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(For Beginners)
Learn the basics things on internet step by step


By Jerry Cullen
Jerry Cullen
1. Introduction

2. What is Internet?

3. Search Engines

4. Using Chrome

5. Google Account

6. E-mail

7. Google Drive

8. YouTube

9. General Information
Internet! What is this? Many of you would know
what Internet is, but huge number of people are
still unaware of what it is and how it's works.

Hello Friends I am Jerry Cullen and I am going

to explain you about INTERNET in some very
simple and practical ways. I am not going to tell
you about the history of internet and when it all
got started because believe me friends in the end
of this series you will be able to find all this
things on your own.

Internet is a big topic it's not possible to explain

everything in single book, So I am going to
explain you some basic things about it through
this Part 1 series. You can also email me at for any other

And special thanks to my sister for helping me

in this E-book.
What is Internet?
We all try to understand the world we live in,
which show us how to move forward in life. In
the same way the INTERNET itself is a different
world in a digitalized form which is invisible to
many people. There are both pros and cons of
Internet and thats why we have to understand it
to choose wisely. In the real world every person
has his own identity, but in the digital world a
person can have multiple identities and it is also
possible that some of them are fake. Some people
use Internet to learn something, other use it to
increase their business & explore their
surrounding, but there are some frauds who use
it to trick others.

Believe it or not but it is a fact that internet is

becoming an essential part of our life and the
way we are using it today its totally possible that
in future it will become necessary for a newborns
How does the Internet work? Just like a spider
web, Internet is like a web connecting the whole
world, that is why we call it digital because it is
visible on the computer but not in reality. Many
people dont know that apart from cloud
networks, huge wire networks has been kept on
the sea surfaces to connect all the countries.
Basically internet service is free of cost in all
over the world, the charges you are giving for
internet it's just a maintenance charge which
you are paying to your local service providers.

All the countries are connected to each other via

internet. Now a day all the companies,
government services, private sectors even a small
business is also available on internet. So we can
easily access all the information about any thing
which is available on internet. The simple way
to get any information about any thing is from
Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing,
Yandex, CC Search, Swisscows, Duck duck go
Search Engines
How Search Engine works? Search engines work
by crawling the web using bots called spiders.
These web crawlers effectively follow links from
page to page to find new content to add to the
search index. When you use a search engine,
relevant results are extracted from the index and
ranked using an algorithm.

Now a days Google search, known as one of the

most popular search engines across the world,
has its own mechanism of understanding when
an information is asked. Every day Google
search engine processes billions of queries using
it algorithm and tried to provide best possible
search results.
Here are few steps which will help to understand
how Google search engine works:



1) Web pages
2) User-submitted content such as Google My
Business and Maps user submissions
3) Book scanning
4) Public databases on the internet

Images, Videos, and many other sources Google

follows three basic steps to generate results from
web pages:

[Step 1 Crawling]
When anyone type something in the search bar
in the first place, it finds what pages exist on the
web. As there is no central registry of the
webpages on the internet, therefore it constantly
adds them to its list. Some pages are known by
the Google which are already crawled.
The crawler or spider takes note of all the
keywords, web pages, descriptions, etc to learn
your data search. This way the Google spider
goes to the already visited page which the user
has searched for. Google does not accept
payments to crawl a site or rank it higher.

[Step 2 Indexing]
After a page is discovered, Google understands
the data of the page. Google analyses the content
such as the videos, images, the catalogs, etc
embedded on the webpage. This process is called
Indexing. This information is then stored in the
Google index, a huge date base stored in

[Step 3 Ranking]
When the user searches something, the Google
then scans through the indexed pages to give the
best result. It gives attention to factors like
language, location, device, etc. With the same
search query restaurant near me, search results
for user in India will be different from the results
displayed in the USA. This is how the results
varies. It's ranks pages programmatically.

This is how the Google works to give the search

results after going through simple, yet complex

I hope you understand that how search engine

works. So we can move forward now, after
getting some information about search engine
still many of you have a questions that "How can
we use this search engine?" Then the answer is
with the help of Browser.

Browser is an application which allows you to

access any website or information on internet.
There are many Browser in market like Opera,
Firefox, Internet Explore, UC browser, Chrome
etc. Here is some Browsers icon given below.
Using Chrome
Chrome is a common browser now a days
so we will proceed further with chrome browser.
It's available for both platform desktop and
mobile. First of all open the chrome browser,
this is how it's look like in desktop and mobile.

Desktop view Mobile view

Address bar is used for visiting perticular
website like "" and Search
bar/box is used for searching anything on
internet like "resturant near me, foods, clothes,
appliances etc". If you don't know any website
link so just find it on search box typing their
name or similar word related to it.
Example: I searched "restaurants near me" it's
provide me all possible results for my search.
Everything you can think of, you can find it here,
you can also filter it according to your needs like
photos, videos, books, shopping etc.
If you want to learn something from the internet
then there are some websites about which you
should be aware of:
* Google
* Wikipedia
* YouTube
* Facebook
* Amazon Kindle

All in one search for almost everything including
webpages, images, videos and more. Google has
many special features to help you find exactly
what you're looking for. You can find
information about anything here whether it is
about a person, place, history or latest

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created
and edited by volunteers around the world and
hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
This is a place where millions of videos are
uploaded every day by people all over the world,
by anyone who has a Google account. All types
of videos can be found here : general knowledge,
studies, business and for entertainment as well.
You also can earn money from this website.

Here you get a chance to engage with people,
communities all across the world. Share your
contents (Images/Videos/Products) easily &
watch vise versa on the same platform.

Amazon Kindle
Here you will get lakhs of e-books which you can
increase your knowledge, also there are novels
that serves well for entertainment.

There are various of other websites which are

used for different purpose and in most websites
you can easily login with a Google Account.
Google Account
Google account works on most of websites, that's
why we will learn first how to create a Google
account. Here are the steps in below images
shared in mobile format :

Step 1
Open Chrome and type "Google Account" on
search bar/box.
Step 2
Scroll down and click on"Create your Google

Step 3
Then it will show you page like this will appear
then click on"Create account" then select "For
Step 3
Then it will asked your name, enter your name
and click on "Next".

Step 4
Then it will asked for basic information, enter
the details and click on "Next".
Step 5
Then in another page it will show you some
options for choosing your email address, you can
select any of those but if you want to use your
own address then select on "create your own
Gmail address" and after entering your custom
address click on "Next".
Step 6
After selecting email address it will asked you
for choosing password, enter password that you
easily can remember then click on "Next".

Step 7
After that it will asked for your phone number
and country selection for verifying that you are
not a robot, fill the details and click on "Next".
Step 8
After adding your mobile number this page will
open just scroll down and click on "Yes I'm in"
you can also have the option to skip this page.

Step 9
Next, it will ask you to review your email address
and name, click on "Next" after checking details.
Step 10
At final, it will ask you to accept terms and
conditions, just scroll down and click on "I
agree" and done.

Congratulations your Google Account has been

successfully created. Now just login your account
with GMail address & password and enjoy
Google services.
After creating a Google account the second
problem most of people faces are sending Emails
to anyone. Now a days Emails plays an important
role in our lives, especially for official work. For
example: Presentation, invitation, leave
application, resignation, projects for school and
college etc.

Sending email is similar as sending a general text

on cell phone, all we need to remember are few
steps & criteria. We will do this practically.
There are many websites which provides us
email facility, like Google, Yahoo, AOL mail,
Zoho mail, GMX mail, Private websites, etc.
Here I will explain you how to send email on
Google Account through Gmail after having a
Gmail account.
Step 1
Open Chrome browser

Step 2
Type on address bar.

Type here "".

You will see some interface like this on your

desktop screen given above. And the login page
looks like given below.
Step 3
Enter your email address and click on "Next"

Type your email address here

After typing your address click on "Next"

Step 4
Further, it will asked you for password, type
your password and click on "Next" button.

Enter your password here

Then click on Next

You are successfully logged in to your Gmail

This is how it's look like, now we will send a email.

Step 5
Go to the left side of the screen will see a
"Compose" button click on that.

Click on "Compose"

After pressing compose button a pop up will came

in right downside.
Step 6
It will look like this. Then you can see “To” and
“Subject” on it. Enter an email address of the
person whom you want to send mail and enter
topic in Subject (purpose of writing mail) &
Click “Send”.

Email address whom you want to send mail

Enter subject of Email

Type your
Message here

After typing your messages

click on "Send" button.

And it's done, you successfully sent a email to

your friends or to whom you want to. You will
get pop up notification in left downside that
your message sent.

You can see all the emails you received in

“Inbox” and your sent messages in “Sent box on
left side of your screen.

Your recieved emails

Your sent emails

Now you know how to send emails, you will be

expert after using it usually. And most
important thing don't forget to sign out
whenever not in use to protect your Google
Google Drive
One of the many essential services Google
provide is Google Drive. This is very beneficial
for you to store your documents and images
safely for a long time.

Google gives 15 GB free storage to its account

holder, which you can use easily. If you requires
more space, you have to pay charges to Google in
monthly or yearly basis.

One great advantage of saving your data on the

drive is that you can access your data from
anywhere. You save your data on a Drive from a
device or desktop and for some reason that
device or desktop gets damaged, then you can
get your data from another device or desktop by
just login with your Google account.

You can upload any format of data like in jpg,

video, mp3, file, pdf, etc. And you also can share
your data with someone else by creating sharing
link. Now we will learn how to save our data in
Google Drive.
Google has a lot of products & to explain most of
them I will create & share a separate books for
better understanding. This time we will only talk
about Google Drive. It's look like this.

Step 1
Open your Chrome browser and open Google
page by typing on address bar

Search "Google Drive sign in" in search box.

Step 2
Open the first website given in this image.

Open this link

Step 3
After entering the page just login with your
Google account. It will look like this.
Step 4
Go to left side of the screen you will see a "New"
button option like this.

Click on this

Step 5
First we will make a New folder then we add a
photos on it. So after clicking on new select new

Click on this
Step 6
Then type a folder name like "My photos" and
click on "Create" button.

Step 7
Now we can see a new folder was added on page,
then open the folder by double clicking on it.
Step 8
Once again click on"New" and select Files to

Click here

Click here

Step 9
After that selection window will open for
choosing which files you want to upload. Just
select your files and click on "Open".
Now your file has been uploaded successfully.
These files will be saved here until you delete
them yourself.

Similarly, you can upload any file to Drive. It

does not use your device or desktop storage so
you can use them for some other work.
Perhaps you do not have to tell people, you all
know that youtube is a place where you can get
everything. Every day millions of videos are
uploaded here, this place is a storehouse of
videos. Using YouTube is much easier than
anything else, just open chrome browser and
type in address bar and
search what ever you want in search box. Every
thing you need you will get it from here in video
format, you also can download some videos for
offline and watch them without internet. I am
not going to explain this because I don't think
there is anything to explain in this you can learn
yourself by using it.

But I am going to tell you some points which will

be helpful for new learner' s, This is a platform
where you can earn along with learning from
youtube channel. By uploading your video you
can easily earn money for additional financial
support or you can also use this as a full time job.
we will learn about youtube channel in detail in
our next ebook. In here you can subscribe your
favorite youtubers for regular videos update.
General Information
And here's the end of our first part, there is
much more things that I want to explain you all,
that we will see in the next part. This was only
for basic information, next we will learn some
advanced lessons related to internet like
YouTube, YouTube Channel, Blog, Advance
level use of search engines, how to make money
by using internet.

Internet is a very big topic which cannot be

completed in one book. There are both
advantages and disadvantages of using the
Internet. The good thing is that we can learn
many things from this, we can take our business
to the next level. And the bad thing is that the
internet is also a very unsafe zone from which
someone can keep an eye on you, steal your data
or can hurt you. How can we keep ourselves and
our data safe on the Internet, we will learn all
this at an advanced level. This was just a small
introduction for you all, for any queries and
doubts till now feel free to reach my email Id.
The End

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