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Definition of Performance Management

Performance management is the practice of actively using

performance data to improve the public's health. This practice involves
strategic use of performance measures and standards to establish
performance targets and goals, to prioritize and allocate resources, to
inform managers about needed adjustments or changes in policy or
program directions to meet goals, to frame reports on the success in
meeting performance goals, and to improve the quality of public health

Performance Management components include:

Performance Standards - establishment of organizational or system

performance standards, targets and goals and relevant indicators to
improve public health practice

Performance Measures - application and use of performance

indicators and measures

Reporting of Progress - documentation and reporting of progress in

meeting standards and targets and sharing of such information
through feedback

Quality Improvement - establishment of a program or process to

manage change and achieve quality improvement in public health
policies, programs or infrastructure based on performance standards,
measurements and reports.

A Performance Management System is the continuous use of all the

above practices so that they are integrated into the organization's core
operations. Performance management can be carried out at multiple
levels, including the program, organization, community, and state
Performance appraisal in Dr Reddy Laboratories Ltd

I. Introduction
II. Theoritical framework of performance appraisal

A. Purpose of performance management systems

II. Performance appraisal and EEO laws
III. Objectives of performance appraisal
IV. Purpose of performance appraisal
V. Methodology of the study
VI. Definitation of performance appraisal
VII. Importance of performance appraisal
VIII. Overview of performance management
IX. Methods of performance appraisal
X. Company profile: Dr Reddy's laboratories ltd
XI. Data analysis and findings
XII. Suggestions and conclusion
XIII. Bibliography

Abstract : Theses ...

Every year employees experience an evolution in their past

performance. Employees generally see these evaluations as having
some direct effect on their work lives. They may result in increased
pay, a promotion, or assistance in personal development areas for
which the employees needs some training. As a result, any evaluation
of employees work can create an emotionally charged event. Because
the performance evaluation is not the simple process it once was, it is
now more critical to perform one while simultaneously focusing on key
activities of the job.

If we want to know how will the employees are doing, we’ve got to
measure their performance-not necessarily an easy task. Many factors
go into the performance evaluation process, such as why do we do
them, who should be benefited from the evaluation, what type if
evaluation should be used, and what problems might be encountered.

Performance management system involves a number of activities.

They are more than simply reviewing what an employee has done.
These systems must fulfill several purposes. Nearly three decades ago,
performance evaluations were designed primarily to tell employees
how they had done over a period of time and to let them know what
pay raise them would be getting. This was the “feedback” mechanism
in place. Although this may have served its purpose then, today there
are additional factors that must be addressed. Specifically,
performance evaluations should also address development and
documentation concerns.

More abstract from Performance appraisal in Dr Reddy

Laboratories Ltd

[...] The performance appraisal must be conducted according to some

established intervals: and. 2. Appraisers must be trained in the
process. The reasons for these become crystal clear when you consider
that any employee action, like a promotion or termination, must be
based on valued data-data prescribed from the performance
evaluation document. These objective data often support the
legitimacy of employee action. OBJECTIVES 1. To prevent grievances.
2. To improve job performance 3. To increase analytical abilities of
supervisors. 4. To assist management in promotion demotion and
transfer problems. [...]

[...] 24) Is the PERFECT process of performance appraisal in Dr.Reddy’s

up to your expectations? (a)Yes (b) No [ ] |S.NO |OPTIONS |NO.OF
RESPONDENTS |PERCENTAGE | | 1 |Yes |11 |50 | | 2 |No |11 |50 |
INTERPRETATION: From the above table it is inferred that 11 members
feel that PERFECT process of Performance Appraisal is up to their
expectation where as 11 members feel that PERFECT process is not up
to their expectation. 25) Do you want to suggest any changes in the
PERFECT system? [...]

[...] Performance appraisal also linked to the reward system of the

organization. Merit pay increases and individual bonuses are a function
of individual, business and organization performance. (b) For the
bottom 5% performers across the organization, a detailed 90 days
rolling Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is drawn up to provide
them with an opportunity to bring them to the desired level of
performance. HR will facilitate this process. Role of key persons in
perfECT Role of employee: Employees are expected to clarify
expectations from their key stakeholders who may be their immediate
superior, customer’s peers and subordinates at the beginning of the
review period and use the same as an input for framing the goals in
section II. [...]

[...] PerfECT PROCESS IN DRL Performance appraisal in DRL is known

as perfECT, which means Performance Enhancing and Coaching Tool.
The process of perfect in DRL is as below: 1. Preamble: The
‘Performance Enhancement and Coaching Tool’ (PerfECT) is to guide
employees at each phase of Performance Management-Performance
Planning (Goal Setting), Performance Coaching, Performance Review
and Feedback and Consequence Management-in order to built a high
performing and learning organization. This tool requires the
supervisors/ reviewers to be true to the ethics of fairness, truth and
integrity while facilitating the system. [...]

[...] ETHICS OF APPPRAISAL Ethics of performance appraisal is an

important factor. If it is ignored there arise several problems. These
are some of the dos and don’ts 1. Don’t appraise without knowing why
the appraisal is required. 2. Appraise on the basis of representative
information. 3. Appraise on the basis of relevant information. 4.
Appraise on the basis of sufficient information. 5. Be honest in your
assessment in all the facts you obtain. 6. Don’t write one thing and say
another. [...]

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