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Sr. No.

Questions Option A B C D Ans

1 Periodical medical examination is carried out for ev3 years 5 years 6 years 4 years B
2 The remunaration for the members of the committ Central GState GovThe mininNone A
3 The periodical medical examamination is not applypermane TempararCasual baboth 2 an D
4 The workman inspector shall be employed if the nu 500 1500 1000 100 A
5 The number of members are nominated in the saf 5 10 13 15 C
6 The safety committee shall meet atleast once in? 15 days 7 days 6 months 30 days D
7 The quantity of drinking water to be provided in a m1 lit 2 lit 3 lit 4 lit B
8 The drinking water shall be cooled mechanically or 50 100 150 250 B
9 The vessals where water is stored if the water is n every day2 days 5 days 6 days A
10 The scale of latrine accommodation shall be atleas 25 50 100 150 B
11 If the number of males employed in the mine is 25 4 5 6 7 C
12 Every latrine shall be white washed once atleast in 3 months 6 months 4 months 12 month C
13 The first aid room shall have a floor space of not le10 sq.m 14 sq.m 20 sq.m 18 sq.m A
14 A day of rest for any person shall mean a period(w2 days 24 conse 24 non co36 hours B
15 Workman's inspector comes by? Election DeputatioSelection NominatioD
16 At every mine where more than ...persons are ord 50 25 75 100 A
17 Register of employes;termination of employment;n FORM A FORM B FORM C FORM D B
18 Register of leave wages during year is maintained FORM F FORM G FORM H FORM I C
19 No adult shall work above ground ina mine for mor36 hours 24 hours 48 hours 60 hours C
20 The over time wages are ....of ordinary wage rate?equal twice thrice half B
21 Maximum maternity leave allowed is? 4 weeks 6 weeks 9 weeks 12 weeks D
22 The maximum working hours in a day is? 6 hours 8 hours 9 hours 12hours C
23 No woman shall be employed in any mine above g 6 AM to 75 AM to 66 AM to 65 AM to 7A
24 The penalty for giving fake fitness certificate is? 500 Rs 1000 Rs 100 Rs 200 Rs D
25 Adult means a person who has completed? 16 th yea 18 th yea 20 year 23 year B
26 Reportable injury means any injury which involves 24 hours 36 hours 72 hours 144 hour C
27 Any injury which involves the permanant loss of an Minor injuReportab Fatal inju Serious b D
28 Mines Act,1952 not to apply in the extraction of? Laterite Limeston Ordinary All the ab D
29 The drinking water points shall not be situated with6 m 15m 10m 12 m A
30 No person below.....years of age shall be allowed t 16 18 20 23 B
31 A person appointed to superinted the lowering andBanksma Onsetter Trammer Insetter A
32 A competent person means he is attained the age 18 years 16 years 20 years 23 years C
33 Every depillaring district shall be inspected ..........?on every once in 7 once in 1 on every D
34 Accident due to roof fall may be caused by- improper improper geologicaall of the D
35 Accident due to firedamp explosion can be preven not allowi by using wby increa by dressi B
36 In case of C.I or R.I fails to inspect the place of acc24 hours 36 hours 48 hours 72 hours D
37 The average rate of accident is more in CMore in Msame in Cnone of thA
38 What are the features of good wage system- it should workers sskilled woall of the D
39 which of the following is not a trade union of MiningAITUC BMS INTUC BJP D
40 Stopping of work by body of persons employed in lockouts strikes layoffs all of the B
41 The blasting which is done in the face without givinCut blasti Solid blascontrolledsecondar B
42 In case of misfire, releaving hole should be drilled 30 cm 25 cm 50 cm 30 m A
43 Who frame the systematic support rule Asst. ManSafety mamanager Sirdar C
44 Inspection of all entrances of the mine is done onc A day 7 days 14 days 30 days B
45 Examination of air crossings;ventilation stoppings s7 days 14 days 30 days 60 days B
46 FAB is prepared - as near a at the sur in the seanear the A
47 Which of the following instrument should be presenRescue a Gas dete First aid aall of the D
48 In case any member of rescue team feels discomf rescur woonly that whole teatwo persoC
49 Inspection of all entrances of the mine is done onc a day 7 days 14 days 30 days B
50 Winding rope shall be test once in ...? a day 7 days 14 days 30 days D
51 In case of C.I or R.I fails to inspect the place of acc24 hours 36 hours, 48 hours 72 hours D
52 ndirect loss is ....times more than the direct loss du 1 2 3 4 D
53 Concillation officer shall send a report to govt. with 7 14 30 60 B
54 The termination of the services of a worker by way Retrench lockout dismissal layoff C
55 Every worker has to go vocational training once in 3 5 6 4 B
56 After 1957, coal mines regulations is updated on- 27th Nov. 17th Nov. 26th Nov 07th Nov A
57 The most important function of the management isOrganisa Planning staffing Controllin A
58 Lockout shall not declare during a pending of conc 7 days 14 days 30 days 40 days A
59 Minimum number of persons to form the trade unio 5 6 7 8 C
60 No programme of safety can be successful unless assistanc assistanc Internal s private saC
61 The protective footwear shall be supplied at interva3 months 1 year 2 years 6 months D
62 The shot firer shall carefully test for inflammable g 12 m 18 m 22 m 25 m B
63 No solid blasting shall be done when a geological d 0.30% 0.50% 0.80% 1% B
64 The mine air shall be tested for percentage of CO 7 days 15 days 30 days 60 days A
65 The cogging members shall be not less than 2.5 m 1.8 m 1.5 m 1.2 m D
66 No workings shall be made and no work of extract 30 m 45 m 100 m 60 m B
67 During depillaring the pillar shall be splitted upto m 2 3 4 6 C
68 No gallery in a seam or section shall exceed atleas3 m 2.5 m 4.8 m 5.5 m C
69 No gallery in a seam or section shall exceed atleas3 m 2.5 m 4.8 m 5.5 m A
70 No road for trucks and dumper shall have a gradie 1 in 6 1 in 7 1 in 10 1 in 14 D
71 Every traveling roadway shall be not less than atle 1.2m 1.5 m 1.8 m 2.5 m C
72 The distance between the runaway switch and sto 10 m 5m 15 m 20 m A
73 In signalling the code for raise the cage is ? 1 rap 2 raps 3 raps 4 raps A
74 There shall be atleast .....turns of the rope on the d 2 3 4 5 A
75 Financial year of the mine means period of 12 mon31 dec to 1st day a 1 st day j none B
76 As per CMR the retirement age of a person emplo 60 years 62 years 58 years 55 years A
77 Which of the following is not a reason of accident- misadvendrinking wlack of su fault of coB
78 Accident due to overhead lines are categorised in- accident accident daccident combusti C
79 Accident due to blown out shots are categorised in accident accident daccident combusti A
80 Explosion in mines are caused due to- naked fla defective nuisance all of the D
81 the water danger plan shall be updated- before ra before su only in Feonce in a A
82 the lowest part of the mine entrances shall be ……5m 3m 15m 7m B
83 HFL stands for High FluoHighest fl High Floonone of thC
84 Flame safety lamp should be kept at- Floor roof middle any wher C
85 No coal winning machinery shall operate at the fac 0.50% 1% 1.20% 5% A
86 shotfiring should be done by shotfirer competanboth A & only A C
87 Blasting in OCM shall be done during nigduring da at evenin at any timB
88 Through the haulage roadway any persoonly mineonly haul the perso D
89 who among the following comes under category of sirdar overman Asst. manall of the C
90 which of the following is not a safety drive? learning sgiving vocdisplay la non of theD
91 A compansation paid by an employer to an employmoney exwages bonus all of the B
92 Skilled labour shall give………….wages than unski more less same not justify A
93 the work of the trade union is- generate taking safmake impmake unf C
94 who among the following comes under category of safety off asst man Mining Si all of the C
95 A manager orderd to shift incharge to make 50T mit a autho it is a res both A & neither A C
96 CIL is an example of line organfunctiona committe project or A
97 the strike in which strikers lay down their tools is a-stay awaytoken or ptools dowwild cat s C
98 the first step after stoping of main mechanical vent preparingremoving fan attendsafety off C
99 The blasting in development gallery without giving Cut blasti blasting insolid blas pre splitinC
100 air within 4.5m of face shall not less than 200 m3/m384 m3/m284 m3/m6 m3/min C

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