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Worksheet 10 in Religious Education 111

Topic: The Pentateuch (Torah)

Name: Kianna Angel Doctora

What to do: Answer the following questions comprehensively. Avoid simply “copy and
paste” from the internet. Observe academic and critical thinking in answering the
activity. Read and understand what you can find on the web and include only
information that is relevant to each question.


1. Watch and listen to the video from the link below and answer the questions that

- What is the message of God in the story of creation? 

The message of this story about God’s creation is that God created everything. He
creates everything for us to work together harmoniously. Creation was not complete
until mankind was created. And that there is a Great God of glory and power behind all
of this creation-- Creation is also a reminder of our identity because we were created for
a reason and with a purpose and we are created in God’s image. As what I have said
for me the message of creation is a reminder for us that God created humankind with a
purpose in mind. 
 - What is the meaning of the story of creation to you?
 The meaning of the story of creation for me is to have knowledge about the creation of
God and How God made the world so beautiful and How God made us and it is
meaningful for me because in the book of Genesis God gave us the authority over all of
His creations. The story of creation is meaningful to me because in the book of Genesis
it gives the world meaning. There we will find out why we have sin, death, disease and
suffering. We will discover why the world is not an ideal place designed by the good
God. We learn that man was specially created in the image of God and was
commanded to rule over all creation, but he has fallen. 
- How will you respond to God’s love manifested in creation?
I will respond through prayer and tell God that I love him and I love his creation and I
wholeheartedly appreciate everything that I have right now-- God loves us with calling
love. For example, you are in the dark of sin and God gave us the light to bring us out of
2. Watch and listen to the video from the link below and answer the questions that

- What is Original Sin?

According to what I have gathered information that says everyone is born sinful
because the origin sin has been ascribed to the sin of the first man which is
Adam, who disobeyed God in eating a forbidden fruit.
- What is the effect of original sin?
It has had effect of destroying the trust and close friendship between God and
man. After sinning, Adam and Eve hid themselves from God (Genesis 3:8). The
couple’s relationship is damaged when they blame each other for what they did
– the first family dispute. The harmony in creation was broken and death entered
human history. Disharmony and alienation from sin affect all relationships.
-The relationship with oneself is a relationship of shame and regret
-Relationships with others damaged by blame and argument
-Relationships with God have turned from intimacy to alienation

- What did God do to restore or redeem humanity from sin?

Jesus restores or redeem humanity from sin by sacrificing the sin that he doesn’t
own. Jesus acted as a model of perfect human conduct, sinless living. Even
while being crucified, he showed compassion and forgiveness for his
3. Watch and listen to the video from the link below and answer the questions that

- Describe the important role of the following characters in the history of

1. Adam and Eve
We believe that God created everything that exists and that He
created a good universe. We call the first humans Adam (the
Hebrew word for "man" or "mankind") and Eve (the Hebrew word for
"source of life"). The fall of Adam and Eve from God's grace is called
original sin. Adam and Eve were created by God to take care of His
creation, to populate the earth, and to have a relationship with Him.
2. Noah
Noah "found grace in the sight of the Lord" (Genesis 6:8). So when
God saw the corruption of the earth and decided to destroy it, He
gave Noah a divine warning of impending disaster and made a
covenant with him, promising to save him and his family.
3. Moses
Moses is the most important Jewish prophet. Moses was ordered to
return and lead the Jews to freedom. After Moses and the Jews left
Egypt, God gave him the Ten Commandments, which became the
basis of Jewish law and thought. For this reason, Moses is often
considered a man of the law.
4. Abraham
Abraham became the patriarch of the Jewish nation when he passed
10 harsh tests of his faith in God and God's covenant with him.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam teach that Abraham made a
covenant with God, to which both parties commit. It is the foundation
of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
5. Isaac
Isaac, in the book of Genesis the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament),
was the second patriarchs of Israel, the only son of Abraham and
Sarah, and was the ancestor of Esau and Jacob. Then, to test
Abraham's obedience, God commanded Abraham to sacrifice the
6. Jacob
According to the Old Testament, Jacob was the younger twin brother
of Esau, who was the ancestor of Edom and the Edomites. These
two represent two different levels of the social order: Jacob is a
shepherd and Esau is a nomadic hunter. Jacob named the place
where he had received his vision Bethel ("God's House").
7. David
David was the first king of Jerusalem whose reign was later
considered a golden age. He is known both as a great fighter and as
the "sweet singer of Israel", the source of poems and songs, some of
which are collected in the Book of Psalms. When his youngest son
David appears, God tells Samuel to anoint him.

- How will you describe the continuous work of God to save us from our
I’ll describe this as an ending sacrifice because we committed a lot of sins and
God save us from our wickedness in a way of sacrificing himself and paid for all of
our sins so that we may receive by grace that entire God wanted to give us together
with the salvation of our souls.
- What would be our appropriate response to God’s call and promise of
The most important response to God’s call and promises of salvation is faith
and obedience these are the key responses to God’s promises.

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