Areas Systems Shells, Sea Cucumber), Resource Use (e.g., Ocean
(Settlements, (Estuaries, Deltas, Corals), Conservation (e.g., No-Take (Open
Policy Cycle Ports) Lagoons) Zones), Tourism (National, International) Sea)
Governing system National: Indonesia, the world’s largest
(as related to the archipelagic country, divided into
natural system) decentralized provinces
Regional-local: Spermonde Archipelago
with two major administrative units,
Makassar Municipality and Pangkep
Regency, both of which extend beyond the
geographical boundaries of the natural

Drivers, Pressures Global climate and environmental change,

(Anthropogenic linked to the economic, social, and cultural
and natural) dimension of change:
Regional-local: Storm surges, overfishing,
destructive fishing methods

Changes, Impacts Local (e.g., Sulawesi small islands) coastal

and marine developments and livelihoods:

Reef destruction
Fish depletion
Coastal erosion
Collapsing houses

Responses National (e.g., Indonesian) coastal, ocean,

and environmental policies, linking ocean
developments and coastal threats to
climate change
Local (e.g., Sulawesi islands)
Social: Income opportunities for women,
including aquaculture (sea cucumbers, fish
cages, algae cultivation)
Ecological: Beach protection, mangrove
plantation, and reef management and
rehabilitation to reduce beach erosion
Appraisal Social: Number of income opportunities
(Outputs, achieved, positive and negative side effects
Outcomes) Ecological: Amount of reef rehabilitation
achieved, effects for fish stocks and
Modified from Glaeser, B., 2015. Klimawandel und Ku€sten – Humano€kologisch-systemisch betrachtet am Beispiel Indonesien. In: K.H.
Simon, K.H., Tretter, F. (Eds.), Systemtheorie und Humano€kologie, Positionsbestimmungen in Theorie und Praxis. Edition Humano€kologie.
9. oekom, Munich, pp. 316–336.
TABLE 3 Comparative Subsystems Typology: The Example Indonesia
Systems Features Natural System Social System Governance System
Objectives Stock preservation Decent livelihood Equitable regulations
System specific issues Climate change Overfishing Regulations not
Scale: system Ecological boundaries Kinship, trade, market Administrative boundary
boundary boundaries
Scale overlaps Fishing Markets Rules/regulations
Level Local to international Local to global Regional to national
Change: major Storm surges and beach A patron-client relation Change of
changes/impacts erosion evolved among traders and administration, markets,
fishermen civil society
Responses: governance Government regional to Government little effort, Government national,
subsystem national, Markets no, Markets local to global, Fisher Markets no, NGOs
(government, market, Fisher community partly community and patron-client national and
civil society) relation international
Appraisal: outputs, Enabling conditions, Enabling conditions, changed Enabling conditions,
outcomes, ensuing changed behavior, behavior, achievements, changed behavior,
goals and visions achievements, sustain. sustain. development achievements, sustain.
development development
Based on Glaeser, B., 2016. From global sustainability research matrix to typology: a tool to analyze coastal and marine social-ecological
systems. Reg. Environ. Change. 16 (2), 367–383. doi:10.1007/s10113-015-0817-y.

population, fishermen, involved scientists, NGOs, or local/regional and national govern-

ments. Multiple competing issues are tourism, fisheries, aquaculture, harbor development,
nature protection, offshore mining, and windpower. The most urgent issues need to be iden-
tified (Glaeser, 2006).
It is timely to separate synchronic/static and diachronic (temporal)/dynamic elements
and isolate descriptive elements from change, response, and appraisal. Governance responds
to social and/or ecological changes in an attempt to attain certain societal goals and objec-
tives, such as sustainable development. In other words, desired outcomes (visions)
determine responses, which include a timeline perspective. Any governance baseline (R1…
n) comple- ments descriptive biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics in an
interdisciplinary and possibly transdisciplinary approach. A policy cycle—or management
cycle at the local level— moves from descriptive to prescriptive elements, evaluates their
outputs and outcomes, and assesses a new SES state, which calls for new responses
according to a prescribed or preset normative societal goal (Glaeser, 2016: 376f).
The appraisal typology (Table 4) evaluates responses and achievements of measures
taken by the governance system, first by local and regional level civil society measures at the
village, town, or district level. Government actions at the provincial and national level would
then also have to be included. Markets for fish and other resources at different levels will
certainly play a role and influence outputs and outcomes. In all three governance
segments (government,
TABLE 4 Subsystems Appraisal Typology: The Example of Indonesia
Climate Zone, Ecoregion, SES Outputs and Outcomes at the Case Study Level: Across the Natural, Social and
Governance System

Outputs Outcome: First Outcome: Outcome: Outcome:

Eco- (Immediate Order Second Order Third Order Fourth Order
Climate System SES Results of (Enabling (Behavior (Visions (Sustainable
Zone Type Type Responses) Conditions) Change) Achieved) Development)
Polar Shelf Estuary
Tropical Coastal Island Local people Fishers Locally Informal Not yet
construct wave develop enforced rules governance achieved
breakers, use intricate for a specified system: NGOs
coral stone as patron-client but small sea are advocating
building links and territory for no-take
material, informal rules surrounding zones,
which led to a on resource the respective introduce (1)
stop of use. islands in the new
government The patron- whole technologies
support. client system archipelago. (coral
Governmental provides These management,
measures: fishers with an regulations mariculture
Dams have alternative provide rules- cultivation of
been type of social in-use for sea weeds), (2)
constructed to security, marine credits to
reduce waves, allowing them resource use, empower self-
to prevent to cope with creating a employment in
coastal erosion, short-term polycentric mobile
and to stressors structure for restaurants
establish (storms, loss of area-based (soups, snacks,
harbors for gear, localized marine drinks) or
fishing boats. overfishing). governance. shops (drinks,
However, However, their snacks, tools).
capacity to formation and Introduction of
cope with enforcement COREMAP
more extensive depend on (Coral Reef
stressors local leaders, Rehabilitation
(complete loss which—in and
of ecosystem conjunction Management)
services: with the program) to
fisheries missing improve
resources, horizontal environmental
protection connectivity— awareness,
from erosion) creates alternative
appears vulnerability. livelihood
limited. Few options,
alternative establish
livelihood community-
options. low based MPAs
level of (Ferse et al.,
education 2014).
(Glaser et al.,

Temperate Open Sea Urban

SES, social-ecological systems.
Design: Bernhard Glaeser.
From Glaeser, B., Ferse, S., Gorris, P., 2013. Case Study Indonesia. Spermonde Archipelago: Island development and livelihoods. Template for
the description of ADApT_A case studies. IMBER HDWG: Version 2013-05-17: F. Capacity-Response-Appraisal; Ferse, S.C.A., Glaser, M.,
Neil, M., Schwerdtner Ma´nez, K., 2014. To cope or to sustain? Eroding long-term sustrainability in an Indonesian coral reef fishery. In:
Glaser, M., Glaeser, B. (Eds.), Linking Regional Dynamics in Coastal and Marine Social-Ecological Systems to Global Sustainability. Reg.
Environ. Change
14 (6), 2127–2138. (special issue); Glaser, M., Baitoningsih, W., Ferse, S.C.A., Neil, M., Deswandi, R., 2010. Whose sustainability? Top-down
participation and emergent rules in marine protected area management in Indonesia. Mar. Policy 34, 2053–2066.

market, civil society), appropriateness, effectiveness, and acceptability of outputs and out-
comes are appraised and valued (Glaeser, 2016: 377).
The effects of the responses (appraisal) that differentiate between outputs and outcomes are
monitored and evaluated. They are also time-dependent unless a specific point in time is set
and defines the appraisal at a certain moment along the time scale: T1 ¼ Tx…y + Tn. Responses
refer to the three governance subsystems: government, market, and civil society. Whereas an
output is ascribed to the immediate result of a response, outcomes refer to its social and eco-
logical consequences (Table 4).
Olsen differentiates between four orders of outcomes: enabling conditions for sustained
implementation, implementation through changed behavior, the “harvest” (environmental
and societal outcomes achieved), and finally sustainable development, that is, “optimal equi-
librium between environment and society” (Olsen et al., 2009: 34). The case studies, first de-
scribed by their respective social-ecological setting within different climate
zones/ecoregions and secondly compared according to their issue and problem focus
(Tables 1–3), need to be monitored and appraised according to outputs and different level
outcomes across the nat- ural, social, and governance system (Table 4).
The achievements and their acceptability may be judged differently by different groups of
stakeholders: by local affected people, varying according to profession, age, or gender, by lo-
cal to national administrators, politicians, or scientists. Different stakeholders will come up
with varying recommendations, which may include measures for adaptation or mitigation.
A new social-ecological “state” can be assessed and described in the natural, social, and gov-
ernance subsystems. The new description is followed by new responses. The whole process,
which is a policy and/or management cycle, starts all over again and turns to a second round,
like an upward winding spiral (Cf. Olsen et al., 2009: 31–32; GESAMP, 1996).
In order to compare the selected case studies throughout the entire policy cycle on an
empir- ically grounded basis, a limited number of indicators needs to be selected. The
indicators need to be sufficient in number as to fill the typology cells and to correspond to the
magnitude of type differentiation. At the same time, it may even be more important to limit the
indicators selected to the absolute minimum to arrive at a limited number of types or classes,
which can still be under- stood and compared. The “garbage can approach“ (Buddemeier) to
select variables or variable indicators may yield an empirically profound picture of a
multitude of social-ecological systems but will fail to classify and compare variegated case
studies. Glaser et al. emphasized that key
status and process indicators need to be regularly monitored to assess the sustainability of
coastal and marine social-ecological systems (Glaser et al., 2012: 302–303, Tables 1 and 2).
These are the minimum yet not to be proliferated indicator requirements.
Social-ecological indicators to construct case study typologies consist of (1) focal areas,
namely climate zone (tropical/subtropical, temperate, polar), ecosystem type (urban, estuar-
ies, coasts/small islands, shelf/open sea), and the main issue (overfishing, climate change,
mass mortality); (2) stressors (drivers, pressures): natural pressures, social drivers, governance
drivers; (3) Natural system (state, impact): system boundaries, scale issues, changes in habitat
(impact on biotope and biocoenosis); (4) Social system (state, impact): system boundaries, scale
issues, changes in demography and livelihood (impact); (5) Governance system (state, impact):
system boundaries, scale issues, changes in governance and power relations (impact); (6)
Adaptive capacity, response: natural system, social system, governance system; and (7)
Appraisal (outputs, outcomes): natural system, social system, governance system (Glaeser,
2016: 378f).
The DPSIR framework (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) is a widely used tool to
structure information by simplifying the relations when analyzing social-ecological systems
in an integrated way. It is not a modeling tool, but conceptually links causes (drivers and
pressures) to environmental effects (state and impacts) and social activities (response,
policies, and decisions) (among others, see Bowen and Riley, 2003; MA, 2003; Burkhard
and Mu€ller, 2008). It may be noted that the classic DPSIR framework was amended by
an appraisal category. “Appraisal” measures or evaluates the outputs and outcomes of a
response that eventually leads to a new state.


Coastal and marine sustainability is the imperative goal that drives our research and de-
termines the mehodology selected. The worldwide near-collapse of many marine fisheries
impoverishes local communities all over the globe at the local level as well as at a global scale.
These unfortunate developments may be taken as paradigms for local environmental prob-
lems that increasingly reach global social dimensions. The impulses that fuel this develop-
ment as well as the associated perceptions and knowledge generation processes develop
from the global to the local level in a top-down manner as well as from the local to the global
in a bottom-up manner (Glaeser, 2016: 381).
Let us assume that we aim at “responses” to create a policy scenario. In this case, we need
to identify the issues affecting pressures and perceived problems. The issues vary, and they
are natural-environmental, sociocultural, and governance related, including climate change,
fish depletion, illegal fishing, and a multitude of environmental hazards. The responses refer
to administrations, the markets, and civil societies, all divided into regional, national, and in-
ternational levels. At the international level, multinational and crossnational development
aid groupings and initiatives, and political foundations or church-related organizations rep-
resent aspects of an international civil society. They have been playing an ever-increasing
role, yet were controlled more recently and constrained by national governments (Table 5).
The next step will be to collect additional regional case studies and to evaluate them in a
comparative way. The comparative analysis will be done by means of the tested typology con-
cept that is applied to the social-ecological subsystems–natural, social and governance–and to
each step of the complete social-ecological policy cycle. The elements of the policy cycle are
drivers/pressures, state/impact, adaptation/response, and evaluation/appraisal of outputs
and outcomes. They represent a process, that may induce a new secondary policy cycle ini-
tiated by the appraisal result to become the new driver. The whole process will serve as a
governance tool (Glaeser, 2016: 381; Bundy et al., 2015).


Local hazards are tied to global change—socially, economically, and ecologically. A coastal
typology at different levels and with differentiated variables can be useful as an analytical

TABLE 5 Comparative Response Typology to Create a Policy Scenario

Government Market Civil Society
Regional-National- Regional-National- Regional-National-
Issues International International International

Climate change International

Ocean acidification agreements
sea level rise
sea temperature

Environmental hazards National policies and International organizations

Ocean debris regional management interfere (e.g., Greenpeace)
Marine contaminants
Mass mortality
subsea level noise
Storm surges
Reef destruction
Coastal erosion
Mangrove decrease
Overfishing Market regulations through Regional informal fisheries
Near-shore environmental marketing agreements

Regulations not implemented National and Social pressure on

Harvest quotas international wrongdoers
Illegal fishing enforcement
Ban on destructive

Cultural identity Investments, small Informal rules and

Poverty enterprises, and shops, Fair subsidies by regional
Social justice Trade communities
Women’s involvement
Settlement density

Design: Bernhard Glaeser.

instrument, but also as a planning tool. It is to be integrated into a common frame and applied
to case studies by means of a multilevel and a cross-scale analysis.
This contribution proposed to study coastal and marine social-ecological environments
at different scales on different levels. This was exemplified by a case study from Indonesia.
The Indonesian case showed paradigmatically how perceived or felt global climate and
environ- mental changes produce economic, social, and cultural dimensions of change.
Scales are the space, time, or governance-related dimensions. Levels are located at different
positions on a scale and include the global level as well as local to regional level
comparative case studies. Social-ecological sustainability problems are caused by drivers
from multiple levels of the Earth’s system. A coastal and marine typology was presented
to understand and compare the ecological, sociocultural, and economic aspects of coastal
and marine systems.
Reviewing the typologies presented, it becomes apparent that nested hierarchies organize
the number of variables in a hierarchical mode. They form different scenarios depending on
selected objectives. In that sense, typology is a tool that takes different shapes according to
different issues or responses. It does not—by any means—represent a fixed structure. The
typologies presented started from concepts, but were empirically backed up. Conceptual ver-
sus empirical typologies may be dichotomous but not contradictory. One could also start em-
pirically and cluster up to arrive at an equally valid result.
Distributional imbalances at different levels can be identified as climate change impacts:
the “climate divide.” On that basis, science should be linked to policy. Such a process involves
different levels again, on a governance scale: from local management decisions to national
law-making and international to global governance production and producers, such as the
European Union or the United Nations.

This paper follows up on discussions and joint publications with Marion Glaser (LOICZ and ZMT Bremen) as well as
on a submitted publication in cooperation with Sebastian Ferse (ZMT Bremen) and Philipp Gorris (Osnabru€ck
Uni- versity). I am grateful for discussions and joint work on the typology theme in our IMBER working group on
human dimensions (IMBER-HDWG), specifically to Alida Bundy, Ian Perry, Patrice Guillotreau, and Ratana

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Glaser, M., Christie, P., Diele, K., Dsikowotzky, L., Ferse, S., Nordhaus, I., Schlu€ter, A., Schwerdtner Ma´nez, K.,
Wild, C., 2012. Measuring and understanding sustainability-enhancing processes in tropical coastal and marine
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Perry, R.I., Ommer, R.E., 2003. Scale issues in marine ecosystems and human interactions. Fish Oceanogr. 12 (4/5),

Further Reading
Glaeser, B., 2015. Klimawandel und Ku€sten – Humano€kologisch-systemisch betrachtet am Beispiel
In: Simon, K.H., Tretter, F. (Eds.), Systemtheorie und Humano€kologie, Positionsbestimmungen in Theorie und
Praxis. In: Edition Humano€kologie, vol. 9. oekom, Munich, pp. 316–336.
Glaeser, B., Ferse, S., Gorris, P., 2013. Case Study Indonesia. Spermonde Archipelago: Island development and
liveli- hoods. Template for the description of ADApT_A case studies. IMBER HDWG: Version 2013-05-17.

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