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GE 404- Engineering Management

Project Management using Microsoft Project

(Due: Saturday, November 21, 2020)
Total Points Possible: 100 points (15% of final grade)
I. Objective
This assignment familiarizes you with the project management software Microsoft Project. You will
create and manage a multi-phase multi-task project. You will learn how to create graphic output about
your project, and learn how to read information produced by Microsoft Project. What you learn in class
should be applied to the management of your project.

II. Get started with MS project software (General Information)

1. Download a version of Microsoft project software from LMS (Blackboard), Instructions are
provided there.
2. In your computer, find Microsoft Project in your programs list and open the software.
3. Enter the Project Information, starting with the project title is “Student ID” Project
4. Project manager is “Your Name”
5. Project beginning date is October 1, 2020.
6. Project working days are Sunday -Thursday with Friday & Saturday as nonworking days.
7. Project working hours are from 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM; and from 1:00 PM-4:00 PM
8. Enter your project phases and tasks into your worksheet (Task mode, Task name, Duration,
Predecessors, WBS, etc.)

II. Requirements for Project Scope Management

Task Description

1. Project abstract Write a brief summary of your whole project. (minimum 70 words)
Identify your project (objectives, stakeholders, organizational structure,
2. Project information
contract type, start/end date,)
Identify and define scope statement of the project which may include: Project
3. Project scope statement
deliverables, exclusions, constrains and assumptions.

GE 404 Engineering Management Dr. Abdulrahman Bin Mahmoud Fall 2020

III. Requirements for Project Time Management

Task Description
4. Project main phases &
Identify the main phases in your project (minimum 5 phases) and perform WBS
Work breakdown
for each phase (minimum 5 tasks).
5. Tasks dependencies Identify all tasks predecessor/s in your project.
Identify the type of resource/s and assume number needed of these resources
6. Resource assumptions for your project and subsequently determine the task duration accordingly.
and duration estimation (minimum 1 resource for each activity) Hint: try to provide variety of resource
types* (Work, Material, Cost).
7. Precedence relationship Introduce precedence relationships between your project activities (a minimum
Introduction of 4 relationships should be used); different type of relationships should be use.
8. Implementation in MS
implement your project data identified above in MS Project software properly
*Resource Types
• Work resources − People and equipment to complete the tasks.
• Cost resources − Financial cost associated with a task. Travel expenses, food expenses, etc.
• Material resources − Consumables used as project proceeds. For example, paint being used while painting a

IV. Requirements for Project Resource Management

Task Description
9. Project resources in MS For your project define all project resources in the resource sheet, then assign
project. those resources to your project activities.
10. Resource leveling and
Perform resource leveling and resource allocation (if needed) for your project.

V. Requirements for Project Monitoring and Controlling

Task Description
Update your project progress using the following information for phases
11. Tracking Project
percentages of completion (Phase-1 100%, Phase-2 75%, Phase-3 55%, Phase -
Progress in MS Project
3 25%; you could assume that the rest of phases haven’t started yet).
Write a paragraph summary where you pinpoint overall timeline completion,
12. Project status note touch upon budget status, cover upcoming project items or milestones and
discuss any project risks, issues, and/ or mitigation plans.

GE 404 Engineering Management Dr. Abdulrahman Bin Mahmoud Fall 2020

VI. Final Output for Submission

1. After you have successfully entered and performed the above requirements, collect information
about your project using Microsoft Project and Microsoft Word and name both documents
“Student ID” - GE404.
2. Turn in your deliverable in the following manner:
a) Use a cover page that has your (Name, Student ID, Section #).
b) Then include this cover page to your Word document that contains all required results from
your project:
• Project Abstract
• Project Information
• Project Scope statement
• Project main phases & WBS (table or hierarchical)
• Project Statistics (Project | Project Information | Statistics)(screenshot)
• A Gantt Critical Path (screenshot)
• Associated Gantt information (table)
• A task sequence of all critical tasks in the critical path.
• Network diagram (screenshot)
• Print a screenshot of the resource sheet
• Generate the project overview report
• Generate the resource overview report
• Generate the task Cost overview report
• Write the Project status note.
3. Upload both files (MS Word and MS Project) to LMS (Blackboard)

GE 404 Engineering Management Dr. Abdulrahman Bin Mahmoud Fall 2020

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