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Mathematics of Information

ECE 2066/APMA 2501

Time and Location:

Scheduled time: TuTh 9:30 am-10:45 am, but mostly online asynchronous

Farzad Farnoud,
Office, during normal times: Thornton Hall E309

Instructor office hours:

TBD, Zoom link will be posted on Collab
If the scheduled time slot does not work for you, email me to make an appointment.

Tao Jin,
Office hour: TBD, Zoom link will be posted on Collab

Course description
The course focuses on the mathematical foundations needed to understand the principles
governing the storage, processing, and transmission of information.

Topics include:

 Mathematical representation of information

 Probability, uncertainty, and information
 Linear/abstract algebra and error correction
 Spectral analysis and communication
 Number theory and encryption
 Boolean algebra and computation

The course does not have a textbook, but notes will be posted on the website.

Mode of Instruction
The course will be taught virtually and mostly asynchronously as it is not feasible to hold Zoom
lectures with around 100 participants. I also don’t think videos are effective as a mode of
instruction. So, at least at the beginning of the semester, you will learn the material by studying
online notes. The notes will have interactive components, when appropriate, and exercises.

As you study the notes, you will solve the embedded exercises. The solutions to the exercises
are typically also provided, so after you solve them yourself, you need to check the solution and
if it does not match yours, you should add the correct solution along with a discussion about
any mistakes. You will submit this on Collab.

We will have live office hours to discuss any lingering questions and solve additional problems.
There will also be homework assignments and quizzes to reinforce the material.

Evaluation and grading

Semester grades will be based on the overall class performance. The tentative weighting is
below. Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the course is taught via a new mode of
instruction and as such we may have to make changes, including possibly changing the

Assignments (embedded exercises, HW) 30%

Quizzes 5%
Midterm Exams (2) 15%+20%
Final Exam 30%
Participation (forum, etc.) 3% (Bonus)

The notes will contain embedded exercises as described above. In addition, homework will be
assigned throughout the semester (usually on a weekly basis) and will need to be submitted on
Collab (usually on Tuesdays). Start early as some assignments will be lengthy and / or difficult.
The goal of the homework is not necessarily to prepare you for the test but to challenge you, to
allow you to learn, and to have some fun.

Late Assignments submitted the same day will be subject to a 10% penalty. For up to two days,
each additional day also has a 10% penalty. Late assignments will not be accepted after the
solutions are posted, usually two days after the due date.

There will be two midterm exams and a comprehensive final examination. The exams are open
notes, but no additional resources (e.g., other websites, other students, magic 8 balls) are

Course Forum
The course will have a Piazza forum, where you can ask and answer questions about lectures,
homework, labs, etc. The forum is a way for students to communicate with each other.
Questions for the instructor and TAs should be asked during office hours.
Class Attendance
N/A: The course does not have synchronous lectures.

Grading disputes
Please communicate with the TA regarding grading disputes. We are human and do make
mistakes! In the event that the TAs and the student cannot resolve a dispute, the instructor will

Academic Dishonesty/Misconduct/ Honor Code

Students are permitted to work in groups on homework assignments, but must complete and
turn in individual homework write-ups. Computer programs, if any, must be individually
written. Use of and copying from homework solutions from previous semesters will be
considered an Honor Violation. Be careful to cite references when necessary and to avoid
plagiarism. Plagiarism includes copying written material and copying computer software.
Examinations are pledged and are strictly individual work.

If any member of the class feels that he/she has a disability and needs special accommodations
of any nature whatsoever, I will work with you and the University (Student Disability Access
Center) to provide reasonable accommodations to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to
learn and perform in this class. Please advise me of any such disability and the desired
accommodations at the earliest possible time -- on the first day of class if possible.

Discrimination and power-based violence

We are dedicated to providing a safe, equitable, and fun environment for everyone. I will
endeavor to provide the support and resources that I can. As a faculty member, I am required
by University policy and federal law to report what you tell me to the University's Title IX
Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator's job is to ensure that the reporting student receives the
resources and support that they need, while also reviewing the information presented to
determine whether further action is necessary to ensure survivor safety and the safety of the
University community. If you wish to report something that you have seen, you can do so at
the Just Report It portal ( The worst possible situation would
be for you or your friend to remain silent when there are so many here willing and able to

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