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Name of work:- pkn Top Dome

1 Tank capacity 1000000 Ltr. 1000 m3 100 mm thick
2 Height of tower from G.L. 16.00 mtr Foudation from G.L. 1.00 mtr Top Ring Beam
3 Live load on Dome 1.50 kN/m2 Finishes load 0.1 kN/m2 300 x 300
2.00 m
3 Intencity of wind 1.50 kN/m2 wt of water 10 kN/m3
4 Noumber of columns 8 No. Bearing capcity of earth 250 kN/m2
4 Conrete M 20 unit weight 24 kN/m3 12.00 m
scc 5 N/mm2 m 13
scb 7 N/mm2 Q 0.897 8.00 m
5 Steel HYSD fy 415 Tensile stress (Tank) 150 N/mm2
Resistance to cracking sct 1.2 N/mm2 scb 1.7 N/mm2 Bottom Ring Beam Conocal Dom
6 Nominal Cover 25 mm Effective Cover 40 mm 1200 x 600 mm 600 mm thick
7 Depth / diameter Ratio 1: 0.75
8 Reinforcement Borrom sperical Dom 300 mm
Top Dome (main / distri. ) 8 mm F 160 mm c/c both way 2.00 m
1.60 m
Top Ring Beam 12 mm F 8 Nos. Bottom 2.00
two ledge srirrups 8 mm F 300 mm c/c Circular Girder 8.00 M
Vertical wall 600 x 1200 4.00 m
2 m from top hoop ring 10 mm F 190 mm c/c both side
4 m from top hoop ring 16 mm F 250 mm c/c both side
8 m from top hoop ring 20 mm F 190 mm c/c both side Circular
2 m from top Distri. Steel 10 mm F 260 mm c/c both side Group of columns
4 m from top Distri. Steel 10 mm F 170 mm c/c both side 650 mm dia 4.00 m
8 m from top Distri. Steel 10 mm F 130 mm c/c both side
Bottom Ring Beam
Main 20 mm F 18 Nos. 4.00 m
Distri. Steel 10 mm F 150 mm c/c
Conical wall
Main 25 mm F 190 mm c/c
Distri. Steel 10 mm F 130 mm c/c 4.00 m
Bottom sperical Dome 10 mm F 120 mm c/c both side Circular
Bottom circular girder Main top 25 mm F 6 Nos. Girder for Raft N.S.L.
Vertical strirrups 12 mm F 110 mm c/c 4 Ledge 750 X 1000 1.00 m
Main bottom 25 mm F 5 Nos. strirrup mm
Vertical strirrups 10 mm F 300 mm c/c 2 near
Ledge 1000
supports 500
Column supprting tower Main 32 mm F 8 Nos. O.K.
strirrup 3.00 5.00 m 250
Latral 10 mm F 300 mm c/c near 11.00 m
Bracing main 25 mm F 4 Nos. at top and bottomsupports
strirrups 10 mm F 300 mm c/c 2 Ledge strirrup
Circular girder for Raft bottom 25 mm F 6 Nos.
top 25 mm F 3 Nos.
strirrups 12 mm F 130 mm c/c 4 Ledge strirrup
Raft Foundation slab main 25 mm F 200 mm c/c
Distribution 12 mm F 180 mm c/c
25 mm f @
8 mm f @ 160 mm c/c Both side 6 Nos. top

100 1200
10 mm f @
150 mm c/c strirrup
300 Bottom circular girder 600
Reiforcement in circular girder
B1 6.00 M columns
12 mm f @ 8 Nos.
300 8 mm f @ 300 mm c/c
0 m
200 10 mm f @ 190 mm c/c
mm 10 mm f @ 260 mm c/c 200 x 200
300 10 mm f @ 170 mm c/c Fillet 10 mm f strirrup
mm 16 mm f @ 250 mm c/c Braces 300 mm c/c
2 m 500 25 mm f
20 mm f @ 190 mm c/c 4
4 m 25 mm f
10 mm f @ 130 mm c/c 4 nos.Bottom
400 Reinfocement in Brace

20 mm f @ 18 Nos. 25 mm f mm f
10 mm f @ 150 mm c/c 10 mm f 3
600 mm 300 mm c/c 12 mm f 25 mm f
32 mm f 130 mm c/c 6
8 mm c/c 25 mm f 12 mm f
200 mm c/c 6
Reinforcement Detail in r columns
25 mm f @
6 Nos. top 32 mm f 10 mm f
12 mm f @ 8 nos. 300 mm c/c Cross -section of Bottom Ring girder
110 mmc/c.strirrup 1200
12 mm f @
6 Nos.both side
25 mm f @
5 Nos.bottom
Reinforcement detail in Intze Tank. Reinforcement Detail in circular girder and Raft foundation slab

Tank capacity 1000000 ltr or = 1000 m3

Height of tower from G.L. 16.0 m foundation from G.L. = 1.00 mtr
Live load on Dome 1.50 kN/m2 Finishes load = 0.10 kN/m2
Intencity of wind 1.50 kN/m2 wt of water = 10 kN/mm3
Noumber of columns 8 No. Bearing capcity of = 250 kN/m2
Conrete M- 20 wt. of concrete = 24 kN/mm3
scb 7 N/mm2 m = 13
sct 5 N/mm 2
Q = 0.897
Steel HYSD fy 415 N/mm2 Tensile stess = 150 N/mm2
Resistance to cracking s cb 1.2 N/mm2 scb =
1.7 N/mm2
Nominal cover 25 mm Effective cover = 35 mm

2 Design Constants:For HYSD Bars Cocrete M = 20 wt. of concrete = 24 kN/mm3

for water Tank sst = 150 N/mm2 sst = 230 N/mm2
scb = 7 N/mm2 m = 13
k = 0.378 k = 0.283
J = 0.874 J = 0.906
R = 1.156 R = 1.669
3 Dimention of tank:-
D = Inside diameter of tank Assuming the average depth = 0.75 D
We have, pxD 2
x 0.75 D = 1000 m3 D "= 11.930 Say 12.00 m
\ Height of cylindrical portion of tank = 0.75 x 11.93 = 8.00 m
Depth of conical Dome D/5 or D/6 = 12.00 / 6 = 2.00 m
Diameter of supporting tower = 8 m
Spacing of bracing = 4 m

4 Design of top dome :-

Thickness of dome slab = 100 mm or = 0.10 m
Self load of dome = 0.10 x 1 x 1 x 24 = 2.4 kN/m2
Live load = 1.50 kN/m2
finishes = 0.10 kN/m2
Total load = 4.00 kN/m2

If R = radious of dome D = diameter of Tank = 12.00 m r = central rise = D/6= 2.00 m

D/22+r2 6.00 2+ 2.00 2

the radius rtop is given by, R = = or = 10.00 m
2r 2 x 2.00
cos f = 8 / 10.00 = 0.80 or f = 37 degree
p xR1 4.00 x 10.00 =
Maridianal thrust at edge 'T'= = 22.20 N/m
1 + cosf 1 + 0.80
1.00 1.00
Circumferential force =wR cose f - = 4.00 x 10.00 x 0.80 - = 9.78 kN/m
cos f 1.80
22.20 x 1000
Maridianal Stress = = 0.22 N/mm2 < 5 N/mm2 Safe
100 x 1000
9.78 x 1000
Hoop stress = = 0.10 N/m2 < 5.00 N/mm2 safe
1000 x 100
The stress are with in safe limit. However provide minimum reinforcement @ 0.3 % of area in each direction.
\ Ast = x 1000 x 100 = 300 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 8 x 8
using 8 mm bars A = = = 50.2 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
Spacing of hoop Bars = 1000 x 50.2 / 300 = 167 say = 160 mm
Hence Provided 8 mm F bar, @ 160 mm c/c in both circumferenially and meridionanlly.
5 Design of top ring Beam :-
T1 cos f- D 22.20 x 0.800 x 12.00
Hoop tension'=F1= = = 106.60 kN
2 2
Permissible stress in high yield strenth deformed bars = 150 N/mm2,
106.60 x 1000
Ast = = 711 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 12 x 12
using ### mm bars A = = = 113 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of hoop Bars = 711 / 113 = 7 No. say 8.0 No.
Hence Provided 8 No 12 mm F Ring bar, for symetry.
Actual , Ast = 8 x 113 = 904 mm2
If Ac = cross section of ring beam Equivelent area of composite section of beam
106.60 x 1000
= 1.2 , \ Ac = 77077 mm2
Ac + m x 904
Provide ring beam 300 x 300 = 90000 mm2
Provide 8 mm f strirrups @ 300 mm c/c to tie the 8 x 12 mm f ring beam.

6 Design of Cylendrical Tank wall :-

Since dome roof has been design on membrane the analysis, the tank wall may be
assumed to be free on top and bottom, Maximum hoop tension occurs at the base of wall,
wHD 10 x 8.00 x 12.00
Maximum hoop tension at base= = = 480 kN/m height
2 2
Area of ring Req. = 480000 / 150 = 3200 mm2 per meter height or 1600 mm2 both side
2.00 x 3200
To resist the hoop tension at 2 mtere below top, Ash = 800.0 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 10 x 10
using ### mm bars A = = = 79 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
1000 x 78.5
\ spacing of ###mm f rings = = 196 mm
800.0 / 2
Hence Provided 10 mm F bar, @ 190 mm c/c both direction from top 0 to 2 mtr from top
4.00 x 3200
To resist the hoop tension at 4 mtere below top, Ash = 1600 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 16 x 16
using ### mm bars A = = = 201 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
1000 x 201
\ spacing of ###mm f rings = = 251 mm
1600 / 2
Hence Provided 16 mm F bar, @ 250 mm c/c both direction from top 2 to 4 mtr from top
8.00 x 3200
To resist the hoop tension at 8 mtere below top, Ash = 3200 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 20 x 20
using ### mm bars A = = = 314 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
1000 x 314
\ spacing of ###mm f rings = = 196 mm
3200 / 2
Hence Provided 20 mm F bar, @ 190 mm c/c both direction from top 4 to 8 mtr from top
1000 x 314
Actual , Ast = 2 x = 3305 mm2
The spacing of ring may be increased towards the top, since pressure varies lineearly
Using a tensile stress of 1.2N/mm2 for the the combined section ,
480 x 1000
thickness T is given by= = 1.2
1000 T + ( 13 x 3305 )
\ From which T = 360 mm say = 400 mm
Hence provided = 400 mm, at bottom and 200 mm at top Av thickness = 300 mm
Distribution reinforcement
At top , Ast = x 200 x 1000 = 600 mm2
Provide half the reinfocement near each face, Asd = 300 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 10 x 10
using ### mm bars A = = = 79 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
The spacing of ### mm f bars = 1000 x 79 / 300 = 260 mm c/c
Hence Provided 10 mm F bar, @ 260 mm c/c both direction from top 0 to 2 mtr from top
At middle , Ast = x 300 x 1000 = 900 mm2
Provide half the reinfocement near each face, Asd = 450 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 10 x 10
using ### mm bars A = = = 79 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
The spacing of ### mm f bars = 1000 x 79 / 450 = 170 mm c/c
Hence Provided 10 mm F bar, @ 170 mm c/c both direction from top 2 to 4 mtr from top
At bottom , Ast = x 400 x 1000 = 1200 mm2
Provide half the reinfocement near each face, Asd = 600 mm2
3.14xdia 2
3.14 x 10 x 10
using ### mm bars A =
4 x100
4 x 100
= 79 mm2

The spacing of ### mm f bars = 1000 x 79 / 600 = 130 mm c/c

Hence Provided 10 mm F bar, @ 130 mm c/c both direction from top 4 to 8 meter upto
Keep clear cover 25 mm
7 Design of Bottom Ring Beam :-
Load on ring beam:
(A) Load due to top dome = (Meridional trust x sin f )
= 22.20 x sin### = 22.20 x 0.602 = 13.36 kN/m
(B) Load due to top ring beam = 0.30 x 0.30 x 24 = 2.16 kN/m
© Load due to cylendrical wall = 0.30 x 8.00 x 24 = 57.6 kN/m
(D) Self load of Ring beam
Assuming Beam 1.20 x 0.60 = 1.20 x 0.60 x 24 = 17.28 kN/m
Total = 90.40 kN/m say 91.00 kN/m
Horizontal force = H = V1 cot f = 91.00 x 1 = 91.00 kN/m
\ Hoop tension Hg =((H x D )/2 =( 91.00 x 12.00 )/ 2.00 = 546 kN/m
Hoop Tension due to water pressure =(( wh.d.D)/2 )
Hw =( 10.00 x 8.00 x 0.60 x 12.00 ) / 2 = 288 kN/m
Total Hoop tension = Hg + Hw = 546 + 288.0 = 834.00 kN/m
This to be rested entirely by steel hoops, the area of which is A sh= 834 x 1000 / 150 = 5560 mm2
3.14xdia 2
3.14 x 20 x 20
using ### mm bars A = = = 314 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of hoop Bars = 5560 / 314 = 18 No. say 18 No.
Hence Provided 18 No 20 mm F Ring bar, for symetry.
Actual , Ast = 18 x 314 = 5652 mm2
834 x 1000 1.05 N/mm2 < 1.2
Stress in equivalent section = =
1200 x 600 + 13 x 5652 Hence safe
The ### mm f distribution bars (vertical bars) provided in the wall @ 150 mm c/c should taken
round the above ring to act as strirrups.

8 Design of conical dome wall :-

Avrage diameter of conical dome = ( 12.00 + 8.00 ) / 2 = 10.00
Avrage depth of water = 8.00 + 2.00 / 2 = 9.00
Weight of water above conical dome = 3.140 x 10.00 x 9.00 x 2.00 x 10 = 5652
Self weight of slab 600 mm thick = 3 x 10.00 x 2.83 x 0.6 x 24 = 1279
Load from top dome,top beam, wall & bottom beam = = 3.14 x 12.00 x 91.00 = 3429
\ Total load on conical slab = 10360 kN
Load / unit Length V2 = 10360 / ( 3.14 x 8.00 )= 413 kN/m
Meridional thrust = T = V2 x Cosec f = 413 xcosec 45 = 413 x 1.414 = 584 kN
Meridional Stress = 584 x 1000 ) /( 600 x 1000 )= 0.97 < 5.00 N/mm 2 safe
Hoop tension in conical dome will be maximum at top of the conical dome slab since diameter D is maximum
at this section. Hoop tension = H =( p.cosec f + q. cot f ) . D/2
Water pressure = p = 10.00 x 8.00 = 80.00 kN/m2
Weight of conical dome slab per m2 is computed as, q= 0.6 x 24 = 14.4 kN/m2
f = 45 Degree D = 12 m
\ H = 80.00 x cosec 45 + 14.4 x cot 45 x D /2
=( 80.00 x 1.4142 + 14.4 x 1 )x 12.00 / 2 = 765 kN
Whole of which is to be resisted by steel, As = 765000 / 150 = 5100 mm2
\ Area of each face = 5100 / 2 = 2550 mm2
3.14xdia 2
3.14 x 25 x 25
using ### mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
The spacing of ### mm f bars = 1000 x 491 / 2550 = 190 mm c/c
Hence Provided 25 mm F bar, @ 190 mm c/c on each face of the slab
1000 x 491
Actual , Ast = 2 x = 5164 mm2
At bottom , Ast = x 600 x 1000 = 1200 mm2
Provide half the reinfocement near each face, Asd = 600 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 10 x 10
using ### mm bars A = = = 79 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
The spacing of ### mm f bars = 1000 x 79 / 600 = 130 mm c/c
Hence Provided = 10 mm F bar, @ 130 mm c/c on both face along the meridions.
765 x 1000 1.15 N/mm2 < 1.2
Maximim tenssile stress = =
600 x 1000 + 13 x 5164 Hence safe

9 Design of Bottom Sperical Dome:-

Thickness of Dom slab is assume = 300 mm
Diameter at base of slab = D = 8.00 m
Central rise (1/5 x D) = 1.6 m
If R = radious of dome D = diameter of base = 8.00 m r = central rise = D/5= 1.60 m
D/22+r2 4.00 2+ 1.60 2
the radius is given by, R = = or R = 5.80 m
2r 2 x 1.60
Self weight of Dome slab = 2x 3.14 x 5.800 x 1.60 x 0.300 x 24.00 = 420.00 kN
Volume of water above the dome is =
6.28 x 5.80 x 1.60
2 3.14 x 4.00 2x
= 3.14 x 4.00 (
10.0 )- -
3.00 3.00

( 5.80 - 1.60 ) = 460 mm3

\ Weight of water = 460.0 x 10.00 = 4600 kN
\ Total load on dome = 420.0 + 4600 = 5020 kN
Load / unit Length V2 = 5020 / ( 3.14 x 16.00 )= 100 kN/m
Meridional thrust = T = wR/1+cosf cos f = 4.20 / 5.80 = 0.724 \ f = 44 Degree
100 x 5.80
\ T2 = = 337.00 kN/m
1 + 0.724
Meridional Stress = 337.00 x 1000 ) /( 300 x 1000 )= 1.12 < 5.00 N/mm2 safe
Circumferential force = wR x cos f -
1+ cosf
wR = 100 x 5.80 x 0.724 - = 83.60 kn/m
\ Hoop strss=( 83.60 x 1000 ) /( 300 x 1000 )= 0.28 < 5.00 N/mm2 safe
Provide nominal reinforcement = x 300 x 1000 = 900 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 10 x 10
using ### mm bars A = = = 79 mm2
4 x100 4
Spacing of hoop Bars = 1000 x 79 / 650 = 121 say = 120 mm
Hence Provided 10 mm F bar, @ 120 mm c/c curmferentially and along the meridions.

10 Design of Bottom Circilar Girder :-

Thurst from the conical dome T1 = 413.00 kN/m
Acting at angle of a = 45 Degree
Thrust from sperical dome T2 = 337.00 kN/m
Acting at angle of b = 44.50 Degree
Net horizontal force on ring beam = T1 cos a - T2 cos b
Net horizontal force on ring beam = 413.0 x 0.707 - 337.0 x 0.713 = 51.71 kN/m
Hoop compression in the beam = 51.71 x 8 / 2.00 = 206.84 kN
Assuming size of ring beam 600 x 1200 mm
\ Hoop strss=( 206.84 x 1000 ) /( 600 x 1200 )= 0.29 < 5.00 N/mm2 safe
Vertical load on ring beam =( T1 sin a + T2 sin b )
= 413.0 x 0.707 + 337.0 x 0.701 = 529 kN/m
Self weight of Beam = 0.60 x 1.200 x 24.00 = 18.00 kN/m
\ Total Load 547.0 kN/m
Total design load on the Ring girder = W = 3.14 x D x w
W = 3.14 x 8.000 x 547 = 13741 kN
The circular girder supported on 8 column. Using the moment cofficient given in table 4.1
Maximum negative bending moment on supports = 0.0083 x wR
M = 0.0083 x ### x 4.00 = 457 kN.m
Maximum Positive B.M. at mid span section = 0.0041 x wR
= 0.0041 x ### x 4.00 = 226 kN/m
Maximum Torsional moment = 0.0006 x wR
= 0.0006 x ### x 4.00 = 33 kN/m
Shear force at suppoprt section is = V = (w.R.p/4)/2 = 547.0 x 4 x 0.79 )/ 2 = 859 kN
Shear force at section of maximum torsion is (At an angle of 12.75 degree from higher support)
V = 859 -( 547.0 x 3.14 x 4 x 12.75 )/ 180 = 373 kN
Design of support section M = 457 V = 859 kN
457 x 1000000
\ d = = 934 mm
0.874 x 600
Provide depth = 1200 mm cover = 50 mm Afective depth = 1150 mm
Mc 457 x 1000000
Ast = = = 3031 mm2
sst. j.d 150 x 0.874 x 1150
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using ### mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 3031 / 491 = 6 No.
Actual , Ast = 6 x 491 = 2944 mm2
859 x 1000
tv = = 1.24 N/mm2
600 x 1150
100 Ast 100 x 2944
% of steel used = = = 0.427 % \ tc = 0.27 N/mm2
bxd 600 x 1150
Since tc < Tv 0.27 < 1.24 Shear reinforcement required
0.27 x 600 x 1150
Shear taken by concrete = = 186 kN
Balance shear = 859 - 186 = 673 kN
Using ### mm f 4 legged strirups, spacing is,
150 x 4 x 113.04 x 1150
sv = = 116 mm
673 x 1000
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 110 mm c/c center near supports.
Design of mid span section:-
Mc 226 x 1000000
Ast = = = 1499 mm2
sst. j.d 150 x 0.874 x 1150
But minimum area of steel is = x 600 x 1200 = 2160 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using ### mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 2160 / 491 = 5 No.
Actual , Ast = 5 x 491 = 2453 mm2
226 x 1000
tv = = 0.33 N/mm2
600 x 1150
100 Ast 100 x 2453
% of steel used = = = 0.356 % \ tc = 0.25 N/mm2
bxd 600 x 1150
Since tc < Tv 0.25 < 0.33 Shear reinforcement required
0.25 x600 x 1150
Shear taken by concrete = = 173 kN
Balance shear = 226 - 173 = 54 kN
Using ### mm f 2 legged strirups, spacing is,
150 x 2 x 78.5 x 1150
sv = = 506 mm say 500 mm
54 x 1000
But Sv > 0.75d or 300 mm whichever is less = 0.75 x 1150 = 863 mm
Hence Provided 10 mm F , 2 legged strirrups @ 300 mm c/c .
Design of section subject to maximum torsion:-
T = 33.00 kN D = 1200 mm d = 1150 mm
V = 373 kN b = 600 mm M = 0
1+D/b 1+ 1200 / 600
Mt = T = 33.00 = 59.00 kN.m
1.7 1.7
\ Me1 = (M+M1) = 0 + 59.00 = 59.00 kN.m
Mc 59 x 1000000
Ast = = = 391 mm2
sst. j.d 150 x 0.874 x 1150
But minimum area of steel is = x 600 x 1200 = 2160 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using ### mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 2160 / 491 = 5 No.
Actual , Ast = 5 x 491 = 2453 mm2
Equivalent shear = Ve = V+1.6T/b = 373 + 1.6 x = 461 kN
Ve 461 x 1000
Tve = = = 0.668 N/mm2
bd 600 x 1150
100 Ast 100 x 2453
% of steel used = = = 0.356 % \ tc = 0.25 N/mm2
bxd 600 x 1150
Since tc < Tv 0.25 < 0.67 Shear reinforcement required
Using ### mm f 4 legged strirups,with side cover of 25mm and top and bottom cover of 50mm
Asv . Asv 4 x 113.04 x 150
Spacing sv = = = 270 mm
Tv-Tc)b 0.668 - 0.25 ) x 600
Hence Provided 12 mm F , 4 legged strirrups @ 270 mm c/c .

11 Design of columns of supporting tower :-

The tank is supported on 8 columns, symemetrically placed on a circle of 8 m
mean diameter . Height of staging above ground level is 16.0 m. Let us assume the height of bracing is
4.00 mt . Hence 3 Panels of 4.00 m height each and 1 panel of 4.00 m height.
Let the columns is connected to raft foundation by means of a ring beam. The top of which is provided at
1.00 meter below the ground level, so that the actual height of bottom pannel is 5.00 m height
load on columns
Vertical load on each column = 13741 / 8 = 1718 kN
Self weight of column diameter mm 650 = 0.785 x 0.65 2x 16 x 24.0 = 128 kN
height meter 16
weight of bracing ( 500 x 500 ) = 3 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 3.14 x 24.0 = 57 kN
Total vertical load on each column = 1903 kN
Wind force on column
Intensity of wind pressure = 1.50 kN/m2 Reduction coffiecent of circular shape = 0.70
(a) wind force on top of dome and culendrical wall.
= 9.00 x 12.00 x 0.70 x 1.50 x = 114 kN
(b) Wind force on conical dome= 2.00 x 10.00 x 0.70 x 1.50 x = 21 kN
(c ) Wind force on bottom ring beam 1.2 x 8.00 x 0.70 x 1.50 x = 11 kN
(d) wind force on 5 no. column= 5 x 0.65 x 0.70 x 1.50 x 16.0 = 55 kN
(e) wind force in bracing = 0.5 x 8.00 x 3 x
1.50 = 18 kN
Total Horizontal force = 219 kN
Assuming contraflexure point at mid height of columns
M and fixidity at base due to raft foundation, the
moment at the base columns is computed as = 219 x 4.00 / 2 = 438 kN.m
If M1 =Moment at the base of columns due to wind load
=( 114 x 23 + 21 x 17 + 11 x 16.00 + 6 x 12
+ 6 x 8.00 + 6 x 4.00 ) = 3299 kN.m
If V = Reaction devloped at the base of exterior columns
V V 4 2
M1 = S M + S r2 = 3299 + x 2 x 4 +
4 x
r1 4 2
= 3299 + V x 16
\ V = 3299 / 16 = 207
\ Total load on leeward column at base = 1903 + 207 = 2110 kN
Moment in each column in the base = 438 / 8 = 55.0 kN.m
Reinforcement in column ;-
Axial load = P = 2110 kN
Bending moment = M = 55.0 kN.m
55.0 x 1000000
eccentricity = (M/P) = = 26.07 mm
1000 x 2110
Since eccentricity is small, direct stress are predominent.
Using 8 bars of ### mm f and latral tis of 10 mm f at 300 mm c/c
Ast = 8 x 0.785 x 32 x 32.00 = 6431 mm2
AC = 0.785 x 650 +( 1.50
x 13 x 6431 ) = 457067 mm3
moment of ineria, le = 0.785 x 325 4+( 1.50 x 13 )x 4 x 804 x 275 2+
4 x 804 x ( 275 / 1.414 ) 2

= 8757962890.625 +( 19.5 )x( 243210000 + 3216 x 37812.5

= 8757962890.625 + 4742595000 + 121605000
= 13622162890.625 mm4
2110 x 1000
Direct compressve stress = s'cc = = 4.62 N/mm2
55.0 x 1000 x 1000 x 325
Bending stress = s'cb = = 1.31 N/mm2
Permissible stress in concrete is increased by 33.33% while considering wind effect.
s'cc s'cb 4.62 1.31
= scc + < 1 or +
scb 5 x 1.33 7 x 1.33
= 0.694194 + 0.141 = 0.84
= 0.84 < 1 O.K.
12 Design of Bracing :-
Moment In Brace = 2 x Moment in column x (2)0.5 = 2 x 55.0 x 2.00 (1/2)

= 156.00 kN.m
Section of braces = 500 x 500 mm
\ b = 500 mm and d = 450 mm
Moment of resistance of section is
M1 = 0.897 x 500 x 450 2
= 90821250 or 91.00 kN.m
Balance moment = M1 - M2 = 156.00 - 91.00 = 65.00 kN.m
Mc 91 x 1000000
Ast1 = = = 971.0 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.906 x 450
Mc 65 x 1000000
Ast2 = = = 781.0 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.906 x 400
\ Ast = Ast1 + Ast2 = 971 + 781 = 1752 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using ### mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 1752 / 491 = 4 No. bars at top and bottom
Actual , Ast = 4 x 491 = 1963 mm2
Length of barces L = 2 x 4.00 x sin 22.5
= 2 x 4.00 x0.38 = 3.06 m
Moment in brace 156.00
Maximum shear force in brace. = = = 102.00 kN
1/2 x brace length 0.5 x 3.06
102.00 x 1000
tv = = 0.46 N/mm2
500 450
100 Ast 100 x 1963
% of steel used = = = 0.872 % \ tc = 0.36 N/mm2
bxd 500 x 450
Since tc < tv 0.36 < 0.46 Shear reinforcement required
0.36 x 500 x 450
Shear carried by concrete = = 81.00 kN
Balance shear = 102.0 - 81.00 = 21.00 kN
Using ### mm f 2 legged strirups, spacing is,
150 2 x 78.5 x 450
sv = = 505 mm Say 500 mm
21 x 1000
But Sv > 0.75d or 300 mm whichever is less = 0.75 x 450 = 338 or 330 mm
Hence Provided 10 mm F , 2 legged strirrups @ 300 mm c/c .

13 Design of foundation:-
A circular girder with raft slab is provided for tower foundations.
Total load on foundation = 1903 x 8 = 15224.0 kN
Self weight of foundation @ 10% = 1522.0 kN
Total Load = 16746.00 kN
Sefe bearing capacity of soil at site = 250.00 kN/m2
\ Area required = 16746 / 250 = 67.00 m2
Providing a raft slab with equal projections on either sideof a circular ring beam and if
\ b = width of raft slab, then = 3.14 x 8 x b = 67.0 or b = 2.67 m
Adopting a raft slab having inner diameter = 8.00 - 3.00 = 5.00 m say b = 3.00 m
and Outer diameter = 8.00 + 3.00 = 11.00 m

Design of circular girder of raft slab

Total load on circular girder = 15224.00 kN
Load per meter run of girder = 15224.00 / ( p x 8 )= 607 kN/m
Refering to moment coeffiecents given in table 4.1, the maximum moment in the circul;ar girder is computed.
maximum negative moment at support. K1.W.R. = 0.0083 x ### x 4 = 506 kN.m
maximum positive moment at MID span. K2.W.R. = 0.0041 x ### x 4 = 250 kN.m
maximum Torsional moment (at 12.75 from support 0.0006 x ### x 4 = 37 kN.m
607 x 4.00 x p/4
Shear force at support section is V = = 953 kN
Shear force at section of maximum torsion is
607 x p x 4 x 12.75
V = 953 - = 413.00 kN
The support section is designed for maximum moment
maximum negative moment M = 506.00 kN.m Shear force V= 953.00 kN
Assuming the width of section = 750 mm
M = 506.00 V = 953 kN
506 x 1000000
\ d = = 868 mm
0.897 x 750
Adopt depth = 870 mm cover = 70 mm Over all depth = 1000 mm
Mc 506 x 1000000
Ast = = = 2793 mm2
Ast = = = 2793 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.906 x 870
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using ### mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 2793 / 491 = 6 No.
Actual , Ast = 6 x 491 = 2944 mm2
953 x 1000
tv = = 1.27 N/mm2
750 x 1000
100 Ast 100 x 2944
% of steel used = = = 0.393 % \ tc = 0.26 N/mm2
bxd 750 x 1000
Since tc < Tv 0.26 < 1.27 Shear reinforcement required
0.26 x 750 x 1000
Shear taken by concrete = = 195 kN
Balance shear = 953 - 195 = 758 kN
Using ### mm f 4 legged strirups, spacing is,
230 x 4 x 113.04 x 1000
sv = = 137 mm
758 x 1000
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 130 mm c/c center near supports.

Steel required for mid span

Mc 250 x 1000000
Ast = = = 1380 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.906 x 870
0.85 x b.d 1 x 750 x 870
But minimum steel Ast = = = 1337 mm2
fy 415
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using ### mm bars A = = = 491 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 1380 / 491 = 3 No.
Actual , Ast = 3 x 491 = 1472 mm2

The section subjected to maximum torsional moment and shear should be design for the following forces.
T = 37 kN.m D = 1000 mm
V = 413 kN b = 750 mm
M = 0 d = 870 mm
1 + D/b 1 + 1000 / 750
Mt = T = 37 x = 51.00 kN.m
1.7 1.7
\ Me1 = M + M1 = 0 + 51 = 51 kN.m
Mc 51 x 1000000
Ast = = = 281 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.906 x 870
0.85 x b.d 1 x 750 x 870
But minimum steel Ast = = = 1337 mm2
fy 415
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using ### mm bars A = = = 491
4 x100 4 x 100
No.of Bars = 1337 / 491 = 3 No.
Actual , Ast = 3 x 491 = 1472 mm2
Equivalent shear Ve = V +1.65T/b = 413 + 1.6 x( 37 / 0.75 )= 492 kn
492 x 1000
Tv = = 0.75 N/mm2
750 x 870
100 Ast 100 x 1337
% of steel used = = = 0.205 % \ tc = 0.19 N/mm2
bxd 750 x 870
Since tc < Tv 0.19 < 0.75 Shear reinforcement required
0.19 x 750 x 870
Shear taken by concrete = = 124 kN
Balance shear = 492 - 124 = 368 kN
Using ### mm f 4 legged strirups, spacing is,
4 x 113.04 x 230
sv = = 184 mm
0.75 - 0.19 )x 1000
Hence Provided 12 mm F 4 legged strirrups @ 180 mm c/c center near supports.
Design of Raft Slab:-
Maximum projection of raft slab from face of coloum
3.00 - 0.75
= = 1.123 m
Siol pressure = = = 203 kN
p x( 5.50 2 - 2.5 2)
Considring one meter width of raft slab along the circular arc.
w L2 203 x 1.123 2
Maximum Bending moment = = = 129 kN.m
2 2
129 x 1000000
\ d = = 380 mm
0.897 x 1000
Adopt depth = 450 mm cover = 50 mm Over all depth = 500 mm
Mc 129 x 1000000
Ast = = = 1376 mm2 say = 2064 mm2
sst. j.d 230 x 0.906 x 450
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 25 x 25
using ### mm bars A =
4 x100
4 x 100
= 491 mm2
Spacing of bars = 1000 x 491 / 2064 = 238 say = 200 mm
Hence Provided 25 mm F bar, @ 200 mm c/c to reduce shear stress Ast = 2454 mm2
actual steel used = = 1000 x 491 / 200 = 2454 mm 2

0.12 x 500 x 1000

Distribution steel = = 600 mm2
3.14xdia2 3.14 x 12 x 12
using ### mm bars A = = = 113 mm2
4 x100 4 x 100
Spacing of bars s = 1000 x 113 / 600 = 188 mm
Hence Provided 12 mm F bar, @ 180 mm c/c to reduce shear stress

Shear force at a section 450 mm from face of columns

V = 203 x 0.673 x 1.000 = 137 kN.m
137 x 1000
tv = = 0.304 N/mm2
1000 x 450
100 Ast 100 x 2454
% of steel used = = = 0.55 % \ tc = 0.31 N/mm2
bxd 1000 x 450
Since tc > Tv 0.310 > 0.304 O.K.

Reinforcement shown in drawing
Grade of concrete M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40 Grade of concrete
Modular Ratio 18.67 13.33 10.98 9.33 8.11 7.18 t
scbc N/mm2 5 7 8.5 10 11.5 13
m scbc 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33 93.33
kc 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
(a) sst =
jc 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867 0.867
N/mm2 Rc 0.867 1.214 1.474 1.734 1.994 2.254
(Fe 250) Pc (%) 0.714 1 1.214 1.429 1.643 1.857
kc 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329 0.329
(b) sst = jc 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89
Rc 0.732 1.025 1.244 1.464 1.684 1.903
Pc (%) 0.433 0.606 0.736 0.866 0.997 1.127
kc 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289
(c ) sst =
jc 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904 0.904
N/mm2 Rc 0.653 0.914 1.11 1.306 1.502 1.698
(Fe 415) Pc (%) 0.314 0.44 0.534 0.628 0.722 0.816
kc 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253 0.253
(d) sst =
jc 0.916 0.916 0.916 0.914 0.916 0.916
N/mm2 Rc 0.579 0.811 0.985 1.159 1.332 1.506
(Fe 500) Pc (%) 0.23 0.322 0.391 0.46 0.53 0.599

Permissible shear stress Table tv in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

100As Permissible shear stress in concrete tv N/mm2
bd M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
< 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.25 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
0.50 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.32
0.75 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38
1.00 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42
1.25 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46
1.50 0.42 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.49
1.75 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.52 0.52
2.00 0.44 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.54 0.55
2.25 0.44 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.57
2.50 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.57 0.58 0.60
2.75 0.44 0.51 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62
3.00 and above 0.44 0.51 0.57 0.6 0.62 0.63

Maximum shear stress tc.max in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Grade of concrete M 15 20 25 30 35 40
tc.max 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.5

Shear stress tc Reiforcement % modification factore Table

100As 100As % fy 200 250 328
M-20 M-20
bd bd 0.0
0.14 0.17 0.17 0.14 0.05
0.15 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.10
0.16 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.15
0.17 0.18 0.2 0.21 0.20
0.18 0.19 0.21 0.24 0.25 2
0.19 0.19 0.22 0.27 0.30 1.85
0.2 0.19 0.23 0.3 0.35 1.75
0.21 0.2 0.24 0.32 0.4 1.65
0.22 0.2 0.25 0.35 0.5 2.0 1.5
0.23 0.2 0.26 0.38 0.6 1.75 1.4
0.24 0.21 0.27 0.41 0.7 1.90 1.65 1.35
0.25 0.21 0.28 0.44 0.8 1.80 1.55 1.30
0.26 0.21 0.29 0.47 0.9 1.70 1.5 1.25
0.27 0.22 0.30 0.5 1.0 1.60 1.45 1.2
0.28 0.22 0.31 0.55 1.1 1.55 1.4 1.16
0.29 0.22 0.32 0.6 1.2 1.50 1.35 1.13
0.3 0.23 0.33 0.65 1.3 1.50 1.3 1.1
0.31 0.23 0.34 0.7 1.4 1.45 1.3 1.1
0.32 0.24 0.35 0.75 1.5 1.40 1.25 1.07
0.33 0.24 0.36 0.82 1.6 1.35 1.2 1.05
0.34 0.24 0.37 0.88 1.7 1.35 1.2 1.03
0.35 0.25 0.38 0.94 1.8 1.30 1.18 1.01
0.36 0.25 0.39 1.00 1.9 1.30 1.16 1.0
0.37 0.25 0.4 1.08 2.0 1.25 1.14 0.99
0.38 0.26 0.41 1.16 2.1 1.25 1.13 0.97
0.39 0.26 0.42 1.25 2.2 1.20 1.12 0.96
0.4 0.26 0.43 1.33 2.3 1.18 1.1 0.95
0.41 0.27 0.44 1.41 2.4 1.17 1.1 0.94
0.42 0.27 0.45 1.50 2.5 1.16 1.08 0.93
0.43 0.27 0.46 1.63 2.6 1.15 1.06 0.92
0.44 0.28 0.46 1.64 2.7 1.14 1.05 0.92
0.45 0.28 0.47 1.75 2.8 1.13 1.04 0.91
0.46 0.28 0.48 1.88 2.9 1.12 1.03 0.91
0.47 0.29 0.49 2.00 3.0 1.11 1.02 0.90
0.48 0.29 0.50 2.13 3.1 1.11 1.01 0.87
0.49 0.29 0.51 2.25 3.2 1.11 1.00 0.86
0.5 0.30
0.51 0.30
0.52 0.30
0.53 0.30
0.54 0.30 Value of angle
0.55 0.31 Degree sin cosine tangent sec cosec
0.56 0.31 1.0 0.017 0.999 0.017 1.001 57.307
0.57 0.31 1.5 0.026 0.999 0.262 1.001 38.462
0.58 0.31 2.0 0.035 0.999 0.035 1.001 28.662
0.59 0.31 2.5 0.044 0.999 0.044 1.001 22.936
0.6 0.32 3.0 0.052 0.998 0.052 1.002 19.109
0.61 0.32 3.5 0.061 0.998 0.061 1.002 16.393
0.62 0.32 4.0 0.070 0.997 0.070 1.003 14.347
0.63 0.32 4.5 0.078 0.996 0.079 1.004 12.747
0.64 0.32 5.0 0.087 0.996 0.087 1.004 11.481
0.65 0.33 5.5 0.096 0.995 0.096 1.005 10.434
0.66 0.33 6.0 0.104 0.994 0.105 1.006 9.615
0.67 0.33 6.5 0.113 0.993 0.114 1.007 8.834
0.68 0.33 7.0 0.122 0.992 0.123 1.008 8.210
0.69 0.33 7.5 0.131 0.991 0.132 1.009 7.663
0.7 0.34 8.0 0.139 0.990 0.141 1.010 7.189
0.71 0.34 8.5 0.148 0.989 0.149 1.011 6.766
0.72 0.34 9.0 0.156 0.987 0.158 1.013 6.394
0.73 0.34 9.5 0.165 0.986 0.168 1.014 6.046
0.74 0.34 10.0 0.174 0.984 0.176 1.016 5.760
0.75 0.35 10.5 0.182 0.983 0.185 1.017 5.488
0.76 0.35 11.0 0.191 0.981 0.194 1.019 5.241
0.77 0.35 11.5 0.199 0.979 0.204 1.021 5.016
0.78 0.35 12.0 0.208 0.978 0.213 1.022 4.810
0.79 0.35 12.5 0.819 0.976 0.839 1.025 1.221
0.8 0.35 13.0 0.225 0.974 0.231 1.027 4.446
0.81 0.35 13.5 0.233 0.972 0.240 1.029 4.284
0.82 0.36 14.0 0.242 0.970 0.249 1.031 4.134
0.83 0.36 14.5 0.250 0.968 0.259 1.033 3.995
0.84 0.36 15.0 0.259 0.965 0.268 1.036 3.864
0.85 0.36 15.5 0.259 0.963 0.269 1.038 3.864
0.86 0.36 16.0 0.276 0.961 0.287 1.041 3.628
0.87 0.36 16.5 0.284 0.958 0.296 1.044 3.521
0.88 0.37 17.0 0.292 0.956 0.306 1.046 3.421
0.89 0.37 17.5 0.301 0.953 0.316 1.049 3.326
0.9 0.37 18.0 0.309 0.951 0.325 1.052 3.236
0.91 0.37 18.5 0.317 0.948 0.335 1.055 3.152
0.92 0.37 19.0 0.326 0.945 0.344 1.058 3.072
0.93 0.37 19.5 0.334 0.942 0.354 1.062 2.996
0.94 0.38 20.0 0.342 0.939 0.364 1.065 2.924
0.95 0.38 20.5 0.350 0.936 0.374 1.068 2.856
0.96 0.38 21.0 0.358 0.933 0.384 1.072 2.791
0.97 0.38 21.5 0.367 0.930 0.394 1.075 2.729
0.98 0.38 22.0 0.375 0.927 0.404 1.079 2.670
0.99 0.38 22.5 0.383 0.923 0.415 1.083 2.613
1.00 0.39 23.0 0.391 0.920 0.425 1.087 2.560
1.01 0.39 23.5 0.399 0.917 0.435 1.091 2.508
1.02 0.39 24.0 0.407 0.913 0.445 1.095 2.459
1.03 0.39 24.5 0.415 0.909 0.456 1.100 2.411
1.04 0.39 25.0 0.422 0.906 0.466 1.104 2.370
1.05 0.39 25.5 0.431 0.905 0.476 1.105 2.323
1.06 0.39 26.0 0.438 0.897 0.489 1.115 2.282
1.07 0.39 26.5 0.446 0.894 0.499 1.119 2.241
1.08 0.4 27.0 0.454 0.891 0.510 1.122 2.203
1.09 0.4 27.5 0.462 0.887 0.521 1.127 2.166
1.10 0.4 28.0 0.469 0.882 0.532 1.134 2.130
1.11 0.4 28.5 0.477 0.878 0.543 1.139 2.096
1.12 0.4 29.0 0.485 0.874 0.555 1.144 2.063
1.13 0.4 29.5 0.492 0.870 0.566 1.149 2.031
1.14 0.4 30.0 0.500 0.866 0.577 1.155 2.000
1.15 0.4 30.5 0.508 0.861 0.589 1.161 1.970
1.16 0.41 31.0 0.515 0.857 0.601 1.167 1.942
1.17 0.41 31.5 0.522 0.852 0.613 1.174 1.914
1.18 0.41 32.0 0.530 0.848 0.625 1.179 1.887
1.19 0.41 32.5 0.537 0.843 0.637 1.186 1.862
1.20 0.41 33.0 0.545 0.838 0.650 1.193 1.836
1.21 0.41 33.5 0.552 0.833 0.663 1.200 1.812
1.22 0.41 34.0 0.559 0.829 0.675 1.206 1.788
1.23 0.41 34.5 0.566 0.824 0.687 1.214 1.766
1.24 0.41 35.0 0.573 0.819 0.700 1.221 1.745
1.25 0.42 35.5 0.581 0.814 0.713 1.229 1.722
1.26 0.42 36.0 0.588 0.809 0.726 1.236 1.702
1.27 0.42 36.5 0.595 0.803 0.741 1.245 1.681
1.28 0.42 37.0 0.602 0.798 0.754 1.253 1.662
1.29 0.42 37.5 0.609 0.793 0.768 1.261 1.643
1.30 0.42 38.0 0.616 0.788 0.781 1.269 1.624
1.31 0.42 38.5 0.623 0.782 0.796 1.279 1.606
1.32 0.42 39.0 0.629 0.777 0.810 1.287 1.589
1.33 0.43 39.5 0.636 0.771 0.825 1.297 1.572
1.34 0.43 40.0 0.643 0.766 0.839 1.305 1.555
1.35 0.43 40.5 0.649 0.760 0.854 1.316 1.540
1.36 0.43 41.0 0.656 0.754 0.870 1.326 1.524
1.37 0.43 41.5 0.663 0.748 0.886 1.337 1.509
1.38 0.43 42.0 0.669 0.743 0.901 1.346 1.495
1.39 0.43 42.5 0.676 0.737 0.917 1.357 1.480
1.40 0.43 43.0 0.682 0.731 0.933 1.368 1.466
1.41 0.44 43.5 0.688 0.725 0.949 1.379 1.453
1.42 0.44 44.0 0.695 0.719 0.966 1.391 1.440
1.43 0.44 44.5 0.701 0.713 0.983 1.403 1.427
1.44 0.44 45.0 0.707 0.707 1.000 1.414 1.414
1.45 0.44 45.5 0.713 0.700 1.019 1.429 1.402
1.46 0.44 46.0 0.719 0.694 1.036 1.441 1.390
1.47 0.44 46.5 0.725 0.688 1.054 1.453 1.379
1.48 0.44 47.0 0.731 0.681 1.074 1.468 1.367
1.49 0.44 47.5 0.737 0.675 1.092 1.481 1.356
1.50 0.45 48.0 0.742 0.669 1.109 1.495 1.348
1.51 0.45 48.5 0.749 0.662 1.131 1.511 1.335
1.52 0.45 49.0 0.755 0.656 1.150 1.524 1.325
1.53 0.45 49.5 0.760 0.649 1.172 1.541 1.315
1.54 0.45 50.0 0.766 0.642 1.193 1.558 1.305
1.55 0.45 50.5 0.772 0.636 1.213 1.572 1.296
1.56 0.45 51.0 0.777 0.629 1.235 1.590 1.287
1.57 0.45 51.5 0.786 0.622 1.263 1.608 1.273
1.58 0.45 52.0 0.788 0.615 1.281 1.626 1.269
1.59 0.45 52.5 0.793 0.608 1.305 1.645 1.261
1.60 0.45 53.0 0.799 0.601 1.329 1.664 1.252
1.61 0.45 53.5 0.804 0.594 1.353 1.684 1.244
1.62 0.45 54.0 0.809 0.587 1.378 1.704 1.236
1.63 0.46 54.5 0.814 0.580 1.404 1.724 1.228
1.64 0.46 55.0 0.819 0.573 1.429 1.745 1.221
1.65 0.46 55.5 0.824 0.566 1.456 1.767 1.213
1.66 0.46 56.0 0.829 0.559 1.483 1.789 1.206
1.67 0.46 56.5 0.834 0.551 1.513 1.815 1.199
1.68 0.46 57.0 0.839 0.544 1.542 1.838 1.192
1.69 0.46 57.5 0.843 0.537 1.570 1.862 1.186
1.70 0.46 58.0 0.848 0.529 1.603 1.890 1.179
1.71 0.46 58.5 0.853 0.522 1.633 1.916 1.173
1.72 0.46 59.0 0.857 0.515 1.664 1.942 1.167
1.73 0.46 59.5 0.862 0.507 1.699 1.972 1.161
1.74 0.46 60.0 0.866 0.500 1.732 2.000 1.155
1.75 0.47 60.5 0.870 0.492 1.769 2.033 1.149
1.76 0.47 61.0 0.875 0.484 1.807 2.066 1.143
1.77 0.47 61.5 0.879 0.477 1.842 2.096 1.138
1.78 0.47 62.0 0.883 0.469 1.883 2.132 1.133
1.79 0.47 62.5 0.887 0.461 1.924 2.169 1.127
1.80 0.47 63.0 0.891 0.453 1.967 2.208 1.122
1.81 0.47 63.5 0.895 0.446 2.007 2.242 1.117
1.82 0.47 64.0 0.899 0.438 2.052 2.283 1.113
1.83 0.47 64.5 0.903 0.430 2.099 2.326 1.108
1.84 0.47 65.0 0.906 0.422 2.148 2.370 1.103
1.85 0.47 65.5 0.910 0.414 2.198 2.415 1.099
1.86 0.47 66.0 0.914 0.406 2.250 2.463 1.095
1.87 0.47 66.5 0.917 0.398 2.304 2.513 1.091
1.88 0.48 67.0 0.921 0.390 2.360 2.564 1.086
1.89 0.48 67.5 0.924 0.382 2.418 2.618 1.082
1.90 0.48 68.0 0.927 0.374 2.479 2.674 1.079
1.91 0.48 68.5 0.930 0.367 2.539 2.729 1.075
1.92 0.48 69.0 0.934 0.358 2.608 2.793 1.071
1.93 0.48 69.5 0.937 0.350 2.674 2.856 1.068
1.94 0.48 70.0 0.940 0.342 2.747 2.924 1.064
1.95 0.48 70.5 0.943 0.333 2.831 3.003 1.061
1.96 0.48 71.0 0.946 0.326 2.904 3.072 1.058
1.97 0.48 71.5 0.948 0.317 2.989 3.152 1.055
1.98 0.48 72.0 0.951 0.309 3.078 3.236 1.052
1.99 0.48 72.5 0.954 0.301 3.172 3.326 1.049
2.00 0.49 73.0 0.956 0.292 3.271 3.420 1.046
2.01 0.49 73.5 0.959 0.284 3.376 3.521 1.043
2.02 0.49 74.0 0.961 0.276 3.488 3.628 1.040
2.03 0.49 74.5 0.964 0.267 3.606 3.743 1.038
2.04 0.49 75.0 0.966 0.259 3.732 3.864 1.035
2.05 0.49 75.5 0.968 0.250 3.868 3.995 1.033
2.06 0.49 76.0 0.970 0.242 4.011 4.134 1.031
2.07 0.49 76.5 0.982 0.233 4.209 4.284 1.018
2.08 0.49 77.0 0.974 0.225 4.332 4.446 1.026
2.09 0.49 77.5 0.976 0.216 4.511 4.621 1.024
2.10 0.49 78.0 0.978 0.208 4.705 4.810 1.022
2.11 0.49 78.5 0.980 0.199 4.915 5.016 1.021
2.12 0.49 79.0 0.982 0.191 5.145 5.241 1.019
2.13 0.50 79.5 0.983 0.182 5.396 5.488 1.017
2.14 0.50 80.0 0.985 0.174 5.673 5.760 1.015
2.15 0.50 80.5 0.986 0.165 5.977 6.061 1.014
2.16 0.50 81.0 0.988 0.156 6.315 6.394 1.013
2.17 0.50 81.5 0.989 0.148 6.691 6.766 1.011
2.18 0.50 82.0 0.999 0.139 7.178 7.185 1.001
2.19 0.50 82.5 0.991 0.131 7.597 7.663 1.009
2.20 0.50 83.0 0.993 0.122 8.145 8.206 1.008
2.21 0.50 83.5 0.994 0.113 8.777 8.834 1.007
2.22 0.50 84.0 0.995 0.105 9.517 9.569 1.006
2.23 0.50 84.5 0.995 0.096 10.389 10.438 1.005
2.24 0.50 85.0 0.996 0.087 11.431 11.474 1.004
2.25 0.51 85.5 0.997 0.078 12.716 12.755 1.003
2.26 0.51 86.0 0.998 0.070 14.302 14.337 1.002
2.27 0.51 86.5 0.998 0.061 16.362 16.393 1.002
2.28 0.51 87.0 0.999 0.052 19.083 19.109 1.001
2.29 0.51 87.5 0.999 0.044 22.913 22.936 1.001
2.30 0.51 88.0 0.999 0.035 28.637 28.654 1.001
2.31 0.51 88.5 1.000 0.026 38.299 38.314 1.000
2.32 0.51 89.0 0.9998 0.017 57.295 57.307 1.000
2.33 0.51 89.5 0.9999 0.009 114.931 114.943 1.000
2.34 0.51 90.0 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000
2.35 0.51
2.36 0.51
2.37 0.51
2.38 0.51 cos Degree
2.39 0.51 0.000 90.0
2.40 0.51 0.009 89.5
2.41 0.51 0.017 89.0
2.42 0.51 0.026 88.5
2.43 0.51 0.035 88.0
2.44 0.51 0.044 87.5
2.45 0.51 0.052 87.0
2.46 0.51 0.061 86.5
2.47 0.51 0.070 86.0
2.48 0.51 0.078 85.5
2.49 0.51 0.087 85.0
2.50 0.51 0.096 84.5
2.51 0.51 0.105 84.0
2.52 0.51 0.113 83.5
2.53 0.51 0.122 83.0
2.54 0.51 0.131 82.5
2.55 0.51 0.139 82.0
2.56 0.51 0.148 81.5
2.57 0.51 0.156 81.0
2.58 0.51 0.165 80.5
2.59 0.51 0.174 80.0
2.60 0.51 0.182 79.5
2.61 0.51 0.191 79.0
2.62 0.51 0.199 78.5
2.63 0.51 0.208 78.0
2.64 0.51 0.216 77.5
2.65 0.51 0.225 77.0
2.66 0.51 0.233 76.5
2.67 0.51 0.242 76.0
2.68 0.51 0.250 75.5
2.69 0.51 0.259 75.0
2.70 0.51 0.267 74.5
2.71 0.51 0.276 74.0
2.72 0.51 0.284 73.5
2.73 0.51 0.292 73.0
2.74 0.51 0.301 72.5
2.75 0.51 0.309 72.0
2.76 0.51 0.317 71.5
2.77 0.51 0.326 71.0
2.78 0.51 0.334 70.5
2.79 0.51 0.342 70.0
2.80 0.51 0.350 69.5
2.81 0.51 0.358 69.0
2.82 0.51 0.366 68.5
2.83 0.51 0.374 68.0
2.84 0.51 0.382 67.5
2.85 0.51 0.390 67.0
2.86 0.51 0.398 66.5
2.87 0.51 0.406 66.0
2.88 0.51 0.414 65.5
2.89 0.51 0.422 65.0
2.90 0.51 0.430 64.5
2.91 0.51 0.438 64.0
2.92 0.51 0.446 63.5
2.93 0.51 0.453 63.0
2.94 0.51 0.461 62.5
2.95 0.51 0.469 62.0
2.96 0.51 0.477 61.5
2.97 0.51 0.484 61.0
2.98 0.51 0.492 60.5
2.99 0.51 0.500 60.0
3.00 0.51 0.507 59.5
3.01 0.51 0.515 59.0
3.02 0.51 0.522 58.5
3.03 0.51 0.529 58.0
3.04 0.51 0.537 57.5
3.05 0.51 0.544 57.0
3.06 0.51 0.551 56.5
3.07 0.51 0.559 56.0
3.08 0.51 0.566 55.5
3.09 0.51 0.573 55.0
3.10 0.51 0.580 54.5
3.11 0.51 0.587 54.0
3.12 0.51 0.594 53.5
3.13 0.51 0.601 53.0
3.14 0.51 0.608 52.5
3.15 0.51 0.615 52.0
0.622 51.5
0.629 51.0
0.636 50.5
0.642 50.0
0.649 49.5
0.656 49.0
0.662 48.5
0.669 48.0
0.675 47.5
0.681 47.0
0.688 46.5
0.694 46.0
0.700 45.5
0.707 45.0
0.713 44.5
0.719 44.0
0.725 43.5
0.731 43.0
0.737 42.5
0.743 42.0
0.748 41.5
0.754 41.0
0.760 40.5
0.766 40.0
0.771 39.5
0.777 39.0
0.782 38.5
0.788 38.0
0.793 37.5
0.798 37.0
0.803 36.5
0.809 36.0
0.814 35.5
0.819 35.0
0.824 34.5
0.829 34.0
0.833 33.5
0.838 33.0
0.843 32.5
0.848 32.0
0.852 31.5
0.857 31.0
0.861 30.5
0.866 30.0
0.870 29.5
0.874 29.0
0.878 28.5
0.882 28.0
0.887 27.5
0.891 27.0
0.894 26.5
0.897 26.0
0.905 25.5
0.906 25.0
0.909 24.5
0.913 24.0
0.917 23.5
0.920 23.0
0.923 22.5
0.927 22.0
0.930 21.5
0.933 21.0
0.936 20.5
0.939 20.0
0.942 19.5
0.945 19.0
0.948 18.5
0.951 18.0
0.953 17.5
0.956 17.0
0.958 16.5
0.961 16.0
0.963 15.5
0.965 15.0
0.968 14.5
0.970 14.0
0.972 13.5
0.974 13.0
0.976 12.5
0.978 12.0
0.979 11.5
0.981 11.0
0.983 10.5
0.984 10.0
0.986 9.5
0.987 9.0
0.989 8.5
0.990 8.0
0.991 7.5
0.992 7.0
0.993 6.5
0.994 6.0
0.995 5.5
0.996 5.0
0.996 4.5
0.997 4.0
0.998 3.5
0.9986 3.0
0.9990 2.5
0.999 2.0
0.9996 1.5
0.9998 1.0
Permissible Bond stress Table tbd in concrete (IS : 456-2000)
Grade of concreteM-10 M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40 M-45
tbd (N / mm2 -- 0.6 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3

Development Length in tension

Grade of Plain M.S. Bars H.Y.S.D. Bars

concrete tbd (N / mm2) kd = Ld F tbd (N / mm2) kd = L d F
M 15 0.6 58 0.96 60
M 20 0.8 44 1.28 45
M 25 0.9 39 1.44 40
M 30 1 35 1.6 36
M 35 1.1 32 1.76 33
M 40 1.2 29 1.92 30
M 45 1.3 27 2.08 28
M 50 1.4 25 2.24 26

Permissible stress in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Permission stress in compression (N/mm2) Permissible stress in bond (Average) for
Grade of Bending acbc Direct (acc) plain bars in tention (N/mm2)
(N/mm2) Kg/m2 (N/mm2) Kg/m2 (N/mm2) in kg/m2
M 10 3.0 300 2.5 250 -- --
M 15 5.0 500 4.0 400 0.6 60
M 20 7.0 700 5.0 500 0.8 80
M 25 8.5 850 6.0 600 0.9 90
M 30 10.0 1000 8.0 800 1.0 100
M 35 11.5 1150 9.0 900 1.1 110
M 40 13.0 1300 10.0 1000 1.2 120
M 45 14.5 1450 11.0 1100 1.3 130
M 50 16.0 1600 12.0 1200 1.4 140

Maximum shear stress tc.max in concrete (IS : 456-2000)

Grade of concrete M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40

tc.max 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.5

n factore Table
415 500
1.90 1.50
1.80 1.40
1.70 1.35
1.60 1.30
1.50 1.20
1.40 1.16
1.30 1.08
1.20 1.00
1.15 0.95
1.05 0.90
1.02 0.86
1.20 0.84
0.98 0.82
0.96 0.81
0.94 0.80
0.92 0.79
0.91 0.78
0.90 0.77
0.89 0.76
0.86 0.75
0.86 0.74
0.85 0.73
0.84 0.72
0.83 0.72
0.83 0.72
0.82 0.71
0.82 0.71
0.81 0.71
0.81 0.70
0.81 0.70
0.81 0.69
0.81 0.69
0.81 0.68
0.81 0.68

Table Carpentors's coefficents for cylenlidrical tank (Reyolndhan

cotangent Degree Factors F

57.249 1.0 H+dA 10 20 30 40 10
56.300 1.5 0.2 0.046 0.028 0.022 0.015 -
28.633 2.0 0.3 0.032 0.019 0.014 0.01 0.55
Value of H/D

22.913 2.5 0.4 0.024 0.014 0.01 0.007 0.5

19.071 3.0 0.5 0.02 0.02 0.009 0.006 0.45
16.361 3.5 1.0 0.012 0.006 0.005 0.003 0.37
14.304 4.0 2.0 0.006 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.3
12.696 4.5 4.0 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.27
11.435 5.0
10.382 5.5
9.558 6.0 TABLE 20.1
8.772 6.5 Cofficent for bending moment and twisting moment in circular bea
8.144 7.0 No of support 2f C1 C2
7.594 7.5 4 90 0.137 0.07
7.117 8.0 5 72 0.108 0.054
6.691 8.5 6 60 0.089 0.045
6.311 9.0 8 45 0.066 0.03
5.961 9.5 9 40 0.06 0.027
5.668 10.0 10 36 0.054 0.023
5.395 10.5 12 30 0.045 0.017
5.142 11.0
4.911 11.5
4.704 12.0
1.192 12.5
4.331 13.0
4.165 13.5
4.010 14.0 TABLE 4.1 for (Krishna Raju) intze tank design
3.867 14.5 Cofficent for bending moment and twisting moment in circular bea
3.729 15.0 Negative Positive
3.721 15.5 bending bending
No of moment at moment at
3.487 16.0 support 2f
support center of
3.373 16.5 K1 span K2
3.271 17.0 4 90 0.0342 0.0176
3.169 17.5 6 72 0.148 0.0075
3.078 18.0 8 60 0.0083 0.0041
2.988 18.5 10 45 0.0054 0.0023
2.903 19.0 12 40 0.0037 0.0014
2.822 19.5
2.746 20.0
2.673 20.5
2.604 21.0
2.538 21.5
2.475 22.0
2.412 22.5
2.355 23.0
2.300 23.5
2.245 24.0
2.192 24.5
2.147 25.0
2.102 25.5
2.047 26.0
2.004 26.5
1.963 27.0
1.921 27.5
1.879 28.0
1.840 28.5
1.803 29.0
1.767 29.5
1.732 30.0
1.697 30.5
1.664 31.0
1.631 31.5
1.600 32.0
1.569 32.5
1.539 33.0
1.509 33.5
1.483 34.0
1.455 34.5
1.429 35.0
1.402 35.5
1.377 36.0
1.350 36.5
1.326 37.0
1.303 37.5
1.280 38.0
1.256 38.5
1.235 39.0
1.212 39.5
1.191 40.0
1.170 40.5
1.149 41.0
1.129 41.5
1.110 42.0
1.091 42.5
1.072 43.0
1.053 43.5
1.035 44.0
1.017 44.5
1.000 45.0
0.981 45.5
0.965 46.0
0.949 46.5
0.931 47.0
0.916 47.5
0.901 48.0
0.884 48.5
0.869 49.0
0.853 49.5
0.838 50.0
0.824 50.5
0.809 51.0
0.792 51.5
0.780 52.0
0.766 52.5
0.753 53.0
0.739 53.5
0.726 54.0
0.712 54.5
0.700 55.0
0.687 55.5
0.674 56.0
0.661 56.5
0.649 57.0
0.637 57.5
0.624 58.0
0.612 58.5
0.601 59.0
0.588 59.5
0.577 60.0
0.565 60.5
0.553 61.0
0.543 61.5
0.531 62.0
0.520 62.5
0.508 63.0
0.498 63.5
0.487 64.0
0.476 64.5
0.466 65.0
0.455 65.5
0.444 66.0
0.434 66.5
0.424 67.0
0.414 67.5
0.403 68.0
0.394 68.5
0.384 69.0
0.374 69.5
0.364 70.0
0.353 70.5
0.344 71.0
0.335 71.5
0.325 72.0
0.315 72.5
0.306 73.0
0.296 73.5
0.287 74.0
0.277 74.5
0.268 75.0
0.259 75.5
0.249 76.0
0.238 76.5
0.231 77.0
0.222 77.5
0.213 78.0
0.203 78.5
0.194 79.0
0.185 79.5
0.176 80.0
0.167 80.5
0.158 81.0
0.149 81.5
0.139 82.0
0.132 82.5
0.123 83.0
0.114 83.5
0.105 84.0
0.096 84.5
0.087 85.0
0.079 85.5
0.070 86.0
0.061 86.5
0.052 87.0
0.044 87.5
0.035 88.0
0.026 88.5
0.017 89.0
0.009 89.5
0.000 90.0

fs = 120 =fy200
fs =145 =fy250





0 0.4 0.8 1.2

Modification factore

Fs= steel stress of service load =0.58fy

for steeel
fy 500 = Fs 290 N/mm2
fy 415 = Fs 240 N/mm2
fy 328 = Fs 190 N/mm2
fy 250 = Fs 145 N/mm2
fy 207 = Fs 120 N/mm2
lenlidrical tank (Reyolndhand book)

K1 K2
20 30 40 10 20 30 40
0.5 0.45 0.4 0.32 0.46 0.53 0.5
0.43 0.38 0.33 0.35 0.53 0.6 0.66
0.39 0.35 0.3 0.44 0.58 0.65 0.7
0.37 0.32 0.27 0.48 0.63 0.69 0.73
0.28 0.24 0.21 0.62 0.73 0.74 0.83
0.22 0.19 0.16 0.73 0.81 0.85 0.88
0.2 0.17 0.14 0.8 0.85 0.87 0.9
nd twisting moment in circular beam
C3 fm
0.021 19.25
0.014 15.25
0.009 12.75
0.005 9.5
0.004 8.5
0.003 7.25
0.002 6.25

a Raju) intze tank design

nd twisting moment in circular beam
moment or fm
torqu K3

0.0053 19.25
0.00015 15.25
0.0006 12.75
3E-05 9.5
0.0017 8.5
fs =145 =fy250
fs =190 =fy328
fs =240 =fy415
fs = 290 =fy500

1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8

Fig 7.1

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