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Direction. Encricle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The ideas that all living things are composed of cells come from other cells defines:
a. Central dogma
b. The laws of inheritance
c. Organelle theory
d. Inheritance of acquired characteristics
e. Cell Theory

2. You would expect a cell with an extensive Golgi apparatus to

a. make a lot of ATP (energy)
b. secrete a lot of material
c. move actively
d. perform photosynthesis
e. store large quantities of food

3. The function of the nucleolus is

a. To manufacture polypeptides
b. To help manufacture ribosomes
c. Intracellular digestion
d. To store chromatin
e. To produce hydrogen peroxide
4. Most of the life of any cell is spent in a period of growth called ____.
telophase interphase
prophase anaphase
5.Which choice best describes the cell cycle?
Cells grow and develop during interphase. Cells reproduce during the mitotic phase.
Cells grow and develop during the mitotic phase. Cells reproduce during interphase.
The nucleus of a cell divides during interphase. The cytoplasm of a cell divides during the
mitotic phase.
The nucleus of a cell divides during the mitotic phase. The cytoplasm of a cell divides

6. The stroma is the

a. Thick fluid enclosed by the inner chloroplast membrane.
b. Watery fluid enclosed by the inner membrane of a mitochondrion.
c. Space between the inner and outer membranes of a chloroplast,
d. Space between the inner and outer membranes of a mitochondrion.
e. Fluid within the grana
7.How long does it take for most dividing human cells to complete a cell cycle?
a few minutes a year
a day about 7 years

8. Organelles involved in energy conversion are the

a. rough ER and Golgi apparatus
b. nucleus and smooth ER
c. nucleus and chloroplast
d. lysosome and ribosome
e. mitochondrion and chloroplast

9. Which of the following consists of prokaryotic cells?

a. Plants and animals
b. Bacteria and archaea
c. Plants, fungi, bacteria , & archaea
d. Animals
e. Plants, bacteria, and archaea

10. All of the following statements would be supported by the cell theory EXCEPT
a. All living things are made of cells.
b. All cells come from other cells.
c. The cell is the basic functional unit of an organism.
d. Cells may grow to an unlimited size.

11. Which of the following statements best describes an organism’s attempt to maintain CELLULAR
a. a flowering plant bends towards the light
b. a paramecium’s contractile vacuole expels excess water from a cell.
c. a bird lays three eggs in its nest
d. a dog growls when a litter mate attempts to take its bone.

12. Which of the following structures would be used to identify a prokaryotic cell?
a. cell membrane, nucleus, and DNA
b. cell wall, flagella, and chloroplasts
c. cytoplasm, smooth ER, and rough ER
d. mitochondria, Golgi body, and lysosomes
13. Whether a molecule can cross the plasma membrane depends upon
a.the size of the molecule
b the shape of the molecule
c the charge of the molecule
d All of the above
14. Which is the Best definition of osmosis?
a movement of molecules from an area of their higher concentration to an area of their lower
b movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from an area of high water concentration to an
    of lower water concentration.
c. movement of molecules from an area of their lower concentration to and area of their higher
d. movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from an area of low water concentration to an
    of higher water concentration.
15. Which of the following correctly matches a structure with its function?
a. mitochondria—photosynthesis
b. nucleus—cellular respiration
c. vacuole—storage
d. chloroplast—cellular respiration.
16. To enter or leave a cell, substances must pass through
a. the Golgi apparatus
b. a ribosome
c. the nucleus
d. the plasma membrane
17. The movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration is
a. diffusion
b. endocytosis
c. catalysis
d. active transport
18. Phospholipid molecules in a membrane are arranged with their ______ on the exterior and their _____ on
the interior.
a. hydrophobic heads….hydrophilic tails
b. hydrophilic heads…hydrophobic tails
c. nonpolar heads…polar tails
d. hydrophobic tails…hydrophilic heads
e. hydrophilic tails…hydrophobic heads
19. In osmosis, water always moves towards the _______ solution, that is, toward the solution with the _____
solute concentration.
a. isotonic….greater
b. hypertonic…greater
c. hypertonic…lesser
d. hypotonic…greater
e. hypotonic…lesser
20. Facilitated diffuision uses energy. True or False?
a. True b. False
21. Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called
a. active transport
b. osmosis
c. exocytosis
d. passive transport
e. facilitated diffusion
21. If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, which will occur?
a Salts will move into the cell from the surrounding solution.
bWater will move into the cell from the surrounding solution.
c Salts will move out of the cell into the surrounding solution.
d Water will move out of the cell into the surrounding solution.

22.Active transport
a) requires a carrier protein.
b) moves a molecule against its concentration gradient.
c) requires a supply of chemical energy.
d) does not occur during facilitated transport.
e) All of these are correct.
23. Which organelle would you expect to find in a plant cell but not an animal cell?
a. Mitochondria
b Ribosome
d.golgi bodies
24. Which key factor distinguishes organic compounds from inorganic compounds?
a. organic compounds contain carbon.
b. organic compounds contain hydrogen
c. organic compounds provide energy for cells
d. organic compounds are the building blocks of cells
25. The movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane is known as
a. exocytosis c. endocytosis
b. phagocytosis d. osmosis
26.Which cell feature is responsible for making proteins?
a lysosomes
b ribosomes
c. Mitochondria
27. Which of the following is an example of ACTIVE TRANSPORT?
a. facilitated diffusion
b. osmosis
c. diffusion
d. none of the above
28. Osmosis uses energy. True or False?
a. True b. False
29.What is the name of the jelly-like substance that is inside the cell?
a cytoplasm b. ectoplasm c. cytokinesis d. cell wall
30.What cell feature is responsible for powering the cell?
a.endoplasmic reticulum b golgi bodies c. mitochondria d. nucleus
31. Where in the cell does chromatin (DNA) found?
a. Ribosomes b nucleus c nucleolus d. mitochondria
32. What are two features that plant cells have that animal cells do not?
A. lysosome and cell walls
B cell wall and chlroplasts
C cell membrane and nucleolus
33. What cell feature contains digestive enzymes which breaks things down?
a: lysosomes b: ribosomes c: vacuoles d. cell membrane

34. Which cell feature packages and moves things around the cell?
a endoplasmic reticulum b chloroplasts c golgi bodies d. chloroplast
35. Which cell feature transports ribosomes?
A: endoplasmic reticulum
B: golgi bodies
C: mitochondria
36. During which stage of interphase do cells perform their normal cell functions (such as growing and
making enzymes to digest your food)?
S stage G2 stage
G1 stage Mitosis
For questions 37-39 using the following answer choices to tell describe each picture:

A. Hypertonic B. Hypotonic C. Isotonic

40..During which stage of interphase do cells copy their DNA?

S stage G2 stage
G1 stage Cytokinesis

41.During which stage of interphase do cells store energy in final preparation for use in the mitotic phase?
G2 S
G3 S2
42.Which best describes how a plant cell divides?
A new cell plate and wall forms in the middle of the cell and two new cells are formed.
The two cells twist apart.
The membrane pinches shut in the middle of the cell and the cells are split apart.
Plant cells do not divide.

43.Which of the following is NOT a result of cell division?

reproduction growth
nutrition repair
44.What is the first thing that happens when a new cell is produced?
It gets smaller. It divides again.
It grows. It rests.

45. Which term is derived from the Greek root word meaning "out of cell"?
a) osmosis    b) endocytosis    c) tonicity    d) diffusion    e) exocytosis
46. It determines the number and structure of chromosomes in the cell nucleus and can be used to detect
chromosomal aberrations
a. gene splicing b. karyotyping c. genetic aberration d. genetic mutation

47. Variations in the chromosome number such as addition or loss of one or more chromosomes
a. aneuploidy b. polyploidy c. deletion d. disjunction

48. -49. ___________________ where part of a chromosome is oriented in the reverse of its usual direction
while _____________________ is part of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to another, non-homologous
a. duplication, disjunction b. deletion , disjunction c. inversion, deletion d. inversion, reciprocal
50. It is a part of a cell where it contain units of heredity (genes),composed of chromatin (DNA + protein) and
organisms contain a specific number of these.
a. ribosome b. ribosome c. lysosome d. nucleus

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