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aha.” ALPHA TEST HOUSE EST HOUSE ISO 9001-2015 Certified aboratory TEST CERTIF ICATE REPORT ID : MM5201012021 SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT Name of Work: Construction of Culvert over Sem Nallah near BP No.216/M at BAHADURKE BOP under SHQ BSF Abohar in Punjab Agreement No. 01/EE/BFD-V/CPWD/FZR/2021-22 Location:- BAHADUR KE (Pb.) INDIA and PAK Border Issued To: M/s Raja Ram Contractor Krishna Basti, Patiala Gate, Sangrur, Punjab-148001 Report Issue Date:- O6,0F-2024 stored kept in our od are Non billy of our test house is limited to invoiced amoun x apha.. ALPHA TEST HOUSE T HOUSE 'SO 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory Plot No. 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 « Ph. : 0172-5099707, 5266094219 E-mail : Website : www.alphatesthouse com TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MMS201012021 PAGE NO.1 CONTENTS ‘S.No. | Description ] Page No. 1 | INTRODUCTION a 2__| score oF work 2 | DETAILS OF FIELD WoRK 34 4+ | GROUND WATER TABLE 4 | 5 | OBSERVATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS sie! 6 | LABORATORY TESTS 56 7 _ | FOUNDATION PARAMETERS 5 A | eel arene pdaumnscn cacy : 9 | COMPUTATION OF ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY a | 19 | SILT FACTOR 10-22. | AL | LIST OFS. CODES r24 | 32 | notations 25-28 | A cea | 14 | Pan Layout 31 ‘Terms & Conditions : 1. Test reports are valid only for the sample tasted in our laboratory, 2. Sampios will be stored / kept in our ‘stores for 30 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed thereafter without any intimation. 3. Samples tested are Non- Roturmable untit specifies at time of sample submission. 4. This report will not valid for sidicial Purpose. 5. Total liability of our test house is limited to invoiced amount. alpha ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE ISO 9001-2015 Certified Testing Leboratory Plot No, 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 « Ph. : 0172-5099707, 8288094219 E-mail : Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MMS201012021 PAGE NO.2 4, INTRODUCTION ‘The objective of the report ic rectricted to the factual information to be collected during tho investigation period along with laboratory tests results and so as to obtain sequence & extent of soil so as to arrive at design parameters for the foundations from the recommended safe bearing capacity of foundation soil, 2 24. 22 23. 24, 25. 26. ‘Terms & Conditions : 1. Test reports are valid only forthe sample tested in our laboratory, 2. Sampies will be stored / kept in our ‘stores for 30 days from the date of esting and shall be destroyes thereafter without any intimation. 3, Samples tested are Non Returnable until specificg at time of eample submission. 4, This report will not valid for Judicial Purpose. 5. Total liability of our ‘SCOPE OF WORK Reconnaissance / field trip for studying the general topography and geology of the area/ terrain ‘The fiold Geo-tech investigations consisted of 2 Nos. of bore holes. up to 25.5 m depth w.r.t the existing Surface Level as per 15 code. Conducting SPT/DCPT in the bore-hole/trial pits at regular intervals of 1.5 m and collecting ‘isturbed/undisturbed soll samples from the bores hole and conducung field density tests as per Indian code of practice, Recording of water table level in the bore holes at the time of boring (if encountered). Conducting laboratory teste on the camplee collected and thereby determining various index ond engineering properties and summarizing the detail of soil dassification. A comprehensive Geotechnical investigation report embodying all the above information along with tables of Field / Lab tests resuite and bearing capacity camputations. Carpe arog eerpg cepsciy pt ebchegton Wik Sas Oogerve i jtoretiry AEST test house Is limited to invoiced amount, aha ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE 10 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory. Plot No. 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160002 - Ph. .0172-6009707, 6286084219 E-mail: Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No. MMS201012021 PAGE NO.3 3. DETAILS OF FIELD WORK 3.1, BORING/TRIAL PITS OPERATION & SAMPLING 100/200 mm dia hole was advanced at the location by manual meens 400/200 mm nominal da flush steel casing was advanced with the boring and the full length of the bore hole was encased at each bore location. 3.2, DISTURBED AND UNDISTURBED SAMPLE Disturbed and undisturbad soil samples were obtained depending upon the nature of sell from different depths in the bore hole. The undisturbed samples were collected in sampiing tubes. The ends of the tubes are sealed with molten wax to prevent evaporation. These samples were subsequertly tested in the laboratory 20 as to determine the various index and engineering proportion of various sub soll stiata ‘met in the bore holes. 3.3. STANDARD PENETRATION TESTS (SPT) 3.3.1, Standard Penetration Test was performed in the borehole. The stenderd split spoon sampler, attached toa string of dill rods was lowered to the bottom of the Hole end allowed 10 Test under self weight, The drill rods were connected to driving assembly which consisted of fa hoisting equipments, a drive weight (Hammer) of 63.5 Kg, and a guide to ensure a75 cm free fall of hammer on an anwi, The number of hammer blows that were required to penetrate the sampler through three runs of 150mm each were recorded. Initial driving of 150 mm was disregarded and the number of blows required to crive the sampler through the remaining 300 mm is called BLOW COUNT or PENETRATION NUMBER,N. Ar the end of the test, the sampler was withdrawn and the soll extracted for subsequent testing in the lsortery «IF the penetration es so then Jem for SD Bons, kis conser as refs ant tien ogtetin whasecorog 0) aye) x B orn” Terms & Conditions ; 1. Test reports are valid only for the sample tested in our laboratory, 2. Samples wil be stored / kept in our stores for 30 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed thereafter without any intimation. 3. Samples tested are Non- Returnable until specified at time of sample submiasion. 4. This report wil not valid for Judicial Purpose, §. Total lability of our test house is limited to invoiced amount, abha.. ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE ISO 9001-2015 Cettified Testing Laboratory Plot No. 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 « Ph. : 0172-5099707, 8286094219 E-mail : Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO.4 34. CORRECTION OF 'N'- VALUES In case of sandy/cohesion-less sol, the cbserved SPT values, dasignated as 'N', are to be corracted to account for the folowing two effects: ) Correction due to effect of overburden pressure, Ny = GyXN Gy! ts overburden pressure correction and is calculated a Cy = 0.77 loguo(200/0) bb) Correction due to submerge effect (in case of fine sand and sit), Ne =15 + (Ny -15)/2, provided Ny>15. Else Nc = Ny Where Ni! isthe final corrected value. 4. GROUND WATER TABLE Determination of Grourd water Table ard water depth from Existing Ground level was done using Stee! tape with weigh. The depth of Ground water table was determined as per procedure laid in IS 6935-1973 ‘AL the Ume of Sol Investigation at site, around water table was encountered at following dent trom round tevel BHLNO | WATERTABLEDEPTH | i Lidm 2 140m 5. OBSERVATION AND DISCUSSIONS From the fied borehole logs, the laboratory test result and the visual examination of soll samples Incaes te folomng tye of satan tne bore STD (ar <\ \a) 5 WA RoHS Terms & Gonditions : 1. Test reports are valid only for the sample tested in our laboratory, 2. Samples will be stored / kept In our stores for 30 days from the dato of testing and shall be destroyed thereaiter without any intimation. 2. Samplee tested are Non- Feturneble until specified at time of sample submission. 4, This report will not valid for Judicial Purpose. 5. Total liability of our test house is limited to invoiced amount, ata. ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE ISO 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory Plot No. 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 + Ph. : 0172-5099707, 6266094219 E-mail : alphatesthouse Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NOS 5.4, SOTL CLASSIFICATION & GENERAL NATURE OF THE SOIL STRATA: Classification and identification js the pre-requisite of any site investigation report. The sub sol strata ate dassified on the basis of lab tests as per IS: 1498 -1978. The classffcation on the soil samples ‘were obtained from the 9 age of grain size distribution of gravel sand sitt and clay in diferent layers of depost met at site, The classification soil groups are given in the data sheets attached, 6, LABORATORY TESTS 6.1, Index Properties [As per SP 36 (Part-I)-1987] Al the relevant classification on the samples obtained from the four bore holes were carried out in the lavoratory. The Index properties obtained from such classification tests at afferent depths in Ue bore holes are reported in the bore hole log sheets. 6.2. UNDISTURBED SOIL SAMPLES: Undisturbed soil sample collected In field nave been tested in laboratory and preparation of sample {or the under mentioned tests have been done in accordance with I.5.2720-(Part-1)-1983. 1. Sieve analysis test as per IS. Specification No, 2720 ~(Part- IN). 2. Atterberglimt test (LL. & PLL) ab per IS, Specification No. 2720 ~(Par- I) 3. Netural moisture content as per 1. Specifcation No.2720 —(Part-V). 4. Particle size analysis test as per IS. Specification No. 2720-(Part- I). 5. Wot density test as per IS. Specification No 2720: (Part) 6. Dry dersity test as per 1.5. Spectcation No, 2720- (Pat-V1) 7. Speatic Gravty test as per 15. soxonggi (Gainb2220-(Part-t-Sec.2. a al i Lory ‘Terms & Conditions : 1. Test reports are valid only forthe sample tested in our laboratory, . Sampies willbe stored / Kept in our stores for 30 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed thereaftor without any intimation. 3. Samples tested are Non- Rectumable tint specifiee ot time of sample submisaion. 4, Thie roport will not valid for Judicial Purpeso. . Total liability of our test house ts limited to invoiced amount, alpha. ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE ISO 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory Plot No, 160, industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 « Ph. 0172-5099707, 6266094219 E-mail : chandigarh@elphatesthouse.com_ aiphatesthouse Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO.6 0. Trianial cempraseion tact and datorminatin of chear paramotar (Cf ae ner IS YIN) R&S. 2720 - (part ~ XIII). 9. Direct Shear Test and Determination of Shear Paremeter. 10, Consolidation test conducted as per 1.5 Specification to. 2720- (Part-XV). 6.3, DISTURBED SOIL SAMPLES: Disturbed Soil samples have been prepared in accordance with I.S. Specification No. 2720- (Part), 1983 and tested as follows: 1. Sieve analysis test as per LS. Specification No, 2720- (Part- IV). 2. Atterberg limit teot (LiLn& P.L..)as per LS, Specification No, 2720 ~—(Part-I1) 3. Particle size analysis test as per 1.S. Speatication No. 2720“Pert-V1). Calculation of bearing capacity is governed generally by LS. Specification No. 8009- (Part-I) 1976, 1.S.No.2720- (Part ~ I1)- 1980, 1S. No 6403-1961, 1.5. 1904-1978 and 1.S. 1080-1985 anc other relevant 1.S. Codes as well as based on assessment and latest developments. ‘Test results ere shown in the respective borehole data sheets. 7. FOUNDATION PARAMETERS Allowable Bearing capacity values are based on the following parameters ‘Table 1: Foundation Parameters Type Pile Size Pile Length Deep Foundation 120m Die 20.0 m Cutoff Length = 3.80 m Pile Ground Depth= 0.50.m File Cap Depth= 1.80 m roan o9 a oe Ly): LOHR Terms & Conditions : 4. Test reports aro valid only for the sample tosted in our laboratory, 2. Samplos wil bo storod / kopt in our ‘stores for 20 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed thereafter without any intimation. 3. Samples tested are Non- Srsct in oan stein. 5, Tvtapot walt vlc eb Ol Pup. YoY Four ited to invoiced amount. alpha. ALPHA TEST HOUSE ‘TEST HOUSE |SO 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory Plot No. 160, industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 « Ph. : 0172-5099707, 8286094219 E-mail : Websita : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO.7 9, ECTIMATION OF ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY ‘A foundation can fail by two mades ie, 1) Shear failure. Excessive settlement. Punching Failure in case of deep foundation. ‘Sheer failure boing catastrophic, an adequate factor of safety is applied to ultimate bearing ) cepacity that can initiate this type of failure, BIS 2911 part 1 sec-1 recammends a value of FOS = 2.5 to obtain the net safe bearing capacity aw by using the physical cheracterstics of the foundation and Felevent shear strength paremeters of soil and FOS ~ 3.0 for uplift pressure qa, for deep foundation Settlement analysis a net loading intersity eis obtained by using the physical characteristics of the foundation and the relevant compressibility characteristics of the Underiying soi. The value so obtained ensures that the foundation shal not settle more than that which is permissible as per BIS recommendations. The permissble settlement depends upon the type of superstructure and the nature of supporting strata, “The lesser of these computed values L€. da OF qe is adopted as the allowable bearing capacity for proportioning the foundation of superstructures - AEST ~ a at sf : AA one ‘Torms & Conditions : 1, Test reports are valid only forthe semple tested in our laboratory, . Samples willbe stored / Kept in our ‘ores for 30 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed thereafter without any intimation, 3, Samples tested are Non- Roturnable stl specified st time of sample submission. 4. This report will not valid for Judicial Purpose. 5, Total lability of our test house is limited to invoiced amount. aha ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE 180 9001-2016 Certified Testing Laboratory Plot No. 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 - Ph. : 0172-5099707, 8288094219 E-mail : Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO. ‘9, COMPUTATION OF ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY ‘SHEAR FAILURE ANALYSIS Net Utimate bearing capaatty for general shear feilure, Qu CNSDe +g (Ny) SyDy + ¥2.B NASD, W" Net Utimate bearing capacity for local shear failure, Qn = ZIBENSDe+g (Nor) S:D; + 12 BY NSD, W" Shape factors, For Strip Footing: Set : eo Bee For Rectangle Footing: $= 1402 2 Se tram 5 SR LOA For Square Footing PB A 5R08 For Greuiar Foouna Sn 13 ge. Pama P SR06 Depth factors, d= 14 02x DVR TAA 402) 3 y= = 1 OX DIB Tatas +072) (For Cohesive soil, © = 0) Incination Factors, he EL. SG eho I ‘and bearing capacny factors Ne,Mo & N, cen obtained by using ‘elation Tan*(0.67x tan @) from table given in BIS to corresponding ® values calculated on prospective depth. ‘Note: as per skemton's theory the value of Me considered 9.0 for deep foundation. ee a. SI at Aw i Torme & Conditions : 1. Test reports aro valid only forthe sample tested in our laboratory, 2. Samples will be stored | kept in our ‘stores for 30 days from the date of esting and shall be destroyed thereafter without any intimation, 9. Samples tested are Non- Mahunsbla cnt sci at re of evils eieslon. 4, The report wil nt vl fetal Putooe. 6. Tea abit of ur test house's limited te invoiced amount alpha. ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE ISO 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory Plot No. 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 « Ph. : 0172-6099707, 8286094219 E-mail : alphatesthouse160@gmail. com Website : www TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO.S SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS {As per BIS recommendation permissible settlement |S 59 mm. fOr reft footing, maximum settlement Is 100mm, Because of the erratic and pronounced variations of the compressbolity charactenstics of supporting strata, even slight differential settlement can cause distross to superstructure. As such differential settiement should be kept as low as possible. Depending upon the ability of the strata to absorb settlements, maximum permissible settlement is conservatively chosen so that resuitant differential settlements do not cause distress to the superstructure, Based upon the feedback of field cbsorvations and using engineering judgment based ‘on experience, én allowable value of 50 mm is being adopted in the present analysis for isolated footing Settlement in cahasive soils: fo es POS) hates ie Where; Wee Pita rains CG = Compression index Semeur Oo = effective overburden pressure (t/sq.m) And on End Bearing Piles through compressible data into Sand can be calculated as below: Settlement : 4 S + Se = SH Ce, Holl + 9 lOQic Po o/Po~ Terme 2 Conditions : 1. Tact reports are valid only for the sample tosted in our laboratory. 2. Samples will Dé stored / Kept in our stores for 30 days from the date of testing and shail be destroyed thereafter without any intimation, 2. Samples tested are Non- Retunate nl soeiiag et time of samale submission 4 Ths repo wil at vali for ducal Purpose. 5 Tot ably of aur test house ie limited to invoiced amount alpha. ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE 180 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory Plot No. 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 190062 - Ph, . 0172-6089707, 6288094219 E-mail : Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO.10 SILT FACTOR Silt factors play a significant role in determining the scour depth and also the founding level of the bridge structure. Due to lack of adequate bore hole data and also various uncertainties associated there with, bridge engineer are confronted with a dificult job Gf choosing an appropriate valle of silt factor. This assumes importance because the present code used for design of bridge foundation guidelines cater for maximum silt factor of up to 2.42 , which is applicable for heavy sand only. Since the silt factor has a significant role to play in finalizing foundation depth. For calculation of silt factor in any types of soil, the soil strata are examine in greater depth and values are calculated in Table 2 & 3 below. me AS TS i es X oni ‘Terms & Conditions : 4. Test reports are valid only for the sample tested in our laboratory, 2. Samples willbe stored / kept in our ‘stores for 30 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed thereafter without any intimation, 3, Samples tested are Non- Returnable until specified at time of sample submission, 4, This report will nat valid for Judicial Purpose. 5. Total liability of our teat house is limited to invoiced amount. alphas. ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE ISO 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory Plot No. 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 + Ph. 0172-5099707, 8288094219 E-mail : alphatesthouse Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO.11 pe ee ____Table No, 2 Retained Sieve Size | X Avg. Sieve size EM/100- | 176 Vd 118mm 90 477 oT } | = be 425, 30 0.51 me = 2 £3) oz | use 7 10.70 0.11 | PAN 13.3 vy ene | eho eam dee BH mtr, 425 BL 051 0.2102 0.807 | | Su {Sta pase OSES NT teal one PAN ev r Average 100 3M=21.02 fae kee : [HA | 3.045 6004 0.0 —0 300 1. 1465 5.26 | (su 108 1.19 | [[ Pan [40.7 pe | { | Average 100 2M=22.16 | 236mm 0.0 3.56 0 | BHAT 45-60 < 0.0 0.89 oO 119 0.36 4.28 0.1986 0.784 150 56.7 0.23 13.04 ‘Average 100 SEEN auaci0.86 Ics a on ‘Terms & Conditions : 1. Tost reports are valid only for tve sample tested in our laboratory, . Samples willbe stored / kept in our ‘stores for 20 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed theraatter without any intimation. 2. Samples tested sro Non. ‘Returnable unit specified at time of sample eubmiecion. 4, This report will ot valid for Judicial Purpose. 6 Total liability of oor test house's limited to invoiced amount, aha. ALPHA TEST HOUSE ISO 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory. Terao Plot No. 160, industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 - Ph, : 0172-5099707, 6280094219 E-mail : alphatesthouse' Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO.12 BH Depth Sieve Sie Sample “Average ‘% Retained ‘Mean Diameter ] Sit Factor ] | (uy id) | joys 236mm | 00 3.56 | | | Timm | 00 17 IA geo (ee 08a LN ee eae ae om | os | | 150 023 | [754 oir a : mG : = sl tem —[ ar] a7 | 600 0.0 0.89 | Sia} tego (a one | oss | | yi 150 56.2 0.23 | orien er tine oe Tage [300 Sh | soi0s 3 mt 143 0.2102 0.807 | 38 139 100 0.0 I a | La 4150 56.5. ieee ‘Terms & Conditions : 1. Test reports are valid only forthe saraple tested in our laboratory, 2, Samples will be stored / kept in our ‘stores for 30 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed thereafter without any intimation, 2, Samples testod are Non- Returnable until specified at ime of sample submission. 4. This report wil not valid for Judicial Purpose. 5. Total bility of our {te9t house ls limited fo involved amount. alpha. ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE 180 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory. Plot No. 160, industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 + Ph, : 0172-5099707, 8288094219 E-mail : Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO.13 BH] Dem | Seese [Sample] Average | *netaned | Mean dioretr | Sit Factor | | Retained | SeveSze | xave.sievesize | wmyio | 176vd I | < Be (my {) T 236mm, oO 3.56 | } 1.18 mm 0 ate | aa | | 600» 0 0.89 cA 425 oO Osi o | Ler pias on = oe 0.0510 0397 | [450p 029 046 | | | 754 0.14 At | | | PAN 3 = = | i ‘Average 400 | | 236mm 0 356 | 1.18 mm o 177 a 0.89 | sua | 135350} —S5 2 a 09383 | 0.326, ce 150 12 0.23 | isu ws | ou | | PAN 784 = Average 100 = 236mm 0 356 [118mm “0 177 | ~ 600 o 0.89 | | 8H 425 36. | 051 15.0165 | 390 140 $36 2130 0.17 mir 3500 578 0.23 | | 75 16 oa | | PAN 120 = ‘Average 100 236mm | 0 3.56 1.18 mm 0 177 e001 o 089 o | | 425 40 ost 2.04 BHA | 165-180 300 u. 137 0.36 4.93 2 ure oy 150 53 0.23 12.35 75 18 Ot | | PAN 1a = | ‘Average 100 “0 a Lousy ‘Terms & Conditions : 1. Test reports are valid only for the sample tested in our laboratory, 2. Samples will be stored / kept in our stores for 20 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed thereaiter without any intimation, 3. Samples tested are Non- Returable unl specified at time of sample submission. 4. This report will not valid for Judicial Purpose. 5. Total liability of our test house is limited to invoiced amount apha.°. ALPHA TEST HOUSE TEST HOUSE 130 9001-2015 Gertined Testing Laboratory Pict No. 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 - Ph. : 0172-5099707, 6266094210 E-mail : Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO.14 ou Daogth Sieve Size Samlo ‘Average ‘% Retained ‘Mean Diameter | Silt Factor | Retained sveve size | X Avg. Sieve size 2M/LO0- 1I6Nd tw) (3) mm [ 35 3 | 118 mm 0 wr [so | 600 6 a0 0 | aut | sg.0-19.5 | $28 = 2 ost = 09510 | 0397 | amity 150» 59.1 0.23 13.59 7S 1 147 0.11 162 TaN rm 2 = erage | 00 s 236mm_—| 0 | Siena bene E | or 3 | ia ps0 Se SECT cass ome | ox | mn 4150 u 59.5, 0.23 | ‘spp sa aa | Pa 7H | ‘Average 100 | r zasnm[ 0 | "1.18 mm 0 a. ° 600 4 0 0.89 0 } AS p 2.6 051 o BH-L | 21-0225 300 1 140 036 133, 0.2156 a | ey 150u | 602 0.23 5.04 | Dr Bec] ee 138 Pa 108 - 135 iohnge | 7165 inva? Ds f | 236mm ° 3.56 0 | 118mm oO 477 oO | AI 00 0 08 0 | 225 28 ost Fe Tae agg ee eee err ig Hae 1504 612 0.23 14.08 | | Tu 116 ott 128 PAN 10.5 = | J et 4 Lent, & ( 3) Nears ‘Terms & Conditions : 1. Test reports are valid only forthe semple tested in our laboratory, 2. Samples willbe stored / kept in our ‘slores for 30 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed thereafiar witnout any intimation, 3, Samples tested are Non- Returnable ontil specified at time of sample submission. 4. This report wil not valid for Judicial Purpose. 5. Total liability of our test house is limited to invoiced amount alphas. ALPHA TEST HOUSE STHOUSE ISO 9001-2015 Certified Testing Laboratory Plot No. 160, Industrial Area, Phase - IX, Mohali - 160062 « Ph. : 0172-5099707, 8288094219 E-mail : alphatesthouse Website : TEST CERTIFICATE Report No.MM5201012021 PAGE NO.15 Bi Depth | Sieve Size | Sample | Average | %RetainedX | Mean | Sit Factor Retained | sieve | Ava.Sieve | Diameter| — 1.76Vd Size size z/100 Pp (ma) @) | 236mm | __o 355 118mm | _0 177 ~ 600 0 i) | BH1 | 240-255 | a25u 38 OSL mtr. 300n | 45.7 | 0.36 0.2235 03 150 u 58.3 0.23 75 23) OL PAN 99 Ai | ‘Average | 100 (7 ‘Terms & Conditions : 1. Test reports are valid only forthe sample tested in our laboratory, 2. Samples willbe stored / kept in our stores for 30 days from the date of testing and shall be destroyed thereafter without any intimation, 3. Samples tested are Non- Raturnable cnt specified st timo of sample submission. 4. This report wil not valid for Judicial Purpose. 5. Total lability of our test house i limited fo invoiced amount

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