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what is exotel?
Ways exotel can help your business

uild your support call center in minutes
send call and sms campaigns build your
call flows and more without any code

A s oice
Unveil a whole new world of automa on
rigger automated calls es and let
xotel simplify processes save me
cost for you A Docs

Run A Support Center

ou can run a virtual call center receive incoming calls play an and do
custom ac ons based on the caller’s inputs his will help maintain a single
source of truth for all your customer conversa ons

ead how Urban adder uses this

Sales calls / outbound calls

ake outgoing calls to customers track As prevent sales funnel leakages
All your sales calls are trackable recorded and transparent

Call campaigns / Voice blast

roadcast your message to a wide audience in a ma er of few minutes and
clicks his is an automated process and saves me and e ort ust record
your message and schedule it

ead how Dost duca on uses this

SMS campaigns / broadcast

each millions of users at the same me with incredible delivery rates
has be er open rates than email campaign or bulk is
economical and is helpful in boos ng the brand image by personaliza on

campaign bene ts

Automated Calls
An automated phone call relays a pre recorded voice message to the customer
rigger calls automa cally based on customized events like D order
veri ca on renewal reminders appointment reminders

Automated calls help save the me and resources to focus on

other important work than making individual phone calls

ead how wiggy uses this

omplete the veri ca on loop with voice s to create a seamless user
experience oice can also be sent as a fallback if there is a delay in

Click to call
onnect your customers on the website or app with the relevant agents while
they are s ll interested in the product or service
a eb e uest to call back when customer enters their number xotel
rst calls agent and then connects the customer
b riggers call at a click of a bu on

ead how la uses this


Automated SMS

Bulk SMS with static & dynamic content

end to mul ple numbers at the same me he body of the message can
either be maintained the same for all the users or be customized to deliver
dynamic content to di erent segments

OTP over SMS

mprove your security with two factor authen ca on using
Smart IVR

Learn More >

Access our detailed reports on calls and SMSes

within the dashboard and with the help of
Learn More > call details API Learn More >
All you need for your business

nlimited C annels ower ul s

o limit on the number of concurrent calls Use our A s to integrate xotel with your

eal me no ca ons ulk SMS SMS no ca ons

nstant no ca ons on mail about end out a campaign in a ma er of
missed calls few minutes set up an no ca on
that goes out a er the end of every call
Live Call Transfer Live Queue & Agent Status
Transfer calls to the right agents With our live dashboard, monitor the queue
contextually and instantly. Improve lengths, active and idle agents in real-time.
CX and reduce resolution times. Learn More >

Auto Dialer Cost Effective Outbound Calls

Supercharge your outbound calling Trigger single-legged outbound calls to
using our new dialer software. customers at reduced call costs
Automate outbound calls & increase
agent productivity. Learn More >
All you need for your business

Voicemail Number Masking

Ask your customers to leave a voicemail Use number anonymiza on to protect the
when you’re unavailable privacy of your customer Learn more >

Call Flow builder Scalability

Drag and drop call flow builder makes it Grow with your business without worrying
easier to create agile call flows about extra infrastructure
Learn More > Learn More >

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