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Clinical portfolio

Hafiza Maliha Abid

Fundamentals of Nursing
Ms. Razia
6, October 2021
Lahore school of Nursing
The university of Lahore

Summary :- Date : 29, September 2021
Week 2 :

Ward Name : Surgical Ward

Duty time : Morning
Arrival time : 8 am
Departure time : 2 pm

I reached the hospital at 8 am . Firstly I went to the NS office

and mark my attendance . Then I went to my assigned ward
that was Surgical ward . After entering in my ward I say
Salaam to the staff Nurse and started my work . Staff nurse
guided me what do I have to do all the day ‫ ۔‬I listened her
carefully and learnt the all things which she told me to do . I
went towards the bed of the patient and firstly I checked her file
and see her all the past history .I asked to the patient some
questions about her health about her life with her permission
and satisfaction .

I checked her vitals . In vitals I checked her blood pressure ,

pulse rate, Respiration , temperature . And write her all vital
signs in her fluid balance sheet . As such I checked all the
patients that were present in the ward . After taking vitals I
arranged the files In a proper way .

After 2 hours I again went towards the beds of the patients and
check their medicine .After checking I gave them medicines At
2 pm I left my ward .I learned a lot from my duty

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