Assignment 1 CTWS

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Name:__Vence Euler G.

Madriaga____ Date:__06/09/2021_
Subject & Offer # : ___23149_____ Assignment #: 1
Directions: After internalizing the Core values, VMO of St. Peter’s College answer
the following essay questions below ( words not less than 50) and expound your
1. Why do you choose St. Peter’s College in fulfilling your dreams?
2. What factors did you consider in choosing this institution?
3. After reading and internalizing the Core Values, Vision, Mission & objectives of
SPC What is your reflection towards it?

1. The reason why I chose St. Peter’s College in fulfilling my dreams its
because I want to test my determination of taking any risks and to be
persevere so I can be successful not just for my studies but for achieving my
career and to have a job when I become a computer engineer soon.
2. The factors I considered in choosing St. Peter’s is the inadequate quality of
giving knowledge and to gain many of the students for their potential so
they can slowly begin to become successful and the learning of which
students can find themselves challenging but adaptable to these changes as
the current health situation unable us continue to work.
3. After I read the Core Values, Vision and Mission of St. Peter’s College, I
understand very thoroughly how the school wants the students like me to
continue and follow to their objectives in giving directions and serves a big
inspiration as we are becoming part of St. Peter’s College community to
uphold every obligations and to aim of becoming successful to their dream

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