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V Soliven Avenue II,Cainta Rizal

Colleges of Education( COTED)

I. Objective.
 Identify features of personal essay.
En7wc- v a2.8.4
The student will be able to:
1. Identify the element of an essay.
2. Make an outline of an essay .
3. Show self directing by enumerating their birthday promise and wish.

II. Subject Matter.

Topic: Element of an essay.

References: charts and pictures.

Values Intergration : appreciation in life, forgiveness and bieng humble.

III. Procedure.

Daily Routine

1. Pray
2. Daily Attendance
3. Rules and Regulations

A. Review

1. What is previous lesson?

2. Do you understand the lesson?
3. What did you learned yesterday?
B. Motivation

 Let sing (happy birthday to you )

C. Activities.

1. List down your five(5) wishes in your birthday. And your bday promise to your self.

D. Analysis.

 Have you enjoyed enumerating your birthday promise to your self .

 Will you achieve any of your birthday promises?
 What is your number one promises to yourself.

E. Abstraction

 Essay - is a short composition on fact.

 Non fiction - It's on fact.
 Introduction - set the mind of the essay and provides the main points.
 Body - delivers the supporting details of the essay.
 Conclusion - summarize the essay .
 Formal Essay - sometimes knows as objective interpersonal ,or scientific .
 Informal Essay - know as familiar or personal essay ,light homurous and chatty.

Generalization .

 What is the importance of element of essay.

F. Application

 The class will divide four (4) groups, Each group will make an outline of their essay
by filling up the template.
Catchy line__________.

Conclusion .

Rubrics Criteria
Presentation ____ 30%

Content _______ 30%

Creativity____ 20%

Teamwork_____ 20%


IV. Assessment.

 Write an essay 3 to 4 paragraph about thier top 3 birthday promises.

V. Assigment .

 Write an essay about your own selected topic with 3 to 5 paragraph and 200 to 300
words (1whole of paper).

Prepared by: Raquel Morco

Submitted to: Oharrah Mae B Ledesma

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