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1. All of the following are part of the community assessment process, except:

a. Collecting and analyzing information

b. Withholding results from the community until they can be statistically confirmed to avoid alarming people
c. Identifying available resources such as time, money and team skills
d. Setting action priorities based on the needs of the community and available resources

2. A valid way to collect data for a community assessment is:

a. Using a data base for literature review

b. Reading government documents to find out about previous data
c. Using surveys or questionnaires to gather information from the community members
d. All of the above

3. A community that is described as having community competence has which of the following characteristics?

a. The ability to predict morbidity and mortality rates for the population
b. The ability to identify their needs, achieve consensus, plan and implement goals
c. The ability to perform their own cross-sectional epidemiological studies
d. The ability to delegate any community process to an outside expert such as community health nurse

Barangay Mana was chosen by St. Jude’s College as their adopted Barangay in the Community Health Nursing duty. For
community development and people empowerment, this institution utilized the COPAR process in the said barangay.

1. Community diagnosis, as a profile, involves which of the following?

a. Allows community to gradually became aware of its situation

b. Continuous learning for nurses, the staff and community people
c. Data gathering, data collection and data analysis
d. Presenting a clear view of the communities physical, economic, political and social factors affecting health

2. In the organization-building phase, a community diagnosis was undertaken to have a clear picture of the problems
of Barangay Mana. As a process, which of the following is involved in community diagnosis?

a. Identification of the health problems of the community

b. Continuous development of community health programs
c. Step-by-step data gathering
d. Continuous learning experience for the nurses, staff and community people.

3. Which of the following types of Community Diagnosis aims to obtain general information about the community or a
certain population group?
a. Focused community diagnosis c. Comprehensive community diagnosis
b. Problem-oriented community diagnosis d. None of the above
4. The purpose of conducting Community Diagnosis in Barangay Mana are the following, EXCEPT:
a. To identify resources available to the community people
b. To enable the nurse to set priorities
c. To coordinate health services with other socio-economic service in the community
d. To have a clear picture of the problems of the community

5. Which of the following demographic data is NOT needed in community diagnosis?

a. Total population c. Patterns of migration
b. Growth rate d. Political groups identified

6. Population-focused nursing practice requires which of the following processes?

a. Community organizing
b. Nursing process
c. Community diagnosis
d. Epidemiologic process

7. The following are instruments used in data gathering, EXCEPT:

a. observation checklist c. interview guide
b. bio-data form d. survey questionnaire

8. Which of the following is NOT an activity under the implementation phase of community diagnosis?
a. action planning c. target setting
b. actual data gathering d. feedback of results to the community

9. In Barangay Mana, it was identified that one of the health problems is the high prevalence of UTI
among the women. To which category does this problem belongs to?

a. Health status problem c. Health resources problem

b. Health-related problem d. None of the above

10. In the priority setting of community health nursing problems, all of the following criteria are used, EXCEPT:
a. Nature of the problem d. Social Concern
b. Salience of the problem e. Preventive potential
c. Magnitude of the problem f. Modifiability of the problem


The census in Barangay Tanzan in the year 2010 was 13,000 with 5,300 males and 7,700 females. Nurse Benisa is
expected to utilize this demographic data for effective planning and implementation of health programs in the barangay.
1. Nurse Benisa should also utilize the other components of demography, and they are as follows, EXCEPT:
a. Population size c. Population pyramid
b. Population composition d. Population distribution
2. Since the ultimate goal of community health nursing and public health is to prevent and control health problems,
demographic data is utilized. The Barangay Health Worker asked Nurse Benisa of the uses of the demographic
information. The nurse is expected to answer the following, EXCEPT:
a. It is used in studying the determinants or reasons for the occurrence of health problem
b. Past data can be used to predict future developments
c. It is used to know the size of the population affected by a health problem.
d. It is used to apply a statistical measures to crucial events

3. Which of the following is considered an economically productive age group?

a. 15-64 years old
b. 15-60 years old
c. 18-60 years old
d. 18-65 years old

The Philippine’s census in the year 2000 was 76.5 million. This is one of the demographic information in our country. The
government sees it as very important for an up-to-date and comprehensive population count for the national
development planning.

1. The urban-rural distribution of a country aids national planners in identifying the area where to concentrate its
health services on. As a community health nurse, given the urban-rural distribution in the Philippines you know very
well that health services, should generally be concentrated in which of the following?
a. Urban poor communities c. selected areas in the city
b. Rural areas d. urban areas

2. Which of the following pertains to a type of registration system that keeps a continuous record of all vital events like
births, deaths and marriage body?
a. Civil registry c. Voter’s registration system
b. Vital registration system d. Continuing population registers

Nurse Mercedes was assigned to Kalaw, a municipality with a total population of 30,000. Of this, 1,850 persons died
within the past year. 52 of these deaths were due to heart attacks while 720 of those who died were aged 50 and above.
1. In gathering data about the community, which of the following will Nurse Mercedes consider as important?
a. Sanitation, nutrition and health status
b. Geographic distribution, occupation and seasonal movement of the population
c. People’s major concern even if they are not related
d. All of the above

2. Nurse Mercedes collects information about hundred percent of the population, which of the following is she
a. Census
b. Community survey
c. Epidemiology survey
d. None of the above
3. What is the Swaroop’s index in Kalaw?
a. 39% c. 62%
b. 45% d. 53%

4. What numerator will be used in computing for crude death rate?

a. Midyear population in the same year
b. Total number of live births
c. Number of deaths in a year
d. Population in the area during the same period of time

5. What denominator is use in computing for the general fertility rate?

a. Number of pregnancies of the year
b. Number of registered live birth
c. Estimate midyear population
d. Number of female in the reproductive years

6. Infant mortality rate is deaths under one year of age per 1,000 live births in a specific year. Which formula is
a. Deaths under one year x 1,000
Live births of the same year
b. Deaths below one year x 1,000
Live births of the same year
c. Deaths below one year x 1,000
Live births below one year
d. Livebirths below one year x 1,000
Deaths below one year

7. We say that a Filipino has attained longevity when he is able to reach the average lifespan of Filipinos. What other
statistic may be used to determine
attainment of longevity?

a. Age-specific mortality rate

b. Proportionate mortality rate
c. Swaroop’s index
d. Case fatality rate

8. Which of the following is a natality rate?

a. Crude birth rate
b. Neonatal mortality rate
c. Infant mortality rate
d. General fertility rate
9.You are computing the crude death rate of Barangay Kalaw. Utilizing the given data, what is the crude death rate?

A. 61.6/1,000
B. 75.2 /1,000
C. 60.5/1,000
D. 83.9/1,000

1. A nursing activity designed to diagnose and treat disease in its earliest stages, before it becomes full blown, would
be classified as:
a. Primary prevention
b. Secondary prevention
c. Tertiary prevention
d. Health education
2. A key component of primary prevention strategies is:
a. Aggressive intervention
b. Detection
c. Culture
d. Education
3. An example of secondary prevention strategy would be:
a. Screening of breast cancer in women who have no symptoms
b. Using pain control medications for terminal cancer patients
c. Educating teenagers about using condoms to prevent the spread of SD’s
d. None of the above

4. The public health nurse conducts a study on the factors contributing to the high mortality rate due to heart disease
in the municipality where she works. Which branch of epidemiology does the nurse practice in this situation?
a. Descriptive
b. Analytical
c. Experimental
d. Evaluation
5. Which of the following is an epidemiologic function of the nurse during an epidemic?
a. Conducting assessment of suspected cases to detect the communicable disease
b. Monitoring the condition of the cases affected by the communicable disease
c. Participating in the investigation to determine the source of the epidemic
d. Teaching the community on preventive measures against the disease
6. The primary purpose of conducting an epidemiologic investigation is to:
a. Delineate the etiology of the epidemic
b. Encourage cooperation and support of the community
c. Identify groups who are at risk of contracting the disease
d. Identify geographical location of cases of the disease in the community
7. Tertiary prevention is needed in which stage of the natural history of disease?
A. Pre-pathogenesis C. Prodromal
B. Pathogenesis D. Terminal
8. Isolation of a child with measles belongs to what level of prevention?
A. Primary C. Intermediate
B. Secondary D. Tertiary
9. On the other hand, Operation Timbang is under what level of prevention?
A. Primary C. Intermediate
B. Secondary D. Tertiary

After the evaluation of Community Diagnosis, Action Planning was done by the officials of Barangay Mana in
cooperation with St. Jude’s College.

1. The main purpose of planning is to improve the present state of affairs but why is it important in the community
health practice. The following reasons hold true, EXCEPT:
a. Planning utilizes available resources properly
b. Planning assists in the determination of common goals, objectives and strategies
c. Planning provides more rationale decision-making instead of gut-feeling, vested interests or political
d. Planning makes change and growth not feasible


Nurse Maria, the Community Health Nurse, plans to meet the health problems and needs of Barangay Laot. She pursues
the objective of enhancing the wellness, improving the health status and quality life of the people. She does this by
applying the nursing process.

1. Nurse Maria answers the question” Where are we now?”, it involves the process of collecting, synthesizing, analyzing
and interpreting information in a manner that will provide a clear picture of the health status of the people in Barangay
Laot. Which of the following phases of the planning cycle does this belong?
a. Goal and Objective setting c. Strategy or Activity setting
b. Evaluation d. Situational Analysis

2. Which of the following phrases defines the strategies and activities that Nurse Maria sets to achieve in order to realize
the goals and objectives?
a. “How do we get there?” c. “Where do we want to go?”
b. “How do we know we are there?” d.”Where are we now?”


The Philippine Health Care Delivery System is the totality of all the policies, facilities, equipment, products, human
resources and services which address the health needs, problems and concerns of the people.
1. Which of the following contributes to the poor health situation of the majority?
1- globalization 3- high cost of health services
2- low priority for health 4- crisis-oriented concept of health

a. 1 only c. 1, 3 and 4
b. 1,2 and 3 d. all of these
2. The following statements describe the health human resources, EXCEPT:
a. Every year there is marked increase in the number of health professionals.
b. Despite the increase in the number of health providers, there is still an enormous need in the
rural areas.
c. The growing number of health professionals contribute to their low salaries and lack of benefits.
d. Migration to other countries is primarily an economic issue.
3. The Department of Health is the leader, staunch advocate, and model in promoting health for all in
the Philippines. Which of the following is the mission of the Department of Health?

a. Health for all Filipinos

b. Ensure the accessibility and quality of health care
c. Improve the general health status of the population
d. Health in the hands of the Filipino people by the year 2020

4.It is in this Executive Order that identifies the DOH as the national health authority providing technical and other
resource assistance to concerned groups:
a. E.O. 949 c. E. O. 203
b. E.O. 102 d. E.O. 7160

5. Region IV Hospital is classified as what level of facility?

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Intermediate
D. Tertiary

6. Which is true of primary facilities?

A. They are usually government-run.
B. Their services are provided on an out-patient basis.
C. They are training facilities for health professionals.
D. A community hospital is an example of this level of health facilities.

7. R.A. 7160 mandates devolution of basic services from the national government to local government units. Which of
the following is the major goal of devolution?
A. To strengthen local government units
B. To allow greater autonomy to local government units
C. To empower the people and promote their self-reliance
D. To make basic services more accessible to the people

8. Who is the Chairman of the Municipal Health Board?

A. Mayor
B. Municipal Health Officer
C. Public Health Nurse
D. Any qualified physician

9. Which level of health facility is the usual point of entry of a client into the health care delivery system?
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Intermediate
D. Tertiary

10. The public health nurse is the supervisor of rural health midwives. Which of the following is a supervisory function of
the public health nurse?
A. Referring cases or patients to the midwife
B. Providing technical guidance to the midwife
C. Providing nursing care to cases referred by the midwife
D. Formulating and implementing training programs for midwives
11. One of the participants in a hilot training class asked you to whom she should refer a patient in labor who develops a
complication. You will answer, to the
A. Public Health Nurse
B. Rural Health Midwife
C. Municipal Health Officer
D. Any of these health professionals
12. You are the public health nurse in a municipality with a total population of about 20,000. There are 3 rural health
midwives among the RHU personnel. How many more midwife items will the RHU need?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. The RHU does not need any more midwife item.

13. If the RHU needs additional midwife items, you will submit the request for additional midwife items for approval to
A. Rural Health Unit
B. District Health Office
C. Provincial Health Office
D. Municipal Health Board

14. You are a new B.S.N. graduate. You want to become a Public Health Nurse. Where will you apply?
A. Department of Health
B. Provincial Health Office
C. Regional Health Office
D. Rural Health Unit

15. Which of the following is the most prominent feature of public health nursing?
A. It involves providing home care to sick people who are not confined in the hospital.
B. Services are provided free of charge to people within the catchment area.
C. The public health nurse functions as part of a team providing a public health nursing services.
D. Public health nursing focuses on preventive, not curative, services.

16. According to Margaret Shetland, the philosophy of public health nursing is based on which of the following?
A. Health and longevity as birthrights
B. The mandate of the state to protect the birthrights of its citizens
C. Public health nursing as a specialized field of nursing
D. The worth and dignity of man

17. Which is an example of the school nurse’s health care provider functions?
A. Requesting for BCG from the RHU for school entrant immunization
B. Conducting random classroom inspection during a measles epidemic
C. Taking remedial action on an accident hazard in the school playground
D. Observing places in the school where pupils spend their free time

18. When the nurse determines whether resources were maximized in implementing Ligtas Tigdas, she is evaluating
A. Effectiveness
B. Efficiency
C. Adequacy
D. Appropriateness

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