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Ability Profiling


Build a picture of Hiring the wrong person

for the job can result in:
seafarer skills and
cognitive (psychometric)
abilities Financial Time
loss lost
APRO is designed to give you objective
insights into how candidates are likely to
react in safety-critical situations. APRO also
reveals the individual's ability to cooperate
in teams, along with identifying personal
strengths and individual potential.

Objective data can predict Assets

employee success lost
The purpose of the APRO test is to support
the recruitment and promotion process
by measuring different types of abilities of
Impact on
a candidate. Ability profiling is not about
assessing maritime competence. It is intended
to assess the personal abilities considered
important for effective performance.
Ocean Assessment: Ability Profiling (APRO)

APRO is a psychometric test developed

by and for the maritime industry

It tests three ability areas which believed to be the most

important for performance onboard a vessel

1 2 3
Abilty to inititate
Abilty to perceive Abilty to process actions / make
information information descisions

The APRO test provides vital information APRO is

about the candidate and allows you fundamentally all PROCESSING
to identify candidates’ ability to: about the measure THINKING
of speed versus Raven, BIF, FiCi
Understand information accuracy and
 ake the right decision in a timely
M consist of seven
and effective manner subtests that focus
on mental abilities:
APRO can help you identify candidates
who are likely to act without considering
the possible consequences.
Good reaction and decision making INPUT
abilities are crucial and might mean the PERCIEVE INFO
difference between an accident or a near NuFi, Hands
miss when working onboard a vessel.

The aim of Ability Profiling is:

To measure different abilities of a candidate
 o present a measurement of the
abilities so that their strengths and
weaknesses can be understood
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APRO Assessor course

To ensure proper evaluation of candidates it is required

that the company sends at least one person to a one-day
APRO Assessor course held by Ocean Technologies Group.
This person can then act as APRO Assessor for the company.

Contact us today to see how we can help you build a

picture of your seafarers' skills:

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