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Software manual

LCP inspection module


Read the instructions prior to performing any task.

Keep instructions for future reference.
Rotter Bruch 26a
52068 Aachen

Telephone: +49-241-9126-0
Fax: +49-241-9126-100

Translation of the original software manual


Date of issue: 08.05.2018

© INTRAVIS GmbH 2014

The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others
without express authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights
reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
Subject to change without prior notice.

Change history

Change history

Version Date Refer- Changes

1 03.2014 FR
2 04.2014 FR Addition to "Fault type" section
3 01.2015 FR Note on inspection areas at different levels added
4 05.2016 MW Extended to include the label joint, label offset and print-to-cut offset
5 11.2017 MW Updated
6 12-2017 MW Note on inspection area for label joint added

Trademarks The common names, trade names, product descriptions, etc. used
in these operating instructions may also be trademarks, whether or
not they are specifically identified as such, and these trademarks
are subject to the applicable legal regulations. The trade brands
and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
INTRAVIS® is a registered trademark of INTRAVIS GmbH.

Change history

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Inspection function............................................................. 7
2 Measurement results and fault types................................ 9
2.1 Displaying measurement results................................... 9
2.2 Fault types................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Label Joint fault type................................................ 12
2.2.2 Label Offset Hor. fault type...................................... 12
2.2.3 Label Offset Ver. fault type...................................... 12
2.2.4 Print-to-Cut Offset Hor. fault type............................. 13
2.2.5 Print-to-Cut Offset Ver. fault type............................. 13
2.2.6 Horizontal Offset fault type...................................... 13
2.2.7 Vertical Offset fault type........................................... 13
2.2.8 Rotation fault type.................................................... 14
2.2.9 Spots fault type........................................................ 14
2.2.10 Additional Inspection n fault type........................... 14
3 Parameter.......................................................................... 15
3.1 Inspection parameter group........................................ 15
3.2 Offset parameter group............................................... 16
3.3 Label Joint parameter group....................................... 17
3.4 Additional Inspection parameter group....................... 17
4 Reference .......................................................................... 19
4.1 Edge Finder reference step........................................ 20
4.2 Reference step Inspection area.................................. 21
4.3 Exclusion Area reference step.................................... 23
4.4 Auto Pattern Finder reference step............................. 24
4.5 Pattern Finder reference step..................................... 24
4.6 Additional Inspection reference step........................... 25
4.7 Reference result......................................................... 26
5 Training.............................................................................. 29
5.1 Testing the parameter values...................................... 29
5.2 Optimizing a reference................................................ 30
6 Calibration......................................................................... 31
6.1 Opening calibration..................................................... 31
7 Index................................................................................... 33

Table of contents

Inspection function

1 Inspection function
The LCP inspection module inspects labels for the following fea-
n Offset and rotation of the label on the object
n Label print quality
n Label joint
n Print-to-cut offset
n Optional inspections:
– Wrinkles in the label
– Duplicate labels
– Presence of additional labels and stamps such as the date
or serial/batch number.

This manual describes all the functions and

options available for the inspection module. The
inspection module’s actual range of functions has
been customized for your product requirements
and depends on the system features you ordered.
As a result, the range of functions configured for
your system may differ from this manual.

Inspection requirements n Calibration: INTRAVIS service adjusts the inspection module

to your system with calibration during setup. If the optical
recording conditions (e.g. camera, lens or lighting) change, you
must recalibrate the inspection module.
Ä Chapter 6 “Calibration” on page 31
n Reference: The inspection is based on the image of an ideal
object, which is referred to as the reference. The reference is
used to define how an ideal object looks and which areas of
the object are analyzed.
Ä Chapter 4 “Reference ” on page 19
n Fault types: The inspection module defines which fault types
can generally be identified.
Ä Chapter 2.2 “Fault types” on page 11
– Parameters: You set the permitted deviation of the
inspected object from the reference individually for each
fault type. Individual inspections or even the entire inspec-
tion module can be deactivated if necessary.
Ä Chapter 3 “Parameter” on page 15
– Training: Training allows you to inspect the effects that
changes to parameters have on the inspection results.
You can perform training with inspected object images you
consider good. This way, you teach the inspection module
which areas are difficult to inspect. These areas are desen-
sitized individually.
Ä Chapter 5 “Training” on page 29

Inspection function

Inspection process 1. The inspection module checks the inspected objects for devi-
ations from the reference. Deviations that are found are clas-
sified as fault types.
2. The inspection module’s inspection window shows the
Ä Chapter 2.1 “Displaying measurement results” on page 9
The Statistics tab gives you a precise overview of the faults
that occurred and their distribution.

Measurement results and fault types

2 Measurement results and fault types

You can view the measurement results in the inspection window.
Using the result detail levels 0 (none) to 5 (all), you can set which
measurement results will be displayed.

The following illustrations show the inspection

window at result detail level 4 to enable us to
describe what is shown.
INTRAVIS recommends result detail level 2 for pro-
ductive operation.

Activate inspection module Personnel: n User

The inspection module is deactivated if the inspec-

tion window is blank in measurement mode.

n Measurement mode is not active.

Fig. 1: Inspection module deactivated

1. Select the inspection module in the statistics tab on the right.

ð The inspection module dialog opens.

Fig. 2: Activate inspection module

2. Move the “Test Run” switch to the “On” position.

3. Press “OK” to confirm the setting.
ð You have activated the inspection module.

Fig. 3: Inspection module dialog

2.1 Displaying measurement results

In the bottom right of the inspection screen, you can see which
views you can select. You can display the “Camera” view or the
“Tracked” view in the inspection screen:

Measurement results and fault types

n “Camera” view: In this view, the inspection screen shows the

object image as taken by the camera.
n “Tracked” view: In this view, the inspection screen shows the
object image after the image has been moved according to the
measured offset, and rotated according to the measured rota-

Fig. 4: LCP inspection screen

Inspection results are displayed on the inspection screen:
n Squares indicate the offset and rotation of the label:
– Green square: Detected correctly
– Orange square: Not clearly detected
– Red square: Not detected
– The line in the square indicates the direction and length of
the shift.
Tip/Info: Orange or red squares do not necessarily mean that
the object is faulty.
n The yellow dash in the center of the magenta colored bar
indicates where the object edge was detected. The number in
the violet colored square next to it shows the deviation from the
reference image.
n Blue rectangles indicate areas that are checked using optional
auxiliary checks.
n Red rectangles indicate areas where deviations from the refer-
ence image have been detected.

Measurement results and fault types

Not all inspection results are displayed. If, for

instance, general position determination fails (edge
finder), the following checks are no longer exe-
cuted and are therefore not displayed.

Fig. 5: LCP inspection screen - Error message

The reasons why a measurement was canceled or

why measurement values are beyond the toler-
ance range are displayed in the upper left corner of
the inspection screen.

2.2 Fault types

The inspection module can detect the fault types listed in this
chapter. The following information is provided for each fault type:
n Causes for the detection of the fault type
n If present: Fault type is highlighted in the inspection window
n Parameters for the relevant fault type
The Statistics tab provides you with an overview of the fault types
and their distribution.
The IntraVision software manual provides more information about
the Statistics tab in the Ä Statistics tab section.
Fig. 6: Statistics tab

Measurement results and fault types

Error message If an object is classed as faulty, the inspection window displays an

error message:

Fig. 7: Error message

1 The fault type is displayed in a text field that is highlighted
in red.
2 The upper right corner is colored red.

2.2.1 Label Joint fault type

Cause - The label offset at the label joint exceeds
the tolerance.
Marking in inspec- - “Label Joint” error message highlighted in
tion window red
Related parameters - Ä “Tolerance ” on page 17

2.2.2 Label Offset Hor. fault type

Cause - The horizontal label offset on the inspected
object exceeds the tolerance.
Marking in inspec- - “Label Offset Hor.” error message highlighted
tion window in red
Related parame- - Ä “Tol. label offset hor. ” on page 16

2.2.3 Label Offset Ver. fault type

Cause - The vertical label offset on the inspected
object exceeds the tolerance.
Marking in inspec- - “Label Offset Ver.” error message highlighted
tion window in red
Related parame- - Ä “Tol. label offset ver. ” on page 16

Measurement results and fault types

2.2.4 Print-to-Cut Offset Hor. fault type

Cause - The horizontal print offset on the label
exceeds the tolerance.
Marking in - “Print-to-Cut Offset Hor.” error message high-
inspection lighted in red
Related parame- - Ä “Tol. artwork offset hor. ” on page 16

2.2.5 Print-to-Cut Offset Ver. fault type

Cause - The vertical print offset on the label exceeds
the tolerance.
Marking in - “Print-to-Cut Offset Ver.” error message high-
inspection lighted in red
Related parame- - Ä “Tol. artwork offset ver. ” on page 17

2.2.6 Horizontal Offset fault type

Cause - The horizontal offset of the printed image with
regard to the inspected object exceeds the tol-
Marking in - “Horizontal Offset” error message highlighted
inspection in red
Related parame- - Ä “Tol. print offset hor. ” on page 16

If the offset displayed seems to be unusually large

or small, check whether the object magnification is
set correctly.

2.2.7 Vertical Offset fault type

Cause - The vertical offset of the artwork with regard to
the inspected object exceeds the tolerance.
Marking in - “Vertical Offset” error message highlighted in
inspection red
Related parame- - Ä “Tol. print offset ver. ” on page 16

Measurement results and fault types

2.2.8 Rotation fault type

Cause - The rotation of the artwork compared to the
reference is greater than the specified toler-
Marking in - “Rotation” error message highlighted in red
Related parame- - Ä “Tol. rotation ” on page 16

2.2.9 Spots fault type

Cause - The weighted total of all spots is greater than the
specified tolerance.
Marking in - “Spots” error message highlighted in red
Related - Ä “Tol. defects ” on page 15
Ä “Sensitivity ” on page 15
Ä “Sens. on Edges ” on page 15
Ä “Wrinkle Filter ” on page 15

2.2.10 Additional Inspection n fault type

Cause - The inspection module detects a change in the
inspection area due to either a double label or a
missing print/code.
Marking in - “Additional Inspection” error message high-
inspection lighted in red
Related param- - Ä “Tolerance ” on page 17
Ä “Tracking ” on page 17

Additional inspections are an optional add-on.

INTRAVIS configures the individual number and
use of these additional inspections. Additional
inspections inspect an area for similarities but are
not as accurate as the spot inspection.


3 Parameter

You can adapt the inspection module to the requirements of the

product to be inspected via the parameters.
Parameter groups combine the parameters for a specific inspec-

The icons used are described in the "Parameter

Icons" section of the IntraVision software manual.

See the IntraVision software manual, section Ä


3.1 Inspection parameter group

Active The parameter activates or deactivates the inspection module.

The inspection window does not show any images

when you deactivate the inspection module.

Surface inspection Activates or deactivates label inspection function that checks if the
label matches the reference label.

Tol. defects The “Tol. defects” parameter defines the total amount of faults per-
mitted for the spot inspection. The value is a combination of the
number and size of all the individual errors detected.

Sensitivity The “Sensitivity” parameter determines the brightness deviations

at which a point is considered faulty as compared to the reference
image. If you perform training in the inspection module, you can
work with higher sensitivity levels.

Sens. on Edges You can use the “Sens. on Edges” parameter to reduce the meas-
urement sensitivity in the vicinity of contour edges. A value of 75 is
typically used. After performing training, you can also use values
up to 100.

Wrinkle Filter The “Wrinkle Filter” parameter activates or deactivates a filter to

improve detection of wrinkles. The effect of the filter is not visible in
the display image, but simply results in improved sensitivity for


Changes to this parameter will not take effect until

after a new reference has been created.

3.2 Offset parameter group

Tol. print offset hor. The “Tol. print offset hor.” parameter defines the permitted hori-
zontal print offset on the object.

Tol. print offset ver. The “Tol. print offset ver.” parameter defines the permitted vertical
print offset on the object.

Tol. rotation The “Tol. rotation” parameter defines the permitted rotation of a
label on the object in degrees.

Label Offset Hor. The “Label Offset Hor.” parameter activates or deactivates the
inspection for horizontal label offset and print-to-cut offset.

You can only activate or deactivate the inspection

if a horizontal edge finder for the label is activated
in the reference.

Tol. label offset hor. The “Tol. label offset hor.” parameter defines the permitted devia-
tion of the horizontal label offset on the inspected object as com-
pared to the reference.

Tol. artwork offset hor. The “Tol. artwork offset hor.” parameter defines the permitted devi-
ation for the horizontal artwork offset.

Label Offset Ver. The “Label Offset Ver.” parameter activates or deactivates the
inspection for vertical label offset and print-to-cut offset.

You can only activate or deactivate the inspection

if a vertical edge finder for the label is activated in
the reference.

Tol. label offset ver. The “Tol. label offset ver.” defines the permitted deviation of the
vertical label offset on the inspected object as compared to the ref-


Tol. artwork offset ver. The “Tol. artwork offset ver.” parameter defines the permitted devi-
ation for the vertical artwork offset.

3.3 Label Joint parameter group

Active The “Active” parameter activates or deactivates inspection of the
label joint.

You can only activate or deactivate the inspection

if a joint for the label is activated in the reference.

Tolerance The “Tolerance” parameter defines the permitted deviation of the

label joint from the reference.

The tolerance refers to an upward or downward

shift in the label joint.

3.4 Additional Inspection parameter group

Tracking The “Tracking” parameter indicates whether the additional inspec-
tion area moves with the label or object, or has a fixed position.
with object - The inspection area for the additional inspection
moves with the object.
with label - The inspection area for the additional inspection
moves with the label (sum of the offset of the object
and the label).
fix position - The inspection area for the additional inspection is
always in the same position in the inspection window.

Tolerance The “Tolerance” parameter defines the permitted deviation for the
additional inspection. The value is the difference between the
absolute values of the two inspections.



4 Reference
A reference has to be generated for each product that you would
like to check. A reference consists of:
n an image of an ideal object and
n measurement points and measurement ranges that are ana-
lyzed during evaluation of the test objects.
The reference is used later in measurement mode as a template
for object comparison.
The IntraVision software manual provides information on refer-
ences in the Ä References section.
The IntraVision software manual provides information on the con-
trols in the Ä General reference steps section.

Use optimal object images only!

For the reference, select an optimal object image.
For detailed information on selecting the optimal
object image, see IntraVision software manual,
section Ä Selecting a reference image.

Start creating a reference You use the “Create reference” function to either create a new ref-
erence or change an existing reference. The reference steps are
identical for both scenarios.
Personnel: n User

n Measurement mode is not active.
1. Open “Commands è Products è Create reference.”
ð The “Create reference” dialog opens.
2. Select an action:
New reference (on - The image displayed in the inspection
present image) window is used to create or modify
the reference.
Repeat reference - The image used previously is used to
(on last reference create or modify the reference.

ð The “Reference creation” dialog opens.

To quit before you have finished, choose “Cancel” .


4.1 Edge Finder reference step

In the “Edge Finder” reference step, you define an edge that the
inspection module later recognizes. The inspection module uses
the edge finder to determine the position of the object.
You need three edge finders for the LCP inspection module:
n In the “Edge Finder Object” reference step, you define the
edge of the object.
n In the “Edge Finder Label” reference step, you define the edge
of the label.
n In the “Edge Finder Joint 1” and “Edge Finder Joint 2” refer-
ence steps, you define the position of the two ends of the label.
The inspection module uses the edges of the object and label to
inspect the label offset, artwork offset, print-to-cut offset and label

“Edge finder” reference step The “edge finder” searches for and detects the horizontal or ver-
tical position of an object edge, which is used to the determine the
object position in the image.
The edge finder consists of:
n a magenta colored rectangle that marks the search area,
n a magenta colored vertical line that marks the center of the
Fig. 8: Edge finder
search area,
n a yellow line that marks the exact position of the edge found
n a yellow rectangle that marks the area around the edge found
and makes it easier to locate the yellow line.
n The box next to the edge finder displays the quality of the cur-
rent position of the edge finder on a scale from 0 (poor) to 100
You can adjust the position and length of the search area during
1. Select an area, where the edge is as vertical as possible and
exhibits a sharp transition. Set the edge finder approximately
in the middle of the selected edge.
2. Using the outer drag points, adjust the search area to the
required length.
n Adjust the length of the search area such that the antici-
pated object position area is covered, plus approximately
20% of this area as reserve.
n Adjust the length of the search area such that it is not too
long and that it does not accidentally include a similar
looking edge (e.g. object-label transition).
Fig. 9: Positioning the edge finder on
the object Note the quality indicator value here.
3. Set the edge finder exactly in the middle of the selected


4. Choose “Next” to confirm.

To quit the reference before you have finished, choose
“Cancel” . Changes will be discarded.

4.2 Reference step Inspection area

“Inspection area” reference step
Personnel: n User

n The “Edge finder” reference step is completed.

For the “Inspection area” reference step, you define which parts of
the image are to be used for image comparison. The inspection
areas are compared with the mapped image during measurement.
You can set as many inspection areas as you wish.
You can draw the inspection areas freely:
n Each inspection area initially has four corners, but must only
have a minimum of three corners and can be modified to have
as many corners as you wish. All corner points can be moved
n You can move the inspection areas using the drag point in
the middle of the inspection area.
n Inspection areas may overlap.
You can activate/deactivate each of the inspection areas sepa-
rately .

Fig. 10: LCP reference step: inspec-

tion area


Place inspection areas on one If the position of the inspection objects are not exactly the same
level! for the recording, all of the inspection areas must be on one level.
1. Place all inspection areas on one lateral surface (in the
1 2 example, either (1) or (2)).

Fig. 11: Inspection object with lat-

eral surfaces (see 1 and 2) on dif-
ferent levels
1 Left lateral surface/level
2 Right lateral surface/level

2. In the “Pattern Finder” reference step, place all of the pat-

tern finders on this lateral surface Ä “ “Contour finder” refer-
ence step” on page 24.

If you want to inspect multiple lateral surfaces, you must use a

separate LCP inspection module for each lateral surface/level.
Contact the INTRAVIS service team.


Inspection area with label joint If a label joint is visible in the inspection area, the inspection area
may not include the label joint.
If you want to inspect the whole label, you have to use a seperate
LCP inspection module for each side of the label. Contact the
INTRAVIS service team.
1. Place all inspection areas on one label side (in the example,
either ① or ②).

1 2

Fig. 12: Inspection object with cir-

cumferential label and label joint
① left label side
② right label side
③ label joint

2. In the “Pattern Finder” reference step, place all of the pat-

tern finders on this label side.
Ä Chapter 4.5 “Pattern Finder reference step” on page 24
3. Make a reference in the second LCP inspection module and
place the inspection areas and the pattern finders on the
other side of the label joint.

4.3 Exclusion Area reference step

“Exclusion area” reference step
Personnel: n User

n The reference step “Inspection area” is completed.

For the “Exclusion area” reference step, you define which parts of
the image within the inspection areas are not to be used for image
comparison. The areas are excluded during comparison.
You can set as many exclusion areas as you wish.


You can draw the exclusion areas freely:

n Each exclusion area initially has four corners, but must only
have a minimum of three corners and can be modified to have
as many corners as you wish. All corner points can be
moved freely.
n You can move the exclusion areas using the drag point in
the middle of the exclusion area.
n Exclusion areas may overlap.
You can activate/deactivate each of the exclusion areas separately.

4.4 Auto Pattern Finder reference step

Auto contour finder? Before the contour finder reference step is opened, you will be
asked if the contour finders should be set automatically.
n Click Yes if you want to create a new reference and do not
have a lot of experience in terms of setting contour finders.
n Click No if you want to modify an existing reference and you
are satisfied with the current settings, or if you already have
experience in terms of setting contour finders.

The next reference step will follow if the contour

finders have been set automatically. Contour
finders can only be modified if you do not use the
automatic contour finder.
Automatic positioning of the contour finder can fail
on images with poor contrast. If automatic posi-
tioning fails, the inspection module will prompt you
to set the contour finders manually.

4.5 Pattern Finder reference step

“Contour finder” reference step
Personnel: n User

n The “Exclusion area” reference step is completed.

Contour finders are small rectangular image areas used for deter-
mining the position of the label.


4.6 Additional Inspection reference step

“Auxiliary check” reference step
Personnel: n User

n The “Contour finder” reference step is completed.

Auxiliary checks check an area for similarities, but are not as accu-
rate as the “Spot” inspection in the inspection area (see Reference
step Ä “ “Inspection area” reference step” on page 21).
The set inspection area (blue square) in the reference image is
checked for similarities with the object image. Only major devia-
tions are detected, for example, missing or additional labels, faulty
lighting or when a code is completely missing.
We set the maximum possible number of auxiliary checks for you.
The inspection areas for auxiliary checks are rectangular:
n You can adjust the size of the inspection areas by moving the
corner points .
n You can adjust the position of the inspection areas using the
drag point in the middle of the inspection area.
n Inspection areas may overlap.
Each auxiliary check is set in its own reference step. Several auxil-
iary checks result in several reference steps. You can activate/
deactivate each auxiliary check separately.


4.7 Reference result

Checking the reference You have successfully created the reference. The image of the ref-
erence object appears with all reference information.

Fig. 13: Reference result

① Edge Finder Object
② Horizontal Edge Finder for the Label
③ Vertical Edge Finder for the Label
④ Pattern finder
⑤ Area for additional inspection
⑥ Exclusion area
⑦ Inspection area
⑧ Left label joint edge finder
⑨ Right label joint edge finder

Finally, you can “Save” the reference or “Discard” all



Correcting the reference If you want to make corrections to the created reference, “Save”
the reference and repeat the reference creation.
1. Select “Commands è Create reference”.
2. Select the “Repeat reference (on last reference image)”
3. Click “Next” to navigate to the reference step you want to
4. Adjust the settings of the reference step.
5. Click “Next” to navigate to the “Reference created” refer-
ence step.
6. Click “Save” to close the reference correction process.



5 Training

5.1 Testing the parameter values

In the “Training” dialog box, you can see the effects of changing
the parameters on the inspection results for the images in the
training set.

The IntraVision software manual provides more

information on the training set in the Ä Creating a
training set section.

Unwanted rejection due to incorrect parameter
Saved changes cannot be undone.
– Never change more than one parameter value
at a time, and test the effect of the change.
– Reset the parameter to the previous value if a
change does not have the appropriate result.

n You have images in the training set.
1. Open the training dialog box: “Commands è Products
è Show training dialog”.

2. Select the fault type whose parameter settings you want to

change; see ①.
3. Change a parameter value; see ②.
ð The color of the squares (see ③) indicates which inspec-
tion results would change if you changed the parameter
< Green = OK
< Red = Faulty


5.2 Optimizing a reference

Information about reference optimi- Use reference optimization ( “Perform training” button) if different
zation areas are inspected with the same parameter settings on the
inspection objects:
Areas with a small number of struc- - For example, a large single-
tures or contrasts color surface
Areas with a large number of small - For example, a text with
structures or contrasts small letters

n An area without structures or contrasts can be inspected for

changes more easily and precisely than an area with a large
number of small structures or contrasts.
n If both areas are inspected, then the parameter values must be
set so that small non-critical deviations in the area with the
large number of small structures or contrasts are not inter-
preted as faulty and do not cause the objects to be ejected. As
a result of this, for example, the large single-color surface next
to them cannot be inspected so precisely.
n You can use the training function ( “Perform training” ) to desen-
sitize areas with subtle structures or contrasts.
n After the training, you can increase the sensitivity of the inspec-
tion because the inspection module detects the areas in which
it has to reduce the sensitivity individually.

Optimizing a reference
1. Create a training set from inspection object images that you
consider to be “good.”

The IntraVision software manual provides

more information about the training set in the
Ä Creating a training set section.

2. Optimize the reference by pressing the “Perform training”

ð The inspection module desensitizes the areas in the ref-
erence image in which the training set images are dif-
3. Adjust the parameter values to the optimized reference; see
Ä Chapter 5.1 “Testing the parameter values” on page 29

For more information about training, see the Intra-

Vision software manual under Ä Training dialog.


6 Calibration
INTRAVIS service calibrates the inspection module when setting
up the system. If the optical recording conditions such as camera,
lens or lighting change, then you must recalibrate the inspection
The inspection module has a calibration function for determining
the object magnification.

6.1 Opening calibration

Personnel: n Expert
n The inspection window is open.
n Measurement mode is not active.
n The inspection window shows an optimal object image.
Select “Commands è Maintenance
è Calibrate Inspection Module.”
ð The “Calibration” dialog opens.

Line of known length calibration In the “Line of known length” calibration step, you mark a section
step on the inspected object whose length you know.
Personnel: n Expert

1. Position the line on a section whose length you know.

2. Adjust the length of the line.
3. Select “Next” to confirm.

Fig. 14: Line of known length calibra-

tion step


① Line
② Side drag point
③ Center drag point

Enter the length calibration step In the “Enter the length” calibration step, you enter the length of
the section you marked in the “Line of known length” calibration
Personnel: n Expert

1. Enter the length of the marked section in millimeters.

2. Select “Next” to confirm.
3. Choose “Quit” to close calibration.
ð You have calibrated the inspection module.


7 Index
C Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
LCP inspection module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 P
Calibration step Parameter
Enter the length (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Line of known length (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Active (Label Joint) (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
F Label Offset Hor. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Label Offset Ver. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Fault type
Additional Inspection (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Sens. on Edges (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Horizontal Offset (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Sensitivity (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Label Joint (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tol. artwork offset hor. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Label Offset Hor. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tol. artwork offset ver. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Label Offset Ver. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tol. defects (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

LCP inspection module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tol. label offset hor. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Print-to-Cut Offset Hor. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Tol. label offset ver. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Print-to-Cut Offset Ver. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Tol. print offset hor. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Rotation (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Tol. print offset ver. (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Spots (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Tol. rotation (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Vertical Offset (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Tolerance (Additional Inspection) (LCP) . . . . . 17

Tolerance (Label Joint) (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
G Tracking (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
General parameters Wrinkle Filter (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Parameter group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
I Additional Inspection (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Inspection function
Label Joint (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
LCP inspection module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Offset (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 17
Inspection module
activating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 15 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

calibrating (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 32 R

Inspection screen LCP Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
L Correcting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

LCP inspection module Creating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Edge finder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Fault types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Exclusion area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Inspection function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Inspection area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


LCP inspection module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Reference result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Reference step
Edge Finder (LCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
LCP inspection module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


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