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This Proposal is a part of my PGDBM Dissertation. This research proposal relates to Role of
leadership in the UK market and it will be helpful for others because Leadership plays vital role for
the success in every organization and I am going to make this proposal about Virgin media. Virgin
media one of the famous company in the UK which providing telecommunication services.

“A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power
and energy to get it done.”
Lauren - Dreams - Leadership - Vision - Achievement - Inspirational - Power - Energy - Motivational 
- Conviction

The main purpose of this research proposal is find out the Role of Leadership in acquiring the
competitive advantage and how Virgin media bring differentiation and What leadership qualities are
necessary for the success of an Organization. For the achievement of this research proposal is that
What are Aims and Objectives of virgin media.


Virgin media is a telecommunication company. Headquarter situated in New York, USA and it,s
operational headquarters is in Hook, North Hampshire, UK. Virgin media launched in 2007. In every
Organization some key peoples play a vital role to run the organization and similarly Mathew
Richardson who is the technology and innovation Director, James Mooney(Chairman) and Neil
Berkett(CEO) playing a vital role to run the Organization. Virgin media providing many services like
cable tevesion, telephone, Airlines, music, leisure holidays and few more things in entertainment
industry. Virgin media is only national company in the UK and Now competing superb companies in
the UK like British sky, BT group, Free view and talk talk.

In Virgin media Revenue $16.5 billion in 2008, employees 22500(2005)and existing customers 10
millions. Although Virgin media not a very big company as compare to British sky but still trying to
compete with British sky and Virgin media have 5 HD channels while sky have 30 stunning high
definition channels.


 Improve the services they provide
 Excellent team work
 Strong revenue within organization
 Professional people with professional services
 Strong capital and liquidity

The purpose to this research proposal is to find out the Role of leadership and how leadership made
a change in virgin media because leadership is the key factor to run any organization. They are
providing qualitative services and trying to make difference with other companies because very
difficult to attract the people in modern world.

 Role of leadership in acquiring competitive advantage

 What are the key leadership tactics in virgin media to differentiate from others
 What leadership qualities are necessary for the success of an organization


The target area in this research proposal to analyse the role of leadership in competitive market and
how to bring the more and more people through quality services and make difference with
competitors. Quality is the major factor which help to compete with competitors and who
compromise in quality. They never beat to competitors and virgin media is that company which is
continuously trying to beat their competitors.

To examine the customer services for the sake of quality services

To analyse and determine the external environment of the organization

To challenge the competitors competitive

To study about the strength of competitors perspective

Telecommunication is a very big industry in this era and it’s getting popularity day by day due to the
wide range of VARIETY it offers to its end-users. These facilities include a wide range of services like
telephony, Internet, television and many entertainment services. All those companies which are
trying to get the position and defeat their competitors, they have strong leadership and leadership
makes difference. Virgin trying to get the position as well and holding it’s position in the market.


Leadership play a key role in any organization because good and right leadership give direction to
achieve their goal. Leaders inspire their followers and followers follow their leader, to get the leader
desires. Leader could be achieve his desire goal if he motivate his team and express his vision clearly
and in a compelling manner so that others are engaged by it.

People can judge the leader to his or her commitment and if leader have a strong commitment and
strong in decision making then organization move forward but if leadership have lack of these things
organization grow up slowly. Strong leadership like bone of contention in any part of life.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

John Quincy Adams quotes

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do
Dwight Eisenhower
Competitive advantage is a fundamental strategy to grow up any organization because it plays a vital
role to understand the core concept of the organization. In any organization, whether it is domestic,
producers or a service, five rules embodied in competitive forces, entry of new competitors, the
threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyer, bargaining power of supplier, and rivalry among
the existing competitors. These are basic five elements involve within organization and vary
according to the situation and these five elements influence the organization, how to maintain the
cost, investment, product and built the market structure.


Virgin media believe on quality, not a quantity and all those organization who compromise quality,
they never beat their competitors. Virgin media making strength in market through qualitative
products and services so Virgin media have some key leadership tactics principal cantered
leadership, assessing situation logically, taking immediate action when necessary, attract to the
people through effective communication and aim to provide quality services.

“Elisa Nardi, chief people officer at Virgin Media, said the very best leaders need to work in a place where they
can express themselves and use their skills and character strengths to their fullest potential.”
Virgin media providing very fast, reliable and quality services like they are offering different
packages, e.g three different cheap packages with unlimited download and come with a free router
and offers three digital packages as well with 65, 100 and 160 channels and you can watch sky,
virgin, even you can watch crystal HD channel ITV, BBC, and living HD plus many more.

Virgin media provide some basic free services like Online ordering, by debit or credit card payment,
free installation, at the time of installing can keep old number, through postcode checker select the
desire package etc.

Leader should be passionate, confidence, sincere, confident, positive and compassion and if leader
have these kind of qualities, automatically he or she will attract the people. Always people follow
those leaders who have ability to track them. Those people who want to be a leader, they develop
their leadership abilities and polish themselves. Every leader have different qualities and they
implement in different ways. Leadership can be performed in different styles and some leaders got
one style which is not good for certain situations.

Those leaders who learn according to the situation and make flexible themselves according to
peoples requirement for the sake of motivation because motivation like blood for any organization.
Research Methodology

In order for the reader to understand the methodology used to compile this dissertation, the
author has included this chapter in order to clarify how an effective methodological
philosophy can contribute the successful production of un-biasness. This portion of research
methodology will show sources of data. It will unreveal that from which sources data is
collected, how it is collected, data validity, analyses, techniques and how data is organised
The main propose of research is to answer the unanswered question through practical data
and its analyses. Broadly speaking research methodology is composed on two main
approaches which includes
 Quantitative data collection
 Qualitative data collection
On the basis of these two data collection approaches research can be completed.
Data collection of this dissertation will be based on these two approaches so that strong facts
can be garneted to obtain desired results.

Research Philosophy

The author has employed a philosophy of positivism, in the sense that the author observes the
social realities and then collects data from that. The author will also use a form of realistic
philosophy in that the author will aim to understand external realities in order to understand
the causes of influential and behavioural characteristics.
Data will be collected from employees of the selected company and questioners and
interviews will be conducted to obtain trusted data, further more extensive study will help the
author to reach the conclusions.

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