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San Ildefonso College

‘’The San Ildefonso College envision itself as faith community, globally competitive,
Academically excellent, certified and accredited.’’
S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: Mrs. Angeli L. Peralta Date & Day July 7, 2020

Grade & Section: 12 HUMSS Score:

Subject: ENGLISH for Academic and Professional Parent/ Guardian

Purposes Signature
Activity Title: “Language in Academic Text”
Learning Targets: Differentiates language used in academic texts from various disciplines.

References: Ma. Joahna M. Estacio, PhD (2016) “English for the Globalized Classroom Series”
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. Quezon City, pp.43, Valdez, Paolo Niňo M. (2016).
English for the Globalized Classroom Series English for Academic and Professional
Purposes. Quezon City, Philippines. Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
Academic writing is a challenging but satisfying activity. It needs great preparations. One of
the necessary preparations is on language use. Academic writing requires academic
language. Language use is a qualifying component of a text to be categorized as an
academic text.

Several definitions and explanations can be given to academic language which is considered
a formal way to present words on a certain field. In general, Academic language or text is
used in classroom setting – in textbooks, teacher-made tests and other forms of academic

Moreover, it includes variety of formal language skills such as vocabulary, grammar,

punctuation, syntax and the likes. These allow students to acquire knowledge and
academic skills needed to do the work of schools
 Distinctive Attributes of Academic Language
A. Formality – Generally, academic writing is formal where the following should be
*Colloquial words and expressions and idiomatic expressions
*Abbreviated words such as can’t, doesn’t, shouldn’t and others
*Two-word verbs such as put off, bring up
*Expanded terms over their abbreviated equivalents such as “as soon as possible”
instead of ASAP
B. Precision – In academic writing, facts, figures, graphs, illustrations are given
precisely. The exactness and accuracy of the data presented are visible. Writer is advised
not to use “several workers” when he/she can use “10 million workers”.
C. Explicitness – The writer makes sure that the various parts of the text are related to
one another, free from obscurity and easy to understand.
D. Accuracy – Academic writing uses vocabulary and statistics accurately that conform
to the correct value or standard. A writer chooses the appropriate word; let us say
“meeting, assembly, gathering, and conference”.

E. Hedging – Writer makes decisions about his/her stance on a particular subject. The strength
of the claims must be considered. He/She also uses cautious language.
*Introductory Verbs *Certain Lexical Verbs *Certain Modal Verbs
seem, be sure believe will, must
tend, indicate assume would, may
look like suggest might, could
appear to be
*Adverbs of Frequency * *Modal Nouns * *That Clauses*
often assumption It could be the case that
sometimes possibility It might be suggested that
usually probability There is every hope that
*Modal Adverbs* *Modal Adjectives* *Phrases*
Certainly certain on the whole
Definitely definite more or less
Clearly clear
Probably probable
Possibly possible
F. Responsibility – Writer must be responsible for demonstrating and understanding of any
source text used. All evidences and justifications are provided to support the claims. Moreover,
the writer has to paraphrase and summarize the read academic text and acknowledge the source
of ideas and information through proper citations.
G. Organization – Academic writing is well-organized where the ideas are presented in a
logical manner.

Activity 1
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Write True if the statement is correct or False if wrong in the
blanks provided.
1. Jargons are the specific terms used in a particular course or field.____________
2. The words such as “haven’t”, “you’re” and “could’ve” are examples of acronyms.____________
3. The colloquial words are the denotative words found in the dictionary.____________
4. Hedges are used to express absolute certainty of a stance.____________
5. Grammar is one of the elements that need to be properly observed in an academic
II. Directions: Analyze the sentences carefully. Replace the italicized two word verb in each sentence
with a single-word verb from the choices. Write the correct answers in the blanks.
produces conducted raised eliminate tolerate
refuses produces creates established increased
1._______________ Mothers cut down spending on grocery items.
2._______________ Scientists come up with a good solution to the problem.
3._______________ Teachers brought up some issues on cheating during examinations.
4._______________ Private schools nowadays get rid of tuition fee hike.
5._______________ The team leader turns down the first project proposal because of its
inconvenience for the members.

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