Revydo Arya Akbar

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Course : English for Professional Designer

Assignment topic : Job Interview

Sub topic outcome : Students are able to answer job interview questions with proper usage o
Description Students practice role playing a job interview
Form of assignment : Video
Description : Students role play a job interview (Revydo Arya Akbar Mahfudin - 00000
Format : Job interview questions
Rubric for evaluation : Job Interview Rubric
Language and Communication
Body Language
Posture and Eye Contact
General Attitude
Responses to Questions
Candidate Integrity
Overall Demonstration of Interview
Skills Total out of 80:80 X 100 = 100 ½ p
Deadline/Due date : a. One Week
Others :
Reference : Down, Colm; Professional English: Cambridge English for Job-Hunting, 2
signer Course Code :
Assignment evaluation :
er job interview questions with proper usage of phrases and other performance elements needed (C3, C4, C5)

ing a job interview

erview (Revydo Arya Akbar Mahfudin - 00000033168)

1-2 3-4 5-6

Overall appearance is untidy Appearance is somewhat Overall neat appearance
Unacceptable behavior and language Used untidytypical behavior and Acceptable behavior, well
language –
Speaking is unclear – very difficult to Speaking is did modify
unclear mannered,isprofessionalism
– lapses Speaking clear with minimal
Fidgeted – (i.e., constant movement Fidgeted –(i.e., movement Minimal fidgeting (i.e.,structure
message of what is being in sentence structure and mistakes in sentence
of hands
Does not and
lookfeet); none or
at persons very poor
involved of hands
in Sits and feet
up straight; average occasionally
Sits shifting);
up straight, average
good posture;
the interview
Several times,process; keeps
the student head
interrupted posture; interrupted
Student establishesoreye establishes
Student eye contact
interrupted with the
or hurried
or hurried the person doing
Lack of interest and enthusiasm the hurried
Somewhat interested in the Shows basic interest in the the
the interviewer 3-5 interviewer 1-2 times during
about thewith
Answers interview; passive
“yes’ or “no” andand interview;
fails Gives shows little
well-constructed interview;
Gives shows some responses,
to elaborateare
Responses or explain; talksor
inconsistent responses, but
Responses are sounds
somewhat does not sound
Responses rehearsed,
are generally
contradictory. No
Demonstration of concrete or
poor interview inconsistent orlimited
Demonstrated contradictory Demonstrated
consistent average
Total with
80:80 confidence
X 100 = 100 displayed
½ point proficiency; limited
scoring is appropriate for thisproficiency;
section (i.e.average
7.5, 6.5. 3.5, etc.)
Meeting 7/ 2021

English: Cambridge English for Job-Hunting, 2008

UM 423
4, C5)

7-8 Score
Overall appearance is very neat 6
Professional behavior and 6
Speaks (handshake,
clearly “hello”,”
and distinctly 6
with no lapse in sentence
No fidgeting; consistently used 7
Sits gestures,
up straight, facial
excellent 5
posture; never
Student looks interrupted
relaxed andor 7
hurried the interviewer
Appropriately interested and
and 5
Gives about the
well-constructed, 7
confident responses
Responses that are
are all consistent 6
Highly proficient; appropriately 6
, etc.) utilized interview skills in an Total

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