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Selected examples of citation errors in Rick O’Donnell’s paper “Is Academic

Research a Good Investment for Texas?”

From the article…

As university President George Dennis O’Brien observed, “Experimental
science…evolved basically outside and in opposition to the traditional

From the footnotes…

6 George Dennis O’Brien, “All the Essential Half-Truths about Higher Education”
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998) 3.

It appears O’Brien was quoting someone else here, a “commentator.”

O’Donnell’s Explanation…
Overlooked in editing

From the article…

Also, private industry has been consistently increasing its spending on basic
research, growing from $5.4 billion in 1995 to $9.1 billion in 2006.8

From the footnotes…

8 Richard Vedder, “Going Broke by Degree, Why Colleges Cost Too Much”
(Washington DC: AEI Publishers, 2004) 122.

Vedder’s book was published in 2004, data is from 2006 data. NSF data show
industry conducted $6.7 billion in research in 1995 and $10.3 billion in 2006. As a
percentage of total basic research, those numbers represent a decline from 23 to
16 percent.

O’Donnell’s explanation…
The year 2006 should have been 2000.

From the article…

At the University of Texas System, in the last 10 years, an estimated $3.8 billion
has been spent on research, yet income from this investment is less than $3.2
million, or an annual rate of return of less than one-tenth of 1 percent (.08
percent). At the Texas A&M System, an estimated $3.8 billion has been spent
over the last decade to generate income of less than $5.5 million, for less than
two-tenths of 1 percent rate of return (.14 percent).11
Overall, Texas universities have spent an estimated $9 billion on scientific
research that has generated a mere $8.3 million a year in income, a rate of return
of less than one-tenth of 1 percent (.09 percent).

From the footnotes…

11 College Board, “Trends in College Pricing 2005” (10 Oct. 2008)

Information in the College Board’s report on trends in college pricing. According
to the UT System 2011 Fast Facts,
(http://www.utsystem.edu/news/fastfacts.html), total research expenditures for
the UT System totaled $2.4 billion in 2009 and gross revenue from intellectual
property was $43 million.

O’Donnell’s explanation…
Wrong source, but cannot recall how he calculated the numbers

From the article…

Former Assistant Secretary of Education, Chester Finn: “Professors have
become specialized in their interests, which are ever more distant from what
ordinary citizens understand or care about. Academic presses now publish books
selling fewer than 300 copies. ‘The demands of productivity,’ a humanities editor
says, ‘are leading to the production of much more nonsense.”14

From the footnotes…

14 Harry R. Lewis, “Excellence Without a Soul, How a Great University Forgot
Education” (Jackson, TN: Public Aff airs, 2006) 9.

It appears that Harry Lewis said this, not Chester Finn.

O’Donnell’s explanation…
Editing error

From the article…

Former Harvard University President Derek Bok notes that graduate students are
often unprepared for teaching: “Being thrown into teaching large undergraduate
courses with little to no training is good neither for the graduate students or the
students they teach. Presidents and deans of research universities could act
more boldly by urging revisions in their Ph.D. programs to include better
preparation for teaching.”30

From the footnotes…

30 Derek Bok, “Our Underachieving Colleges” (Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2006) 340.
First sentence of the quote is not from Bok.

Editing error

From the article…

Perhaps the market has finally reached saturation, as Ph.D.s issued leveled off
to 45,596 in 2006.41

From the footnotes…

41 “More Doctors of Philosophy and Science” Inside Higher Ed (21 Nov. 2007)

The article referenced, as well as the original press release, states the number of
PhDs issued that year was an all-time high.

O’Donnell’s explanation…
Not sure how that happened

From the article…

In the spring of 2006 at UT-Austin, the average tenured full professor taught an
average of 87 undergraduates for an average cost of $2,815 per student per
class. By contrast, the average non-tenured instructor received a salary of
$47,000 per year and taught 247 students, for an average cost per student
taught of $381.49

From the footnotes…

49 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, “Average Faculty Salaries -
Texas Public Universities - FY 2004” (10 Oct. 2008)

Information not found in source document.

O’Donnell’s explanation…
Numbers were gleaned from universities and the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board, but cannot point to one source

PolicyPerspective Center for Higher Education


Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas?

by Rick O’Donnell EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for obscure academic journals. Over two mil-
President, Acton Foundation lion of these articles are published each year,
We live in the richest and most powerful
for Entrepreneurial Excellence diverting tens of billions of taxpayer dollars
country in the world. We owe a great debt to
& Senior Research Fellow, that could be spent educating students.
the scientists and entrepreneurs who provided
Texas Public Policy Foundation the scientific breakthroughs that won World
Ohio University economist Dr. Richard Ved-
War II and the Cold War. An equal debt is
der has conducted studies showing that states
owed to those who created new technologies
that over-invest in higher education have a
RECOMMENDATIONS that helped build the modern U.S. economy.
lower growth rate than states that do not.3
ƒ Place a renewed emphasis Given the modern miracles that science and Perhaps this is one reason why California,
on teaching in colleges and entrepreneurs have provided, who wouldn’t be with its highly acclaimed higher education
universities. system—and equally high tax rates to support
in favor of more funding for research on our
it—has been losing economic ground to Texas
ƒ Require all Texas colleges and university campuses. Everyone knows that it
universities to sign a “learning is scientific, academic research that fuels the year after year. At best, there is no evidence of
contract” with incoming modern economy—except that it doesn’t. a correlation between state higher education
students. spending and economic growth.
ƒ Separate the teaching and In fact, 87 percent of the research and devel-
opment work in the United States is done by The key to preparing the next generation of
research functions to stop the
massive cross-subsidies that private companies and independent laborato- Texans for more productive and meaning-
flow from teaching and useful ries, not by universities (see page 2). Even in ful lives is not to pour billions of additional
scientific research to subsidize the area of basic research, higher education’s dollars into higher education research, but to
the more esoteric academic share of research funding steadily declined return our colleges and universities to their
research favored by the tenure original mission—teaching students.
faculty. from 1980 to 2000.1

ƒ Evaluate and reform the current The returns for investing in scientific research This shift in emphasis could not come at a more
system of Ph.D. fellowships, at academic institutions are poor, and Texas critical time, for there is mounting evidence that
rejecting the conventional campuses are no different. An estimated $9 students are learning less and less. The most
wisdom about academic prestigious universities selectively admit smart
research and the promise of billion has been spent on scientific research on
“free money.” Texas campuses in the last 10 years. At nine out students, so they produce smart graduates, but
of 12 campuses, the income from patents does too often add little value in between.
not even cover the costs of running the technology
transfer offices the patents require. Overall, taxpay- This isn’t surprising given that over the last
ers are earning less than two-tenths of one percent 20 years, the investment in teaching students
rate of return (0.14 percent, to be exact).2 has plummeted. Today, the majority of un-
dergraduate classes in American colleges and
900 Congress Avenue Additionally, a significant portion of academic universities are taught by non-tenure track
Suite 400 research costs are “off the books” and not in- faculty, graduate teaching assistants, or part-
Austin, TX 78701 cluded in these numbers. When tenured fac- time adjuncts making as little as $1,000 per
(512) 472-2700 Phone ulty refer to “academic research,” they generally semester. At the same time, we are investing
(512) 472-2728 Fax are referring not to work done in scientific lab- billions of dollars in research of questionable
www.TexasPolicy.com oratories, but esoteric scholarly articles written value.

PP21-2008 continued on next page

Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas? December 2008

To successfully tackle the problem with higher education During the 1960s, “social scientists,” well aware of what
in Texas, we must develop incentives in our colleges and federal funding had done for academics in the hard sci-
universities that encourage investment in teachers, cur- ences, began to apply for government grants that would
riculums, and classrooms rather than the production of allow them to apply “scientific” methods to the study of
endless streams of academic research. human behavior. Soon taxpayer money began to flow for
academic research in a multitude of disciplines.

Ironically, before World War II, the rigid orthodoxy

A SHORT HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH of academia had not ever favored the pure sciences. As
Beginning in World War II, the federal government in- university President George Dennis O’Brien observed,
vested massive amounts of money into research on Ameri- “Experimental science…evolved basically outside and in
can campuses. By 1947, government spending for research opposition to the traditional universities.”6 Now the sci-
at colleges and universities was three times the combined entific method dominates college campuses.
income of all institutions of higher education in 1941.4
Over time, academic researchers gained significant control
Poorly paid professors found the allure of government of the modern American university, profoundly changing
funding irresistible. Suddenly scientists armed with gov- the mission of higher education.
ernment money were more powerful than university pres-
idents. Dr. Robert Nisbet noted, “Suffice it to say, begin-
ning just after World War II, the locus of authority in the
university was, and continues to be, profoundly muddled, SCIENTIFIC ACADEMIC RESEARCH
fragmented, atomized as the case may be.”5 America’s Universities Have a Small and Diminishing Share
of the R&D Pie
Federal government research funds soon became the driv- Despite rhetoric to the contrary, colleges and universities
ing force behind the recruitment, hiring, and promotion fund only a small part of scientific research and develop-
of faculty. The money continued to pour into college cam- ment in the United States, as demonstrated by National
puses throughout the Korean and Cold wars, and with Science Foundation (NSF) data.
little concern for efficient administration of the funds,
higher education costs began to soar. Universities and federally funded university research cen-
ters performed only 16.6 percent ($56.8 billion) of the

U.S. Research & Development Spending

2006 Expenditures



$100 $56.8
Universities Total R&D
Source: NSF
Source: National Science Foundation (NSF)


December 2008 Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas?

approximately $343 billion in research and development words, the overhead associated with filing patents exceed-
in the United States in 2006 and less than a third of all ed the revenue received from those patents.10
research.7 The majority of research funds are spent by pri-
vate industry and independent laboratories. At the University of Texas System, in the last 10 years,
an estimated $3.8 billion has been spent on research, yet
Although universities continue to perform more than income from this investment is less than $3.2 million, or
half of the nation’s basic research, two-thirds are funded an annual rate of return of less than one-tenth of 1 percent
by federal grant money that could be redirected to other (.08 percent). At the Texas A&M System, an estimated
recipients. Also, private industry has been consistently in- $3.8 billion has been spent over the last decade to generate
creasing its spending on basic research, growing from $5.4 income of less than $5.5 million, for less than two-tenths
billion in 1995 to $9.1 billion in 2006.8 Most importantly, of 1 percent rate of return (.14 percent).11
the basic research performed by universities is almost en-
tirely the province of science departments, and therefore Overall, Texas universities have spent an estimated $9 bil-
it does not justify the emphasis on research over teaching lion on scientific research that has generated a mere $8.3
that is also common in the liberal arts, business schools, million a year in income, a rate of return of less than one-
law schools, and other disciplines. Some of the resources, tenth of 1 percent (.09 percent).
including faculty time, allocated to non-scientific research
that does not produce measurable returns could be used Had these funds instead been invested conservatively, earn-
for teaching more students or lowering tuition, either of ing 5 percent a year, the return would have been enough
which would make higher education institutions more to provide a four-year college degree to more than 50,000
productive. additional Texans a year (assuming the $6,900 per year an-
nual costs of a for-profit university).
Richard Vedder notes, “In sum, universities are not the
dominant institutional means of carrying out research, Revelations of Waste in Scientific Academic Research
even basic research, in the United States.”9 Low returns on investments in scientific academic research
are not the only concern. There is also ample evidence of
Texans’ Poor Returns on Investments in Scientific Academic waste.
The rate of return on investment (ROI) produced for the Stanford has one of the highest overhead rates in the busi-
citizens of Texas from investments in scientific academic ness; for every dollar of received funds, it tacks on an ad-
research on state campuses is dismal. In fact, at nine of ditional 74 cents for “overhead.” One observer “estimated
the 12 campuses reporting, the cost of running the technol- that the university may have overcharged taxpayers a stag-
ogy transfer offices exceeded the revenue from patents. In other gering $480 million for research costs.”12

Scientific Academic Research ROI 4 Year College Degrees in Texas

10.0 percent 250,000

8.0 percent 200,000

Rate of Return 6.0 percent
150,000 108,696
Degrees per Additional Degrees
4.0 percent Year Currently awarded
2.0 percent
0.14 percent 0.08 percent 50,000
-0.01 percent -0.01 percent 92,000 92,000
0.0 percent
Texas A&M Texas State UT System U of Houston 0
System System System
Degrees Degrees
awarded in possible
2003-04 using
Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board research

Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas? December 2008

More evidence surfaced in 2003, when a number of leading completely honest about it, we must admit that the
universities including Northwestern University, Harvard over-emphasis on research has, in the humanities
University, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of as in other fields, meant a lot of useless activity, a
Alabama at Birmingham agreed to settle complaints by the lot of publishing that serves no purpose, beyond
federal government that the schools misallocated research expanding the author’s CVs. Many publications
money. will mainly gather dust on shelves in libraries.”15

In a recent survey of 3,300 research scientists, researchers Walter Steward, a National Institutes of Health re-
at Minnesota-based Health Partners Research Foundation searcher: “I have never met a scientist who did not
and the University of Minnesota found that more than 50 believe that 80 percent of the scientific literature
percent of established grant-receiving scientists used grant was nonsense.”16
money designated for one project on a different project,
often for undisclosed research that might lead to future Science reporter David Hamilton concluded that
grants.13 ‘an unfortunately large percentage of what passes as
the bedrock of academic achievement more closely
These problems were discovered by the National Institutes resembles intellectual quicksand.”17
of Health, a federal agency not known for its careful over-
sight, suggesting that forensic audits by other donors and William Broad, a senior editor of the Journal of the
research partners could be even more revealing. American Medical Association, said “There seems
to be no study too fragmented, no hypothesis too
trivial, no literature citation too biased or too ego-
tistical, no design too warped, no methodology too
SCHOLARLY JOURNAL ARTICLES—THE REAL RESEARCH bungled, no presentation of results too self serving,
GOAL FOR ACADEMICS no argument too circular, no conclusions too tri-
When most people think of academic research, they think fling or too unjustified, and no grammar and syntax
of scientists in white coats in state-of-the-art laboratories, too offensive for a paper to end up in print.”18
but in fact, most academic research in the United States
consists of scholarly research articles written for narrow Not only is the value of academic research questionable,
academic journals. This research, subsidized with taxpayer but it may be becoming more and more trivial. Martin An-
dollars, costs American taxpayers tens of billions of dollars derson, a former professor from Columbia, and a current
annually, money that could have been spent on students and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford Uni-
teaching. versity, writes “As fields of intellectual study aged, it became
more and more difficult to discover new, important ideas,”
Questioning the Value of Scholarly Research for Taxpayers noted one scholar, “It is difficult to improve on Aristotle,
Many commentators, both inside and outside academia, Shakespeare, or Adam Smith. We do make discoveries and
have questioned the value of much of the scholarly research advances in many areas of intellectual thought, but rarely of
performed today. Here are a few examples: the fundamental nature of the ones we inherit.”19

Former Assistant Secretary of Education, Chester The Cost of Academic Journal Articles
Finn: “Professors have become specialized in their Today there are tens of thousands of refereed academic
interests, which are ever more distant from what or- journals publishing an estimated two million articles a year,
dinary citizens understand or care about. Academic with many more articles submitted but not published. This
presses now publish books selling fewer than 300 means taxpayer money that could be better spent on stu-
copies. ‘The demands of productivity,’ a humanities dents goes toward paying for over 5,500 academic journal
editor says, ‘are leading to the production of much articles a day; 228 an hour; almost 4 per minute. At a cost of
more nonsense.”14 up to $60,000 per article, the drain on university resources
is staggering.
Lynne Cheney, Chairman of the National
Endowment for the Humanities: “If we are


December 2008 Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas?

by some estimates, are taught by part-time adjuncts, gradu-

Allocation of Faculty Time ate students, or non-tenure track faculty.

79% The average salary of a full professor at an extensive four-

80% 74% 73%
Percentage of Time

Teaching Undergraduates
year doctoral college is $106,182. Add fringe benefits and
60% other income from the university and outside sources, and
the total compensation increases to over $160,000 for a
40% Research, Training
26% 27% Researchers; Faculty nine-month year. Add one dollar of indirect costs for each
20% dollar of direct costs to cover staff, building, and miscella-
neous expenses, and the average full professor costs approxi-
mately $320,000 per year to support.
Full Associate Assistant
professor professor professor
Source: NCES The average full professor at a doctoral institution will spend
79 percent of his time on activities other than teaching and
Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
write just under four refereed scholarly research articles a
There are two ways to estimate the cost of scholarly research. year. This gives a fully allocated cost per scholarly article of
The first is to calculate the time spent by professors on activ- $63,000.
ities other than teaching: time spent on academic commit-
tees, time spent training new Ph.D.s to perform scholarly Multiply this cost per refereed article by the two million
research, and time spent on individual academic research. printed each year, and academic research costs taxpayers
over $125 billion each year, almost half of the $292 billion
According to National Center for Education Statistics spent by colleges and universities in 2000.20
(NCES) data, full professors at four-year doctoral universi-
ties now spend only 21 percent of their time teaching un- Another way to calculate the cost of academic research is to
dergraduates. Tenured and tenure track faculty represent by compare the average $22,325 per year cost at a four-year pub-
far the largest cost to a university, yet as a group they spend lic college versus the average $6,900 per year cost at a for-
barely 25 percent of their time teaching undergraduates. The profit college that focuses on teaching rather than scholarly
majority of undergraduate students, as many as 75 percent research. This suggests that 70 percent of the cost of the aver-

U.S Higher Education Expenditures

Teaching vs. Academic Research
Billions of Dollars per Year

Undergraduate teaching
$200 $154 $167
$150 Academic research and
$138 $125
Based on per article Based on
costs comparison to for-
profit schools

Source: U.S. Department of Education, NCES Digest of Educational Statistics


Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas? December 2008

age college degree comes from the costs of academic research Given that nearly half of the money going into higher edu-
and other inefficiencies supported by government subsidies. cation today is directed toward research, an area dominated
by tenured professors, tenure track professors, and Ph.D.
In short, we could afford to provide perhaps twice as many programs, an examination of this system is in order.
students in America with a college education if we just
reduced the wasteful spending on scholarly academic re-
search, and returned the university to its rightful mission
of teaching. THE FALSE PROMISE OF A Ph.D.
Martin Anderson, a scholar at Stanford University’s Hoover
Institution, explains some of the problems with the Ph.D.
process in many major universities that produces candidates
IS INVESTING MORE MONEY IN HIGHER EDUCATION A for tenure positions: “What [Ph.D. students] need most is
GOOD IDEA? time to pursue their advanced course work, time to master
It is generally accepted that society should invest more in their field of study, time to learn how to conduct original
our colleges and universities, but given the massive cross research, to write, and to finish a dissertation. Instead, the
subsidies that flow from dollars meant for teaching to aca- professors rob them of that time, demanding that students
demic research, is this still true? free them from much of their teaching and research respon-
Work by Dr. Richard Vedder suggests that providing more
money to higher education establishments is a bad invest- This process is expensive, for the graduate students and tax-
ment. “The notion that expanding university support is a payers. The average time to earn a Ph.D. is over eight years.
good ‘investment’ in the economy is not supported—in- State funding formulas provide over 14 times as much
deed, the results would suggest we are already ‘over invested’ funding per hour of instruction for graduate classes as for
in colleges.”21 undergraduate classes, but even this may be understating
the true cost of a Ph.D. for taxpayers, because many Ph.D.s
Vedder says the results of his study “clearly reject[s] the are taught by expensive full professors in classes of five stu-
claim that state and local spending on universities promotes dents or less.
economic growth, finding it far more likely that the reverse
is the case. The claims that more funding materially im- What Do Graduate Students Learn in the Classroom?
proves student access to college are, at the minimum, hugely Graduate students will do their coursework in seminars,
exaggerated if these results are valid.”22 classes that often have no more than a handful of students.
But what actually goes on in a seminar? John Silber, the for-
“Statistical evidence suggests that, holding other things mer president of Boston University, provides some insight
equal, there is a net out-migration from ‘university-intensive’ from his time as the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at
states into ones where less effort (measured in various ways) the University of Texas. “The teaching load of many profes-
is put into higher education.”23 sors consists solely of one or two small seminars each week,”
Silber noted, “seminars for which they rarely prepare, at
Calls for increased funding for higher education are also which they rarely do more than audit or at most comment
based on the notion that investment in academic research briefly in an atmosphere of relaxed cordiality or hostility.”26
provides better teaching for the students. Martin Anderson
challenges this assumption. “In 1987, Kenneth A. Feldman, Silber concludes: “You can learn more in two hours’ ran-
a sociologist at the State University of New York at Stony dom reading in the library than you can in a semester-long
Brook, reviewed and analyzed 42 separate studies, conduct- seminar. But if you take five or six seminar courses plus a
ed over 20 years, on the relationship between the research colloquium or two you can get to be a master of something,
productivity of professors and their effectiveness as teach- with a degree to prove it.”27
ers. The consensus of these 42 studies was stark and simple:
There was not a clearly discernible relationship between re-
search productivity and teaching skill.”24


December 2008 Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas?

Working as a Teaching or Research Assistant for Tenured An Increasingly Longer Apprenticeship

Faculty Martin Anderson believes that “the entire course of study
Martin Anderson describes how graduate students spend should normally involve no more than three or, at most,
the bulk of their time: “Graduate student apprentices per- four years beyond the baccalaureate” and adds that “the
form two critical tasks that many professors consider me- four-year norm has been affirmed by most writers who
nial, boring, or repetitive: (1) teaching undergraduates and have analyzed the situation.”32
(2) undertaking much of the drudgery of research.”28 Mar-
tin criticizes “the university practice of paying graduate stu- Yet, the average length of Ph.D. programs is well beyond
dents a pittance to teach undergraduates.”29 four years. The Survey of Earned Doctorates found that the
time taken to earn a Ph.D. in 2005 was 8.3 years.33
Former Harvard University President Derek Bok notes
that graduate students are often unprepared for teaching: According to Martin Anderson, the cost to Ph.D. candi-
“Being thrown into teaching large undergraduate courses dates is high: “The gap between what should be and what is
with little to no training is good neither for the graduate exacts a fearsome price. When young men and women are
students or the students they teach. Presidents and deans of forced to spend not three or four years, but 10, 12, or even
research universities could act more boldly by urging revi- 15 years to earn the Ph.D., the entire process becomes cor-
sions in their Ph.D. programs to include better preparation rupting. Those extra years are critical ones that are ripped
for teaching.”30 out of the productive life of young scholars. The average
graduate student is 34-years old before he or she breaks
When not working as teaching assistants, graduate stu- free of the cocoon of dependency that is the Ph.D. pro-
dents usually perform research for the tenured faculty. cess.”34
Economist Gary North explains how this benefits tenured
faculties: “The brightest graduate students may be asked to Once fully understanding the process, many graduate stu-
do unpaid or grant-paid research for senior professors. The dents quit. “Fewer than half of all students who enter Ph.D.
professors then publish the results of this research under programs ever get the degree—more than half drop out
their own names, thereby advancing their careers. It’s the along the way.”35
division of labor at work.”31
Yet universities have strong incentives to grow their gradu-
ate programs. Gary North explains: “The more Ph.D. stu-

50,000 46,024 45,596
35,000 30,000
1975 1980 1990 2000 2003 2006
Sources: NCES, Gary North, InsideHighered.com.
Ph.D.s Issued

Source: NCES, Gary North, InsideHigered.com


Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas? December 2008

dents a department can attract, the faster the growth of that William Hayes, author of So You Want to Be a College Pro-
department. This is the iron law of academia. All other eco- fessor? agrees with North. “There were almost no college
nomic laws are sacrificed for it. This fact of academic eco- teaching jobs when they finished. That was before the
nomic life creates an incentive for departments to enroll lots glut.”39 Now “an English vacancy” draws “133 candidates.”
of graduate students. It also rewards those departments that “In many disciplines, the placement rate is as low as 25 per-
persuade M.A. students to go into the Ph.D. program.”36 cent.”40 Perhaps the market has finally reached saturation, as
The more years each graduate student must spend to earn Ph.D.s issued leveled off to 45,596 in 2006.41
their Ph.D., the greater the enrollment at any given time.

Unfortunately, the reward for those who finally earn a Ph.D.

is often less than hoped for. Gary North explains the prob- THE DECLINE OF TENURE TRACK FACULTY
lem: The poor return on investment for many Ph.D. recipients—
especially in the case of teaching positions—comes about
“In response to the ever-growing glut of Ph.D.s, because of a collision of two trends in higher education: the
the American university system turned out about strong emphasis on research for tenured professors and the
30,000 Ph.D. graduates per year, 1969 to about marked decline in tenure-track positions.
1975. Since then, it has increased the output. In
1980, it was 33,615. In 1990, it was 38,371. In 2000, Tenured and tenure track faculty have consistently lost mar-
it was 44,808. In 2003, it was 46,024.”37 ket share to part-time and non-tenure track teachers on
American campuses, falling steadily from 56.8 percent of
“A ‘Ph.D. glut’ has existed ever since the fall of the faculty in 1975, to 42.4 percent in 1995, to a new low of
1969. The number of entry-level full-time profes- 35.1 percent in 2003. If the trend continues, by 2011 fewer
sorial positions has remained stagnant. Few new than 28 percent of the teachers at American universities will
universities have been constructed. Legislatures be non-tenure track or part-time adjuncts.42
have resisted additional funding. This has led to a
reduction of the number of tenure-level positions. Adjuncts and graduate students now teach most students
Universities and community colleges have been able because the tenured faculty spends so little time teaching
to staff their entry-level positions with inexpensive undergraduates. In fact, the average full professor at a research
instructors.”38 university spends 21 percent of his or her time teaching un-

60 64.9
56.8 57.6
40 43.2 42.4
OverallFaculty 35.1 31.9
1975 1995 2003 2006

TenureandTenureTrack NonͲTenure
Source: US Department of Education; AAUP website.
Source: U.S. Department of Education, AAUP website


December 2008 Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas?

Direct Teaching Costs

(Tenure/Tenure Track versus Adjunct)
The average number of classes taught by tenured and tenure
$1,787 track faculty has declined to just over three classes per year,
or less than 4.5 hours per week in the classroom. A Texas
Cost per Student per class

Performance Review found tenured and tenure track pro-
$1,200 fessors at the state’s research universities teach 1.9 courses
$1,000 per semester.46
Courses taught by a tenured or tenure track faculty member
require $1,787 in direct costs per student per class versus
$0 just $50 per student in direct teaching costs using an ad-
Tenure/tenure track Adjunct junct.† In other words, tenured and tenure track faculty are
over 30 times more expensive on a per student basis.
dergraduates, in all teaching fewer than 4.5 hours per week
each semester, despite a salary, benefits, and other university
income that averages over $150,000 per nine-month year.43 WHY DOES THE COST OF A COLLEGE EDUCATION CON-
According to the NCES, 21.7 percent of the faculty at four-
year doctoral universities do not teach a single class.44 Despite this move towards less expensive teachers, college
tuition has continued to increase at a faster pace than infla-
Because adjuncts and teaching assistants teach larger classes tion. By 2005-06, the average cost of tuition had risen to
than the average tenured or tenure track professor and often $5,491 per year at four-year state universities and to $21,235
do much of the teaching in labs and discussion sessions in per year at private four-year colleges, in both cases almost a
classes normally taught by tenured faculty, some experts es- 900 percent rise over a 30-year period.47
timate that over 75 percent of undergraduate contact hours
are taught by non-tenured faculty at some major research To make matters worse, tuition covers only a small part of
universities.* overall college costs. By some estimates, tuition provides less
than 20 percent of the total revenue for major American
It’s Simply a Matter of Economics public universities. This means that for every dollar spent by
So why are the vast majority of undergraduate students now students and parents directly, taxpayers or donors are paying
taught by non-tenure track and part-time faculty? It’s sim- another four dollars in costs.
ply a matter of economics.
One of the primary reasons college costs continue to rise is
The average adjunct teacher is paid between $1,000 and because while many tenured faculty are being replaced in
$3,000 per course and receives little to no fringe benefits. the classroom, they remain on the payroll of the universities
Some teaching assistants are paid less. The average tenured or doing research.
tenure track professor—averaging full professors with lower
paid associate and assistant professors—is paid $124,690 in
compensation and benefits for a nine-month work year45—
whether they teach many classes each year, or none.

*College administrators like to quote the “student-teacher ratio” that compares the FTE (full time equivalent) faculty to the total number of students.
This misleading statistic is used to justify hiring more tenured faculty even though it tells nothing about the average number of students in each class.
As an example, a university could double its tenured faculty and dramatically cut the student/teacher ratio, but if all these professors were dedicated to
academic research, the average class size would not change at all.

†This assumes the adjunct teaches an average of forty students per class and the average tenured and tenure track teacher an average of twenty
students per class. This is a reasonable assumption since adjuncts and teaching assistants tend to focus on larger, lower--division classes while tenured
faculty members tend to teach much smaller graduate school classes.


Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas? December 2008

Rising College Tuition Annual Cost of Higher Education

(Four Year Public College)
$6,000 $30,000

$5,000 $25,000 $23,063

Dollars per Year

Cost per year

$4,000 $20,000
$3,000 $15,000

$2,000 $10,000

19 77

19 79

19 81

19 83

19 85

19 87

19 89

19 1

19 93

19 95

19 97

20 9

20 01

20 3





- Private Public For Profit
















Source: College Board website Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

HOW TO REDUCE THE COST OF A COLLEGE EDUCATION In the spring of 2006 at UT-Austin, the average tenured
full professor taught an average of 87 undergraduates for an
The inefficiency of university governance and time spent on
average cost of $2,815 per student per class. By contrast, the
academic research make traditional universities far less effi-
average non-tenured instructor received a salary of $47,000
cient than for-profit universities, which have demonstrated
per year and taught 247 students, for an average cost per
an enviable track record of educational success for far less
student taught of $381.49
The non-tenure track faculty teach the majority of students
Business and political leaders continue to discuss reform-
at the University of Texas. They teach much less expensively
ing higher education, but are often hesitant to introduce the
and by many accounts have higher student evaluations. For
efficiencies found at for-profit universities because of the
less than 18 percent of the fully allocated teaching costs, the
threat that tenured faculty members might flee institutions
non-tenure track teaches over half of the student hours.50
that pass far-reaching reforms.
And these numbers are almost certainly weighted heavily
in the tenured faculty’s favor because they do not include
Given that up to 75 percent of lower-division undergradu-
the thousands of hours that teaching assistants spend in-
ate students are already being taught by non-tenured and
non-tenure track faculty, having non-tenured faculty simply
teach a few more classes would not represent a dramatic University of Texas
change to the university’s teaching model. However, reduc- Fully Allocated Cost per Student Taught
ing the number of tenured and tenure track professors would
have a notable impact on the costs of a college education. $2,815
Cost per student per class

$2,434 $2,374
The University of Texas is a case in point of how the cost of
the tenured faculty—and their lack of teaching productiv-
ity—affects costs. The average full professor at UT-Austin $1,500

makes $110,000 per nine-month year. Assuming the na- $1,000

tional averages for benefits and other university income, and $500
$381 $358
adding one dollar of indirect costs for every dollar of direct $0
costs to cover the cost of support staff, offices, and miscel- Full Associate Assistant Instructor Lecturer Teaching
laneous expenses, the fully allocated cost for a full professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant

is $311,000 per year.48

Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


December 2008 Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas?

structing students face-to-face in labs

and discussion sessions where a ten-
University of Texas ured faculty member is the teacher of
Tenure/Tenure Track vs Non-Tenure Track record.*
Teaching Costs
So what would happen if the tenured
100% faculty went on strike and the non-
82% tenured teachers taught all the under-
80% graduate classes? Total allocated instruc-
Hours Taught tion costs would drop by 65 percent.
60% 51% 49%
Percent of Teaching While the $5,900 per year cost to edu-
40% cate a student in a public four-year
18% Costs
20% college who is taught entirely by non-
tenured faculty is a rough estimate,
0% it compares reasonably to the $6,900
Non-tenure Track Tenured and per year cost of for-profit universities
whose instructors focus on teaching.
Tenure Track
Source: THECB
Higher education in Texas doesn’t
Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board need more money. What it needs is
to spend the money it has been given
on students instead of on the research
Annual Cost of a Four Year College Degree whims of tenured faculty.

$20,000 As the chart on the next page shows,

$17,026 the Texas Higher Education Coor-
dinating Board goal of 210,000 de-
Annual Cost

grees annually by 2015 could easily be
$12,500 achieved with today’s levels of spend-
$10,000 ing if our higher education dollars were
$6,900 spent to teach students.
One reform that should not be pur-
$2,500 sued in increasing the number of de-
Average Four For-Profit Tenured grees awarded is forcing tenured and
Year Public University Faculty on tenure track teachers to teach more.
Degree Strike While this sounds reasonable, it has
been tried before and failed.
Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

*It is important to note that all of the estimates above for the University of Texas may be heavily biased in favor of the tenured and tenure track
faculty because of incomplete and misleading reporting. According to NCES nationwide statistics, there are 300,000 TAs nationwide compared to ap-
proximately 380,000 tenured and tenure track faculty. Approximately 66 percent of these TAs nationwide are involved in teaching. At the University
of Texas, only 465 TAs were reported in the Fall of 2005 versus 1,899 tenured and tenure track faculty. Apparently, TAs who teach lab and discussion
sections for senior faculty are not always reported, thus overstating the actual number of hours taught by senior faculty. It is possible that senior
faculty only teach half or less of the hours reported above, the rest actually being taught by teaching assistants. This would mean that 75 percent
of undergraduate teaching at the University of Texas is being performed by non-tenured and/or tenure track faculty, and that the costs per student
taught per tenured/tenure track faculty are twice what is reported above.


Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas? December 2008

Degrees Awarded in Texas

Degrees per Year 250,000
170,862 60,000
150,000 135,013

50,000 92,000 92,000 92,000
Currently For-Profit Tenured THECB
faculty on 2015
strike Target

Source: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Unfortunately, forcing tenured faculty members to teach may myopic simply to wait in the hope that reform will
do more harm than good. Tenured and tenure track teachers emerge spontaneously from within.”51
are often not hired to teach, not trained to teach and many
do not like to teach. They know that their status in academia The first state that overhauls its higher education system to
depends on publishing in academic journals and will resist attract the best teachers, most productive researchers, and
any attempt to force them back into the classroom. When brightest students from around the United States, will gain
forced to teach, with no consequences for teaching poorly, a real educational advantage that will be almost impossible
many will take the path of least resistance. to overcome.

(1) Place a renewed emphasis on teaching in colleges and

The problem with higher education in Texas isn’t a lack of Set aside the majority of new tenure appointments for profes-
money, but rather an incentive system in our universities that sors who have proven that they can teach well as junior fac-
encourages the production of academic research instead of ulty members by teaching large numbers of students and
spending money on teachers, curriculums, and classrooms. receiving superior ratings on student evaluations. Though
university administrators assure us that good teaching is a
Harvard President Derek Bok calls for far-reaching reforms: necessary qualification for tenure, the evidence suggests that
“Until Ph.D. programs include a serious prepara- this isn’t true.
tion for teaching and convey a deeper understand-
ing of the complexities of student learning, facul- Prominently post all teaching evaluations at each school. We
ties will not only have little inclination to change need to celebrate extraordinary teaching and provide poor
their ways, they will not even perceive much need teachers with an incentive to improve. Prominently display-
to do so. Without more prodding and encourage- ing the teaching effectiveness scores from student evalua-
ment than they are currently receiving, presidents tions in all buildings on campus is one way to encourage
and deans are also unlikely to challenge the status faculty to improve their teaching methods.
quo. In the present environment, then, it would be


December 2008 Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas?

(2) Require all Texas colleges and universities to sign a information about the fully loaded cost per Ph.D. student,
“learning contract” with incoming students. graduation rates, and placement rates.

Our universities need to be clear about what they promise to If large numbers of graduate students are going to teach, they
deliver and sign a “learning contract” with each applicant should be trained to teach well. This should include being
that discloses: (a) the graduation rate, placement rate and mentored by a teacher who has received high student evalu-
starting salary for a student with the same SAT score and ations.
major; (b) the average class size and teaching evaluations for
the faculty who will be teaching their classes; (c) the skills, Graduate teaching assistants should be paid based on the num-
tools and lessons that the curriculum is designed to transmit, ber of students they teach and judged based on their student
and (d) how any educational value added will be measured. teaching evaluations. Those who teach well should be paid
well. Those who do not teach well should be dropped from
(3) Separate the teaching and research functions to stop the graduate programs.
massive cross-subsidies that flow from teaching and useful
scientific research to subsidize the more esoteric academic Graduate research assistants should not be required to work on
research projects unless paid by those funding the research
research favored by the tenured faculty.
projects, and any such work should be disclosed to those
paying the bill.
Pay for good teaching—whether by adjuncts, teaching assis-
tants, or tenure track faculty. Pay on a per student basis to
Graduate school tuition should better reflect the full cost of a
encourage teachers to teach as efficiently as possible. Reward
graduate education.
good teaching by paying bonuses based on student evalua-
Those applying to graduate school should receive a “learning con-
tract” from the university that discloses in detail the learn-
Encourage productive researchers by reducing the overhead
ing that will take place in class (with appropriate measure-
taken out of outside research grants and establishing inde-
ment), average time to degree, placement rates and salaries
pendently funded and organized research institutes.
on graduation, and teaching and research obligations that
will be expected.
Centralize and reduce the funding of all other academic research.
Encourage scholars either to raise funds to support such re-
Community and business leaders of Texas should partake in de-
search or to conduct it during their own time.
fining a more market-based Ph.D. system, one that clearly de-
fines and measures goals, sets incentives aligned with these
Insist that all academic research either be overseen by those fund-
goals, and fully discloses to students what they can expect
ing it and fully reimbursed or done on a faculty member’s own
to learn.
time. Each research project should be fully funded and over-
seen by the person or institution funding the research. At
the end of each year, and on final completion for each proj-
ect, customer satisfaction reports should be collected and CONCLUSION
reviewed by the board.
The evidence indicates that Texas universities and their
counterparts throughout the nation are emphasizing re-
Business leaders should reject the idea that all research and de-
search, much of which has few tangible benefits, over teach-
velopment spending is equal and hold universities accountable
ing. The significant resources that are diverted to research
for providing empirical proof of the value of each and every
that is unproductive could be used to make higher educa-
research project.
tion more affordable for students. By taking steps such as
separating research and teaching budgets and compensating
(4) Evaluate and reform the current system of Ph.D. fellowships, faculty based on the results they achieve through research
rejecting the conventional wisdom about academic research and teaching, Texas universities can produce better returns
and the promise of “free money.” for students and taxpayers. Õ
We should recognize that not all graduate programs are equally
valuable and demand that colleges and universities release


Is Academic Research a Good Investment for Texas? December 2008

National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2006 Data Update” (10 Oct. 2008) http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/nsf07331/.
Richard Vedder, “Texas Higher Education: Success or Failure?” Texas Public Policy Foundation (29 May 2008) http://www.texaspolicy.com/pdf/2008-05-RR05-highered-vedder-final.pdf.
Charles J. Sykes, “ProfScam: Professors and the Demise of Higher Education” (Washington DC: Regnery Publishing, 1988) 19.
Robert A. Nisbet, “The Degradation of the Academic Dogma” (Piscataway, New Jersey: Transactions Publishers, 1997) 98.
George Dennis O’Brien, “All the Essential Half-Truths about Higher Education” (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998) 3.
“National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2006 Data Update” (10 Oct. 2008) http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/nsf07331/.
Richard Vedder, “Going Broke by Degree, Why Colleges Cost Too Much” (Washington DC: AEI Publishers, 2004) 122.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, “Average Faculty Salaries - Texas Public Universities - FY 2006” (10 Oct. 2008) http://www.thecb.state.tx.us/Reports/.
College Board, “Trends in College Pricing 2005” (10 Oct. 2008) http://www.collegeboard.com/press/releases/48884.html.
Martin Anderson, “Impostors in the Temple, A Blueprint for Improving Higher Education in America” (Palo Alto: Hoover Press, 1996) 170.
Bernard Wysocki Jr., “Cash Injections: As Universities get Billions in Grants, Some see Abuses,” The Wall Street Journal (16 Aug. 2005) A1.
Harry R. Lewis, “Excellence Without a Soul, How a Great University Forgot Education” (Jackson, TN: Public Affairs, 2006) 9.
Ibid., 97-98.
Ibid., 101.
Ibid., 119.
Ibid., 128.
U.S. Department of Education, NCES Digest of Educational Statistics (2004) http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d04/.
Richard Vedder, “Going Broke by Degree, Why Colleges Cost Too Much” (Washington DC: AEI Publishers, 2004) 147.
Ibid., 141-142.
Ibid., xxi.
Martin Anderson, “Impostors in the Temple, A Blueprint for Improving Higher Education in America” (Palo Alto: Hoover Press, 1996) 118.
Ibid., 72.
Charles J Sykes, “ProfScam: Professors and the Demise of Higher Education” (Washington DC: Regnery Publishing, 1988) 75.
Ibid., 67.
Martin Anderson, “Impostors in the Temple, A Blueprint for Improving Higher Education in America” (Palo Alto: Hoover Press, 1996) 70.
Ibid., 67.
Derek Bok, “Our Underachieving Colleges” (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006) 340.
Gary North, “The Ph.D. Glut Revisited” (24 Jan. 2006) http://www.lewrockwell.com/north/north427.html.
Martin Anderson, “Impostors in the Temple, A Blueprint for Improving Higher Education in America” (Palo Alto: Hoover Press, 1996) 74.
The Survey of Earned Doctorates, NORC, University of Chicago (2005) 66.
Martin Anderson, “Impostors in the Temple, A Blueprint for Improving Higher Education in America” (Palo Alto: Hoover Press, 1996) 74.
Ibid., 75.
William Hayes, “So You Want to Be a College Professor” (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Education Press, 2003) 150.
“More Doctors of Philosophy and Science” Inside Higher Ed (21 Nov. 2007) http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2007/11/21/phds.
American Association of University Professors, “Background Facts on Contingent Faculty” (10 Oct. 2008) http://www.aaup.org/Issues/Contingent/Ptfacts.htm.
U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, “NSOPF: 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty,” (Washington: GPO, 2004).
American Association of University Professors, “The Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession 2005-06,”Academe March-April 2006.
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Workload Issues and Measures of Faculty Productivity by Barbara K. Townsend and Vicki J. Rosser, and Legislative Budget Board.
College Board, “Trends in College Pricing 2005” (10 Oct. 2008) http://www.collegeboard.com/press/releases/48884.html.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, “Average Faculty Salaries - Texas Public Universities - FY 2004” (10 Oct. 2008) http://www.thecb.state.tx.us/Reports/.
Derek Bok, “Our Underachieving Colleges” (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006) 324.


About the Author

Rick O’Donnell is president of the Acton Foundation for Entrepreneurial Excellence, which creates and distributes
cutting-edge entrepreneurship curricula, including case courses, sim games and Socratic teaching tools. Its curriculum
is fully implemented at the affiliated Acton School of Business, an intense, one-year entrepreneurial MBA like no
other. For the fifth year in a row, the Princeton Review’s Best Business Schools rank Acton as #2 “classroom experience,”
#3 “best professors” and #3 “most competitive students” in the country.

Previously, O’Donnell served in the Cabinet of Colorado’s Governor as Executive Director of the Colorado Department of
Higher Education. The Department oversees all 29 public institutions of higher education in the state that cumulatively
enroll nearly 270,000 students. His accomplishments included implementing the first voucher of higher education
funding in the country, establishing the nation’s leading performance accountability contracts for colleges and
universities, and launching the largest effort in state history to expand college access for under-served and
under-represented students.

About the Texas Public Policy Foundation

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-partisan research institute guided by the core
principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, private property rights, free markets,
and limited government.

The Foundation’s mission is to lead the nation in public policy issues by using Texas as a model for reform. We seek to
improve Texas by generating academically sound research and data on state issues, and recommending the findings to
policymakers, opinion leaders, the media, and general public.

The work of the Foundation is primarily conducted by staff analysts under the auspices of issue-based policy centers.
Their work is supplemented by academics from across Texas and the nation.

Funded by hundreds of individuals, foundations, and corporations, the Foundation does not accept government funds
or contributions to influence the outcomes of its research.

The public is demanding a different direction for their government, and the Texas Public Policy Foundation is providing
the ideas that enable policymakers to chart that new course.

900 Congress Ave., Suite 400 | Austin, Texas 78701 | (512) 472-2700 phone | (512) 472-2728 fax | www.TexasPolicy.com
March 25, 2011

Dear Regent Hall:

I‟ve been thinking about our several discussions regarding the accuracy of claims made about my
stance on university research. I appreciate your interest and have been delighted to answer your
questions. Please let me elaborate a bit on what we have talked about.

Based on recent news coverage, it is clear that most people have focused on one or two white papers
I wrote a number of years ago. That‟s understandable, especially since those papers represent not
only a small slice of life but a slice from an environment designed to stimulate dialogue and
encourage debate. However, there is also the evidence from my actual work in higher education
where my words and deeds clearly reflect my positive views about the role of research in the
university and the role of the research university in higher education in America.

When I served as Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Higher Education, I was
always a strong proponent of university-based research – both basic research and applied research.
In fact, during my career in Colorado state government, I advocated for and assisted in the passage
of financing for Colorado to build its new premier biosciences research center, the University of
Colorado Health Science Center at Fitzsimmons. At the time, I was recognized by the President of
the University of Colorado for the role I played in securing the Governor‟s support for debt
financing for this massive project of hospitals, research labs, classrooms and adjacent private sector
research park. My opportunity to help move this state-of-the-art health science center from the
drawing board to reality was then and continues today as a source of enormous pride and a
satisfying example of the many delights of public service.

Throughout my career in senior positions in Colorado state government I was always a strong
supporter of investments in science and technology institutions and programs. I was honored to
serve as chairman of the Colorado Institute of Technology, a public-private partnership to advance
undergraduate and graduate STEM education. My fellow board members, composed of the
presidents of every public and private research university in Colorado and high technology CEOs,
unanimously elected me to serve as chairman due to my commitment to the mission and ability to
advance it with both public and private sector leaders.

The white papers at the center of recent attention have been used to suggest I don‟t value university-
based research. In fact, I wrote the white papers to initiate a discussion about approaches to
assessing the value of research. That is the role of a white paper at any think tank, including the
Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF). As a Senior Fellow at TPPF (an unremunerated honorific
post), it was my responsibility to produce thought-provoking analytical pieces to advance a line of
reasoning to further debate and discussion on important issues. I decided to focus on ways of
measuring the productivity of dollars invested in research because I knew from experience that
many state legislators and governors raise questions about investments in research and how those
investments affect a university‟s teaching, training and public service functions. It was also my
responsibility in those papers to offer public policy options that are an outgrowth of the line of
reasoning put forward.

I knew my white papers would be controversial. The purpose, after all, was to generate debate. I
knew the application of cost-benefit measures would both spotlight the value as well as the
limitations of that methodology as well as point to areas where we need better measures of benefits.
I think my papers did that. Too often in cost-benefit analysis we measure what we can (i.e., where
data are available) rather than measure what is important – like the old story of the guy looking for
the keys to his car under the street light because that‟s where the light is. So, for example, I looked at
the return on scientific research as measured by available data – such as income royalties and
licenses on patents. Are these adequate measures of the contribution of research to university-based
innovation? No, I don‟t think so. But this is what budget analysts will measure in the absence of
other indicators.

I think my papers show clearly that we may be spending too much time under the street light – and
that, indeed, measures of what is important are sadly missing. For instance, there is evidence that
involving freshmen in research with primary investigators increases student engagement and
retention. These are valuable outcomes and thus it is worth creating metrics to evaluate how many
freshmen contact hours there are with primary investigators, if the trends are going up or down, if
student engagement and retention differs by discipline or type of research with which they are
involved, and what the costs are for these efforts. Measures such as these will provide guidance on
how to craft strategies with the greatest cost-benefit for students and research.

There are many ways to measure and value research beyond that done in my white papers. Research
capacity may attract technology-based companies and promote economic growth – one of the very
reasons I supported the creation of the Fitzsimmons Health Science Center referenced above.
Another value of research is that, particularly via graduate education, it helps prepare the next
generation of researchers who, in the private sector, will conduct the vast majority of research done
in America. But most of these lack ready metrics.

I hope my white papers and the discussions they have generated (including those over the past few
weeks) will help produce new indicators and new measures that will make it possible for taxpayers,
legislators, governors, university chancellors, deans, department chairs and institute directors to
develop a more valid dashboard of performance measures and thereby arm leaders at every level
with the information they need to be better allocators and managers of scarce resources.

But, when all is said and done, it is clear that the public through their elected officials will, whether
we like it or not, increasingly demand that we justify the way we allocate taxpayer funds that support
higher education. They have a right and responsibility to do so and those of us in the university
have an obligation to provide clear answers to questions that are being asked – especially if budget
cuts require a reassessment of priorities and a reallocation of resources. My papers at TPPF, which
are now so controversial, are one of many ongoing efforts to show the need for more refined ways
to assess the value of the state‟s investment in higher education. I am not the first to do this. In
fact, I quote many leading academicians who have raised and are raising similar questions. Nor will I
be the last. I think that many in leadership positions at every level in the U.T. System and its
campuses are to be commended for seeing the need to get a better handle on how we allocate higher
education dollars, not the least because there are inevitably going to be fewer dollars to allocate.

Put another way, it‟s clear that research investments to facilitate student engagement and retention,
advance knowledge, promote economic development or job training will not be free from
accountability, including closer examination of their costs and benefits. For instance, Charles O.
Holliday Jr., an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering, former CEO of DuPont,
and now chair of the National Research Council‟s Committee on Research Universities, a panel of
22 university and corporate leaders formed at the request of members of Congress to examine the
financial, organizational and intellectual health of the U.S. research university, said, according to
news reports, that “he wanted ways of measuring „the productivity of research universities.‟ It
wasn‟t clear he‟d be getting answers.” At the same meeting, M. Peter McPherson, president of the
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities “at one point mused about the value of
developing hard figures on the cost of producing a graduate student. Mr. Berdahl [president of the
American Association of Universities] answered, „I‟m not sure we want to call attention to that.‟”

Whether we want the attention or not, it seems clear that questions on productivity, efficiency and
accountability for our research universities and research expenditures are being asked. These
questions may be controversial to some and seem to challenge the status quo, but they are raised
from time to time, even within the scientific community. Not only have I been an agent of higher
education reform as a state leader, I am very well acquainted with the literature. As long ago as the
early 1970s, the National Science Foundation and others wrestled with if there should be an explicit
focus on funding “research for national needs” and just how to evaluate that. Simply typing
“research funding accountability” into Google yields millions of links to studies, books and
conferences where others have raised similar issues for decades.

In a nutshell, I understand and support the value of research, including basic research, and the
central role of research universities in the science and technology eco-system that is the backbone of
America‟s economic role in the world. I also am unafraid to look at the data, ask hard questions
around productivity, cost-benefits and accountability because I think it is possible to measure the
value of research to our common weal. Perhaps the best sense of my overall approach to research is
what I said on my feet earlier this year as moderator of a panel discussion, where I mentioned that
research is an integral part of the university and economic resources of the state. You may watch
the short clip of my remarks here: http://vimeo.com/21526494.

Let me conclude by quoting a recent remark of U.T. Austin President William Powers Jr. “We are
committed to inventing and reinventing what it means to be a great public university. We want to
make sure that we do it in a way that also advances great public research.” I am in total alignment
with President Powers‟ comments. I believe that process of reinvention requires us to ask hard
questions that may challenge the status quo as we are held accountable for outcomes. That, after all,
is how any great organization, including public universities, continually improve.

I hope this letter provides some context and helps clarify my views on the value of research and the
research university. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Like you, I look forward to strengthening the teaching, research and public service commitments of
the University of Texas System and its intuitions.


Rick O‟Donnell

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