27th of November A New Scarf

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27th of November, 2020

A new scarf
(O nouă eșarfă)
Jumper = pulovăr
Jeans = blugi
Scarf = eșarfă, fular
Cap = bască
Coat = palton/haină
Gloves = mănuși
Pyjamas = pijamale
Slippers = papuci de casă

HOW MUCH is this cap? =CÂT COSTĂ această bască?

IT’S 5 pounds. = costa 5 lire.
HOW MUCH are these gloves? = Cât costă aceste mănuși?
THEY’RE 11 pounds. = costa 11 lire.
Where = unde
Please = va rog
Over there = acolo
£ = pound = lira
Penny, pence = penny, mai multi pence
New = noua
It’s lovely = este minunata
Let’s go home = hai sa mergem acasa

Ex 2/page 26
1. Where are the jumpers? b.) Next to the jeans.
2. How much is this jumper? C.) £ 15.50.
3. Look at my new scarf! a)It’s lovely.

Ex 3/page 27
1. …is this coat?
2. …are these slippers?
3. …are these pyjamas?
4. …are these scarves?
One scarf = o esarfa BUT two scarves = doua esarfe
One dress = o rochie two dresses = doua rochii
5. …is this dress?
6. …is this jumper?

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