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JMD / J Mov Disord 2019;12(2):128-129

pISSN 2005-940X / eISSN 2093-4939


Recurrent Belly Dancer’s Dyskinesia

with Pregnancy
Belal Aldabbour, Islam E’Leimat, Kefah Alhayek, Aiman Momani
Department of Neurology, King Abdullah University Hospital (KAUH) of Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), Irbid, Jordan

Dear Editor, previous pregnancies all ended with normal vaginal births. Drug
Belly dancer’s dyskinesia (BDD) is a rare disorder character- history was unremarkable. Neurological and gynecological ex-
ized by visible, involuntary, slow, semicontinuous, undulating aminations were normal, except for the abdominal movements.
abdominal wall movements. BDD typically affects the abdomi- There were no signs of fetal distress. Basic laboratory tests
nal muscles, but can also involve both the hemidiaphragm and showed iron deficiency anemia with normal folate and vitamin
perineal muscles. BDD in pregnancy is even rarer, as a literature B12 levels. Serum electrolytes, kidney, and thyroid function tests
review yielded only 3 reported cases.1 were normal. A clinical diagnosis of BDD was made. A normal
A 40-year-old woman, during her 40th week of pregnancy, vaginal birth, 2 days later, resulted in a healthy baby. A postpar-
presented with a one-week history of writhing, involuntary ab- tum MRI of the thoracic spine was unrevealing.
dominal movements that started gradually and involved the Upon discharge, the patient refused pharmacologic therapy
anterior abdominal muscles. The abdominal movements were for dyskinesia. At a 2-month follow-up visit, the patient reported
semirhythmic, painless, rolling contractions that mostly started persistence of her symptoms and requested better symptomatic
from the lower right side of the abdomen and moved upwards control. Clonazepam 0.5 mg three times a day was prescribed.
and to the left, which resulted in undulating movements of the After four weeks of drug therapy, the patient reported near-com-
umbilicus. Movements were slow, brief, and repetitive, and re- plete resolution of her symptoms, with greater than an 80% re-
curred throughout the day at different frequencies that varied duction in the frequency of the abdominal muscle movement
from 1–2 per minute to 3–4 repetitions per hour. These move- episodes. However, two months later, the patient complained of a
ments did not affect the patient’s breathing pattern or depth of relapse of her symptoms, where abnormal movements occurred
breath. There were no specific precipitating or alleviating fac- at almost the same frequency as at the first presentation. She also
tors, and the patient was unable to voluntarily suppress the con- reported missing her period. A serum-based pregnancy test
tractions. Distraction techniques did not significantly alter the showed that the patient was pregnant. The daily dose of clonaze-
frequency of the movements, and the movements did not re- pam was gradually increased to 2 mg twice a day, which achieved
spond to changes in the patient’s position or to breathing exer- a near-complete remission. Consent was obtained from the sub-
cises, such as breath-holding or counting routines. The move- ject, and the case report was approved by the Ethics Committee
ments also did not subside during sleep. The patient reported of the King Abdullah University Hospital.
an episode of depression two years prior to the onset of her cur- Iliceto et al.2 theorized that a dysfunction of inhibitory spinal
rent symptoms, for which she had refused medical treatment. interneurons, or a structural reorganization of local neuronal
She denied any history of trauma, spinal or abdominal surger- circuits may be the underlying pathophysiology of BDD. A
ies, or personal or family history of similar episodes. Her eight long list of potential causes has been postulated. Dyskinesia may
Received: October 24, 2018 Revised: December 12, 2018 Accepted: January 28, 2019
Corresponding author: Belal Aldabbour, MD
Department of Neurology, King Abdullah University Hospital (KAUH) of Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), P.O. Box 630001, Irbid
22110, Jordan / Tel: +962-2-7200600 / Fax: +962-2-709577 / E-mail:
cc This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (

licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

128 Copyright © 2019 The Korean Movement Disorder Society

Recurrent Belly Dancer’s Dyskinesia with Pregnancy
Aldabbour B, et al.

be secondary to a structural lesion, such as a syringomyelia, my- patient achieved a near-complete resolution of the dyskinesia
elitis, spinal cord trauma, vascular lesion or malignancy.3 Dyski- with clonazepam. Increases to the dose were required to improve
nesia also may be due to spinal segmental myoclonus.4 Meta- her recurrent symptoms after becoming pregnant again.
bolic causes, drugs, or other functional etiologies have also been
Conflicts of Interest
postulated. In our case, laboratory and radiology examinations
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest.
failed to identify a definitive etiology.
Some previous manuscripts suggest that local compressive or ORCID iD
hemodynamic changes in the thoracic cord or roots from a Belal Aldabbour
gravid uterus is a possible etiology in pregnancy5; however, this
hypothesis may not explain the relapse that our patient experi- REFERENCES
enced during the first few weeks of the following pregnancy as it 1. Meyer JA, Desai KV, Geyer HL. Recurrent belly dancer dyskinesia in preg-
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2. Iliceto G, Thompson PD, Day BL, Rothwell JC, Lees AJ, Marsden CD. Di-
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limbs. Our diagnosis of BDD was further supported by the lack 4. Inghilleri M, Conte A, Frasca V, Vaudano AE, Meco G. Belly dance syn-
drome due to spinal myoclonus. Mov Disord 2006;21:394-396.
of symptom resolution, shortly after, or within weeks of delivery.
5. Yerdelen D, Karataş M, Aslan E, Giray S, Tan M. Spinal segmental myoc-
A further distinction between BDD and chorea gravidarum is lonus related to pregnancy. Acta Neurol Belg 2007;107:11-13.
the possibility of symptoms continuing during sleep in BDD.6 6. Ramírez JD, Gonzales M, Hoyos JA, Grisales L. Diaphragmatic flutter: a
case report and literature review. Neurologia 2015;30:249-251.
The management of BDD is challenging. Current treatment
7. Kojovic M, Cordivari C, Bhatia K. Myoclonic disorders: a practical ap-
paradigms remain based on anecdotal evidence. Clonazepam proach for diagnosis and treatment. Ther Adv Neurol Disord 2011;4:47-62.
and levetiracetam have both been reported to be effective.7 Our 129

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