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Syeda Mahak Zehra

Roll no: 49
BSBT- Semester 4
Pathology Assignment

Impact of Virus on Human

Emerging and Re-emerging fatal viral diseases

Many zoonotic or vector borne infectious agents have consistently threatened the health of
public in the 21st century. In this title we will be concluding RNA viruses such as coronavirus,
SARS Cov-2. Type 1 and 2 interferons in our body play a significant role in inhibiting COVID-19
but its delayed response can cause the virus to progress.
TTV (Torque Teno Virus) is being applied in patients after organ transplantation because of its
ability to control immunosuppression .A century ago enterovirus D-68 showed many similarities
to polio virus. It has been investigated to establish an etiological role of EV-D68 to acute flaccid
myelitis. The etiology of new syndromes should always be looked upon to prevent any
The recent viruses that have emerged are found to spread from zoonotic origin and among
them the vector borne ones are of significance. WHO has addressed this significant issue in
their R&D blueprint, a compound of this plan is to identify infectious viral diseases which can be
transmitted through mother to infant, these include filovirus, arenaviruses , retroviruses,
herpes viruses and flaviviruses( Zika virus) .In the 16th century the word 'virus' imported in
English language from latin as a word for 'poison' or 'venom' .Andre Lwoff formulated viruses as
'obligate intracellular parasites' composed of single type of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) encased
in protein coat. Pseudotype viruses which are based on retrovirus or rhabdovirus vectors
incorporating reporter genes that have SARS -COV-2 envelope 'S' (spike) glycoprotein.
Related to viruses many diseases have been emerged since 1946. Discovery of tumor
suppressor protein (TSp 53) in cells transformed by simian 40 virus (SV 40) was a milestone
related to oncogenic viruses. Since the advent of Recombinant DNA technology viruses are also
being used as vectors or vehicles for delivering specific genes to target host cells. Viruses have
also been used as bioweapons in WW2 .If we take a look in the past, infectious diseases have
emerged when a dense population developed on irrigated land. Throughout history, no other
viral diseases has affected as many people as small pox had .AIDS has had an enormous socio-
political impact , about 39 million deaths were recorded in which 66% were in Africa .In
veterinary virology, the greatest success story was the eradication of rinderpest , a cattle
disease caused by morbillivirus
It is noted that when it comes to spread of viral diseases no boundaries are respected or
considered. What we can do is to become united against these infectious diseases causing
Syeda Mahak Zehra
Roll no: 49
BSBT- Semester 4
Pathology Assignment
epidemic and try every means to create a healthy and safe environment and also ignoring the
myths and false stories spreading having no proofs.

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