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Question A B C D Ans
1 Grab sampling consists in- picking pieces picking pieces picking pieces picking pieces B
2 The spacing of the trenches pits and boreholes dethe length of th the modes of o the depth of th the outcrops of A
3 For determining moisture percentage, this is one oassay samplinggrab sampling table sampling coning and qua B
4 This is an old cornish method often used to dividin Jones riffle coning and quaXRF analysis on-stream ana B
5 types of primary crushers are Jaw crusher Gyratory crush cone crusher both A & B D
6 Types of secondary crushers Cone crusher Roll crushers gyratory crusheboth A & B D
7 which company in India produces Magnese ore SAIL MOIL CIL HCL B
8 The industrial growth of country is supported by agriculture fishing mining none c
9 The ore of aluminium is sulpjur salt baureite none c
10 Anthracite is the ore of iron coal gold none b
11 underground mining is expensive cheap cost free none a
12 The extraction of mineral from the earth is called lumbering mining queening none b
13 one of the power resources is thorium asbestos aluminum none a
14 the vertical opening in the mine, which serve as a shaft adits crosscuts none a
15 longwall method is- generally appli applied th chickapplied to deepapplied to very d
16 which of the following is not a type of surface mine quarry open pit shaft surface oil c
17 how do we return land used for mining to its origin by reclamationby pollution by stripping by recycling a
18 the best coal suitable for production of energy is bituminous anthracitre lignite peat b
19 the coal with the highest ash content is- steam coal lignite coking coal bituminous co c
20 on which factor does the calorific value of coal dep moisture contevoluble matter sixe of coal pa ash content d
21 what is the percentage of ash content in Indian co 5% 30% 10% 20% d
22 what is pulverized coal? coal from freshNON SMOOTHcoal which burn coal broken in d
23 how do the non-coking coals are subjected to cons by washing by blending by surfing by sizing d
24 how is sizing of coal processed by the wright mby the mash o by crushing &s by froth floatati c
25 by which process does the imparities of coal are g wet washing screening proc blending sorting a
26 froth quotation process is used for- mining of coal sueening of co benefication of dewatering of c b
27 what is the main purpose for a blending of coal to produce gooto decrease co to produce mo to produce diffe a
28 when coal burns in the air then - carbon dioxidehydrogen gas i carbon monoxi sulphur dioxide a
29 an example of fossil fuel is - animal waste wood coal dug these c
30 which of the following is the best quality of coal - peat lignite bituminous anthracite d
31 In India which type of coal is found in abundance peat lignite bituminous anthracite b
32 the mill which accepts the lowest size of feed is rod mill ball mill autogeneous mnone of the ab d
33 to separate two finely divided solids from one anot flotation washing jigging none of the ab a
34 the method of separation of two or more of mineraflotation sieving washing HMS d
35 as the ball load increases , the energy consumed decreases increases first increases first decreases d
36 the path of a typical ball mill is circular elliptical parabolic partly circular a d
37 when the particles of same or different specific grastratification hindered settlinconsolidation trdifferential acc d
38 Froth flotation is used in ore treatment plant to septwo minerals in mineral and gu none of the abboth a and b a
39 Hydrocyclones are used in ore treatment plant to scoarse and finemineral and gu concrete and t none of the ab a
40 Magnetic separation is a dry method an wet method combination o none of the ab c
41 the grade which is available from the property afte computed gradeffective grade run of mine grapit head grade c
42 when the material colleced to represent a rock typ specimen sample both specimen quantative spe c
43 coning and quatering is a mining methoa mining methoa method emp a cutting and fi c
44 the purpose of the bulk sampling of the coal is - to study the wato study the ca to study the mefor grading pur d
45 we can reduce the energy requirement in commin using corrugatechemical additi increasing the none of the ab b
46 In this method the particle size of the ore is progre crushing tumbling comminution grinding c
47 comminution mechanism is influenced by the surface ar the probability that most of thenone of the ab d
48 the method of separation of two or more of mineraflotation washing jigging heavy media s d
49 Mineral/coal processsing is adopted to ....... Valua recover extract enrich all as stated d
50 from the ore the process of liberation of the valua concentration sorting comminution oxidation c
51 In this method of separation optical and radioactivfroth flotation sorting guage clearanccrushing b
52 the below mentioned method the method of gravi forth floatation jigging spiral classifier duopactor b
53 which of the following properties are utilized in fort specific gravity viscosity differences in pparticle temper c
54 forth floatation technique is based on to create differ to create differ to rendere the deactivate the c
55 In this method of concentration by the degree of a froth flotation sorting magnetic sepa refraction a
56 a method of separation dependent on electrical co universal sepa high tension seleaching gravity separat b
57 In this method of separation the difference in elect sorting gravity separat froth flotation electrostatic se d
58 the main factor affecting the capacity of this crusheGyratory jaw roll none a
59 The three types of feeding aggrangement are (a) Gyratory ball mill jaw crusher none b
60 Mesh is defined as the 'number of openings per li mm inch cm none b
61 100mesh means........openings in a linear inch 120 100 150 17 b
62 These are called ....... And the process is called ... jig,jigging separator, sepacrusher, crushi conveyor, con a
63 This is a reagent used in flotation process collectors pH regulators frothers all these d
64 Black and dodge are relate to which type of crushe gyratory cone jaw roll c
65 jaw crushers have- two plates ope jaws are at at ajaws are fixed t none of the ab a
66 selection of crusher is done on the basis of particleshape specific gravity size percentage of c
67 reduction ratio increases with smaller size of larger size of c size of ore as i size is immater a
68 jaw crushers are classified on the basis of- throw point pitman pivot point input point c
69 set of a jaw crusher dictates on discharge size resistance timeflocculation tim feed size a
70 The material used for the costruction of jaws of crualloy cast steel ceramics plastic pvc material a
71 The maximum feed size in secondary crusher is- 5cm 15cm 30cm 60cm b
72 the capital cost of roll crusher is the highest of all crolls are driven a number of hovery large rolls none ofthe abo c
73 This do not influence in the grinding within a tumbl size quantity shape type of motion c
74 this is an efficient screening system dry screening damp screenin screening of th wet screening d
75 the fine product from claassification is known as slack slimes tramp pulp b
76 which of the following is the widely used method fosedimentation grinding elutriation test sieving d
77 The sieve range is selected on the basis of no more than 1no more than 5sieve ranges c such that centr b
78 mechanical classifier is a type of hydrocyclone vertical current horizontal curremulti-spigot hy c
79 Indian coal is difficult to wash due to presence of high ash perce high near grav high moistre pehigh volatile ma b
80 beneficiation of Indian bituminous coal helps in- increasing hea decreasing the reduces the as all the above d
81 This type of fuel is not being washed to improve helignite bituminous coaanthracite coking coal a
82 discounted cash flow techniques, include net present val Internal rate of profitability indeall of the above d
83 Pay back period is calculated taking into account initial investme annual cash in present value none of the ab a
84 value of bulking factor is 0 0.5 1 more than 1 d
85 It is the part of cost of the fixed asset to owner whi fixed capital depreciatiion liabiliyy depletion allow b
86 The ratio of current assets to current liability is knoquick ratio assessment ra liquidity profit ratio c
87 which of the following is in vogue to calculating depbudgeting cont straight-line meindustries sickncosst control re b
88 In sampling, a part is collected to represent the tot variance distribution population deposition c
89 Which of the following smaplig technique is followechip sampling borehole samp bulk sampling grab sampling d
90 When the occurrence of mineral (e.g. Rare mineranormal distribu skewed distribulognormal distr poisson distribu d
91 The point beyond which the mineral/coal not be ecstripping ratio cos of strippingbreak-even rat limit of extractio c
92 The current OMS is indian underground coal mine 0.56 0.96 1.46 2 a
93 It is one of the capital budgeting projext indicating net present val payback periodinternal rate of cash flow perio b
94 Disturbance and displacement of fauna is mainly c noise air contaminati siting and reag acid drainage c
95 which of the following action minimizes the negativ internal monito compensation R&R(rehabilita infrastructural a c
96 restoration, reclamation and rehabilition of land sh after abandoni before abando before handingprior opening u b
97 Due to which of the following operation road , railwextensive mininunorganized m acid mie drainasubsidence d
98 which of the following has undergone the most proalloy rock metal ore c
1 What is the long form of IBM? When it was establisIndian Bureau Indias bureau oIndian blasting none of the ab A
2 The arrangement made by the government in ordenational minerageological surv CMPDIL non of the abo A
3 If the reserve is estimated on sufficient data then i Proved reserveProbable reser Possible reservInferred reserv A
4 The act of rising the value of sample about that of sampling salting grading sorting B
5 Adding of high grade sample to low grade sample grade increme intentional salti Unintentional s erroretic saltingB
b. Raw c. Finished Consumable
6 Which of the following is not an inventory? a. Machines material products tools A
The following classes of costs are usually a. Cost of b. Carrying c. Cost of d. Machining
7 involved in inventory decisions except ordering cost shortages cost D
a. Economic a. Inventory
order carrying
quantity has costs a. Ordering
minimum increases cost
total cost per with quantity decreases a. All of the
8 Which of the following is true for Inventory corder per order with lo size above D
9 Grab sampling consists in- picking pieces picking pieces picking pieces picking pieces B
10 The spacing of the trenches pits and boreholes dethe length of th the modes of o the depth of th the outcrops of A
11 For determining moisture percentage, this is one oassay samplinggrab sampling table sampling coning and qua B
12 types of primary crushers are Jaw crusher Gyratory crush cone crusher both A & B D
13 Types of secondary crushers Cone crusher Roll crushers gyratory crusheboth A & B D
14 which company in India produces Magnese ore SAIL MOIL CIL HCL B
15 The industrial growth of country is supported by agriculture fishing mining none c
16 The ore of aluminium is sulpjur salt baureite none c
17 Anthracite is the ore of iron coal gold none b
18 The extraction of mineral from the earth is called lumbering mining queening none b
19 the vertical opening in the mine, which serve as a shaft adits crosscuts none a
20 which of the following is not a type of surface mine quarry open pit shaft surface oil c
21 how do we return land used for mining to its origin by reclamationby pollution by stripping by recycling a
22 the best coal suitable for production of energy is bituminous anthracitre lignite peat b
23 the coal with the highest ash content is- steam coal lignite coking coal bituminous co c
24 on which factor does the calorific value of coal dep moisture contevoluble matter sixe of coal pa ash content d
25 what is the percentage of ash content in Indian co 5% 30% 10% 20% d
26 how do the non-coking coals are subjected to cons by washing by blending by surfing by sizing d
27 how is sizing of coal processed by the wright mby the mash o by crushing &s by froth floatati c
28 by which process does the imparities of coal are g wet washing screening proc blending sorting a
29 froth quotation process is used for- mining of coal sueening of co benefication of dewatering of c b
30 an example of fossil fuel is - animal waste wood coal dug these c
31 which of the following is the best quality of coal - peat lignite bituminous anthracite d
32 the mill which accepts the lowest size of feed is rod mill ball mill autogeneous mnone of the ab d
33 Froth flotation is used in ore treatment plant to septwo minerals in mineral and gu none of the abboth a and b a
34 Magnetic separation is a dry method an wet method combination o none of the ab c
35 the grade which is available from the property afte computed gradeffective grade run of mine grapit head grade c
36 when the material colleced to represent a rock typ specimen sample both specimen quantative spe c
37 coning and quatering is a mining methoa mining methoa method emp a cutting and fi c
38 the purpose of the bulk sampling of the coal is - to study the wato study the ca to study the mefor grading pur d
39 In this method the particle size of the ore is progre crushing tumbling comminution grinding c
40 the below mentioned method the method of gravi forth floatation jigging spiral classifier duopactor b
41 which of the following properties are utilized in fort specific gravity viscosity differences in pparticle temper c
42 forth floatation technique is based on to create differ to create differ to rendere the deactivate the c
43 In this method of concentration by the degree of a froth flotation sorting magnetic sepa refraction a
44 the main factor affecting the capacity of this crusheGyratory jaw roll none a
45 The three types of feeding aggrangement are (a) Gyratory ball mill jaw crusher none b
46 Mesh is defined as the 'number of openings per li mm inch cm none b
47 These are called ....... And the process is called ... jig,jigging separator, sepacrusher, crushi conveyor, con a
48 jaw crushers have- two plates ope jaws are at at ajaws are fixed t none of the ab a
49 selection of crusher is done on the basis of particleshape specific gravity size percentage of c
50 the capital cost of roll crusher is the highest of all crolls are driven a number of hovery large rolls none ofthe abo c
51 this is an efficient screening system dry screening damp screenin screening of th wet screening d
52 the fine product from claassification is known as slack slimes tramp pulp b
53 The sieve range is selected on the basis of no more than 1no more than 5sieve ranges c such that centr b
54 mechanical classifier is a type of hydrocyclone vertical current horizontal curremulti-spigot hy c
55 Indian coal is difficult to wash due to presence of high ash perce high near grav high moistre pehigh volatile ma b
56 beneficiation of Indian bituminous coal helps in- increasing hea decreasing the reduces the as all the above d
57 Pay back period is calculated taking into account initial investme annual cash in present value none of the ab a
58 It is the part of cost of the fixed asset to owner whi fixed capital depreciatiion liabiliyy depletion allow b
59 which of the following is in vogue to calculating depbudgeting cont straight-line meindustries sickncosst control re b
60 Which of the following smaplig technique is followechip sampling borehole samp bulk sampling grab sampling d
61 The point beyond which the mineral/coal not be ecstripping ratio cos of strippingbreak-even rat limit of extractio c
62 which of the following action minimizes the negativ internal monito compensation R&R(rehabilita infrastructural a c
63 restoration, reclamation and rehabilition of land sh after abandoni before abando before handingprior opening u b
64 which of the following has undergone the most proalloy rock metal ore c
65 How many minerals in India produced by Small sc 5 54 68 14 B
66 What is the reason behind Small scale mining? Less availabilit less capital avamineral not so all the above D
67 India's rank in the production of Iron ore. 1 2 3 4 D
68 In which policy of national mineral policy, foreign inClosed door poopen door policboth none A
69 In sampling records, which of the following is recordate& Time of size of the samtype of samplinall of the above D
70 what precautions should be taken against salting? it should be do it must be conssamples must all of the above D
71 mine valuation means- finding out the finding out the finding out the finding out the A
72 What is the purpose of mine valuation? to find out whe to find out the l to find out the pnone of the ab A
73 Which of the following is not a factor in valuations?profit revenue cost none D
74 The treatment in which the grade of the ore is incr jigging ore dressing ore crushing ore treatment B
75 the material which is required for the making of fin inprocess invenfinished inventoraw inventoriesindirect invento C
76 the final product made in an organization which is inprocess invenfinished inventoraw inventoriesindirect invento B
77 What is the principle of inventory control- never run out onever have too purchase mate all of the above D
78 Duties of store keeper is to make availa manage all in cnever allow an all of the above D
79 In case of ABC analysis, A stands for- the items high the items low v the items medi non of the abo A
80 ABC analysis helps the management to- keep comand okeep data of th keep careful m none of the ab C
81 Environmental management plan (EMP) does not EIA ( environm forest clearanc pollution controNone of the ab B
82 Mine closer plan shall be prepared- after reclamatioafter complete just before the before the min C
83 underground mining is expensive cheap cost free none a
84 what is pulverized coal? coal from freshNON SMOOTHcoal which burn coal broken in d
85 what is the main purpose for a blending of coal to produce gooto decrease co to produce mo to produce diffe a
86 to separate two finely divided solids from one anot flotation washing jigging none of the ab a
87 we can reduce the energy requirement in commin using corrugatechemical additi increasing the none of the ab b
88 the method of separation of two or more of mineraflotation washing jigging heavy media s d
89 a method of separation dependent on electrical co universal sepa high tension seleaching gravity separat b
90 This is a reagent used in flotation process collectors pH regulators frothers all these d
91 Black and dodge are relate to which type of crushe gyratory cone jaw roll c
92 jaw crushers are classified on the basis of- throw point pitman pivot point input point c
93 The material used for the costruction of jaws of crualloy cast steel ceramics plastic pvc material a
94 The maximum feed size in secondary crusher is- 5cm 15cm 30cm 60cm b
95 This type of fuel is not being washed to improve helignite bituminous coaanthracite coking coal a
96 In sampling, a part is collected to represent the tot variance distribution population deposition c
97 India rank in Mica production is 1 3 5 8 D
98 In india, Iron ore is not found in maharashtra Goa Karnataka Bihar D
99 In India,coal is not found in maharashtra telangana jharkhand keral D
100 Which is the largest Gold producing country? India USA China Russia C

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