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Agile Risk Management

A Remote Deposit Capture Imperative

Ensenta Corporation

Copyright © 2011 Ensenta Corporation

Agile Risk Management

Ensenta Corporation

Table of Contents
Executive Summary 4

The Changing Payments Landscape 6

The Argument for Agility 7

Casting a Wide Filtered Net 8

A Day Late, and Dollars Short 10

To Hold From This Day Forward 12

The (Multi-) Level Policy Playing Field 14

Conjoined Twins- Customer Service and Risk 16

Practice Makes Perfect 17

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered 18

False Realities: Both Positive and Negative 19

The Ensenta Difference 20

Contact 21 3
Agile Risk Management

Executive Summary
The U.S. payments landscape has undergone Management paradigm is based on a careful
a major transformation, with the physical synthesis of these two attributes- speed and
transportation of checks replaced by the coordination. It combines speed in identify-
capture, processing, and clearing of check im- ing and mitigating risk, with the coordinated
ages from diverse points of deposit, including modification of risk management and cus-
branches, kiosks, ATMs, merchant locations, tomer service policy through the continuous
homes, and mobile phones. The unprec- development of best practices.
edented convenience for cus-
tomers has also ushered in Ensenta has translated the paradigm
a new set of risks, from into reality through the astute combina-
outright fraud as well as tion of an innovative risk
unintended errors. engine and a flexible
delivery model. The
As the financial services indus- Ensenta Risk Policy
try emerges from the Great Recession, Management Engine
the battle between institutions will be provides granular con-
for customer deposit acquisition and re- trol of over 100 real-time
tention. The delivery of superior service risk filters, and the optimal combination
will be critical in enhancing customer of automated and human review. The
loyalty. Risk mitigation and customer Software as a Service (SaaS) delivery
service are often competing imperatives. model ensures secure and easy access
to web based risk policy administration
In the battle for deposits, the success- consoles and a broad set of real-time
ful financial institutions will be those analytics. The analytics can be used to
that can ensure a consistent, positive develop best practices, which can then
customer experience while containing be implemented immediately through
deposit risk. the consoles. In order to reduce the
administrative burden for financial insti-
The dictionary defines “agile” as quick tutions, Ensenta performs the actual
and well coordinated in move- configuration changes on be-
ment. The Ensenta Agile Risk half of its customers. Thus, the

Ensenta Corporation

engine allows financial institutions to work in thus providing institutions significant flexibil-
tandem with Ensenta to move with agility on ity in aligning tactical policy implementation
the loop between the highest levels of policy with their risk management strategy.
formulation and the tactical implementation
of controls. To effect the strategic intersection between
risk management and customer service, the
The heart of the agile engine is a set of over engine can also do the opposite and provide
100 parameter driven risk filters which ex- accelerated funds availability to selected
amine all checks from all deposit channels customers, account types, or specific check
in real-time. The filters govern a wide range types. These hold overrides allow financial
of criteria, like duplicate detection across all institutions to offer the winning balance be-
channels, item type, size of deposit, identity tween a consistent, positive customer experi-
of depositor, deposit channel, etc., gleaned ence and risk containment.
from best practices developed over many
years of processing transactions for institu- A rich set of real-time analytics, available se-
tions of all sizes. A key aspect of the Ensenta curely over the web, enables financial institu-
difference is that all filters, administration, tions to gain insight into their transactions,
and review consoles are accessible in one including trends in false positives and nega-
place. This obviates the need to enter and tives. This capability completes the feedback
exit multiple applications, depending on de- loop between best practice, policy formula-
posit channel or item type. tion, and implementation of controls.

Unlike conventional batch based systems that In a rapidly evolving competitive landscape,
review some items for risk on Day Two, the financial institutions need to include agility
Ensenta system looks at all items at the earli- as a competitive differentiator in translating
est point in the cycle- Day Zero. Filters have strategy to action. They need to balance ser-
different Severity levels for On Us and Guest vice delivery and risk management in a win-
(Transit) items, which drive the Hold Period ning combination.
and review modality. The Severity levels can
be set through the administration consoles at Agile Risk Management offers an attractive
default levels, by each deposit channel or cus- way forward.
tomized based on financial institution policy, 5
Agile Risk Management

The Changing Payments Landscape

Recent years have seen the dramatic trans- apparent are unintended errors by custom-
formation of the U.S. check payment infra- ers or financial institutions dealing with unfa-
structure. The transportation and processing miliar systems. The compliance requirement
of paper at the many labor intensive facili- driven by a quickly evolving regulatory regime
ties across the nation has given way to the adds another dimension to the risk challenge.
electronic capture, validation, and clearing While it is tempting to address risk by batten-
of check images. With improvements in ing down all hatches, it is important to care-
scanning, recognition, and image transmis- fully consider the impact on customer satis-
sion technologies, the point of image deposit faction.
capture has radiated outward from financial
institution branches to include As the banking industry emerges
ATMs, check scanners at business- from the challenges of the Great
es, flatbed scanners in homes, Recession, the contest between in-
and even mobile phones. Though stitutions will be to acquire and re-
the transformation has resulted tain deposits. It is clear that service
in tremendous efficiency gains for delivery will be critical in enhancing
financial institutions, and unprec- customer loyalty. According to Bain
edented convenience for consum- and Company1, the most loyal bank
ers and businesses, it has also customers cited “service” over six
ushered in a new set of risks. times more frequently than “rates
and fees” or “branches”, as their top reason
An obvious source of risk in this brave new for recommending their bank to others.
world is fraud by technology savvy criminals.
According to the American Bankers Associa- In the battle for deposits, the successful
tion Deposit Fraud Survey Report of 2009, financial institutions will be those that can
annual industry losses from check fraud are ensure a consistent, positive customer experi-
estimated at $1.024 billion. Perhaps not so ence while mitigating deposit risk.

Customer loyalty in retail banking: North America 2010, Bain and Company Financial Services Practice

Ensenta Corporation

The Argument for Agility

The dictionary defines “agile” as quick and /ĚĞŶƟĨLJĞƐƚ
well coordinated in movement. The Ensenta &ŽƌŵƵůĂƚĞ
Agile Risk Management paradigm is based on
a careful synthesis of these two attributes-
speed and coordination.
The need for speed is driven by the instanta-
neous nature of electronic transaction pro-
cessing, customer expectations shaped by DŝƟŐĂƚĞǀŝĂ
experience on other real-time media like the ĐƟŽŶ ŝŶZĞĂůͲdŝŵĞ

Web and mobile telephony, and the rapid in-

troduction of new financial services (primarily The combination of policy coordination and
from non-financial competitors). speed shown in Figure 1 requires the follow-
ing attributes:
Speed for its own sake, however, only ad-
dresses a piece of the puzzle. There is also the • Comprehensive set of parameter based,
need to coordinate customer acquisition and tunable risk filters
retention strategy, enterprise risk policy, best • Risk identification and action at the earli-
practices, analysis, regulatory compliance, est point in the payments processing cycle
system security, and usability.
• Multiple real-time risk review and mitiga-
tion options
The case can thus be made for a real-time en-
terprise risk policy management engine that • Policy administration at default, channel,
allows financial institutions to go swiftly from and institution levels
policy formulation to implementing param- • Flexible override capability
eter driven filters for all deposit channels and
• Extensive risk analysis and reporting
across varied customer segments. The system
should also provide best practices feedback • Nimble and secure service delivery infra-
to allow institutions to continuously improve structure
their policy regimes. 7
Agile Risk Management

Casting a Wide Filtered Net

The heart of a risk management system is a processing transactions for financial institu-
comprehensive set of filters that can identify tions of all sizes. Some examples include
risks in real-time. The filters are driven by the duplicate detection across all items and all
best practices that stem from monitoring all deposit channels (and multiple participating
items that pass through a transaction pro- institutions) for one year, black listed routing
cessing system- the broader the transaction numbers, amount thresholds, and various fac-
processing ecosystem, the better the continu- tors that ensure integrity of the check and the
ous improvement. The Ensenta system is built account.
on the many years of learning from process-
ing check deposits for banks and credit unions Also included are Image Quality and Usabil-
of all sizes, and across all points of deposit, ity filters that address the Financial Services
including branches, ATMs, kiosks, merchant Technology Consortium (FSTC) Image Defect
locations, homes, and mobile phones. Metrics. The metrics are parameter driven,
and can be customized to fit individual finan-
The Ensenta Agile Risk Policy Management cial institution criteria.
Engine has over 100 parameter tunable, real-
time risk filters that examine a wide range Filters have assignable three-level Severity
of potential risks. These filters are driven by ratings that drive mitigation action. The Se-
best practices gleaned from several years of verity rating can be set separately for On Us

Risk Filter Transit Severity On-Us Severity Depositor Confirm OCR Required
Filter 1 1, 2 or 3 1, 2 or 3 Y/N Y/N
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
Filter 100+ 1, 2 or 3 1, 2 or 3 Y/N Y/N

Figure 2 - Risk Filter Administrative Options

Ensenta Corporation

and Guest (Transit items). Where applicable, filters is convenient. Anything more complex
the system has the option of requesting con- will negate the very basis of the system. A key
firmation by the depositor (in the case of strategic difference in the Ensenta approach
merchant, consumer, and mobile deposits), is that all filters, administration, and review
and/or using Optical Character Recognition consoles are accessible in one place. This
(OCR) to determine an item risk confidence obviates the need to enter and exit multiple
level. Getting confirmation by the depositor applications, depending on deposit channel
can help eliminate errors at the earliest point or item type, and provides users a concise,
in the deposit stream, thus reducing costly er- self-contained, and actionable perspective on
ror correction later in the cycle. risk.

In order to preserve the agility that is the cor- An example of the Ensenta administration
nerstone of this approach, it is absolutely es- console is shown in Figure 3 below.
sential that the administration of the various

Figure 3 - Risk Filter Administration Console 9
Agile Risk Management

A Day Late, and Dollars Short



Figure 4 - Impact of risk
r mitigation at various points on the
payments life cycle

Agility means not only how quick, but also One being the day of item capture, and Day
when an action is taken. Two the next day. This is a holdover from the
paper processing days, when it took time for
The traditional check processing workflow physical paper to move from the branch to a
calls for some level of error checking on central processing center for clearing. Even
Day One, and examining selected items for though the industry has moved on to elec-
potential fraud on Day Two or beyond- Day tronic images, most risk management systems

Ensenta Corporation

follow a batched workflow on Day Two- es- processing life cycle to address risk increases
sentially an automated version of the old cost. Similarly, the impact on the customer
paper process. experience is likely to be more negative later
in the life cycle. Clearly, a system that identi-
With distributed deposit capture and the fies risk and takes action to at the earliest Day
electronic clearing and exchange of check Zero opportunity makes eminent sense.
images, the old Day One and Day Two have
telescoped into “Day Zero”. Both deliberate The Ensenta Agile Risk Policy Management
fraud and unintended errors can proliferate at Engine follows the Do It Right The First Time
electronic speed. Because of the number of (DRIFT) principle in processing all items across
elapsed steps in the workflow that may have all deposit channels at the Day Zero point of
to be reversed, waiting for later in the check entry into the payment processing stream. 11
Agile Risk Management

To Hold From This Day Forward

The main avenue of risk containment action tion blocks a check from entering the pay-
is to hold checks and subject them to manual ment stream. In the case of branch and ATM
review. The Hold Period is dictated by the deposits, since the depositor is not present,
Severity rating assigned to the specific filter. checks that qualify for “Rejection” are directly
The Hold Periods corresponding to the Sever- sent to financial institution personnel for
ity ratings are as follows: review.

• Standard Hold Thus, the Ensenta system offers an optimal

• Extended Hold blend of automated and human review with
complementary layers of examination:
• Rejection (for Merchant, Consumer, Mo-
bile) or FI Review (for all other channels)
• Automated filters
If a check trips multiple filters, the Hold Pe-
• Depositor review
riod will be based on the highest Severity rat-
ing. The actual Hold Periods can be set based • Financial institution review
on individual financial institution policy. The system also facilitates the Know Your Cus-
tomer (KYC) requirement faced by financial
In addition to the Hold Periods, the system institutions by maintaining lists of Excluded
can request the depositor to review a de- and Included customers for merchant, con-
posit. In cases where there is a discrepancy sumer, and mobile deposits. These lists are
between the Depositor Review and OCR, the usually based on account history or other
check is automatically routed for review by fi- types of financial institution due diligence.
nancial institution personnel. Some examples Through Single Sign On, access to these re-
of Depositor Review include missing endorse- mote deposit applications can easily be con-
ments, date verification (stale, post-dated, trolled. In the event an account appears on
missing), missing signature, amount discrep- both Excluded and Included lists, the Exclud-
ancy, etc.. It must be noted that Depositor ed list takes precedence to ensure proper risk
Review is not the same as Rejection. While control.
Depositor Review leverages the depositor to
correct discrepancies, and thus reduce the
workload for the financial institution, a Rejec-

Ensenta Corporation

Financial institution review is made possible corrected or returned with one of more than
by grouping checks into two queues: 25 appropriate reason codes. The Ensenta
Agile Risk Policy Management Engine can be
• Need Review Queue- Certain risk filters integrated with financial institution returns
can be set to examine whether checks processing systems. Examples of return rea-
require further review. Checks that trip son codes include Not Sufficient Funds (NSF),
these filters are routed to a Needs Review Uncollected Funds (UCF), Stop Payment,
Queue. All items in the Needs Review Missing Signature, Altered/ Fictitious Item,
Queue have to be reviewed by the finan- etc. All review, editing and return can only
cial institution. be performed by authorized personnel. This
• One Click Approve Queue- All items that is controlled by a robust role-based authen-
did not trip any risk filters can be approved tication capability. Items that pass review are
for inclusion in an Image Cash Letter (ICL). moved to the Reviewed Queue for inclusion
A drill down capability allows reviewers to in the next ICL.
check item details if necessary.
An example of review and item drill down is
During the review process, the item can be shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Item Review and Drill Down Capability 13
Agile Risk Management

The (Multi-) Level Policy Playing Field

Financial institutions set risk policy based on • System or default level
competitive strategy and threat assessments. • Deposit Channel level
These assessments can assign varied risk lev-
els to the different available deposit channels. • Financial institution level
For example, the risk associated with chan- At the System level, risk profiles such as filter
nels emanating from outside a financial insti- Severity levels, thresholds, Hold Periods and
tution’s physical infrastructure (like merchant review modalities are pre-set based on prac-
locations, homes, and mobile phones) can tices frequently used by the many financial in-
be different from branch and ATM deposits. stitutions using a Software as a Service (SaaS)
Thus, risk policy has to be viewed at multiple network, such as Ensenta.
levels, including:

Figure 6 - Risk Policy Level Administration

Ensenta Corporation

The Deposit Channel level allows the setting settings. This capability allows an institution
of risk profiles unique to each deposit channel to actualize the agile risk policy management
(like branch, merchant etc.). In addition to the paradigm shown in Figure 6.
obvious benefits of protecting an institution
from loss, this has the added benefit of aiding In the Ensenta SaaS environment, the ability
compliance with regulations and guidelines to modify risk profiles at the granular levels
like the Federal Financial Institution Examina- discussed is strictly controlled through a role-
tion Council (FFIEC) issued Risk Management based credential authentication system. This
of Remote Deposit Capture. Deposit Channel ensures the alignment and stability of imple-
criteria supersede the System level presets. mented filters with financial institution policy.

The pinnacle in the risk policy hierarchy is the

Financial Institution level, where policies for a
specific financial institution can be set. These
override Deposit Channel and System level 15
Agile Risk Management

Conjoined Twins- Customer Service and Risk

Figure 7 - Hold Override Management

The need to maintain a positive customer able to expedite funds into payer accounts
experience is often overlooked when man- like loan accounts.
aging risk. As discussed earlier, maintaining
customer loyalty is critical in the ongoing Therefore, a smart risk management system
war between institutions for deposits. Thus, needs to have overrides based on criteria
instead of extending holds based on flagged such as:
risk filters, it may be necessary to do just the
opposite and accelerate funds availability for • Depositor profile
carefully identified groups of customers, or • Check amount
types of items.
• Account type
For example, savvy customer retention strat- • Check type (payroll or company expense
egies will identify premium customers for checks)
accelerated funds availability, regardless of The Ensenta Agile Risk Policy Management
risk filters. Similarly, accelerated availability, Engine allows financial institutions to fashion
regardless of risk filters, can be given to pay- a win-win strategy that successfully addresses
roll or expense reimbursement checks. Hold both customer retention imperatives and
overrides can also be made depending on the real-time risk avoidance.
account type. For example, it may be desir-

Ensenta Corporation

Practice Makes Perfect

The ability to continuously refine risk man- analysis on the user.
agement policy based on best practices is
predicated on the ability to observe and ana- The analyses need to be based on the most
lyze the many granular dimensions discussed current information available. In the electron-
in this paper. Thus, a flexible reporting and ic world, risk moves at the speed of light, and
analysis capability that renders relevant in- so should mitigation.
formation to financial institution is required.
There are three aspects to be considered in a The insight should be readily accessible. The
best practices driven environment: very notion of agility is defeated if users have
to go through multiple steps to access and
• Breadth of readily available analyses export analysis.
• Timeliness of underlying information
The Ensenta Agile Risk Policy Management
• Ease of access
Engine provides a broad array of real-time,
An agile system must have the ability to con- web delivered analytics to help financial insti-
duct analyses and present insights to financial tutions hone best practices and refine policy.
institution users. It is not enough to make raw Figure 8 shows an example of some of the
data available, as this places the burden of available analyses.

Figure 8 - Reject Analysis 17
Agile Risk Management

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

The agility of a system is highly dependent • Software as a Service (SaaS) allows rapid
on the delivery model. In spite of the flexible development and implementation of
capabilities described in this paper, if making changing requirements
modifications to the system is based on com- • SAS 70 certification and PCI compliance
plex implementation processes, a mounting ensures robust security
backlog of requirements is bound to swamp
the ability of a financial institution to respond • Single Sign On and role based access as-
nimbly to observed risk patterns, competi- sures system access only to authorized
tion, regulation, and technology. In addition personnel
to being fast, the delivery model must be • Redundant data centers enhance business
safe. After all, the movement of money is continuity
about as mission-critical as it gets.

The Ensenta delivery model lends itself well

to the need for secure agility:

Secure Image
Storage & Proofing Item Processors
Secure Image
Transmission Secure Cash Letter

X.509 Certificate

Private Line or Triple DES

PCI Compliant Network Redundant Datacenter

Database Encryption

User access via SSL, IP

address & password
(PCI compliant)

Ensenta Corporation

False Realities: Both Positive and Negative

While discussing risk management, it is im- based tunable risk filters
portant to consider false positives and nega- • Web based risk policy administration con-
tives. While the first unduly flags checks as soles
risky, the second allows risky items to go
through. Both are results of imperfect tech- • The combination of the above to identify
nologies (like character recognition) and hu- false patterns and quickly update the sys-
man error, which are realities of transaction tem to contain the effects.
processing. It is also important to reiterate
that the goal is a winning balance between
risk management and
customer service. Thus, a
draconian risk regime that
delivers poor service is a

While false positives and

negatives cannot be com-
pletely eliminated, the
following capabilities avail-
able in the Ensenta system
offer avenues to fashion
best practices to contain

• Multiple review layers-

automated, depositor,
financial institution
• Extensive real-time
• Over 100 parameter 19
Agile Risk Management

The Ensenta Difference

It is clear that the rapidly evolving payments best practices.
landscape requires a winning balance be-
tween risk management and customer ser- Call us to find out how Ensenta Agile Risk
vice. The Ensenta approach begins with an Policy Management can help your financial
overarching agile paradigm that combines institution win by ensuring a consistent and
effective real-time tactical risk controls, with positive customer experience while mitigating
the development of best practices to drive deposit risk.
risk policy at the highest strategic levels of a
financial institution. Ensenta has translated
this paradigm to reality with the astute com-
bination of an innovative system and a flex-
ible delivery model. The multi-layered system
offers granular tunability of risk filters, which
operate in real-time and across all deposit
channels, with an optimal blend of auto-
mated and human review. The self-contained
filters and consoles give financial institutions
a concise and actionable perspective on risk.
The SaaS delivery model allows secure, easy
access to complete the feedback loop be-
tween risk management and customer ser-
vice policy, and risk mitigation driven through

Ensenta Corporation


Jim Ballagh
Vice President, Business Development


Phone: 650-288-1131

Web: 21
Agile Risk Management
Ensenta Corporation
Ensenta Corporation

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