Answer Sheet - NSTP - Module 2 - Self-Awareness-and-Others

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Name: Monica Jean Tolledo

Course and Block: BSBA MM - Block 4
Facilitator: Ma. Kristine Banzuela
1. Pray before the start and after completing this module. Ask for God’s guidance.
2. Read the modules and the instructions carefully.
3. Try to open the indicated links. Explore.
4. Take down notes and copy some important links so that you can go back whenever
you need information given in that site.
5. In every assessment, always practice the value of honesty.
6. This Flexible Dominican Education (F-DomE) Module, which adopted the Salamanca
Process, is composed of four phases-(Study), (Research), (Analysis) and (Action).
There will be specific instructions as you go along the module and will have tasks to
be accomplished in each phase.
7. Use blue Arial 12 or Gotham Narrow Book 12 in writing text.
8. Save your files via pdf format and name it as shown in the examples below:
(UPPERCASE –MODULE <space> Module # <underscore> Block and Course you
belong in your NSTP subject <space> SURNAME <space> First letter of first name/s)
Use dash– not slash / in your block and course if needed.
9. Submit the output on or before the deadline.
10. Good luck and enjoy learning the topic!


In assuming your roles as citizens, the essential requisite is your understanding of yourself.
What will be your response when people ask you: Who are you? Can you answer it right
away or do you need to pause first before answering? Are you excited or sad to share who
you are? Kindly list ten varied information about yourself. Be honest.



Some few questions to ponder upon…..

● How do you feel?
● Are the ten facts you wrote enough to describe yourself?
● Did the list make you more aware of yourself?
● Are there still other descriptions that you deem to be included in your list?
● At this moment, do you have a feeling of excitement in exploring and achieving more
insights or enlightenment on yourself?
Pause and reflect. You may listen to a feel-good music while remembering your past. Craft your own LIFELINE by
indicating the events with the corresponding year per event.

Understanding Myself


How do you feel upon accomplishing your lifeline? Did it help you understand who you are
in relation to your past? What are your realizations in the activity?


Understanding Others

How then should our life be like? This question leads us not only to reflect on our ideal life
but also to search for models or exemplars.
Are we also interested to know the lifeline of others that may inspire and influence our own
lifeline? Ask each of the following people with these guide questions:
My Family, Friends and Ideal Life Questions/Objections
Mother What was your most memorable life story?
What were your most challenging moments?
Sister/Brother How did you handle being compared to other
people, especially to me?
Best friend What are the common things we like?
What made us and still connects us as best of
Ideal Person Do you have success stories that you are happy to
share with others?
How did you cope with your life’s adversities?

Choose two inspiring persons from the table above. Summarize and write their answers
Person 1:
Person 2:
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
How do we apply then the awareness of oneself?_____________________________________
_____________________________________ From the previous discussions and
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
activities, we conclude that we, as human
_____________________________________ persons formed by our history and endowed with
giftedness, are capable of purposely renewing ourselves,
_____________________________________ worthily transforming our world
and_____________________________________ _____________________________________
meaningfully relating with others. With this realization, we can project our future
profession, that is, something good that we will do_____________________________________
_____________________________________ for ourselves, and then formulate our
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
mission, that is, something good that we
_____________________________________ will do for the good of others.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
ACTIVITY 4 _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Create a drawing that you think best symbolize yourself right now at this very moment.
your imagination and creativity _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Understanding my Identity and Mission
“My Self Symbol”
In three to five sentences, answer question:
What is your reason for using this symbol to represent your personality? How can this
symbol help you in community works?


Rubric in Assessing the Performance Task

(The best of me)
CRITERIA 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2

Depth of Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrate a Demonstrate a Demonstrate little

Reflection conscious deep thorough basic limited or no
understanding of understanding of knowledge of understanding of understanding of
the subject the subject the subject the subject the subject
matter. This matter. matter. matters. This matter. This needs
drawing can be output needs major revision.
used a sample to revision
other students

Creativity and Content is well Content is Content is The content and The content and
organization organized using organized in organized for the graphics graphics are not
varied graphics. using varied the most part. contradict to relevant.
graphics. May the some each other.
graphics does
not work

Attractiveness Makes excellent Makes good use Makes use of Use of color, Does not use
use of color, of color, graphics color, graphics graphics and graphics, color,
graphics and and effects etc. to and effects etc. effects etc. but etc. to present the
effects etc. to enhance but occasionally occasionally content
enhance presentation these destruct these often
presentation from the destruct from
presentation the presentation
content content

Originality The product 75 % of the Uses other Uses other Uses other
shows a large product shows people’s idea people’s idea people’s ideas, but
amount of original thought. (giving them (giving them does not give
original thought. Work shows new credit) but credit) but them credit.
Idea are creative ideas and there’s a some there’s a little
and inventive. insights. evidence of evidence of
original original thinking

Use of textual The explanations The explanations Some of the On a little of the The drawing and
evidence convey and drawing are explanations explanations are explanation
excellently on relevant to each are not visible given in the contradict to each
the drawing other in the drawing drawing other.
Check the box that describes your acquired level of learning skills:

Learning Skills Well, more OMG, I still

Easy, I get
it examples need help
1. I can ANALYZE fully the importance of
understanding myself and others.
2. I can EXPLAIN the value of my personal
identity and my mission.
3. I can APPLY the significance of my
personal mission towards a collective

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