SCPWD Hearing Ipairment

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Skill Council For Persons With Disability

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Definition: Hearing Impairment

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016

defines as:
C. Hearing Impairment:
a) "Deaf" means persons having 70 DB hearing loss in
speech frequencies in both ears;

b) "Hard of Hearing" means person having 60 DB to 70 DB

hearing loss in speech frequencies in both ears;

D. Speech and Language Disability:

Speech and Language Disability means a permanent
disability arising out of conditions such as laryngectomy or
aphasia affecting one or more components of speech and
language due to organic or neurological causes.
Severity of Hearing Impairment

The hearing sensitivity is measured in dB (HL) at frequencies

from 250Hz to 8000 Hz, important for understanding the
speech. The degree of hearing impairment in dB (HL) is
calculated by averaging the hearing thresholds at 500Hz
,1kHz, 2kHz obtained from pure tone audiometer. Hearing
impairment may be Various degrees.
Severity of Hearing Impairment

a) Mild Hearing Loss (26 to 40 dB (HL): A person with mild

haring loss may have trouble in hearing and understanding
soft speech in a background of noise.
b) Moderate Hearing Loss (41 to 55 dB (HL): The person may
have difficulty in hearing conversational speech.
c) Moderately Severe Hearing Loss (56 to 70 dB (HL):
Persons with moderately severe hearing loss may have
difficulty in hearing conversational speech even at close
d) Severe Hearing Loss (70 to 90 dB (HL): They may only
hear loud environmental sounds.
e) Profound hearing loss (91 dB (HL and above): Persons
with profound hearing loss may only hear very loud
environment sounds.
Equipment & Assistive devices

List of the equipment, assistive devices and aids for

person with hearing impairment:
• Assistive Aid/Service
• Ai-Live
• Captions First
• Captions 2020
• Closed Capp
• Lets Talk
• Google Now for Android,
• Siri for Apple IOS
Sign language

Sign language
A system of communication using visual gestures and signs,
as used by deaf people. A sign language (also
signed language) is a language which chiefly uses manual
communication to convey meaning, as opposed to
spoken language. Wherever communities of deaf people
exist, sign languages have developed, and are at the cores of
local deaf cultures. Sign language is not a representation of
the spoken language on the hands. It is a complete language
in itself!
Indian Sign Language

It is a language which talk with help of hands

movements, body parts and facial expression. Indian
Sign language is commonly used sign
language among deaf people in India. Each country
has its own sign language with its own vocabulary
and grammar. In India, we have an Indian Sign
Indian Sign Language Interpreter (ISL)

• A sign language interpreter needs to fully

understand the subject at hand and be able to
accurately translate the information to the recipient.
• Not only are excellent skills in both sign language
and the English/Hindi/Local language necessary,
but listening and communication skills are
• A good memory is equally important, since the
interpreter will need to remember what is being
said in detail in order to translate the information
The Role of Sign Language Interpreter

A sign language interpreter is someone, who bridges the

communication barrier between hearing people and hearing
impaired or deaf individuals, by converting spoken language
into sign language.
• A sign language interpreter is someone, who helps hearing
impaired or deaf individuals understand a spoken language
by converting it into sign language.
• Interpreters are needed in both one-on-one situations, as
well as group settings.
• This service is needed in a variety of settings, such as the
performing arts, schools, hospitals, court rooms, law offices,
the government etc.

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