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Fish Surgery

MichaelJ. Murray, DVM

As the number and value of captive fishes increases, so increased. Public aquaria have increased in b o t h
too will the indications for surgical intervention by the n u m b e r and complexity and often exhibit fish
veterinarian. In general, the most difficult aspect of fish
with substantial financial and genetic value. As a
surgery is the provision of adequate and safe anesthe-
sia, and several different anesthetic regimens are pro- result, advances in fish surgery have b e c o m e
vided. Once one is familiar with the normal anatomy of commonplace.
the piscine patient, the basic concepts of surgery pre- A n u m b e r of excellent reviews of surgery in
vail, including appropriate surgical approach, hemosta- the piscine patient have b e e n published recently
sis, and gentle tissue manipulation. Specific surgical in the veterinary literature. 1,2 Much of the earli-
procedures, celiotomy, liver biopsy, renal biopsy, and
est work published was directed towards and
laparoscopy are discussed. Finally, successful outcome
of a surgical manipulation often rests in the postoper- written by fish pathologists and biologists with
ative management of the surgical patient. Suggestions particular emphasis on diagnostic sample collec-
for appropriate postoperative management are also tion and transmitter implantation. ~-7 An a t t e m p t
discussed. will be m a d e within this review to present a m o r e
Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights re- traditional veterinary a p p r o a c h to fish surgery
that includes discussion of anesthesia, patient
Key words: Fish, surgery, anesthesia, laparoscopy, ce- preparation, instrumentation, surgical proce-
liotomy, biopsy. dures, and postoperative m a n a g e m e n t .

g g V o u can do that?" is probably one of the

At most c o m m o n l y e n c o u n t e r e d responses
to clinicians advocating a surgical m a n i p u l a t i o n Debate still occurs regarding the ability of fish
of a piscine patient. O n the surface, one should to feel pain. W h e t h e r or not they feel pain, it is
not be terribly surprised at such a response; i n c u m b e n t u p o n the veterinarian to err on the
however, one n e e d only look m o r e carefully at side of caution, assume pain can be experi-
the demographics associated with captive fish to enced, and offer anesthesia during painful pro-
u n d e r s t a n d some of the driving forces b e h i n d cedures (Table 1). T h e r e can be no doubt, how-
"pet" fish medicine. Although the exact num- ever, regarding the often violent reaction that
bers are difficult to ascertain, the results of the fish have to noxious stimuli.
2001 p e t ownership survey posted on the Amer- O n e must always recognize the potential for
ican Pet Product Manufacturers Association idiosyncratic problems with anesthetics in fish.
Web site indicate that there are approximately For that reason, there are circumstances in
160 million pet fish. Many of these fish are dear which painless procedures, such as skin scrap-
pets to their owners, a n d the h u m a n - a n i m a l ings, may be carried out with gentle physical
b o n d definitely influences the level of veterinary restraint. This does not imply, however, that
care expected. As life support systems for captive physical restraint is appropriate for procedures
fish have i m p r o v e d and decreased in cost, b o t h that may be painful to the fish.
the value and longevity of m a n y specimens has Many elasmobranches are adequately sedated
following immersion in a water column that is
supersaturated with oxygen. Still other species
may be adequately immobilized by physically
From the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California. holding t h e m in dorsal r e c u m b e n c y via a process
Address correspondence to Michael J. Murray DVM, Monterey of tonic immobility. This practice should be
Bay Aquarium, 886 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940.
Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights resemed.
used with caution because some species may
1055-937X/02/1104-0007535.00/0 experience adverse effects to e x t e n d e d periods
doi:10.1053/saep. 2002.126571 of tonic immobility.

246 Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine, Vol 11, No 4 (October), 2002: pp 246-257
Fish SurgeU 247

Table 1. Anesthetic Doses p r o l o n g e d procedures a m e c h a n i s m for main-

Anesthetic Agent Dose taining respiratory support and acceptable anes-
thetic levels must be provided.
Inhalant anesthetics Inhalant anesthesia as described in this con-
Tricaine text may be maintained in one of t w o fashions.
Induction 100-200 mg/L In smaller specimens, a non-rebreathing system
Maintenance 50-100 mg/L may be used. Anesthetic- and oxygen-laden wa-
Eugenol ter appropriately p r e p a r e d for the fish may be
Induction 100-120 mg/L placed in a reservoir bag, such as an e x p e n d e d
Maintenance 40 mg/L IV bag. Anesthetic-laden water may then be de-
Injectable anesthetics
Ketamine livered via gravity flow through an appropriately
Teleost 66-68 mg/kg IM sized tube through the oral cavity directed over
Elasmobranch 12-20 mg/kg IM the gill filaments. Flow rates are easily controlled
Ketamine/ with clamps on the tubing. Water that accumu-
medetomidine lates may be drained into a n o t h e r reservoir but
Immobilization Ket, 1-2 mg/kg IM
Medet, 50-100 /xg/kg IM is not recycled over the fish's gills.
Reversal, In larger specimens a rebreathing system is
atipamezole 200/,g/kg IM r e c o m m e n d e d . A variety of anesthetic delivery
Ketamine/xylazine systems have b e e n described. In the author's
(sharks) experience, the design described by Lewbart
Ketamine 12-20 mg/kg IM
Xylazine 6 mg/kg IM and H a r m s is p r e f e r r e d and may be modified to
anesthetize large specimens (Fig 1). sq~ In this
Abbreviation: IM, intramuscularly. system, anesthetic-laden water is p u m p e d f r o m a
Table reprinted with permission,s
reservoir across the fish's gills f r o m where it
drains back into a reservoir for recirculation to
the patient. Such a system permits a p r o l o n g e d
Inhalant Anesthetics out-of-water p r o c e d u r e yet still maintains ade-
Not to be confused with the traditional inhal- quate respiratory support and anesthesia. It is
ant agents used in terrestrial animal anesthesia, i m p o r t a n t that the flow be directed over both
inhalants include those c o m p o u n d s added to gill arcades and in a n o r m o g r a d e fashion. Ret-
the water that sedate or anesthetize the fish. rograde flow may c o m p r o m i s e the n o r m a l
Although a n u m b e r of c o m p o u n d s have b e e n counter-current m e c h a n i s m of the gills and may
' e m p l o y e d in the past, the most c o m m o n l y used actually h a r m the structures.
agents currently in use are tricaine methanesul-
fonate (MS-222 or Finquel; Argent Chemical
Laboratories, R e d m o n d , WA) and eugenol.
Both c o m p o u n d s are readily available and have
b e e n evaluated for b o t h efficacy and safety.
Generally, fish are initially placed in an induc-
tion c h a m b e r that contains the p r o p e r levels of
anesthetic, with the a p p r o p r i a t e temperature,
pH, a n d oxygen levels, and is large e n o u g h to
prevent excessive struggling but not so large as
to p e r m i t concussive injury. Once the fish
reaches an a p p r o p r i a t e level of anesthesia, it
may be r e m o v e d f r o m the induction c h a m b e r
for out-of-water procedures.
For p r o c e d u r e s that are expected to be
shorter in duration, such as gill or fin biopsies,
Figure 1. Piscine rebreathing anesthetic system. A
no further chemical restraint may be required. side port off the power head (white arrow) is used to
In general, the time that the fish is held out of provide a trickle of water to keep the fish moist (black
water should be less than 5 minutes, s In m o r e arrow). Reprinted with permission. 1~
248 Michaelf Murray

Despite the a p p a r e n t "bullet-proof' nature of nature of the solution, buffering of anesthetic

these systems, there are areas of concern. First, systems should occur just before their use on
one must be ever cautious of water quality. Pro- fish. An oily residue n o t e d on the surface of the
longed p r o c e d u r e s may result in water that be- stock solution indicates that desulfonation has
comes increasingly c o n t a m i n a t e d with nitroge- occurred and that the solution has lost potency
nous waste. Additionally, one should be certain and should be replaced.
that adequate gas exchange is occurring at the As a general guideline, MS-222 induction is
water's surface. In some circumstances it may be carried out at concentrations of 100-200 m g / L .
necessary to percolate oxygen t h r o u g h the anes- Anesthetic m a i n t e n a n c e may then be accom-
thetic reservoir. In most cases, a dissolved oxy- plished at 50-100 m g / L . It is imperative that the
gen concentration of 6-10 p p m is adequate since clinician develops a familiarity with the effects of
p r o l o n g e d exposure to high oxygen levels may the agent u p o n the species in question. Varying
be d a m a g i n g to the respiratory system (the degrees of sensitivity to MS-222 have been ob-
gills). Finally, such a system has limits to varying served, and margins of safety may vary depend-
the "anesthetic setting." O n e may modify the ing u p o n the water-quality parameters. In most
anesthetic concentration of the reservoir by add- cases, the rate of recovery is directly related to
ing a known concentration of anesthetic or a the length of anesthesia, anesthetic depth, and
known volume of clean water to the system to water quality. O n e would typically anticipate
either raise or lower the anesthetic concentra- rapid recovery of less than 15 minutes in shorter
tion, respectively. Mternatives to such manipula- procedures and p r o l o n g e d recover?, periods
tions include multiple reservoirs of varying con- (hours) in procedures of a longer duration.
centration or the use of an alternating system of
anesthetic provision at a steady level, followed by Eugenol (Clove Oil)
use of anesthetic-free water when the anesthetic
d e p t h becomes excessive. T h e phenolic c o m p o u n d eugenol is the active
ingredient in clove oil, which has long b e e n
advocated as a safe and effective anesthetic by
Tricaine Methanesulfonate (MS-222) fish hobbyists and commercial fish farmers. 1~
MS-222 is probably the most c o m m o n l y used Because eugenol is not water-soluble, it must be
fish anesthetic at this time. It is a water-soluble diluted in 95% ethanol before use. Generally, it
benzocaine derivative that is FDA-approved for is diluted 1:10 in 95% ethanol to p r o d u c e a stock
use in food fish that require a 21-day withdrawal solution of 100 m g / m L . A concentration of 100-
time. In aqueous solution, tricaine is acidic, with 120 m g / L is generally used for induction, 40
a p H of nearly 3.0. T h e r e f o r e buffering is nec- m g / L for maintenance.
essary, typically with sodium bicarbonate, espe- W h e n c o m p a r e d with MS-222, both com-
cially in freshwater systems. Marine systems typ- pounds were f o u n d to contribute to hypoxemia,
ically contain adequate i n h e r e n t buffering, but hypercapnia, acidosis, and hyperglycemia. 11 Eu-
the p H should always be evaluated before the genol typically results in a m o r e rapid induction
induction of fish with MS-222. and a m o r e p r o l o n g e d recovery period than MS-
Tricaine is generally recognized to cause hyp- 222. Eugenol has a m o r e narrow range of safety
oxia, hypercapnia, and acidosis. 11 Secondary to and may in fact cause respiratory failure at
these effects hyperglycemia and elevations of higher doses. As with MS-222 one must be cog-
potassium, magnesium, hemoglobin, and he- nizant of the idiosyncratic reactions to eugenol,
matocrit may also be noted. An increase in uri- such as the cardiorespiratory depression and
nary o u t p u t a n d subsequent electrolyte loss may death n o t e d anecdotally with Acanthuridae
be n o t e d for up to a week postanesthetic, lz (tangs and doctorfish). 1
It is r e c o m m e n d e d that an aqueous stock so-
lution (10 g i n / L ) of MS-222 be p r e p a r e d for
dosing anesthetic systems. Such stock solutions
Injectable Anesthetics
are unstable in light, necessitating storage in T h e r e are circumstances in which inhalation
dark containers, and can be refrigerated or fro- anesthesia is inappropriate for use. It may not be
zen for increased shelf life. Because of the acidic possible to provide anesthetic induction cham-
JFish Surgery 249

bers for very large specimens. Some species such the procedure. O n e may attribute a series of
as Scombridae do n o t tolerate confinement, a n d stages, planes, and descriptions to the events
"capture" of individuals in large aquaria may that occur as the fish proceeds f r o m its n o r m a l
preclude induction with tricaine or eugenol. In state to the deepest state of anesthesia--sedation
those instances, parenteral administration of followed by narcosis a n d finally anesthesia. 12
agents may be indicated. Care should be taken to prevent iatrogenic in-
Intramuscular injections are typically given in jury to the fish as it passes t h r o u g h the excitabil-
the dorsolateral musculature dorsal to the lat- ity phase of anesthesia. During this period, the
eral line. Although intramuscular injections are fish may swim erratically and may even a t t e m p t
not the ideal m e t h o d , they may be necessary, to leap f r o m the induction chamber. An exces-
particularly when injection with a pole syringe or sive anesthetic time or dose results in medullary
Hawaiian sling is necessary in larger aquaria. collapse and respiratory arrest followed by car-
W h e n administering intramuscularly, a deep in- diac arrest.
jection may aid in minimizing the retrograde For p r o c e d u r e s involving minimal time
drainage of the material f r o m the injection site. a n d / o r pain, a state of d e e p narcosis is typically
If possible, the needle should be directed crani- adequate. At this level the fish does not r e s p o n d
ally to minimize d a m a g e to the integument. to positional changes, has a nearly n o r m a l respi-
ratory rate, shows no a t t e m p t to right itself, but
Ketamine may d e m o n s t r a t e some reactivity to strong stim-
uli. In a plane of surgical anesthesia, there is a
An injectable, short-acting, dissociative anes- total loss of reactivity, and the respiratory a n d
thetic agent, ketamine hydrochloride is rarely cardiac rates are very slow but strong.
used alone, but rather in combination with Several parameters are generally m o n i t o r e d
other agents, such as the ~-agonists m e d e t o m i - in an effort to gauge anesthetic level (Table 2).
dine or xylazine hydrochloride. In most teleost Respiratory rate, as evidenced by opercular
fish, a relatively high dose is required for immo- movements, is probably the most important.
bilization and therefore is often used as an "in- Others include jaw tone, reaction to postural
duction" agent. Elasmobranchs are typically changes, muscle tone, and reaction to painful
m u c h m o r e sensitive to the effects of ketamine stimuli.
and may require addition of an o~-agonist for T h e r e has b e e n little success to date in the use
adequate sedation, s of pulse oximetry in fish anesthesia; however, a
Doppler-flow p r o b e over the heart may be useful
Propofol in d e t e r m i n i n g heart rates. 8
T h e intravenous sedative/hypnotic agent
p r o p o f o l has some potential use as an anesthetic Patient Preparation and
despite its obvious limitation as an intravenous- Instrumentation
only c o m p o u n d . O f particular interest is its ap-
plication in tonically immobilized fish such as As in any surgical procedure, presurgical
elasmobranchs. It has several advantages when p r e p a r a t i o n should e n h a n c e the patient's ability
used, including rapid, s m o o t h induction, rela- to survive the p r o c e d u r e a n d return to normal
tively short duration of effect, and n o n c u m u l a - function quickly. Presurgical m a n a g e m e n t of
tive effects. It has b e e n used in sharks at a dose the piscine patient is no different (see Table 3).
of 2.5 m g / k g administered intravenously over a If possible, underlying aberrations in the pa-
30-second period into the caudal vein. TM Follow- tient's water quality, temperature, and so on
ing administration, righting reflex is lost within should be corrected in an effort to m a k e a m o r e
5 minutes and returns in approximately 75 min- stress-tolerant anesthetic and surgical candidate.
utes. Attempts should be m a d e to minimize prean-
esthetic stress on the fish. Fish that are "relaxed"
tend to p r o c e e d t h r o u g h anesthetic induction
Anesthetic Monitoring
m o r e smoothly than those that b e c o m e excited.
As in traditional surgery, anesthetic monitor- Food should be withheld for at least 1 feeding
ing in fish is as i m p o r t a n t as any o t h e r aspect of cycle to decrease b o t h nitrogenous waste prod-
250 Michael J. Murray

Table 2. Anesthetic Stages in Fish

Stage Plane Parameter Observed Effect
I Sedation
Light Equilibrium Normal
Muscle tone Normal
Respiratory rate Normal
Cardiac rate Not determined
Reaction to stimuli Slight loss

Deep Equilibrium Normal

Muscle tone Slight decrease
Respiratory rate Slight decrease
Cardiac rate Not determined
Reaction to stimuli Lost, still reacts to postural changes
II Narcosis
Light Equilibrium Loss, weak response to postural changes
Muscle tone Decreased
Respiratory rate Increased, excitatory phase
Cardiac rate Not determined
Reaction to stimuli Excitement phase, increased

Deep Equilibrium Loss, no response to postural changes

Muscle tone Decreased
Respiratory rate Normal
Cardiac rate Normal
Reaction to stimuli Reaction to strong stimuli
Suitable for minor sampling, biopsy
III Anesthesia
Light Equilibrium Loss, no response to postural changes
Muscle tone Loss
Respiratory rate Decreased
Cardiac rate Decreased
Reaction to stimuli Respond to deep pressure
Suitable for minor surgery

Surgical Equilibrium Loss

Muscle tone Loss
Respiratory rate Very low
Cardiac rate Slow
Reaction to stimuli Total loss of reactivity
Surgical plane of anesthesia
IV Medullary Collapse
Equilibrium Loss
Muscle tone Flaccid
Respiratory rate Total loss of gill movement, apnea
Cardiac rate Cardiac arrest follows resp arrest
Reaction to stimuli None
Suitable for euthanasia ONLY!
Reprinted with permission. 12

u c t b u i l d - u p a n d t h e p a r t i c u l a t e l o a d to t h e wa- t a n e o u s infections. U s i n g plastic bags o r l a t e x

t e r c o l u m n , w h i c h m a y c l o g t h e gill rakers. e x a m gloves ( f r o m w h i c h t h e p o w d e r has b e e n
O n e c a n n o t o v e r s t a t e t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f gen- r i n s e d ) in t h e ' h a n d l i n g p r o c e s s will m i n i m i z e
tle h a n d l i n g o f t h e fish p a t i e n t . R o u g h h a n d l i n g , this d a m a g e .
especially in abrasive nets, will r e s u l t in t h e loss O n c e t h e fish has b e e n suitably a n e s t h e t i z e d ,
o f excessive a m o u n t s o f t h e s u r f a c e p r o t e c t i v e it m a y b e p l a c e d in a s u i t a b l e s u p p o r t s t r u c t u r e
m u c u s a n d p r e d i s p o s e t h e fish to s e c o n d a r y cu- for the procedure. Any material that contacts
Fish Surgery 251

Table 3. Considerations for Fish Surgery rials have been recovered from the coelom years
Preoperative Water quality following surgical procedures. This prolonged
Minimize stress retention time suggests that a monofilament su-
Withhold food for 1 feeding cycle ture may be preferable to decrease the possibil-
Gentle handling ity of secondary infection associated with the
wick-like effect of braided materials. Studies of
Intraoperative Minimal skin preparation
Pull scales individually reactivity and incision-healing time also tend to
Keep skin moist favor monofilament materials, with the greatest
Monofilament suture reactivity and longest healing time found to be
with polyglactin 910, and the least and shortest
Postoperative Recovery tank with monofilament nylon and polydioxanone.m5
Increased oxygen saturation For the vast majority of surgical cases involv-
Minimize stress ing fish, the instrumentation necessary is already
Analgesics present within the typical veterinary clinic. Some
Antibiotics form of magnification is often necessary, partic-
ularly with smaller patients. Similarly, ophthal-
mic or microsurgical instrumentation may be
the fish's skin, such as the foam in V-troughs, indicated. Self-retaining retractors such as Gel-
must be moistened before introducing the ani- pi's are often helpful in coelomic procedures.
mal. It is often helpful to cover the fish's eyes as An appropriately sized osteotome may be re-
an aid to the anesthetic effects. When out-of- quired should pelvic girdle osteotomy be re-
water surgery is being carried out, the skin must quired in large specimens.
be kept moist t h r o u g h o u t the procedure. A va-
riety of devices, including turkey basters, sy-
ringes, and 1V bags may be used for this main-
Surgical Procedures
tenance technique. In general, surgical manipulation of the fish is
Although there should be some form of pre- little different from that of terrestrial verte-
surgical preparation of the entry site, it should brates. The basic surgical axioms apply: know
minimally disrupt the protective functions of the the anatomy; control hemorrhage; use a gentle
skin and mucus layer. In most instances, a cot- touch when manipulating tissue; and, if you
ton-tipped applicator moistened with sterile sa- d o n ' t know what it is, d o n ' t cut it. The most
line may be used to reduce the surface contam- problematic of these axioms is knowledge of the
ination. If antiseptics truly are indicated, they
should be quite dilute, 1:20 povidone-iodine or
1:40 chlorhexidine being r e c o m m e n d e d . 1 Alco-
hols should never be used because they tend to
damage the skin. For fish with large scales, the
scales should be gently removed individually
along the incision line. Fine-scaled fish, such as
the salmonids, n e e d not have scales removed.
Clear plastic drapes are generally advocated
for fish surgery. They tend to isolate the surgical
site for aseptic procedures and help to keep the
surrounding skin moist by reducing evaporation
(Fig 2). A ring of p e t r o l e u m jelly a r o u n d the
incision area is typically adequate for adhesion
of the drape to the fish's skin.
A n u m b e r of suture materials have been ad-
vocated for use in fish. It is important to recog- Figure 2. Celiotomy in a starry flounder (Platichthys
steUatus). Note the clear plastic drape used to isolate
nize that between mammals and fish the absorb- the surgical site, the retractor employed for maximum
ability and reactivity of many materials is not the exposure, and the multicentric neoplasm of uncertain
same. Many synthetic "absorbable" suture mate- origin.
252 Michael J. Murray

anatomy. Although fish do tend to follow a rel- removal of foreign bodies, and the p e r f o r m a n c e
atively well-conserved vertebrate anatomic pat- of minimally invasive surgical techniques (Fig
tern, there is t r e m e n d o u s variation in the spe- 3) .20
cific a n a t o m y across piscine taxa. It is therefore As with any other species, laparoscopy should
i n c u m b e n t u p o n the practitioner to gain a thor- be carried out using aseptic technique. T h e typ-
ough knowledge of the anatomy t h r o u g h post ical insertion points for laparoscopy are deter-
m o r t e m examinations of similar specimens and m i n e d by the anticipated anatomic "target" as
reviews of a p p r o p r i a t e a n a t o m y texts. well as the anatomy of the fish u n d e r consider-
Historically, most of the surgical references to ation (Fig 4, 5). T h e tightly packed, relatively
fish have involved either the implantation of fusiform shape of most fish precludes adequate
telemetry devices or the nonlethal collection of visualization without some f o r m of abdominal
biopsy specimens by non-veterinarians. Over the distension (Fig 6, 7). Traditional insufflation
past decade, in large part due to the pioneering with carbon dioxide gas is the p r e f e r r e d tech-
work by Lewbart, Harms, Noga, Stoskopf, and nique; however, the author has used r o o m air in
others, a variety of surgical procedures have n u m e r o u s cases without incident.
b e e n d o c u m e n t e d in the veterinary litera- A Veress needle is typically used for insuffla-
ture. 1,~,9,16q9 It is beyond the scope of this m a n u - tion into the peritoneal (or coelomic) cavity. It
script to review each of the published references has a spring-loaded blunt o b t u r a t o r that is de-
to piscine surgery. Instead, the reader is directed pressed and moves out of the way as the needle
to cited references to specific surgical proce- passes t h r o u g h tissue, yet it springs into place to
dures for m o r e detailed information. protect the viscera once a cavity has b e e n en-
tered. T h e needle may be introduced at a 45 ~
Surgery of the Integument angle n e a r the targeted entry point (Fig 8). It is
often preferable to make a small stab incision
A large n u m b e r of the fish surgeries carried
t h r o u g h the skin to facilitate p l a c e m e n t of the
out in private veterinary practices involve the
needle. As the needle is advanced into the coe-
removal of cutaneous masses. In m a n y cases,
lomic cavity, a discernible "pop" will be felt. It is
these masses are in fact neoplastic. O n e may use
exceptionally i m p o r t a n t to advance the needle
a c o m b i n a t i o n of radiosurgery a n d cold steel in
carefully to prevent iatrogenic t r a u m a to viscera
attempts to remove these masses. In most cases a
(Fig 9).
wide margin of tissue should be removed. Be-
cause of the fish's tightly a d h e r e n t skin a n d min-
imal subcutis, closure of these skin defects is
often impossible. Therefore, second-intention
healing is generally necessary. Topical antimi-
crobials, such as silver sulfadiazine cream, ,nay
be used postoperatively. Larger defects may be
associated with e x u b e r a n t loss of fluid and elec-
trolytes, the effects of which may be partially
mitigated by increasing the salinity of the water
system to 1-3 g / L (in freshwater systems).1

Although the use of endoscopy in fish is not a
novel idea, the recent introduction into most
veterinary clinics of quality, rigid, rod-lens sys-
tems has m a d e its use m o r e practical. T h e indi-
cations for laparoscopy in fishes m i r r o r those
described for o t h e r species: sex identification in
Figure 3. Collection of liver biopsy specimens from
m o n o m o r p h i c or juvenile specimens, manage- the liver (arrow) in the leopard shark (Triakis semifas-
m e n t of reproduction, examination of coelomic ciata) is generally not associated with substantial hem-
viscera and collection of diagnostic specimens, orrhage.
Fish Surgery 253

Figure 4. With a more lateral approach, the cranial Figure ~. Pyloric ceca (arrow) in Pacific mackerel
aspect of the swim bladder (SB) is visible adjacent to (Scomberjaponicus) are also present in salmonid fishes.
the liver (L) in this Pacific mackerel (Scomberjaponi-
s ,

In cases requiring multiple puncture ap-

proaches, a second trocar/sleeve may be intro-
Once the needle is in place within the coe-
duced. Should this be necessary, it is recom-
lom, the cavity may be insufflated to a pressure
m e n d e d that the entry point be planned to ac-
of 10 m m Hg. The needle may then be removed
c o m m o d a t e anatomy in conjunction with the
from the pressurized coelom. The 45 ~ tunneling
need to triangulate between the second port, the
t h r o u g h the body wall tends to prevent excessive
telescope, and the target organ. Initial violation
loss of pressure. A trocar and sleeve may then be
of the skin may be made with a scalpel blade,
placed t h r o u g h the track created by the Veress
and a partial thickness dissection t h r o u g h the
needle. Again, caution must be exercised as this
body wall made with fine mosquito forceps. The
sleeve is placed. With the trocar removed, an
final placement of the second trocar/sleeve
appropriately sized rigid telescope may be in-
should be visualized with the telescope.
At the completion of the laparoscopic proce-
dure, as m u c h gas as possible should be removed
from the body cavity with digital manipulation

Figure 6. A panoramic view of the coelom of a rock- Figure 7. The tightly compacted visceral mass (larger
fish (Sebastes spp) in dorsal recumbency. The liver is black arrow) in the koi is difficult to manipulate en-
the dominant organ (white arrow) in this view. Large doscopically. One typically sees multiple tendrils of
quantities of abdominal fat (black arrow), commonly connective tissue (white arrow) spanning the space
encountered in captive specimens, are also promi- between the viscera and the body wall and ribs (small
nent. black arrow)
254 Michael J. Murray

A similar technique for exposure of the dor-

sally placed kidney has also b e e n described. 7 In
this instance the incision is started midway be-
tween the lateral line and the left pelvic fin with
care taken not to incise across the lateral line.
T h e incision is then continued caudally and ven-
trally to a p o i n t midway between the vent and
the caudal b o r d e r of the pelvic fin. With blunt
dissection, retraction, and compression of the
swim bladder, the caudal aspect of the left kid-
ney may be exposed (Fig 11). T h e caudal pole of
the swim bladder may n e e d to be teased away
Figure 8. Veress needle (white arrow) inserted on the f r o m its a t t a c h m e n t to the kidney; however, such
midline near the pectoral fins of a leopard shark
dissection should be conservative. A Backhaus
(Triakis semifasciata). In this instance, a second portal
of entry is being made caudally. Anesthesia is being towel clamp may be used to hold a sterilized
delivered via the clear tube inserted in the shark's stainless steel washer, which may then be placed
mouth. u p o n the swim bladder as an aid in compres-
sion/retraction. W h e n carrying out renal biop-
and pressure. The skin defects may then be sies, one should a t t e m p t to collect small samples
closed routinely. Any residual gas r e m a i n i n g and recognize (and avoid if possible) the opis-
within the coelom should be absorbed relatively t h o n e p h r i c ducts draining the kidneys.
rapidly over several days. In those cases, aquar- Closure of the body wall is typically straight-
ium furniture should be placed in the recovery forward. D e p e n d i n g u p o n the size of the fish
tanks to allow the fish to "wedge" itself to main- and the thickness of the body wall, either a
tain a comfortable posture for itself within the single- or a double-layer closure may be used. In
water column. the first case, b o t h the skin and muscle are in-
c o r p o r a t e d in the closure. Skin and muscle are
Celiotomy closed separately in the double-layer technique
In most cases, the surgical a p p r o a c h to the (Fig 12). T h e suture pattern employed is depen-
coelom of the fish is t h r o u g h a ventral midline d e n t u p o n personal preference. A continuous
incision. T h e incision extends f r o m the caudal
aspect of the pectoral girdle to approximately 1
cm cranial to the vent, d e p e n d i n g u p o n the size
of the fish. 1 Should additional exposure be re-
quired, an osteotomy of the pectoral girdle may
be carried out either with an o s t e o t o m e in larger
specimens or simply with blade/scissors in
smaller ones. T h e ventral midline may be fur-
ther e x t e n d e d laterally if necessary. Use of self-
retaining retractors such as Gelpi's is often nec-
essary for g o o d exposure to coelomic viscera.
As previously indicated, a large body of pub-
lished information is available regarding the col-
lection of biopsy specimens using nonlethal
techniques, especially in sahnon fishes. O n e
such technique is a lateral a p p r o a c h to the liver. 7
Access to the liver is m a d e through an incision
m a d e just caudal to the o p e r c u l u m and dorsal to Figure 9. Veress needle in place within the coelom of
a rockfish (&bastes spp). The arrow points to the
the pectoral fin (Fig 10). In most cases, an inci- beveled edge of the sharp needle, which is protected
sion length of 5-7 cm provides adequate expo- by the retractable trocar once the needle enters the
sure to the lateral aspect of the liver. body cavity.
Fish Surgery 255

Figure 10. With retractors,

the liver (white arrow) and
stomach (black arrow) are
easily approached in the
black rockfish (&bastes melan-
ops) .

p a t t e r n is a d e q u a t e in m o s t cases, b u t inter- hesives have a h i g h e r i n c i d e n c e o f d e h i s c e n c e

r u p t e d sutures are similarly successful. Surgical than those closed with sutures. 91 This is n o t sur-
staples have b e e n used successfully in b o t h fresh- prising because c u t a n e o u s g o b l e t cells p r o d u c e
water a n d m a r i n e species. T h e n a t u r e o f fish mucus, the p r e s e n c e o f which a d j a c e n t to the
skin is such that p r o p e r p l a c e m e n t o f staples is incision site u n d e r m i n e s a n d elevates the adhe-
difficult, a n d surgical staples are t h e r e f o r e n o t sive, resulting in dehiscence.
often used.
Despite references to the contrary, the use o f
cyanoacrylate adhesives is n o t r e c o m m e n d e d ,
Postoperative Management
since they often incite a severe dermatitis. 9 In Recovery f r o m an anesthetic p r o c e d u r e may
addition, incisions closed with cyanoacrylate ad- be a p r o t r a c t e d event, particularly w h e n inject-

Figure 11. A caudal, lateral approach to the coelom Figure 12. Closure of a celiotomy incision in the
exposes the compressed swim bladder (SB), abdomi- starry flounder (Platichthys steUatus). The right hand
nal fat bodies (F), a loop of small intestine (SI), and aspect of the figure demonstrates the closure of the
the caudal pole of the kidney (K) in the black rockfish body wall, and the left side demonstrates skin closure;
( S&astes melanops). each is done in separate layers.
256 Michael J. Murray

able agents are used (see Table 3). In the case of T h e r e is an ongoing debate as to the ability of
inhalant anesthesia, it is r e c o m m e n d e d that the fish to experience pain. As a result, the indica-
"anesthetic setting" be t u r n e d down towards the tion for postoperative analgesia is also debat-
e n d of a p r o c e d u r e that has b e e n either lengthy able. Despite the uncertainty, it seems appropri-
or has involved greater anesthetic depth. This ate that the clinician should err on the side of
may be accomplished by either diluting the con- the patient and administer analgesics in those
centration of anesthetic in the reservoir or by cases for which postoperative pain m a n a g e m e n t
changing the over-the-gills infusion to a m b i e n t would be a p p r o p r i a t e in o t h e r species. W h e n
water. administered before cessation of anesthesia, bu-
Postanesthetic fish should be p e r m i t t e d to t o r p h a n o l (0.4 m g / k g intramuscularly or subcu-
recover totally in a recovery tank that is not its taneously) produces no untoward effects. In
p r i m a r y enclosure. This tank should be free of fact, b u t o r p h a n o l - t r e a t e d koi r e t u r n e d to nor-
obstacles or furniture that may injure or entan- mal swimming and began eating sooner than koi
gle the patient. Obviously, the water-quality pa- given a placebo. 23
rameters should be a p p r o p r i a t e and consistent As in m a m m a l i a n patients, the administration
with those f o u n d in the fish's primary tank. T h e of postoperative antibiotics is controversial. It is
fish should be gently restrained as it is placed in agreed, however, that antibiotics are not a pan-
its recovery tank. Water flow should be directed acea for p o o r surgical technique. Because most
into the patient's oral cavity to facilitate resusci- piscine surgical techniques are not truly aseptic
as a consequence of limited skin preparation,
tation as the gills are perfused. O n e may n e e d to
some prophylactic antibiotic administration is
physically p r o p e l the fish fotavard to accomplish
probably justified. Generally, a single adminis-
this perfusion for some specimens. T h e fish
tration of a broad-spectrum antibiotic such as
should not be pulled backwards because this
amikacin, enrofloxacin, or ceftazidime is ade-
dramatically decreases respiratory efficiency and
quate. O n e must bear in m i n d that most antimi-
may d a m a g e the gill filaments.
crobials are not a p p r o v e d for use in "food fish,"
As the fish regains consciousness, there is an
and therefore only a p p r o v e d products should be
increase in jaw tone and opercular movements.
used in those specimens that may ultimately be
Caution should be practiced a r o u n d the oral
c o n s u m e d by h u m a n s (eg, oxytetracycline hy-
cavity of fish with potentially dangerous teeth
drochloride, 10 m g / k g intramuscularly). 1 O n e
because jaw tone and biting may occur before
may also apply a thin layer of a povidone-iodine
the return of opercular movements. Once o i n t m e n t to the incision site to discourage the
strong respiratory m o v e m e n t s are detected, the growth of fungi as healing proceeds. 1
fish should be released into the water column, T h e r e m a i n d e r of the recovery period should
even though it may not have regained its n o r m a l be relatively straightforward. Postoperative anti-
posture. T h e fish should be allowed to recover in biotics or analgesics should be continued as in-
a dimly lit, quiet area to minimize stress and to dicated. Water quality p a r a m e t e r s within the re-
facilitate a m o r e gentle recovery period. T h e covery area should be m o n i t o r e d and main-
recovery f r o m some anesthetic agents may be tained. T h e elevated oxygen saturation of the
rather violent a n d involve uncontrolled swim- system may be gradually r e d u c e d over time as
m i n g a n d even porpoising in the tank. Obvi- well. O n e should not overlook the potentially
ously, ways of preventing injury should be con- detrimental effects of "exposure" in a recovery
sidered. tank. Many fish benefit f r o m the provision of
Some anecdotal evidence suggests that hypox- adequate hiding places and visual security once
emia may be somewhat persistent following MS- they have recovered f r o m the effects of the an-
222 or eugenol anesthesia in freshwater fish. 22 esthetic.
For this reason ensuring adequate or even As the n u m b e r s and the value of captive fish
slightly elevated oxygen saturation of recover increase, the potential indications for surgical
systems may be advantageous. O n e must bear in intervention in fish will increase. Although the
mind, however, that p r o l o n g e d exposure to dra- c o n c e p t of "out-of-water" surgery in this g r o u p of
matically elevated levels of oxygen may result in animals may be initially intimidating, fish are
damage to gill filaments. actually excellent surgical candidates. T h e clini-
Fish Surgery 257

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