Task 1: Summary: Vegetarianism For One Vegetarianism

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Task 1: Summary

The given excerpt sheds light on the increasing popularity of

vegetarianism and the three recurrent -> common grounds to argue for its
effectiveness []. Regarding the first one, the well-being of a person,
vegetarianism has been proved to meet one’s daily nutritional necessity-
>requirements/needs, contradicting a common belief->contrary to popular
belief. In addition, vegetarians claim that the meat industry causes
environmental complications as lands for raising livestock were once forests or
pasturelands->lands, which once were forests or pasturelands, are cleared for
raising livestock, resulting in climate change, topsoil deprivation and extinction
of fauna and floral species->deteriorated ecosystems. Other non-meaters-
>people enter vegetarianism, through their own moral values because of the
torture-like situation->appalling conditions that most poultry and cattle-
>domesticated animals are currently living in. Overall, the choice of following a
vegetarian diet is climbing in the popularity charts and is becoming more
accessible through the support of restaurants and supermarkets.

Task 2: Pie charts

The given bar charts compare the proportions of the spendings->amount

of spending of two different British technology companies->firms/businesses of
similar size on five->six distinctive->(distinct) categories in 2012.
Overall, payments for employees was the most well-financed aspect of
both firms throughout/over/during the surveyed period. Additionally, while Aim
One Ltd’s expenditure focused more on Training, ZTA Ltd emphasized on
Research & Development and Equipment.
It is apparent that employee’s earnings was the most dominant facet of
ZTA Ltd’s disbursement during the research period, occupying 30% of the pie
chart->the total spending. This figure is approximately 10% higher than the
percentage/that of the first and second runners-up – Equipment and Research &
Development. The percentage of money spent on paying employees created-
>showed/displayed a discrepancy in the case of Training and Counselling fees
as well as manager’s salaries-> other surveyed aspects as combined totalling at-
>by a 1% gap.
Regarding the Aim One Ltd’s expenditure in 2021->2012, the proportion
of payments for workers was 10% higher than that of the former firm ->above
counterpart/equivalent company. Moreover, all other facets of this … saw no
alternations greater than 12%.

Task 3:

The abuse of drugs and other illegal substances has become one of the
most rampant issues in our current society [Topic introduction]. Following -> In
response to this, there has been a widely affirmed suggestion that anyone caught
in the act of drug-consuming should be immediately imprisoned [BGK
Elaboration]. To my view->From my perspective/In my view, I am in two minds
about-> this suggestion. This essay->paper/article will go into details about the
merits and demerits of the aforementioned proposal.
The act of automatic instantaneous sentence to prison may act as a strong
deterrent against anti-social behaviours. This may sharply/exponentially lower
the cases of drug abusers and illicit substances. Additionally, the implementation
of this law->policy/practice can heavily reduce the probability of drug
traffickers finding clients, resulting in a sharp decline in production of
stimulants. On the whole/As a result, these lead to a higher quality of life for
citizens. This is highly present->apparent in the case of Philippines in 2017,
when war against drugs broke out and the demand for them was heavily
diminished. [Merits]
However, immediately imprisoning drug users/dopers might not bring
about only positive impacts on our society. First of all, a drop in the national
workforce is bound to occur for a long period of time. As a result, a less/lower
amount of annual cash flow is presented to the government, which brings the
economy down to a worse state. Moreover, drug abusers should be sent to
rehabilitation centres as many of them might have these dopes forced into them
by a third party person and were this to not be implemented, life satisfaction
level would fall sharply (evidence?).[Demerits]
To sum up, -> The above discussion indicates that although the
enforcement of automatic imprisonment when drug users are caught red-handed
might being->bring various benefits to our society, there are several negative
side-effects that we have to be cautious towards. (implications?)(Final thought?)

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