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Filipino Scientist/Inventor/Discoverer Contribution/s

1. Alfredo C. Santos devoted his career to the study of

chemistry and natural products, and the
search for medicinal properties in local
plant species.
2. Gregorio Y. Zara invented the two-way television telephone
or videophone (1955) patented as a “photo
phone signal separator network";
discovered the physical law of electrical
kinetic resistance called the Zara effect
(circa 1930).

3. Eduardo A. Quisumbing A botanist and taxonomist par excellence, he

published original articles on Philippine flora
and identified new orchid species. His book
on medicinal plants was the forerunner of
research studies on these plants in the

4.Juan S. Salcedo, Jr. A medical doctor and scientist, his

numerous research studies in
biochemistry, nutrition, and physiology
furthered the cause of health of the Filipino
people. He was also an administrator,
policy maker, and science promoter.

5.Alfredo C. Santos He devoted his career to the study of

chemistry and natural products, and the
search for medicinal properties in local
PRODUCTS) plant species.

6.Gregorio Y. Zara He contributed to the popular

(ENGINEERING) understanding and utilization of science in
the country. His pioneering research on
solar energy before there was an energy
crisis showed his forward-looking
perspective in science. He invented
the two-way television telephone or
videophone (1955) patented as a “photo
phone signal separator network". He
also discovered the physical law of
electrical kinetic resistance called the Zara
effect (circa 1930).

7.Geminlano T. de Ocampo A pioneer in modern ophthalmology, he

(OPTHALMOLOGY) established the first eye hospital in the
country and introduced corneal
transplantation. He designed an
ophthalmological instrument known as the
de Ocampo corneal dissector.

8.Casimiro del Rosarlo His research on ultraviolet light, on the

effect of radioactive radiation on Euglena,
on high voltage discharges in high vacuum,
and much more earned for himself and his
country lasting honor and distinction. He
contributed immensely to the study of
algae over 30 years of his life. He taught
and developed generations of Filipino
biologists. He pioneered in Philippine
phycology (the scientific study of algae),
particularly on Myxophyceae.

9.Fe Del Mundo She dedicated her life to the cause of

pediatrics in the country. Her research
on pediatrics; her training of physicians,
paramedics, and lay health workers in
childcare; and her extension services to
the remote rural areas became the moving
spirit behind the establishment of various
pediatric institutions in the country. She
was the first woman admitted at Harvard
Medical School and founder of the first
pediatric hospital in the Philippines. She
authored the first local textbook on
pediatrics and developed an incubator
made from bamboo that became a staple
in rural health centers without electricity.

10.Francisco M. Fronda
He devoted over six decades of his life to
teaching, research, and extension
activities. He was instrumental in the
development of the poultry industry in
Southeast Asia.
11.Carmen C. Velasquez Her pioneering research on trematodes
described 32 new specles and 1 genus
from Philippine foods, fishes, birds, and
mammals. Capallira philippinensis from the
human intestine was the first to be reported
in the world. Her book, Diagenetic
Trematodes of Philippine Fishes, the first in
Southeast Asia, became a regional
reference for fish parasitology and
aquaculture management.

12.Luz Ollveros-Belardo
An expert on the chemistry of natural
products and essential oils from Philippine
plants, she extracted and identified 33 new
essential oils. New flavors and herbal
medicines resulted from her research
13.Alfredo V. Lagmay He is recognized for his studies on the
experimental analysis of behavior,
(EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY) behavior modification relaxation and
related states, and hypnosis.

14.DIscoro L. Umali
Academician, scientist, educator, research
organizer, development administrator, and
DEVELOPMENT) science statesman, he improved varieties
of food grains, legumes, fruits, and
ornamental plants. His writings paved the
way for programs in rainfed agriculture,
social forestry environmental conservation,
and rural poverty reduction.

15.Paulo C. Campos He did outstanding research on nuclear

medicine, insulin action, red blood cells,
(NUCLEAR MEDICINE) and goiter. He established the first medical
radioisotope laboratory and thyroid clinic in
the Philippines

16.Pedro B. Escuro He provided leadership in the

development, isolation, and release of
(GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING) many rice cultivars. His classic C4-63
became the standard for high-quality rice in
the Philippines as well as many other rice-
growing countries.

17.Clara Y. Lim-Syllanco Her numerous discoveries of

environmental mutagens culminated in the
CHEMISTRY) designation of her laboratory as an
international training center for the
detection of chemical mutagens, and her
appointment to the
International Advisory Committee on Anti-
18.Hllarlo D, G. Lara His exhaustive studies on the epidemiology
of cholera, typhoid dysentery, measles,
(PUBIC HEATH) and diphtheria led to the control of these
diseases in the country. He devoted more
than 50 years of his life to public health.
19.Dolores A Ramirez Her research on the genetic system
(BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS) controlling the makapuno endosperm of
coconut, the genetics of chemical
resistance factors against cercospora leaf
spot (fungal plant disease), and the hybrids

of rice with related wild species have

contributed to the improvement and
understanding of important crops in the

20.Jose R. Velasco His pioneering research on plant mineral

nutrition, photoperiodism, chemical weed
control, and plant growth provided the
basis for important crop production
management, practices and research

21.Blenvenldo 0. Juliano He has contributed immensely to

improving rice and rice food products, their
(CEREAL CHEMISTRY) nutritional values, and the means to
evaluate rice quality - making a relevant
socioeconomic impact in many rice-eating
countries of the world.Many of his works
were published in international journals. He
trained many scientists and researchers
who have further contributed to rice
science and technology
22.Clare R. Baltazar She has devoted her life to studying the
diversity of Philippine insects. She
(ENTOMOLOGY) discovered and named over 100 species
and 9 new genera of parasitic wasps, and
identified effective biological controls. Her
works are essential references for many
scientists and conservationists all over the
world. Known as the "First Filipina
Entomologist," she set the standard of
excellence for all Filipino entomologists.

23.Benlto S. Vergara With a noble vision to help farmers and

(PLANT PHYSIOLOGY) bring science and technology closer to the
Filipino people, he contributed enormously
to improving rice varieties to produce better
harvests. He popularized the scientific
basis of growing rice. He was behind the
creation of IRRI Riceworld and the
Philippine Science Heritage Center, two
science centers that extol science-oriented

24.Oscar Ibarra A leading researcher on design and

analysis of algorithms. His findings
on approximation algorithms appear in
many textbooks. He pioneered a very
powerful method called the padding" of
"translational" technique, which is now
widely utilized in complexity theory.
25.Dlosdado Banatao Entrepreneur par excellence in high
technology industry. He pioneered
(INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) graphics acceleration, introducing the
world's first single-chip graphical user
Interface (GUI) accelerator, which
eliminates the bottleneck in the graphics

26.Julian A. Banzon Made significant contributions to food

(Scientist & Educator) science in the Philippines.He was a
pioneer in exploring alternative sources of
fuel in the Philippines, with a particular
focus on coconut and sugarcane.
•His work as both a scientist and an
educator greatly influenced the
local alternative fuel industry.

27.Solita Camara-Besa Contributed to and expanded the

(Health mentor & researcher) knowledge of nutrition in the Philippines.

Her work on the sodium and potassium
content of Philippine foods established the
standards of good healthy diets for
Filipinos. Her 8 papers on cholesterol
levels in relation to diets of the various
segments of Filipino population
encouraged the idea of the role of fats and
cholesterol in the epidemiology of
atherosclerosis among
28.Angel C. Alcala major contributions to marine biology
(Scientist) research efforts in the Philippines and
authored over 160 scientific papers as well
as books. Alcala was the first Filipino
scientist to engage in comprehensive
studies concerning Philippine reptiles and
amphibians. He also made contributions
for mammals and birds.

29.Amando Kapauan He designed and built new electrochemical

systems, which merited publications in
(Chemist & Researcher)
Analytical Chemistry (the leading journal of
analytical chemistry worldwide).

30.Asuncion K. Raymundo First Filipina Molecular Microbiologist

discoveredthe destructive crop microbes
that destroys banana and rice crops. She
invented a moleculartechnique to help
farmers save their crops and she also
helped discovered the method inextracting
an antibiotic that can be made by using
locally-available substrates. She broke
thestereotypical standards that being a
woman in the field of science is not a
hindrance in achievingyour dreams.

31.Baldomero M. Olivera Early research contributions include the

(Professor of Biology) discovery and biochemical characterization
of E. coli DNA ligase, a key enzyme of
DNA replication and repair that is widely
used in recombinant DNA technology.
32.Abelardo Aguilar He discovered the Erythromycin in 1949.
Dr. Abelardo was testing samples of soils
from his backyard and isolated micro-
organisms – a bacteria that lead to the
development of the Antibiotic called

33.Eduardo San Juan Considered the primary designer of the

(Mechanical Engineer) Lunar Rover. He was also the designer of
the Articulated Wheel System.

34Arturo Pineda Alcaraz Best-known as the Philippines' "Father of

Geothermal Energy Development" due to
his contributions to studies about
Philippine volcanology and the energy
derived from volcanic sources. His main
contribution was the study and
establishment of geothermal power plants
in the Philippines. In the 1980s, the
Philippines attained the second-highest
geothermal generating capacity in the
world, in great part due to Alcaraz's

35Aisa Mijeno Designed a lantern that ran on, yes, salt

(specifically a glass of water and two
(Scientist & Co Founder, SALt)
teaspoons of it). She then identified over
1,500 community beneficiaries across the
Philippines who now rely on her SALt

36.Lourdes J. Cruz Known for her scientific contributions to

the field of biochemistry, particularly on the

isolation and characterization of the venom

called conotoxins from marine cone snails.
37.Rafael Guerrero( Father of Tilapia He was recognized because of his
Sex-Reversal) scientific and technical contributions to the
growth of Sex Reversal and Hatchery
Techniques that help the commercial
fabrication of high yielding market-size
tilapia in the Philippines and other nations.

38.Francisco Quisumbing Inventor of Quink ink used by The Parker

Pen Company.
39.Gavino Trono contributions in the field of tropical marine
phycology with focus on seaweed
biodiversity, biology, ecology, and culture

40.Maria Orosa She is the country’s pioneer in food

preservation. She was a pharmaceutical
chemist and food techno-logist who
enriched Filipino diet, improved the quality
of rural life and fed starving Manilans
during the war.

41.Proceso Alcala Underscored the important role and

contribution of the Bureau of Plant Industry
(BPI) in the government’s goal to attain
food sufficiency during the agency’s 83rd
anniversary celebration, January 24, 2013,
in San Andres, Manila.

42.Alfredo Galves Through scientific research and clinical

trials, Galvez has proven that lunasin
affects gene expression and is the first
dietary ingredient shown to promote
optimal health at the epigenetic level.

43.Benito Lumen His important contributions to natural

products biochemistry, with special regard
to the discovery of lunasin, a cancer

preventative from seeds of common crop

44.Victor Llave He build a rescue boat that can be used
locally and show to the world that the
Philippines can build world-class products.
He even used the equipment in his facility
for molding bubble tops to create his first
rescue boats.

M3:Lecture Notes (Narrative)
Julian Bazon. Retrieved from
Solita Camara-Besa. Retrieved from
%20Filipi nos.
Angel Alcala. Retrieved from

Amando Kapauan. Retrieved from
Asuncion Raymundo. Retrieved from
Baldomero Olivera. Retrieved from
BALDOMERO_M_OLIVERA/hm/index.hml Abelardo Aguillar. Retrieved from
%20Anti biotic%20called%20Erythromycin.
Eduardo San Juan. Retrieved from
and-moon-buggy-1991716 Arturo Pineda Alcaraz. Retrieved from
Aisa Mijeno. Retrieved from
Lourdes Cruz. Retrieved from
al-scientist-lourdes-cruz-heads-dost-research-council.html Rafael
Guerrero. Retrieved from
Francisco Quisumbing. Retrieved from
quisumbing/ Gavino Trono. Retrieved from
no-c-trono-jr-is-national-scientist Maria Orosa. Retrieved from
birthday/460446/#: ~:text=Maria%20Ylagan%20Orosa%E2%80%94born
%20November,starving%20Manilan s%20during%20the%20war. Proceso Alcala.
Retrieved from
Alfredo Galves. Retrieved from
300898192.html#:~:text=Thr ough%20scientific%20research%20and
%20clinical,%22Having%20Dr. Benito Lumen. Retrieved from
Victor Llave. Retrieved from
%20was,c reate%20his%20first%20rescue%20boats.

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