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19ECE282 Digital Electronics and Systems Lab

Lab sheet 4: Designing Arithmetic Circuits

Name: Akella Madhav Date:
Roll No: AM.EN.U4ECE20006
Class: ECE-A

• Simulation of half adder, full adder, half subtractor & full subtractor circuits using tinker cad
Lab Experiments:
1. Half Adder circuits
The circuit is used to add two single-bit binary values to produce a sum bit and a carry bit.
The block diagram of a half adder is shown below.
Refer chapter 5, section 5.2 of the reference textbook ‘Fundamentals of digital logic with verilog design’-
stephen brown, zvonco vranesic

Q.1) Obtain the truth table for the half-adder.

0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1

Q.2) Using K map Derive the expression for sum and carry.

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Q.3) Sketch the logic diagram for the circuit and implement that using Tinker Cad .

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2. Full Adder circuit
A full adder is a circuit that adds two bits and a carry and outputs a sum bit and a carry bit. i.e., this
circuit performs addition of three bits. Refer chapter 5, section 5.2 of the reference textbook ‘Fundamentals of
digital logic with verilog design’- stephen brown, zvonco vranesic

Q.4) Obtain the truth table for the full adder.

* Cin = Carry in.
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1

Q.5) Using K map Derive the expression for sum and carry.

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Q.6) Sketch the logic diagram for the circuit and implement that using Tinker Cad .

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3. Half subtractor circuits
The circuit is used to subtract two single-bit binary values to produce a difference bit and a borrow bit.
Refer section 4.4 of the reference textbook ‘Digital Logic Design’, Morris Mano
Q.7) Obtain the truth table for the half-subtractor.
A B Difference Borrow
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
Q.8) Using K map derive the expression for Difference and Borrow.

Q.9) Sketch the logic diagram for the circuit and implement that using Tinker Cad .

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4. Full Subtractor circuit
Refer Section 4.4 of the reference textbook ‘Digital Logic Design’, Morris Mano
Q.10) Obtain the truth table for the full subtractor.
Q.11) Derive the expression for Difference and Borrow.

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Q.12) Sketch the logic diagram for the circuit and implement that using Tinker Cad .

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5. Design a Full adder using half adders and necessary logic gates.
Refer 5. 2.1 of the reference textbook ‘Fundamentals of digital logic with verilog design’- stephen
brown, zvonco vranesic.

Q.13) Sketch the logic diagram for the circuit and implement using Tinker Cad .

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