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CS 3240 - S21 / Guided Practice A: GitHub Tutorial

Computing ID Name

DUE: Friday, February 12 at 11:59 PM in Gradescope and GitHub

Your first Guided Practice is to become accustomed to how GitHub works because we will be using it extensively
in the class for your projects and for other code submissions.

Learning Objective: At the end of this Guided Practice, a student should: 1) have a basic understanding of how
git and GitHub works, 2) know where to go to get more training/information if necessary, and 3) know how to
submit assessments for CS 3240 through GitHub and Gradescope.

Initial Setup

1) If you do not have a GitHub account, go to and create one first.

2) Let us know your GitHub name at so we can add you to our class GitHub
organization (uva-cs3240-s21). We are processing these roughly once a day or so - watch for the email to accept
the invitation!

3) Go to and accept the assignment, linking your GitHub name to

your own name. A repository will be created for you. It will be called gp-a-yourgithubname and the URL should
look like


There are several tutorials you should go through if you are not familiar with GitHub. And even then, it's a good
idea just to refresh yourself. Don't feel that you have to do all five of these (unless you want to and/or you need
to still learn it), but you should at least do one all the way through and glance at a couple others.

● Tutorial 1 -
● Tutorial 2 -
● Tutorial 3 -
● Tutorial 4 -
● Tutorial 5 -

Fix My Mistakes!

The repository that was created when you accepted the assignment has 4 files in it: 3 POTDs from CS 1110 and

You need to do the following:

1. Create a branch and name it something meaningful

2. Correct the mistakes in each program (they are all small, silly things...)
3. Commit and push your branch back to GitHub
4. Create a pull request with comments to merge the branch
5. Merge the branch back into master
6. Create another new branch
7. Create a new .txt file (doesn't matter what's in it, but put something there) and add it to the repo
8. Make another change to at least one of the .py files (add comments, etc.)
9. Commit the changes locally
10. Now change the other .py files in some way
11. Commit the changes again
12. Create another pull request with comments to merge the branch
13. Merge the branch back into master

Don't delete your branches (or anything else with the process). We will be checking these!


When we work with GitHub this semester, we will take the state of your repos at the submission time listed
above and use that for grading. There is nothing you need to do specifically in GitHub.

However, you do need to submit this GP-A worksheet into Gradescope. You should have received an email from
Gradescope ( … we think. They have added a Collab interface, so hopefully it just works
now. Find the email and using your default UVA computing ID email (i.e. create an account
and set a password. Once you have an account, you can go to , find CS 3240, and
see the list of assessments ready for submission.

For this Guided Practice, answer the three questions on the next page. Submit this as a PDF to Gradescope (no
other format is accepted).
0. What is the link to your GitHub repo for this Guided Practice?

1. Which tutorials did you do? Of them, which did you find the most useful and why?

2. What tools did you use to interface with GitHub? (command line, GitHub’s own tool, GitKraken, etc.) What
did you like / not like about them?

3. What do you think is going to be the hardest thing for you to manage with using git and GitHub this semester?
What will you do to mitigate any potential problems? (some thoughts: knowing how to fix errors in the repo,
merging conflicting files, using the tools, learning the commands, etc.)

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