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Nazarene M. Pihet.

Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills through quantitative research (Practical Research 2)


Name of Learner: Grade Level:

Section: Date:

Learning Activity Sheet #7

Learning Competency:

CS_RS12-Id-e-2 writes a research title

Directions/ Instructions

* Activating your prior knowledge

Activity #1. Evaluate the statements according to your understanding on how to a write title.
Check YES if you think that the statement is a title and NO if not.

1. The Potential Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Reducing Phosphate in
Polluted waters.
2. Impact of the Use of Social Networking on Non-governmental
Organization Effectiveness
3. Persons with Disabilities
4. I am your Father
5. On-line Learning amidst COVID 19

* Read the discussion on how to write a research title and do the exercises that follow.

Brief discussion of the lesson

A research title is a product of real world observations; research title is not like manna that
will fall from heaven, and presto! You have a title!

The title of the research is the research problem or inquiry in capsule form. Great care must
be taken in the formulation of the research title. It must clearly reflect the topic of the investigation.
And it must be original, clear, concise or specific.

The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study.

Characteristics of Research Title

1. short, descriptive and to the point

2. identify the main variables of the research
3. attract attention and interest of the reader
4. make academic sense
A Computer-Aided Seismic Hazard Risk Assessment Tool to Promote Safety in
School Communities

Nazarene M. Pihet. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills through quantitative research (Practical Research 2) Page 1
Nazarene M. Pihet. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills through quantitative research (Practical Research 2)

* Checking what you have learned

Activity #2. Let us measure what you have learned. Write a research title of your proposed
research study. Be guided by the criteria in the rubrics.
Research Topic:

Research Problem:

Research Title: (this is your working research title subject to revision during the research process)

Rubrics in Evaluating Research Title

Quality 5 4 3 2 1 Score
Specific The title is The The title needs The title needs The title is totally
stated in research minor revisions major repairs in vague.
exact and title to replace diction and
precise contains ambiguious grammar.
language. one terms.
variable .
Clear The research The The research The research The research title
title clearly research title needs title needs is totally
states the title clearly minor revisions major revisions incomprehensible.
problem and states the to make it to make the
presents the problem understandable. problem and
variables and . variables
concisely. variables understandable.
but not
Original The research The The research The research The research title
title is research title is inspired title is new but is obviously
innovative title is by previous poorly crafted. copied word-for-
and new. inspired by titles but the word from source.
previous writer failed to
titles but innovate.
the writer
has crafted
it with
freshness of


* Guide Questions:
What are the characteristics of a good research title?


Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research by Paul Micah S. Francisco et al. 2016

Nazarene M. Pihet. Developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills through quantitative research (Practical Research 2) Page 2

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