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50500643 QM15

A Module
Character Formation I

Prepared by:

2020 Revision

Approval Sheet -i
Dedication --
Syllabus --iii
Preface --iv
Table of Contents - v

Lesson I Understanding Freedom an Attempt to Contextualize --------------- 1

Lesson 2 Patriotism 3
Lesson 3 Filipino Social thinkers ------------------------ 9
Lesson 4 “Negosyo o Kalayaan? Bayan o Sarili? Pumili Ka- Heneral Luna --- 13
Lesson 5 Nationalism 17
Lesson 6 The Philippine Archipelago and Siko;ohiyang Piipino ----------------- 22
Lesson 7 Pagkataong Filipino (Filipino Personhood ------------------------------- 27
Lesson 8 Hero’s Quest for Freedom ----------------------------------------------- 34
Lesson 9 Patriotic Symbols (The Philippine Flag) ---------------------------------- 48

Lesson I0 Call for Patriotism and Nationalism --------------------------------------- 52

Lesson 11 Challenges towards Nationalism ------------------------------------------- 71
References 81

 Indigenization
 Self- Identity
 Civic Bonds


 Know and understand how our ancestors and first
Filipino heroes fought for our freedom


In light of recent events and challenges faced by Filipino nation, “freedom” has
become a significant concept discussed in all sectors of society. It has been mentioned
more than ever perhaps due to the variety of issues and concerns that haunt the
motherland- even extending to environment concern and corruption. The idea of
“freedom” might as seen as insignificant, an abstract concept that is difficult to prove, or
worse, a topic reserved only for rhetorical discussions. This notion seems to be valid given
the complexities of the social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of our nation. This
is compounded by the fact that the opportunities to discuss freedom are very rare.
S.K. Tan opined a concept of ‘primitive liberty” which created a progressive and
bountiful period that helped lay down the foundation of different cultures and belief
systems as well as the government and the laws that
regulate the civilization of the Filipino people. What was it
that Magellan and other conquistadores saw, which
provoked them to enslave a nation of great people?
Magellan along with the simple economics of things, can be
substantial topic worth discussing. However, no one would
have the absolute capacity and the normal right to
deliberate upon the aforementioned topic unless one understand the essentials of
‘Freedom is not free’ is a passage written on the Korean
War Memorial located in Washington DC in the United States.
During the Korean War from 1950-1953 a group of Filipino
soldiers was sent to South Korea as part of United Nations
contingent. Arguably this could be the best contribution that
we could have offered because we were known to be a nation
of great warriors. In fact, General Douglas Mc Arthur once
famously said “give me ten thousand Filipino and I will conquer the world. Mc Arthur was
once again this characteristics was demonstrated in the midst
of the Korean War. On the border of the North and South
Korea, there were many contingents from different countries,
including the Philippines to protect South Korea from North
Korea. When the approximately 70, 000 North Korean and
Chinese Soldiers attacked the border, some contingents
abandoned their posts, but not the Filipinos. According to
records there were about 4,000 members of the Filipino contingent, including non-
combatant ones but all of them were able to hold the line until the reinforcements came.
General Fidel V. Ramos, former Philippine President, can attest to what happened
because he was part of the said contingent


 It has been recognized by non-Western Scholars as early as the beginning of this

century, but it has only become more popular since the 1970’s.
 It could be said that indigenization is relatively new term , which addresses a problem
that has already been recognized quite some time ago (Van Bremen, 2004)
 These were also taught by other Europeans- both directly and indirectly-in vicariously
colonized areas.
 In the Philippines, the first Social Science to be taught, history was introduced as early
as seventeenth century, with anthropology, economics, political science, psychology
and sociology emerging during the American Colonial period (Feliciano 1948).
 The Philippine System was patterned after the American Educational system, and in
the early part of this century, many Filipinos were sent to the United States for
graduate studies, further strengthening the American influence in social education
(Talib and Cardinal, 2016). Hence it is important that the discourse(s) on the concepts
of “freedom”, nationalism” and “patriotism” (and the like) which are offered
thorough the Filipino lens, are either weak or rare, present but not substantive.
 The sacrifices that our ancestors had to make in the name of freedom, democracy
and peace during the 333 years of Spanish occupation serve as proof that, indeed we
are nation of heroes- great people who cherish these values.
 The indomitable desire to liberate our country emanates from a deep sense of
“patriotism” and “nationalism”.


 Self-identity is an essential aspect of our life. Human need others not just for the
development of basic functions, but also for the formation of their identity,
psychological being, and self- concept.


 Serve an essential role in the evolution of the species, as human being maintain and
create themselves by living in groups. Even before individuals become aware of their
larger group, they already internalize beliefs and values, adopt a perspective of life,
and learn customs and rituals that characterize their group.
 With civic duties towards the nation and the state have come to be recognized and

Instructions: Create a collage of the events of June 12, 1898, the first successful national
revolution in Asia since the coming of the West, and the Republic to which it gave birth
was the first democratic Republic outside of the Western hemisphere. The aim of this
collage is for the students to be aware of the different events of the first Philippine
Independence because they were too young to remember any of the images or reports
when Philippine gains its freedom from the Spanish crown.


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Score
Creativity All of the graphics or Most of the graphics or Only a few graphics None of the
objects used in the objects used in the collage or objects reflect graphics or
collage reflect a degree reflect student creativity in student creativity, objects reflects
of student creativity in their display. but the ideas were student creativity.
their display. typical rather than
Design Graphics are cut to an 1-2 graphics are lacking in 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not
appropriate size, shape design or placement. lacking in design or an appropriate
and are arranged neatly. There may be a few placement. Too size shape. Glue
Care has been taken to smudges or glue marks. much background is marks evident.
balance the pictures showing. There are Most of the
across the area. Items noticeable smudges background is
are glued neatly and or glue marks. showing. It
securely. appears little
attention was
given to designing
the collage.
Time and Effort Much time and effort Class time was used wisely. Class time was not Class time was not
went into the planning Student could have put in always used wisely. used wisely and
and design of the more time and effort. the student put in
collage. It is clear the no additional
student used class time effort.

Attention to Theme The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student's
reasonable explanation reasonable explanation of fairly reasonable explanations are
of how every item in the how most items in the explanation of how weak and
collage is related to the collage are related to the most items in the illustrate difficulty
assigned theme. For assigned theme. For many collage are related to understanding
most items, the of the items, the the assigned theme. how to relate
relationship is clear relationship is clear items to the
without explanation. without explanation. assigned theme.
Presentation The student speaks The student speaks clearly, The student The student does
clearly, with confidence with confidence and poise. somewhat speaks not speak clearly,
and poise. Completely Reasonably conveys clearly, with without
conveys message of message of collage as it confidence and confidence and
collage as it relates to relates to personal style poise. Somewhat poise. Does not
personal style choices. choices. conveys message of convey message
collage as it relates of collage as it
to personal style relates to
choices personal style

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