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C++ Quiz Questions and Answers Pdf

Question: 1

Every variable should be separated by ___ separator.

(A) Dot

(B) Colon

(C) Comma

(D) Semicolon

Ans: C


Question: 2

Auto, static, extern and register are called as ___

(A) Static

(B) Register

(C) Auto

(D) Storage specifier

Ans: D

Storage specifier

Question: 3
How many storage specifies are there in a C++?

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

Ans: C

Question: 4

Signed, unsigned, long and short are some of the ___

(A) Void

(B) Data

(C) Derived data

(D) Modifiers

Ans: D


Question: 5

Logical AND (&&) and Logical OR (||) are ___ operators.

(A) Logical

(B) Equality
(C) Class member

(D) Comma

Ans: A


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