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Designing for Additive Manufacturing

Conference Paper  in  Procedia CIRP · December 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2012.07.108


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3 authors, including:

Benjamin Vayre Frédéric Vignat

University of Grenoble

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Procedia CIRP 3 (2012) 632 – 637

45th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2012

Designing for Additive Manufacturing

B. Vayrea,*, F. Vignata, F. Villeneuvea
Grenoble-INP / UJF-Grenoble 1 / CNRS, G-SCOP UMR5272, 46, avenue Félix Viallet, Grenoble 38000, France
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33-(0)47-682-5219; fax: +33-(0)47-657-4695. E-mail address:


Additive manufacturing technologies can now be used to manufacture metallic parts. This breakthrough in manufacturing
technology makes possible the fabrication of new shapes and geometrical features. Although the manufacturing feasibility of
sample parts with these processes has been the subject of several studies, the breakthrough in manufacturing is yet to be followed
by a breakthrough in designing process. In this paper, after reviewing the principle of additive manufacturing of metallic parts, the
manufacturing capabilities and constraints of these processes will be examined. A designing methodology will then be suggested
and illustrated with the redesign of an example part.

Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
B.V. Selection
Selection and/or
and/or peer-review
peer-review under
under responsibility
Professor G.
Professor G. Chryssolouris.
Chryssolouris. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Keywords: Designing process; Designing methodology; Additive manufacturing; Rapid manufacturing; Direct manufacturing

manufacturing metallic processes. To identify the

1. Introduction characteristics of these processes, we will review the
principle of current metallic additive manufacturing. We
Additive manufacturing (AM) processes have been will then focus on the characteristics of highest
commonly used for rapid prototyping purposes during importance for the designers. We will, in particular, deal
the last 30 years. They consist in building an object with the manufacturing constraints and capabilities of
“from scratch” or from a semi-finished part acting as these processes. We will then propose a four step
substrate. Thanks to many technological improvements, designing methodology to take advantage of these new
these processes can now be used for rapid manufacturing manufacturing processes based on the generation of an
purposes [1]. This means that it is possible, for example, initial shape, its analysis to define a set of geometrical
to create a metallic part from metallic alloy powder by parameter, the tuning up of these parameters to obtain an
binding these particles in a layer-based fashion or by optimized shape and the validation of this shape. At the
directly spraying the material onto the part to obtain an end, we will conclude this study and discuss some
end-use part. Many studies focus on improving the prospects on the future of additive manufacturing.
technology of these processes [2], on comparing the
different additive manufacturing technologies to 2. Designing for additive manufacturing
conventional processes or to one another [3], on trying to
assess their environmental impact [4], etc. Few concern To take advantage of additive manufacturing
the modification that these processes can bring into the processes, it is necessary to identify their specific
designing process. In spite of the designer’s (and eco- manufacturing capabilities as well as their
designers) interest [5], the breakthrough in manufacturing constraints that must be respected. These
manufacturing technology is yet to be followed by a two topics will be addressed before turning to a quick
breakthrough in design. literature review to see how the designing process can be
In this paper a designing process will be investigated modified by AM technologies.
to take into account the specificities of additive

2212-8271 © 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Professor
D. Mourtzis and Professor G. Chryssolouris. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
B. Vayre et al. / Procedia CIRP 3 (2012) 632 – 637 633

2.1. Manufacturing constraints manufacture of complex part (such as turbines blades)

At the current level of our knowledge, two main The scanning trajectories for layer based processes
constraints for direct additive manufacturing processes are directly given by the shape of the section while, in
have been identified. Due to the mechanism of material the case of DMD, the nozzle has to be kept normal to the
deposition, the nozzle must stay parallel to the vertical manufacturing surface (building prismatic volumes
axis and the part is mounted on a rotating platter. This doesn’t need important pre-processing). In addition,
leads to accessibility constraints to avoid collisions material can be placed only where the functions realized
between the nozzle and the part. In addition, the speed of by the part require it (to mount the part, assure
material deposition (and height of deposited material) watertightness, etc). This also means that no material is
depends mostly on the speed of the nozzle and on the placed where none is needed, contrary to machining
rate of material sprayed with the nozzle. Consequently, where unwanted material must be removed. If the part
acceleration and deceleration stages can cause variations has to be rigid, instead of using fully dense volumes
of height of deposited material. The repetition of this lightweight structures such as 2D and 3D lattice
phenomenon can cause the stop of the manufacture (in structures can be used [6]. These structures have high
particular because if the distance between the nozzle and rigidity, low density, and facilitate the powder removal.
the surface is too great, the molten drops solidify before Their structure can also be adapted and modified along
landing on the surface). To avoid this, acceleration and the part.
deceleration stages must be minimized, by avoiding Layer-based processes need a plane surface to start
sharp corners and replacing them by curves for example. the manufacture whereas DMD process can deposit
The biggest constraints regarding layer-based material on a metallic substrate with complex surfaces.
processes concern heat dissipation. To prevent unmolten This capability allows this process to be used together
powder beneath the manufactured layer from melting with other processes (it is possible for example to build
while building, supports have to be used to dissipate the turbine blades directly onto a machined shaft) as well as
energy. Their purpose is also to prevent the collapse of remanufacture or repair parts.
molten (or sintered) metal inside the powder bed when Due to the building mechanisms, these processes use
manufacturing large overhanging surfaces. In the case of different material from the ones commonly employed in
processes that show high thermal distortion (SLM for conventional processes. Common material such as cast
example) they also rigidify the part and prevent most iron and aluminum alloys aren’t available on most AM
distortions. In that case, once built, the part is cured in an processes while the use of Titanium alloys and Cobalt-
oven to release the mechanical constraints. Another Chrome alloys is wide spread. Moreover, the cost of
constraint is the necessity to remove the powder from atomization to realize the metallic powder tends to
the part once it’s been built. This constraint prevents the reduce the differences in price between the different
part from having any closed hollow volume (which metallic alloys. The greater mechanical properties and
would be full of unmolten powder). lower density of Titanium alloys compared to Aluminum
Due to the use of powder and on the building alloys for example can motivate the designers to modify
principle (high local temperatures for example) both the material of its parts. In addition, AM can produce
types of processes can produce parts presenting open new materials such as metallic particles infiltrated by
and/or closed porosities, anisotropic mechanical another metallic alloy (Steel particles in a bronze matrix
properties… That’s why many studies are conducted to made with SLS for example) or multimaterial parts [7].
investigate the use of these processes with different
types of metallic alloys. The results of these studies are 2.3. Literature review on design for AM
used in finite element analysis (FEA) to simulate as best
as possible the parts manufactured by additive Several axis of designing for manufacturing have
manufacturing processes. been investigated in the literature.
First of all, multi-process manufacturing can be used
2.2. Manufacturing capabilities to combine conventional and additive processes to
realize parts without changing their shape. An existing
Contrary to milling and turning where planes and part (already designed without taking manufacturing
cylinders are the easiest geometrical entities to constraints into account) is analyzed to associate
manufacture, additive manufacturing is virtually able to manufacturing difficulties, derived from manufacturing
produce any geometrical structure due to the different and material constraints, to its local geometry. The part
manufacturing principle. The slicing of the parts and is then either made out of modules manufactured on
manufacture of a section at a time makes the different processes or with “hybrid manufacturing”.
Hybrid manufacturing takes advantage of the ability of
634 B. Vayre et al. / Procedia CIRP 3 (2012) 632 – 637

DMD process to build complex local geometrical In the case of redesign, all the surfaces of the part
entities onto an existing surface (acting as substrate) [8]. realize at least a function: to be manufacturable by the
This approach doesn’t question the shape of the part but chosen process. In that case, we suggest to only take into
gives a solution to use multi-process manufacturing. account the surfaces unrelated to the previous
The use of lattice structure and their optimization has manufacturing process (not to over-constraint the
also been investigated on an example of lightweight geometry of the new part).
design [9]. This paper shows that using lattice structure
shouldn’t be an objective by itself since the test part
made out of lattice structures fares lower than a topology
optimized part. Yet, combining topological optimization
and lattice structure proves to be the optimal choice for
the considered part. This paper also deals with a
parametric study of lattice structure that could be
adapted to other cases.
At last, several papers show applications of
topological optimization (TO) for additive
manufacturing. Some results are presented in this paper
(see 4.2). TO is mostly used to generate rough shapes
that need to be refined before manufacturing the parts
[10]. Fig. 1. Square bracket part manufactured out of Aluminum alloy
(7075) on a CNC machine

3. Proposed designing process

To illustrate the designing methodology, we will
present the redesign of a square bracket part (Fig 1). The
The aim of this designing process is to take advantage
original part is manufactured on a 5 axis CNC machine
of the additive manufacturing processes capabilities by
in “Fortal” (aluminum alloy 7075). It is composed of
providing a methodology to design parts designed for
two planes, with eight holes each, that act as interfaces
to mount the part as well as transmit the mechanical
This methodology follows four steps. The first step is
stress. The part must withstand a mechanical load that
to analyze the specifications of the part, then a single or
tends to close the bracket. In order to make it more rigid,
several rough shapes are proposed. These shapes are
two ribs have been placed perpendicularly to both
optimized in relation to the specifications and the
planes. This solution shows good surface accessibility
manufacturing constraints. At last, the proposed design
and is easy to machine. The clearing volume of the part
is validated.
is a rectangle (95*29*27 mm3).
The redesigned part will be manufactured in TA6V
3.1. Analysis of the specifications
on an Electron Beam Melting machine as well as in
SS316L on a Direct Machine Deposition machine
In this paper, we focus on designing a single part
(choice of material due to their availability on these
(neither an assembly, nor a system) manufactured by a
processes at the time of the study). The new part will
single additive manufacturing process. Our hypothesis is
have to sustain the same mechanical load while
that a part is defined by a set of functional surfaces, a
respecting the same values for the maximal displacement
volume defining the portion of space where material can
and maximal Von Mises criterion. To comply with the
be placed (which we later will refer as “clearing
change of material nature, the value of the maximum
volume”), and a specified behavior.
Von Mises constraint is related to the material properties
The functional surfaces purpose is either to help
(it must be lower than half the yield strength of the
assemble the part onto other parts, transmit mechanical
or thermal loads or assure liquid or gas tightness. The
clearing volume helps to prevent the part from colliding
3.2. Initial shape
with other parts as well as allow fluids circulation for
example. The specified behavior can either be
The aim of this step is to obtain a single or multiple
mechanical, thermal, multiphysics… It is defined with
rough shapes. The choice for this shape can either be
criteria which are verified with FEA during the early
expert-based, automated or made following guide-lines.
designing phase. The material of the part should be
The first approach can be ineffective since designers
chosen to comply with the manufacturing process, as
have sometimes the trend to stick to existing designs.
well as behavior requirement.
One way to obtain new and/or optimal shapes, which can
B. Vayre et al. / Procedia CIRP 3 (2012) 632 – 637 635

also be very innovative, is to prevent the expert from plane that tends to close the bracket. The part must
interfering with this process. sustain this load, which means respecting the specified
This can be achieved by automating the creation of value for maximal displacement as well as preventing
the initial shape with the use of topological optimization. plastic yield from occurring. The latter requirement is
The geometry of the interfaces is defined, as well as the fulfilled by verifying that the maximal Von Mises
maximum volume and mechanical behavior of the part. criterion is equal or lower than half the yield strength of
Through topological optimization, a rough shape is the chosen material. Moreover, in order to be
found [11]. Taking into account additive manufacturing manufacturable on layer based processes, all volumes
constraints and capabilities with this method can prove must be connected to the outside volume.
difficult since, so far, it is not possible to take advantage To withstand the load, the surfaces must be joined. To
of material capabilities (modification of material keep the volume low, thin walls can be employed. These
properties inside the material) nor is it possible to use structures sections can either be parallel or perpendicular
lattice structures. to the axis of the length of the part. Both orientations
At last, it is possible to provide the expert guidelines allow powder removal if the part if built on a layer-based
to prevent him from overlooking innovative solutions additive manufacturing process, but since one of them
while benefiting from his expertise. To take advantage causes the part to have a constant section, manufacturing
of these processes and establish one or several rough the part using DMD is easier (the part can be built
shapes, the designer has to start by defining the utilizing only 3-axis, which means generating basic
functional surfaces. These surfaces typically act as trajectories). Since the dimensioning of the thin walls
interfaces between the considered part and its neighbors, isn’t done at this stage, several initial shapes were
or carry out the function of gas or watertightness. Then generated with a different number of walls (Fig 3).
these surfaces must be linked to comply with the
specified behavior (mechanical load, thermal load …).
At this point, the main directions of the part are given by
the specified behavior, the designer using his expertise
to choose the shape of the sections, the use of lattice
structure, of multimaterial.
If the part is destined to be manufacture on a layer-
based process, the initial shape can’t have any closed
hollow volume (in the case a single-process
Fig. 3. Example of proposed cross sections for the redesigned part with
manufacturing) and the initial shape must make the six (a) and three (b) thin walls.
powder removal as easy as possible. When using direct
additive manufacturing processes, the acceleration and 3.3. Definition of a set of parameters
deceleration stages of the nozzle movements must be
minimized, which means that the designer should ban To be able to optimize the shape, a relevant set of
sharp corners. The outline of the sections should consist parameters must be defined. If the initial shape has been
in lines and high radii curves. automatically generated, its geometry can be defined by
a set of parameter using b-splines for example [12]. This
process can be automated but the resulting parameters
may not take all the manufacturing parameters into
account (fillet radii for example).
If the initial shape has been defined explicitly on
CAD software by the designer, a set of parameters is
associated with the part in order to be able to modify its
geometry and to respect the specifications as well as the
manufacturing constraints. In that regard, the different
dimensions of all geometrical entities (thicknesses,
Fig. 2. Functional surfaces and mechanical load
lengths and fillet radii) which values aren’t specified
(case of surfaces acting as interfaces) should each be
In our example, the two interfaces of the part are associated with a parameter.
functional which means the new shape has two For each parameter, one or both boundaries are
perpendicular planes that respect the maximum defined if necessary to comply with the dimension of the
dimensions (95*27 and 95*29 mm2) with 16 cylinders building volume and of the manufacturing constraints.
(Fig 2). The mechanical load is a distributed force on a
636 B. Vayre et al. / Procedia CIRP 3 (2012) 632 – 637

This method weak point is the great number of

computations that have to be conducted, especially when
the number of parameters is high and when the part
contains complex lattice structures. In that case, the FEA
software can’t quickly handle the high number of
elements. Moreover, it is impossible to use this method
with multimaterial parts due to the lack of a suitable
CAD file format (although new file format have been
proposed [13]).

Fig. 4. Example of proposed cross sections for the redesigned part with
six (a) and three (b) thin walls.

In our example, since the outer dimensions are

locked, the most important geometric characteristics are
the position of the thin walls and their thickness as well
as the thickness of the two planes. All the fillet radii are
also associated with a parameter to completely define the
geometry of the part (Fig 4).
The definition of the parameters boundaries depends
on the manufacturing constraints. Since both Electron
Beam Melting and Direct Metal Deposition are used as
manufacturing processes, the two cases have to be
considered. EBM is a layer based process so there is no
need for minimal fillet radii. The only constraint Fig. 5. Example of new design manufactured in Ti6Al4 on an EBM
concerns the different thicknesses that can’t be smaller machine
than the minimal diameter of the building spot. DMD
also has a minimal building thickness (depending on the In our case, the part has a specified mechanical
nozzle) as well as minimal fillet radius value to behavior: the maximum displacement length must be
minimize acceleration and deceleration. In both cases, lower than the one specified and the maximum Von
the values of the different parameters associated with Mises criterion must be lower than half the yield
lengths are defined so that the number of walls can’t strength of the material of the part. The boundaries of
change and so that the fillets don’t interfere with each the different parameters must also be respected. The
other. optimization was conducted using the Product
Engineering Optimizer of CATIA V5 for both
3.4. Parametric optimization parameterized shapes. The resulting CAD file for the
EBM process is shown on Fig 5.
When designing for conventional manufacturing
many different and sometimes contradicting criteria can 3.5. Validation of the shape
be used. In the case of additive manufacturing processes
the manufacturing duration, use of raw material, energy The last step is to validate the manufacturability of
consumption and global cost are all linked to the volume the optimized shape and define the remaining
of the part. Optimizing a part for additive manufacturing manufacturing parameters. This validation should be
can therefore be assimilated to minimizing its volume. achieved by virtually manufacturing the part. The virtual
The main objective of the optimization is to minimize manufacturing of additive manufacturing processes
the volume of the part while respecting the specified should consists in simulating the deposition of material
behavior (and the boundaries of the parameters). This as well as conducting a thermal simulation of every step
can be achieved by using the Product Engineering of the manufacturing process to tune the processes
Optimizer of CATIA V5 for example which is a module parameters, asses the manufacturability and define the
performing multi-discipline and multi-goal optimization. position, quantity and size of the supports (when
In this case, the value of the parameters is optimized to needed).
obtain the minimal volume while complying with the So far, it is only possible to ascertain the optimal
specified mechanical behavior. For each iteration of the orientation of the part (to minimize the quantity of
optimization, a finite element analysis (FEA) is supports) [14]. Even if there are studies regarding the
conducted to verify is the part respects the specified shape of the deposited joint in DMD for example, there
B. Vayre et al. / Procedia CIRP 3 (2012) 632 – 637 637

is yet to be simulation software to validate the developed to be able to validate the shapes of the parts
manufacture on these processes. without building a prototype.
Due to this lack of virtual validation, the validation is At last, though we didn’t address this subject in this
achieved today by directly manufacturing the parts and study, the replacement of assemblies by single or less
conducting a campaign of measurements. This implies, numerous parts made by different processes should be
for example, that in most cases the number and investigated. This could be achieved with a model of a
disposition of the supports aren’t optimal. part being used to take assemblies into account.
In our example, parts were produced on EBM and
DMD processes. The EBM part proved to be lighter than
its numerical counterpart which can be explained by the References
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