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Date: 11-04-2019 Time: 19:26:25 File: copper powder User: A Swathi Kiran

Name and formula

Reference code: 98-008-7360

Compound name: Copper

Chemical name: Copper
Common name: Copper
ICSD name: Copper

Chemical formula: Cu1

Second chemical formula: Cu

Crystallographic parameters

Crystal system: Cubic

Space group: F m -3 m
Space group number: 225

a (Å): 3.6140
b (Å): 3.6140
c (Å): 3.6140
Alpha (°): 90.0000
Beta (°): 90.0000
Gamma (°): 90.0000

Calculated density (g/cm^3): 8.94

Volume of cell (10^6 pm^3): 47.20
Z: 4.00

RIR: 9.53

Subfiles and Quality

Subfiles: ICSD Pattern

Quality: Calculated (C)


ICSD collection code: 627113

Creation Date: 01-01-1970
Modification Date: 01-01-1970
Calculated Pattern Original Remarks: Metals Sdata Record:
Structures: Cu
Original ICSD space group: FM3-M
ICSD Collection Code: 627113

Original ICSD space group: FM3-M

At least one temperature factor missing in the paper.
No R value given in the paper

X-ray diffraction from single crystal \N

Structure type: Cu
Temperature in Kelvin: 296
Metals Sdata Record: INT= film; APP= Unicam high-temp.
Structure type: Cu

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Date: 11-04-2019 Time: 19:26:25 File: copper powder User: A Swathi Kiran
Recording date: 8/1/2008
ANX formula: N
Z: 4
Calculated density: 8.94
Pearson code: cF4
Wyckoff code: a
Publ. title: X-ray studies on the thermal expansion of copper-nickel


Primary reference: Tokola, E. Kantola, M., Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Series A6: Physica ,
223, 1, (1967)

Peak list
No. h k l d [A] 2Theta[deg] I [%]
1 1 1 1 2.08654 43.330 100.0
2 0 0 2 1.80700 50.464 43.6
3 0 2 2 1.27774 74.150 21.4
4 1 1 3 1.08966 89.969 22.9

No. Name Elem. X Y Z Biso sof Wyck.
1 CU1 Cu 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.5000 1.0000 4a

Stick Pattern

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