TEST I. Multiple Choice: Choose The Correct Answer and Write Only The Letter Before The Number

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TEST I. Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer and write only the letter before the number.

1. It refers to the music from South India.

a. Avanaddh b. Ghan c. Hindustani Music d. Carnatic Music
2. The most common style of singing in North India.
a. Ghan b. Khyal c. Sushir d. Tat
3. It is described as a non-membranous percussive instrument but with a solid resonator.
a. Ghan b. Khyal c. Sushir d. Tat
4. It is described as a membranous percussive instrument. This class of instrument typically comprises the drums.
a. Avanaddh b. Sushir c. Tat d. Vitat
5. It is also known as “blown air”. It is characterized by the use of air to excite the various resonators.
a. Avanaddh b. Sushir c. Tat d. Vitat
6. It is referred to as vina during the old civilization. Instruments in this class are plucked.
a. Avanaddh b. Sushir c. Tat d. Vitat
7. It is described as bowed stringed instruments. This is one of the oldest classifications of instruments and yet did not
occupy a place in classical Indian music until the last few centuries.
a. Avanaddh b. Sushir c. Tat d. Vitat
8. It is the traditional expressions of love, separation, and loneliness.
a. Ghazal b. Sushir c. Tat d. Vitat
9. The devotional music of the Chishti Order.
a. Ghazal b. Qawwali c. tat d. Vitat
10.The following are significant instruments of Israel, which do not belong to the group?
a. Jewesh Lyre b. Plasretion c. Shofar d. Table
11.The song “ZUM GALI GALI” was originated by what country?
a. Arab b. Israel c. Pakistan d. Philippines
12.It is being celebrated by Hindus in India and all around the world in October or November.
a. Diwali b. Harappa c.Kot Diji d. Rangoli
13.It is one of the beautiful and most pleasing art forms from India.
a. Diwali b. Harappa c. Kot Diji d. Rangoli
14.The following are large buildings that are built during the 3 rd millennium BCE in Pakistan. Which is NOT?
a. Harappa b. Kot Diji C. Mohenjo Daro d. Image of Shiva
15.Large elaborately embroidered wall hangings.
a. Tajiks b. Shirdaks c. Tuah Kyiz d. Kyrgyz cloth
16.He build the Taj Majal in 1632 in memory of his wife.
a. Rajapaksha b. Raha Jahanes c. Samanhans d. Sha Jahan
17.These are tiny microorganisms that are found in the most common diseases.
a. Bacteria b. Pathogens C. Parasites d. Virus
18.The pathogen that causes pneumonia.
a. Bacteria b. Fungus c. Rickettsia d. Virus
19.Which of the following carries a rickettsia?
a. Ticks b. Dysentery c. Small pox d. Chicken Pox
20.The pathogen that cause athlete’s foot
a. Bacteria b. Fungus c. Parasites d. Protozoa
21.The virus which enters the respiratory system that cause sickness?
a. Cold Virus b. Wart Virus c. Rabbies Virus d. Ebola Virus
22.The pathogen that cause amoebic dysentery.
a. Parasite b. Protozoa c. Rickettesia d. Virus
23.Helminth is a pathogen referred as ____________.
a. Bacteria b. Parasites c. Protozoa d. Viruses
24.The helmith which lives in the intestines and causes a serious illness.
a. Bilharziasis b. Saprophytes c. Schistosomiasis d. Trichinosis
25.Prevention of helminth diseases require ______________.
a. Taking medicine c. Maintaining cleanliness
b. Eating good food d. Have enough time to sleep
26.Direct and indirect spread of pathogens from one person to another.
a. Toxin Bacteria c. Resident Bacteria
b. Communicable Disease d. Non-Communicable Disease

27. Who invented the game volleyball?

a. James Naismith b. Willian G. Morgan c. George Han d. Eliza Valdez
28. When was the Volleyball invented?
a. 1985 b. 1895 c. 1689 d. 2005
29. What is the international governing body for all forms of volleyball?
30. How many points do you have to score in volleyball?
a. 21 b. 23 c. 24 d. 25
Test II. Enumeration

32-36 Classification of Musical Instruments from India

37-38 Two vocal styles in singing of the Pakistan

39-40 Two division of Jewish Music

41-42 Traditional music from India

43-46 Periods of Indian Art

47-50 Four recognized periods of Pakistan Architecture


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MAPEH Teacher Checked:

Principal III

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