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Some societies are wealthier. During the Cold War, between 1947 and 1991, the first theory to
symbolize the Western world was the Modernization Theory, which has five stages of progress.
This is followed by the Generation Move Theory, which is a symbol of many ideals. Rostow,
Walt Whitman (1916-2003) Capitalism is both beneficial and harmful because it has stopped
the country from developing structurally by implementing other programs, corporations, and
businesses. This viewpoint became the foundation for what became known as dependence
theory. In at least two ways, the concept of human development inspired development theory.
First, it demonstrated the inadequacy of theories that focus on entire nations or societies and
use macroeconomic factors to explain and measure differences in development conditions:
these theories are unable to predict whether wealth and material well-being generated at a
national level are distributed widely enough to allow for human development. Second, seeing
development through the lens of human development stresses the relevance of the state. It
assigns the state a central role in safeguarding and promoting long-term human well-being, and
it argues for policies that improve all people's access to human resource investments,
productive assets, credit facilities, information flows, and physical infrastructure, as opposed to
the socially oriented policies that neoliberalism forbids. Some argue that globalization is merely
a mask for Asia's Westernization, but I disagree. Although it is undeniable that more sections of
Asia have adapted to Western influences than they have adapted to Asian qualities, I continue
to believe that this disparity is not intentional. Similarly, the East is critical in disseminating
cultural awareness as well as new technologies. Although increasing interconnection and
multidirectional flows appear to be beneficial, they always come with a cost. There are several
drawbacks as well as benefits, so I'll go over the most important ones. Traditional cuisines and
holidays are oversimplified as a result of Eastern adaptations of Western media and, as a result,
their culture.

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