Cẩm Nhung

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(20 marks)
Tổng: 14/20
A. Make sentences with the present simple tense, present continuous tense, past simple
tense, going to/ will, comparatives and superlatives. Try to make as many compound and
complex sentences as possible.(10 marks) 8/10
1. Present simple tense (1 mark) 1
The sun rises in the east and it sets in the west
2. Present continuous tense (1.5 mark) 1.25
I'm studying English, while my mom is washing the dishes
3. Past simple tense (1.5 mark) 1.5
Yesterday, I went to the market and bought a shirt
4. Going to (1.5 mark) 1.5
I am going to swim at the beach this summer
Will (1.5 mark) 1.25
I will help her with her homework because it's ve …
5. Comparatives (1.5 marks) 1.5
Lam is more intelligent than anyone else
superlatives (1.5 marks) 0
The more I know him, the more I like him. (Xem lại cấu trúc so sánh nhất)
B. You finished your final exam last week. Write an email (about 100 – 170 words)
to your friend: (10 marks) 6/10
* Say how you felt about the exam.
* Describe what you are doing at the moment.
* Mention some arrangements for the next weekend. (go shopping, take part in some
competitions, etc)
* Suggest an activity to do together.

Dear Lam,

How are you? I hope you're well. I am writing this email to you to tell you about my last
mos word exam. The exam was not as difficult as I thought, everything I learned was
included in the test. I also did very well, I finished the test twenty minutes early. Let's go
shopping this weekend, the mall is having a discount on all clothes. Then we can go to
drink milk tea at Nguyen Huu Tho street.

see you soon



(Câu trả lời còn ngắn, đề bài yêu cầu 100-170 từ)
(20 marks)
Tổng: 16/20
Choose 2 words out of the following words and use the 6-step vocabulary study
method to study them.
Try to make as many compound & complex sentences as possible.
Note: You can use dictionaries and mobile phones for this section only
(recommended: www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com)
Competent / Option / Active / Contribute

Option (noun) /ˈɒpʃ ə n/ tùy chọn
one of the possible choices you can make when using computer software, selecting an
option from the main menu.
(noun) option
(adjective) optional
(verb) option
(adverb) optionally
synonyms: selection , take it
Antonym: coercion , compulsion , constraint
2/ Active( adjective) /ˈæktɪv / tích cực
the importance of active participation by elderly people in the life of the community
(noun) action
(verb) act
(adverb) actively
synonyms: exertive,hardworking
anytonym: inactive, immobile
(30 marks)
Tổng: 17/30
I. Transcribe a conversation between Lily and Jack choosing activities for the
camp next week. (You can listen 3 times)
1. Lily: Hello Jack 
2. Jack: Hi, Lily 
3. Lily: Are you choosing your activities for the camp next week? 
4. Jack: Yes, I am. Hey, let’s choose the same activities, then we can be together. 
5. Lily: That’s a good idea. Shall we play table tennis? 
6. Jack: I don’t really fancy doing that. I play it all the time at home. I’d rather
choose something else. What’s about athletics? 
7. Lily: I’d rather not. Athletics is too tiring. 
8. Jack: Do you think so? Ok then. What do you suggest? 
9. Lily: Why don’t we play volleyball. That’s really good fun. 
10.Jack : You’re right. Volleyball is a good choice. I’m happy with that. 
11.Lily: And… what’s about… hockey? 
12.Jack: I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t really enjoy hockey. I think tennis
would be better. 
13.Lily: Ok, that’s fine with me. 
Điểm transcript: 12/20
II. Listen to an interview with Bob Partridge about an event in Kingsbridge at
the weekend and write T (True) or F (False) in the chart: (You can listen twice)
1. Bob is talking about an outdoor event
2. The event takes place outside the town
3. The race for runners who practice regularly starts the latest
4. All the races start in the morning
F -> T
5. There’s a special race for very young children
F -> T
6. Children do not need to pay to enter the competition

III. Listen to Mario and Tamara talking about what film they want to see and
circle the correct answer: (You can listen twice) 1/4
7. War Games is
A. an action film
B. a romantic film
C. a science fiction film
8. Which film are Mario and Tamara going to see?
B -> C
A. Robot 2075
B. Forever
C. Midnight Moon
9. Which is correct about Forever?
_ -> B
A. Tamara doesn’t want to see it again
B. Mario doesn’t want to see it
C. It’s a romantic film
10. What time does the film they want to see start this evening?
_ -> C
A. 8:30
B. 9:30
C. 7:30

Student: Cẩm Nhung

Class: E-199-HN

Assessment Criteria Note

 Phát triển được câu trả lời.

Fluency and coherence
 Mạch nói còn chậm
 Chưa sử dụng được redundant languages trong bài nói.

Lexical resource
 Từ vựng còn đơn giản cho các chủ đề được hỏi.

Grammar range and

accuracy  Ngữ pháp chưa linh hoạt.

 Cần cải thiện thêm rất nhiều về ngữ âm và ngữ điệu,

phát âm các từ chưa rõ ràng.
 Cần kiểm tra lại pronunciation của một số từ sau:
Pronunciation satisfied
1/7  Cần chú ý phát âm rõ âm s và âm đuôi của một số từ
sau: because
 Cần chú ý trọng âm rõ ràng một số từ: comfortable
(nhấn âm 1 chứ không phải âm 2).

Overall: 9/30

Examiner: Nhân

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