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Class : X Assignment : 2
Subject : Economics Chapter : Sectors of Indian economy
Short answer questions
1. The sectors are classified into public and private sector on the bases of?
a) Employment conditions. c) Ownership of enterprises.
b) Nature of economic activity. d) Number of workers employed n the enterprise.
2. Which one of the following is not an activity of primary sector?
a) Fishing. c) Manufacturing.
b) Mining. d) Lumbering.
3. Which one of the following does not belong to the tertiary sector?
a) Banking. c) Trade.
b) Transport. d) Fishing.
4. Workers in the ______ sector do not produce goods?
5. A ________ proportion of labourers in India are working for the unorganised sector?
6. Activities in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors are _________.
7. GDP is the sum total of the value of ________ produced during a particular year.
8. When we produce goods by exploiting natural resources it is an activity of the
_______ sector.
9. Services based on information technology are a part of_________ sector.
10. Give another name for disguised unemployment.
11. Define an economic activity.
12. Name the three sectors formed as per nature of economic activity.
13. Name the sectors formed on the base of ownership.
14. Distinguish between open unemployment and disguised unemployment.
15. Who is tertiary sector different from other sectors?
Long answer questions
16. Explain the sectors formed as per economic activities.
17. How is classification of economic activities into different sectors useful?
18. How is tertiary sector different from other sectors?
19. How do we count various goods and services and know the production in each sector?
20. What is GDP? Who measures GDP in India and how? What is its importance?
21. Why do each of the sectors focus on employment and GDP? What other issues should be examined?
22. What does the history of developed countries indicated about the shifts that have taken place between
23. Why is tertiary sector becoming more important than other sectors in India?
24. Which part of service sector is not growing in importance? Explain.
25. Is the tertiary sector playing a significant role in the development of Indian economy? Explain.
26. What do you mean by underemployment or disguised unemployment?
27. Distinguish between open and disguised unemployment.
28. How to create more employment in the agricultural sector, give suggestions.
29. Write a short note on NREGA.
30. How are the sectors classified on the basis of economic conditions? Explain the sectors.
31. How should the workers in the unorganized sector be protected?
32. Why does government have to undertake certain types of activities which private sector may not be able to provide?
Explain in detail.
33. Why do we need public sector? Explain how public sector contributes to economic development of
a nation.

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