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Benchmark – Building Trust in a Diverse Community Case Analysis

and Rationale Template

Part 1: Case Analysis

1. Brief summary of the case:

New administrator is hired into the building to bring change and help the low socio-
economic conditions of most of the community. Some of the stakeholders are ancestors
of a large white-supremacist group and are vocal about the low-income housing project
that is being developed. Members of the community have shown up at board meetings to
discuss how many of the students being bussed to the school are under-performing and
are causing trouble in the building. After the meeting, one of parents makes a derogatory
comment to you, as the administrator about leaving the area in question.
2. Identify the issues to be resolved:
 Students’ safety being at risk IF the white supremacist group were to escalate their
 Addressing the issue of the students being bussed to the school who are under-
performing/causing behavior issues AND have no intention of coming to the same
building when they move on after elementary school.
 Addressing the staff population at Smith-Jackson Elementary to help students feel
they have a voice in their building.
3. Stakeholders involved in the issue:
a. Stakeholders involved are: Staff at both buildings, students at both buildings,
board of education, Administrators, Bus company that provides the transportation,
members of the community (white-supremacist ancestors), directors who oversee
developing the new low-income housing project near the school, parents of the
4. One or two existing laws or court rulings that relate to the issues:
*Pasadena City Board of Education v. Spangler
*Goss v. Board of Education
5. District policies that relate to the issues:
** The organization I belong to is a charter organization and we are considered to be
employees at will. There is no mention in our staff handbook to equal employment
opportunity or anything along those lines.

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6. Possible solutions to the issues:
 Resign from the position
 Work with the community members to develop a contingency plan to make sure the
students getting bussed to our school are being successful OR find a different course
of action for those students
 Continue with the plan as it is now, community members have not shown any signs of
violence towards the low-income housing project or to the school yet.

7. The solution you chose to resolve the issues:

I am going to choose the solution of continuing the plan for now. I do feel there is a need
to have the community members come to the table and discuss the problems that
everyone sees. It is important to make sure that going into a conversation like this, that all
sides know there is not going to be a clear winner. People will need to understand that
their viewpoints will be heard, they just may not be acted upon. I will also be working
with the school to set up an alternative plan to the students who are underperforming and
causing behavior issues.
8. Action steps (2-5) for implementing your solution, including a timeline for each step:
Step 1: Meet with district officials to develop a “town hall” meeting to discuss the issues
the community is having regarding the voluntary bus program. (1-2 days)
Step 2: Meet with teachers and other stakeholders in the building to develop an
alternative approach to addressing the behaviors and academic goals of the students who
are underperforming (1-2 days)
Step 3: Hold the “town hall” meeting and make sure that all parties are represented to
work towards solving the issues (1 week after meeting with district officials)
Step 4: Develop an approach to the bus program and the development of the low-income
housing project to ensure that all parties’ voices were heard and come to an agreement
that will ensure the safety of the students on our campus.

9. Potential moral and legal consequences of solution:

As long as the bus program is still up and running and voluntary there is no legal
ramifications. My own personal morals are upheld knowing that I have gone through and
tried every avenue to ensure the success and safety of my students.

Part 2: Case Study Solution Rationale

Support your case analysis with a 500-750 word rationale explaining the solution you chose and
why. How are the values of democracy, equity, and diversity within the school safeguarded by
your decisions? How does your solution demonstrate integrity and fairness, and ensure a school
system of accountability for every student’s academic and social success?
Support your decision citing the case where appropriate and a total of 3-5 scholarly articles.
The solution I chose to act on in this case is a “safe” solution and it will ensure that all
stakeholders involved will have their voices heard and hopefully feel that the answer and plan
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moving forward is a neutral one that they can live with. To begin with, the board and the city
both felt like I was the person to bring in to help overcome the hurdle of this magnitude.
Resigning from the position because of what one individual said, is not even an option at this
point. The main issue and source of the strife between the members of the community, is the
development of the low-income housing project, not necessarily the bus program and having
students coming into the school. There is a lot of stereotyping that occurs in situations like this
one and it is easy for it to spiral out of control.
Safeguard the Values
The reflection piece for me in this case study is to look back and see how the decisions
and plans I put into motion are aligned with the school mission and values. I feel like holding the
town hall meeting to let the community be heard and have a part to play in the decisions that are
occurring in the school setting allows for a democratic approach and does not give off the notion
that I am running a school like a dictator. I am also ensuring that students are presented with the
same opportunities in the classroom that they would be receiving in a different school setting.
Lastly, students are being exposed to a diverse range of learning and have the ability to find
relatable individuals in the building that they can trust. At the end of the decision-making
process, the ultimate factor is ensuring the safety of the students. The second that their safety is
put in jeopardy, the choices, and actions that I make need to be re-visited and changed.
Integrity and Fairness
My solution and action plan moving forward allows for an equal opportunity for all
members of the community and other stakeholders to be heard and have a voice in the present
situation. The community members’ issues of behavior and academic performance are valid
complaints in any school. The new development of the low-income housing project has no real
influence on those issues. As an administrator, it is important to address the issues and
complaints fairly and not use the position I am in with the school board or the town to help
influence any of the decisions that I would make. The other key factor in my decision is to
address the performance of every student who steps foot in the building. It is important that no
one is on a different level of evaluation. Students, regardless of where they live, need to be held
to the same academic expectations.
Part 3: Agenda and Agenda Rationale

Outline an agenda for a meeting focused on community relations to build and sustain positive
school relationships with families and caregivers. Include:

 A purpose statement for the community meeting.

 A minimum of two meeting goals and objectives.
 At least two suggested speakers from community organizations.
 A detailed timeframe for speakers and activities.

(Town Hall Meeting Agenda attached as a separate file)

Compose a 250-500 word rationale for your decisions regarding the agenda’s goals and
objectives, suggested speakers, and activities. Describe how this meeting will build and sustain
positive school relationships with families and caregivers.

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The agenda I created is designed to be utilized during our town hall meeting with a
variety of stakeholders regarding the voluntary busing program. The decisions I made about the
goals of the meeting are purposely identified to ensure that all participants know what needs to
be accomplished before the meeting is over with. I intentionally threw in the piece about meeting
with other groups at the town hall so that individuals can step outside of their comfort zone and
talk with other sub-groups in the community. The purpose statement is there as a focal point for
everyone in attendance so they can clearly see the need for having this meeting. The two
speakers from the community are two amazing individuals who provide various outreach
programs and activities in our community. They both have been in the public school system and
see the daily grind that staff and administrators go through daily. I have worked with Mr.
Johnson at another organization when he was a school resource officer and I have seen the
support first-hand that he provides and gives back to his community.

This meeting will allow various members of the community a chance to talk with one
another and for all parties to understand what the opposing side’s viewpoints are. Hopefully,
when the meeting has concluded, the school and district personnel have the information they
need to determine the next steps. As the principal of the building where the program is being
housed, my main role will be to connect members of the community with the school and to
bridge the gap in communication. My main and only point of emphasis will be to make the best
decision for our students and to ensure that their safety is kept as the top priority.

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