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Stormwater Runoff Quality in Malabe, Sri Lanka

W.W.J.R.A. Fernando1, Dr. U. Rathnayake2

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Srilanka Institute of Information Technology
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Senior Lecturer (higher grade), Srilanka Institute of Information
urbanization. Essentially, if any surface which does not have
the capability to store and infiltrate water will result in a
Abstract- Stormwater is the water that precipitate into
the surface of the earth by rain or snow. Stormwater
precipitation is one of the key element in the water cycle. runoff in case of a rain fall event. At the point when land
Stormwater runoff occurs when the precipitated water region is adjusted from a characteristic forested environment
exceeds the infiltration capacity from the ground surface. to an urbanized land utilize comprising of rooftops, streets and
This a natural occurring phenomena around the world. parking lots, the hydrology of the framework is also changed.
These runoff will then accumulate into the surrounding Stormwater in general is not an issue. It is a natural occurring
waterbodies and help to maintain surface and inland phenomena. But now, stormwater is one of the main
flows. environmental problem faced by the world. As the ground
pervious cover get reduced day by day due to the rapid
But with time and development, the pervious surfaces development in impervious surfaces, the percentage of
which once were get reduced rapidly. And the ability to stormwater seeping in to the ground has been reduced
infiltrate reduces resulting in more runoff. Due to rapid significantly hence increase the percentage of runoff. This
issue is not confined to specific countries, but this is a global
urbanization, more impervious surfaces are created thus
issue which somehow have to manage properly in order to
increasing the quantity of runoff. Due to this, many prevent deadly floods, rapid spread of communicable diseases
adverse effects arise. Due to the impervious surfaces, the caused by contaminated water and to prevent property
quality of the stormwater is greatly affected which will damage.
directly affect the human lifestyle and affects the balance
and survivability of other eco systems. Stormwater runoff Generally the water falls to the surface will infiltrate the
is now a main problematic area in the era. The quantity of soil surface and reach the groundwater table. Majority of
runoff is drastically increasing due to the rapid growth water is driven to reach the groundwater table and some more
level of urbanization taking place in the country and the is evaporated back into the atmosphere and some will be
world. traveling as inflows in the ground. After full filling all these
modes, the rest of the water; that will be a minute amount, will
Malabe is one of the rapidly growing areas in Sri Lanka. result in a surface runoff. But this is not the case anymore.
Due to the rapid urbanization, increase of effective impervious
The study is carried out to find the quality of stormwater
areas, ground infiltrations tend to be overrun by the surface
in the area. Runoff samples were taken from different
runoff. This is a direct impact on the environment and lead to
impervious areas in malabe and analysis was done to floods and damage of property and other losses as well. Due to
obtain the quality of the water and it is compared with the the accelerated rate of urbanization, surface runoff is
quality of rainwater as well. This comparison will give a inevitable. But managing runoff can be done effectively
clear idea about the quality of water runoff and how it will without making in imbalance for the natural system.
affect the lifestyle of people and other eco habitats in the
area In this research study, only the stormwater quality is
analyzed. Due to urbanization with its uncontrollable
With the available resources and time frame, following impervious surface increase, the quantity of the stormwater
parameters were measured in the collected runoff samples; runoff increases hence increase the transport of pollutants to
pH, Conductivity, turbidity and colour, nitrates, nitrites, the receiving waterbodies which significantly affect the
sulphates, total solids. It is found that certain parameters quality of the water. Due to this there will be an adverse effect
on human health and lifestyle and also to indigenous plant and
like turbidity, nitrate, and nitrite has exceeded the
animals. Prevention and minimizing the stormwater runoff and
standard accepted limits in the area. And the probable its pollution load is a must in order to keep the balance of
reasons for this variations are also discussed nature and human lifestyle. Thus in the modern world,
management is a hard thing to achieve with the rate of
Keywords: Stormwater, runoff, impervious layer, urbanization hence this has become a potential problem source
urbanization, Malabe, contaminants Introduction that needed to be addressed.
Stormwater runoff is generated from a numerous sources Being a tropical country, Sri Lanka gets its main water
including residential, commercial and industrial areas, roads, precipitation source through rain. Malabe, the town with new
highways and bridges etc. due to the rapid rate of opportunities, is current driving towards rapid urbanization. In
a very little time, the land of Malabe area has highly urbanized
in a way that no city in and around Colombo has. Due to this scum and odor problems can also be attributed to urban
rapid urbanization; residential, industrial and commercial stormwater in many instances. The concentrations of
growth can be clearly seen in the area. pollutants found in urban runoff are directly related to degree
of development within area.
As the percentage of infiltration becomes less by the
degree of urbanization, the runoff percentages increase. The The major reason for the increase in impervious surfaces is
quality of this runoff is significant. As discussed by EPA the rate of urbanization. Urbanization is a population shift
(1995b), the adverse impacts associated with stormwater from rural to urban areas. As a developing country, Sri Lanka
discharges on receiving waters can be categorized under three undergoes a rapid urbanization process which creates both
main criteria. advantages and disadvantages to human lifestyle. And bring
out adverse environmental effects during the process. Efforts
1. Short-term changes in water quality during and after should be taken to minimize these adverse effects to the nature
storm events including temporary increases in the and minimize the damage in order to preserve the surrounding
concentration of one or more pollutants, toxics or bacteria and nature to the future generation.
Malabe on the other hand is under rapid development and
2. Long-term water quality impacts caused by the urbanization during the past decade. The following statistics
cumulative effects associated with repeated stormwater shows the rate of population change from 2001 to 2012 in the
discharges from a number of sources. area. These statistics are taken from the divisional secretariat
3. Physical impacts due to erosion, scour, and and t it shows that during the time period, there is a 27%
deposition associated with increased frequency and volume of increment on population in the Malabe area. This suggest the
runoff that alters aquatic habitat. rate of urbanization is high in Malabe area. This will increase
the impervious land area hence reducing the green cover in the
As described in the Terrene Institute’s Fundamentals of area as well.
Urban Runoff Management. (May, et al., 1977) Pollutants
associated with runoff can be categorize into following G.N Percentage
potentially harmful materials; Division 2001 2012 Increment Increment
• Solids Malabe north 5653 7680 2027 36%
• Oxygen-demanding substances Malabe east 3963 5958 1995 50%
• Nitrogen and phosphorus Malabe west 5050 5141 91 2%
• Pathogens Hokandara north 5057 6238 1181 24%
• Petroleum hydrocarbons Total 19723 25017 5294 27%
• Metals
• Synthetic organics.
These pollutants degrade the quality of water in water
bodies near urban areas. Even though water quality impacts It has been reported by the United Nations in 2011 that in
are often unobserved by the general public, it often contribute 2010 for the first time in history, more than half of the world’s
to the impairment of use and exceedances of criteria included population lived in urban rather than rural areas. In citation to
in State water quality standards. Gill (2007), it is anticipated that most of the world’s
population growth will take place in the urban areas in the
Public health impacts caused by bacteria and disease next four decades. This will result in where the urban areas
causing organisms carried by urban stormwater runoff into will become larger with increased impervious areas, which in
waters used for water supplies, fishing and recreation can turn will lead to many more environment problems. These
affect the lifestyle of humans. Water supplies can potentially impacts can be in many forms such as changing hydrology,
be contaminated by the urban runoff, posing a public health climate change, water and food scarcity and urban heat island
threat. Bathers and others coming in contact with effects. (Beecham & Razzaghmanesh, 2014)
contaminated water at beaches and other recreational sites can
become seriously ill and can negatively affect the fishing Origination of stormwater wash-off is when rain flows
industry and local economies as well. over the impervious surfaces which prevent the infiltration. As
there are various types of pollutants which have been
Debris and litter floating with the runoff in urban deposited and gathered on these impervious surfaces receives
waterways and concentrated on stream banks and beaches to the water bodies even with a minor rain fall event. Whereas
which are visible to the general public also cause Aesthetic the urban stormwater wash off has been recognized as a “non-
impacts. The presence of floatables such as paper and plastic point” pollution source of deterioration of water quality in
bags and packaging materials, bottles, cans, and wood and surface water bodies. (Barrios, 2000)
other debris in receiving waters during a storm events hinders
the visual attractiveness of waters and deteriorate the According to past researches, in 1950s “quantification of
recreational value. Nuisance algal conditions including surface pollutant loads in urban runoff” was initiated and based on
those analyses, it could be concluded that the shock load to a surfacing products like bitumen and asphalt. (Barco, et al.,
receiving water from urban stormwater wash off could be 2005)
“100 to 1000 time greater than” it of sanity water and it has a
significant dominating effect on the quality of receiving water. Domestic sewage will affect the characteristics of
stormwater. It is one of the main source of heavy metals,
(Nagasinghe, et al., 2015)
organic and nitrogenous pollution. Biochemical demand and
The hydrologic, physiochemical and biological nutrient contents are lower in stormwater than in raw sanitary
characteristics of water bodies are adversely affected because wastewater. The infrastructure in urbanized areas have
of the pollutants in the stormwater wash off. Thus, measures different development levels. Discharge of stormwater into
to mitigate the adverse effect on stormwater pollution are vital water bodies which will result in discharge volume and quality
important to safe guard the urban water quality. of the water. Urban areas produce higher discharge peaks and
runoff volumes. (Barbosa, et al., 2012)
Initiating from 1950 continuous researches have been
conducted to identify and quantify the individual sources to Uncontrolled urbanization results a significant increase
form of water pollution. Land use has been subsequently of impervious surfaces such as roads, roofs and parking
become one of major factors which affects the types and levels lots. Stormwater wash off is originated when rain flows
of pollutant generating activities of man and nature. over the impervious surfaces which prevent the
(Goonetillekea, et al., 2005). Again many researches have infiltration. Various types of pollutants which have been
been accrued out to identify the various impervious surfaces deposited and accumulated on these impervious surfaces
for the contamination of urban stormwater runoff which has receive to the water bodies. (Nagasinghe, et al., 2015)
been classified as road surfaces, roof surfaces and parking lots.
Not only that the pollutant concentration of wash off generated Urbanization with its uncontrolled impervious surfaces
increases stormwater runoff and transports pollutants to the
due to impermeable roads and parking surfaces are significant
compared to other impervious surfaces and it vary with traffic receiving water bodies. These pollutants not only have an
adverse effect on human health but also to indigenous plants
density, wind drift and duration and intensity of stormwater
events. (Nagasinghe, et al., 2015) and animals. The urban runoff load has made a substantial
contribution towards raising nutrient levels in water bodies.
Again in cited to past literature, stormwater quality has a (Maharjan, et al., 2013)
significant impact on receiving water bodies. Many impacts
According to past researchers, urban and agricultural lands
can be identified stormwater quality on receiving water
bodies. Two of major impacts are to the aquatic life on the used in a country also differentially influence water quality as
well. This in turn can influence the benthic macro-invertebrate
receiving water bodies and for the downstream water uses who
use raw water for drinking purposes. (Makepeace, et al., 2016) and periophyton community structure. Higher levels of total
phosphorous, total suspended solids, biological oxygen
Still, urbanization significantly impacts water demand and conductivity were observed for urban sites and as
environments by increment of the runoff and degradation of were higher in summer temperatures. These indicated water
the water quality. Though the management of quantity quality parameters, together with habitat alterations resulting
impacts are straight forward, quality impacts are more from flow regulation downstream of the impoundments and
complex. As for the past literature current approached that the clearing of land for development, have had fundamental
practices to safeguard the water quality are largely ineffective effects on the benthic community of the creek, profoundly
and they are guided by ingrained misconceptions where the influencing community structure and function. (Winter &
primary focus was on the end solutions, not on the cause. Duthie, 1998)
(Goonetillekea, et al., 2005)
In citation to Skinner (1997) the effect of agricultural land
Stormwater runoff is not a problem, if it is able to use on streams include the runoff of chemicals, sediment
discharge into water bodies with no obstructions. But due to loading due to increased erosion, and alterations in channel
urbanization, lot of impervious layers created hence morphology. Thus, urbanization in stream watersheds reduces
obstructing the path of stormwater runoff and hence resulting soil permeability, altering stream hydrology. (Winter &
in quantity issues such as floods. Furthermore due to the Duthie, 1998)
increase in pollutant levels, there is a direct impact in the
quality of the runoff which will directly affect health related As for the study carried out in Galle area, to find out the
quality of stormwater washoff it was concluded that the
issues as well. This research is based on identifying the quality
of stormwater runoff which is accelerated due to the turbidity, COD, BOD5, alkalinity and fecal coliform have
been exceeded the required standards. Hence, the stormwater
urbanization taking place in the area.
should be treated upto ‘acceptable limits’ before releasing it to
Many researches have been conducted across the world in the natural water bodies as there is a higher concentration of
determining the factors affecting the quality and quantity of organic matter leads to cyclic cause and effects on the water
stormwater. For the contamination of the impervious areas is bodies. This has been measured according to the standards of
highly tied to the contribution of traffic (like copper, chrome, inland water quality published by the central environment
lead and nickel), solid and liquid waste, salt spillages in the authority. The study has been carried out, collecting samples
water periods, oil and fuel spillages, vehicle derived waste form three road surfaces in each land used and maintaining the
including those from tire and brake lining wear, paint residual minimum antecedent dry period of five days between each
(such as roofs, building surfaces and road marking) and road – event while ensuring that not to mix with other waste water.
Considering those studies that have been carried out and 4. Impervious Road Surface- Walivita Road, Malabe
other past researches, it was apparent that a study to measure (Location D)
the quality of the stormwater with the effect of the
urbanization in Colombo area and Colombo suburbs is a need. These locations were chosen as for convenience of
collection of water and as to get an evenly distribution of the
Not only that, the past researches have stated that this study
can be carried out to the other cities of Sri Lanka as well. main study area, Malabe. And these locations had a significant
runoff flow so that it was easy for collection
Since, Malabe is a rapidly developing city and it has the
highest increment in the urbanization within 10 years, Malabe
is suitable to carry out the study to find effect of the C. Collecting the sample
urbanization in quality of the stormwater. Samples of approximately 1 liter each were collected in a
re-sealable plastic bags and 3 samples were taken from one site
II. METHODOLOGY location in order to increase the accuracy of the study. Because
of the high runoff rate in the selected site areas, collection of
The purpose of the study is to analyze the water quality water sample could be achieved with ease. After the samples
parameters of different impervious surfaces which were were collected, re-sealed the samples well and were put into a
generated by urbanization in the area of Malabe which was the refrigerator in order to preserve the quality of water collected.
study area of this research project.
Furthermore the rainwater was also collected and tested in
A. Collection of Stormwater order to compare the runoff water. Thereby a proper idea can
be obtained about the quality of the runoff water and the
Collection of Stormwater runoff was the first step in impervious surfaces.
analysis procedure. In order to get accurate results, standard
accepted method of collection were adhered. Samples were
collected during the first flush. That is within 05 to 10 minutes D. Analyzed Parameters
of the start of a rainfall event. This was done to collect the pH- It is an indicator of concentration of either hydrogen or
impurities and other particles in different impervious surfaces hydroxyl ions in a aqueous solution. pH affects the taste and
before they get washed away. The study is based on the quality the level of acidity or basicity of water depending on the
of the runoff, therefore making sure the impurities had not been concentration of ions present.
washed away is a key factor. So all the samples were taken as Turbidity- Turbidity is the parameter which affects the
soon as a runoff is generated (roughly 5mins after a rainfall). aesthetics of water where it affects the appearance basically.
The method of collection was the sheet flow sampling Turbidity is mainly due to colloidal and suspended matter in
which is one of the accepted method of collection of runoff water.
samples. Sheet flow sampling is used in dispersed runoff flows Conductivity- Conductivity is a measure and capacity to pass
(e.g., through a grassy area or across a parking lot) where the an electric current through a solution such as water in a
runoff is too shallow (like a sheet) to collect the water through stream. This gives an indicator for the concentration of
a bottle. Basically sheet flow sampling is the ideal method to electrolyte ions dissolved in the water. Even though it doesn't
collect runoff water. identify the specific ions in the medium, significant increases
This sheet flow sampling uses five basic steps; in conductivity may be an indicator that polluting discharges
have entered the water.
1. Preparing for sampling
Furthermore the following Parameters were also analyzed to
2. Assembling the proper equipment obtain the quality of runoff.
3. Selecting the best sampling location • Nitrate
4. Collecting the sample • Nitrite
5. Sending the samples to a laboratory • Total Solids

B. Study Area The parameters mentioned above were only measured as the
facilities in the laboratory was not sufficient and it would
The sample locations were chosen covering the two incur a great cost to carry out other parameters like oil and
impervious surfaces and a pervious surface covering a grease which is another quality affecting parameter. (Barlow,
significant area of Malabe. The following are the sites chosen et al., 2006).
to take the runoff water for measure the quality.
1. Impervious Pavement Surface in SLIIT Malabe campus
(Location A)
2. Impervious Road Surface Malabe Town (Location B)
3. Impervious Pavement Surface in Malabe Town
(Location C)
III. RESULTS processing. It can harm fish and other aquatic life by reducing
food supplies, degrading spawning beds, and affecting gill
Variation of measured parameters with different Impervious
function. Elevated turbidity will also raise water temperature,
Surfaces lower dissolved oxygen, prevent light from reaching aquatic
A) pH plants. This will reduces their ability to photosynthesize, and
harm fish gills and eggs. The desired level of turbidity should
be less as 10 (mainly for drinking purposes). The overall
variation of turbidity of the impervious surfaces, range from
371NTU to 16.2NTU.
The abnormal increment in the level of turbidity in the runoff
water collected at location A (Pavement in SLIIT car park)
can be due to the heavy dust accumulation in the interlock
pavement. Furthermore as there is a construction site nearby,
frequent exposure to dust is commonly seen in the parking

Even though the average pH variation is around 7, from the

analyzed data samples the pH variation of different
impervious surfaces are in the range of 5.7 to 7.8. This may
feel a significant difference but most aquatic biota are
sensitive to pH variations. Most pH impacts in urban waters
are caused by runoff of rainwater with low pH levels (acid
precipitation). In fact, urban areas tend to have more acidic
runoff than less developed areas. Some buffering of low pH
rainwater occurs during contact with buildings, parking lots,
roads and collection systems, and during overland flow. pH in
the collected rainwater was also in the desirable range of pH.
Color is a numeric computation of the color observed in a
B) Turbidity and Colour water quality sample, as measured in cobalt-platinum units
(APHA, 1998). Suspended and dissolved particles in water
influence color. Suspended material in water bodies may be a
result of natural causes and/or human activity. Highly colored
water has significant effects on aquatic plants and algal
growth. Light is very critical for the growth of aquatic plants
and colored water can limit the penetration of light. Thus
highly a colored body of water could not sustain aquatic life
which could lead to the long term impairment of the
C) Conductivity

There was an increment in the turbidity levels of rainwater

samples and the corresponding runoff samples. It is mainly
due to the accumulated waste and dust in the impervious
layers. Elevated levels of solids increase turbidity, reduce the
penetration of light at depth within the water column, and limit
the growth of desirable aquatic plants. High turbidity can Electrical Conductivity is a measure of the capability of a
significantly reduce the aesthetic quality of lakes and streams, solution such as water in a stream to pass an electric current.
having a harmful impact on recreation and tourism. It can This is an indicator of the concentration of dissolved
increase the cost of water treatment for drinking and food electrolyte ions in the water. It doesn't identify the specific
ions in the water. However, significant increases in E) Total Solids
conductivity may be an indicator that polluting discharges
have entered the water.
The low conductivities in the runoff indicated that there is
less metals and ions in the water. This can be due to less
industries situated in the area. As expected there were low
conductivities in the rainwater samples as well.
D) Nitrate and Nitrite

One of the main parameter that contribute to the majority

of water quality problems in urban catchments is the total
solids concentration because it is a general indicator of
pollution. High concentrations of solids in water can lower
water quality by absorbing light. Waters then become warmer
and lessen the ability of the water to hold oxygen necessary
for aquatic life. Because aquatic plants also receive less light,
Nitrate is measured in mg/L. Natural levels of nitrate are photosynthesis decreases and less oxygen is produced. The
usually less than 1 mg/L. Concentrations over 10 mg/L will combination of warmer water, less light and less oxygen
have an effect on the freshwater aquatic environment. 10 mg/L makes it impossible for some forms of life to exist.
is also the maximum concentration allowed in human drinking
water by the U.S. Public Health Service. For a sensitive fish Total solids affect life in other ways. They can clog fish
such as salmon the recommended concentration is 0.06 mg/L. gills, reduce growth rates, decrease resistance to disease, and
From the above results, the desired Nitrate level of the runoff prevent egg and larval development. Particles that settle out
is on the higher side (or on the upper reach of the desired can smother fish eggs and those of aquatic insects, as well as
level) which can affect the aquatic and human lifestyle. The suffocate newly-hatched larvae. The material that settles also
collected rainwater samples also had minute amounts of fills the spaces between rocks and makes these microhabitats
nitrates. unsuitable for various aquatic insects, such as mayfly nymphs,
stonefly nymphs and caddisfly larva.
The total solids in the rainwater is 0 mg/L and all the solids
in the runoff were gained by the impervious surfaces and this
shows the quality of the surface and the runoff. Higher level of
solid concentrations can seriously affect the eco system and
aesthetic beauty as well.

Due to rapid urbanization level in the area, the generation of
impervious layers increase day by day which will result in
more and more generation of runoff. The collected runoff
Nitrite is also have a similar effect as Nitrates. But it is far sample parameters clearly shows that some of the parameters
worse if exceed the desired values. The measured run off are on or above the desired maximum range. Solids
contains more nitrite levels than the permissible limit. This concentration and turbidity levels in the runoff generated in
will pollute the water and the water bodies which these runoff the area are mostly above the desired values. This indicated
will lead to creating more adverse effect to the environment. that there are particles and other waste matter in the
The increment of Nitrite in location D can be as the area is impervious surfaces which accumulate in the runoff. The
subjected to agricultural development. Therefore fertilization impacts of this polluted runoff is severe even though the
is a commonly seen. This can affect the amount of Nitrites in general public do not know the depth.
the runoff. From the analyzed parameters, Nitrite, Turbidity and total
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