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• Oxidation reduction reactions

-involved electron transfer between molecules
-Dehydrogenase -enzyme for redox reactions
-make use of cofactors (accepts or donates electron)
- Union of substances with one or more molecules of water
- Used to break large/complex substances into smaller substances
Hydrolysis of disaccharide
Sucrose + water → glucose + fructose
- Simple fragments unite to form a more complex compound
-Intramolecular rearrangement of atoms within a molecule leading to the formation of a new


A. Digestion
- It refers to the breakdown of large foodstuffs into smaller particles
2 forms
Physical Digestion- the mechanical conversion of big food into smaller
absorbable particles
Chemical digestion- with the participation of enzymes hormones and
digestive juices.

B. Absorption
- It refers to the diffusion or movement or nutrients and other ingested
materials from the small intestines ( jejunum) into the blood stream.
- The process is facilitated by microvilli which are mobile, fingerlike
projections that increases the absorptive area of the git.
C. Assimilation
- It refers to the “selective uptake” of specific nutrients by an organ in the
- Absorbed nutrients are not uniformly distributed in the body
- Bones and teeth would take up more of the calcium and phosphorus
- Thyroid gland would take up most of the iodine
- Hair would take up the zinc
- Adipose tissues would take up most of the fat
- Liver would take up most of the sugars
D. Utilization
- The process by w/c the absorbed nutrients are used by the different
cells for a specific purpose or function
- E.g ATP( Adenosine triphosphate)-energy used by cells in the body.
E. Integration into tissues
- The process by w/c the absorbed nutrients are included or incorporated
into the structural framework of the body like the bones, muscles, teeth,
hair, skin, joints and ligaments.
F. Biotransformation and metabolic degradation
- The process by which all harmful and potentially toxic materials
introduced into the body (like food, preservatives, food coloring, and
chemicals like formalin) are inactivated or detoxified by the liver into
something non-toxic or even less toxic thus, no significant harm is done
on the body.
G. Excretion
- Process by w/c metabolic wastes are finally expelled or removed from
the body.
- These wastes then allowed to accumulate inside will destroy cells and
tissues so these must be dispensed off fast
- Organs of excretion
- KIDNEYS- urine
- LUNGS- Volatile acids in the form of CO2
- SKIN- sweat (hypotonic NaCl)
- GIT-stool or feces or undigested residue of food ( excreted through
2 Forms
1. METABOLIC DEGRADATION- breakdown of complex substances into simpler
one that act as active metabolites or end products for energy production.
2. BIOSYNTHESIS- combination of simpler substances to build complex
substances for cell repair, growth and reproduction.

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