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Spatial Data-Management

UNCLA ’t -

S EC U R IT I C L A S S I F I C A T I O N ~ OF T H I S P A . E “4 ’ .’ !.~~ ‘v t - I,


~~~ i m~~I ~~~~~~ B E F O R E COMPLETING FORM

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Su b t i tl e )
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~~R T L ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

/ SPATIAL DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM , / Final ,~ echnical ~ ep~~ t


1 Oct ~~76- 30 Sep% 78~~

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7. A iJ T H O R ( s , 6 LO N T RA C T OR G R A N T NUMBER(s)

Dr. ‘ Richard A./Bolt ,

MDA9ø3-77-C-0O37~~~~ L~ )

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— -to-- b’ OGRAM ELt M N T , P UJ t LT
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Massachusetts Insti#~ te of Techno’ogy
Archi tec ture Machine Group ,9-516
Cambridge , MA 02139 A
II . C O N T R O L L I N G O F F I C E N A M E AND A D D R E S S ,
. - 12 .
Defense Supply Service .-- a ( i
3l Dec
The Pen tagon —— Rin . lD245 U--i ~~ L,Q i - -,._ . - - .s. ~~~~~ er ri.*~~~~~~~~~~
1.-----~ -
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Washing ton , D.C. 20310 ‘


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14 MO N I T O R I N G A G E N C Y NAME A AOD RESS( ii differ ent from Con t r o l l i n a Of f I c e) 15. S E C U R I T Y C L A SS. (of this repo rt )

Advanced Research Projects Agency! Cybernetics

• Technology Office _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1400 Wilson Boulevard 15. . DECLASSIFICATION/DO W N GRADING

Arlington , VA 22209 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

16. DISTRIBUTION S T A T E M E N T (of this Report)


Approved for public ie1eo3e~
• Distribution Unlimited
17. DISTRIBUTION S T A T E M E N T (of the abstract entered In Block 20, I differe nt front R.port)



IS. K E Y WORDS (Continue on reverse side if necessary end Identify by block number)

Managemen t Information Systems

Compu ter Graphics
Man-machine studies
Communications media
20. A B S T R A C T (Continue on reverse s ide if necessary end Identity by block number)
‘ Machine Group iat i~he Massachusetts Institute of Technology , - [1
~~~ ‘Th e Architecture
under the sponsorship of the Cybernetics Technology O f f i c e of the U . S .
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency~~ has been developing an experiment 1
information system which exploits the user ’ s sense of spatiality to organize
and access data .
Conceptual roots lie in the observation that one can readily locate and .~~~~

retrieve some book from one ’ s bookshelf , or the appointment calendar from


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Spatial Data-Management

SE C U R I T Y C L A S S I F I C A T I O N OF T H I S P A .E “4 ’ - . (Je e F . / I e r r’j /


) G O VT
:Cr ~~iO~ p,O . I1ECIP IENT ’ S C A T A L O G NUMBER

11~~E O F ~~~PORT ~~ P~~~~A~~~~~~~ERED

~~~~~~~~~~~ end S u b t i t l e )
Final ~ echnical ~ eport .
_________ -
3Ø SeP% ~~~~~~

W i lY C L A S S I F I C A c / -)N
~~F T H I S P AG E I4he,, Dc/ a Entered)

~~ one ’ s desktop , on the basis of where i t is , or where one put it , in a

well-learned, f a m i l i a r space .
A prototype system has been developed that uses wall-sized , f u l l color
digital television with synchronized stereo sound to create a v i r t u a l
spatial world , “Dataland ,” over which the user helicopters via joystick
control . Items of interest seen through a graphics “window ” can be zoomed
in upon and interactively perused. Data types include : maps , text , book-like
items , letters , photographs , slides , movies , sound and television .
Results thus far suggest that the user quickly learns (on the order of
minutes) to navi ga te about such a space , and readily ddopts a spatial
way of regarding and discussing data .

The approach of managing data spatially is offered not as an alternative

in competition with managing data on a symbolic or name basis , bu t as a
complement thereto . This manner of dealing with data should have special
appeal for that class of user for whom directnei s and immediacy are essential
•‘ qualities for interaction .~~ Economically , there is 1,ncreasingly less justi—
f i c a t i o n t h a t the potentials richness of such an ap proach to manag ing da ta

need be foregone.

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Dr. Richard A. Bolt

Principal Research Scientist
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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Realization of our spatial data- The energy and vision of Dr. Craig Fields
management project derives from many of the Defense Advanced Research
minds and hands. Projects Agency’s Office of Cybernetics
Technology provided extraordinarily vig-
The Architecture Machine Group at the orous and profitable sponsor interaction.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, We are all appreciative of his perceptive
both as a collection of individuals and as support .
a creative ambiance , generated the
essential environment in which such an My personal gratitude extends especially
investigation could thrive. There does to Professor Nicholas Negroponte , Prin-
indeed operate the “spirit of a place ,” dif- cipal Investigator, whose élan and imagi-
ticult to define , undeniable when present. nation has touched every aspect of this
enterprise, indeed made it possible.
Systems implementation of spatial
data-management system concepts was Richard A. Bolt
carried out under the leadership of
Mr. William C. Donelson , who has per-
formed throughout with exceptional
initiative and ingenuity. D D C
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The Concept 6
The Setting 10
Finding Data 13
Perusing Data 28
What We Learned 50
Future Directions

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Such startling advances and cost reduc-

tions are occurring in microelectronics
that we believe future systems will not be
characterized by their memory size or
processing speed . Instead , the human
interface will become the major measure.
calibrated in very subjective units , so
sensory and personalized that it will be
evaluated by feelings and perceptions.
Is it easy to use? Does it feel good? Is it
pleasurable 7
It is this interface that will bring corn-
puters directly to generals. presidents of
companies. and six-year-old children.
Thus, we ask the reader of this report to
think about its contents in two ways. One
is to judge the specific value of spatial
constructs for nonspatial data. The other
is to appreciate the general intention of
making sound, visual , and tactile inter-
faces to serve conjointly as the modes
and media of interaction with a comput-
ing resource , at once transparent and
ubiquitous. Such quality is no longer a
luxury but a requirement.
Nicholas Negroponte

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~~ The Concept
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- tlit.” 5, 1\ ,ind sc.i! ,ltX iUt t\\ u ~ ‘t ~ ~~~‘ lt ’ k is t ’I,ibor . itt 1 ‘ii t h e si sh
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t~~i i ~ 1s /I ~~~ii t hit ’ 5hit ’tt tot CO rt ,Li r) t S I LIk ‘
Additieii,ilk tli i~ s o 5 ~‘ t.i ~ ’
spirit ’ Pius. tIlt ’ I’OL ’k is ~‘C,i tt ’/I riot b\ its t~~i ’Ultt ’Llt ’tiO il ~~ithi Its- tt ’ifls . r~ - ,ic hiii ~~i t~~r
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~‘,i5 ~ ’ ISO i t I ’ ! tt it ” ~lt ’I Ot r tt it ’\ iI bt ’COI1)t ’5 flL \1t ’d
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into t h e iifti sCul ,lture, ,is it \ e r e ,
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~~~ I ir ’r Iii it i
prio lt\ ’ niornos ,Ire kept iii ~~ ‘‘ in L’ .’\

unrnetii,itel\ to tt’ rt ’ ott oh the dosk blotter .

loss u rgent itenis ,ir e in the tilt ’ holder , top
rnidl.Ile oh desk . ~ii si so tor t hi

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Thit ’ pr.ictic,iI Import, irict ’ oh this sp iti il his surpr ising hlo\\ flOi\ . iSi\ o the under-
~ ~
principle 1 or ir ii:,it i cr u s illustr3ted l\ its notion ot 5p~lti Ihit\ is . e en ti s~ i i i
~ ~
l O l l ; ori ieor it ’ tsippens to disturb our 15i1 0 11101,los oh thou hit Cot isider a tile oh
h .l iulli ,lr 3r rdrlqe rller lt ct thi n gs Peth ips three b\ t~ e ilOtoC3rds . org,inii:ed
sortie ~~olI-rne3ninq soul tri e s to tid\ ~up llptldbet ic_ ill\. but ~ th ou ! letter Libs
o u r setrtui inq cbsiHic desk lop Rither
~ shio ir i ‘‘Filed under the letter R ’’ tr 3 ns-
~~ ~
th~-in L’it .~u r1I,t i benefit , the I io ‘‘ ‘oll- tiles into .1 t 3Ctite estirn,ite ot t io t~ii —
or i,urui:ei1 desk is for us ,~n~org,irii:,i- ~
c,irds e m u s t re,icti
~ ~lO~ i i the ss~ of ~
tional dis ,ister the lorn’ier ‘ rness The s3mne holds true to m .i dictiorl lr\ it h-
~ ~
,i r r ,I r l ge r n e r ut u ,is himnili r 3nd u eIl tr l\ 0111 tt ’tuznib irlde\es When o to
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~
eled m ound tiereu poni could go look uip 3 u\oi1l beginn ing ~ ith the letter
~ ~~~~.‘

di !ect l\ to ~ hi,it ~~ t ’ .irited Suicb ’i iloss R . \\~~ guessti mn,ite \\hlOte ~~~~ should
’ ’

.1 t,i rn hi ir sp3ti3l l,1\ 011 c3n) impress open the pageS oh the book to begin 01it
upon us the extent to huich u e hike this
~ ~ sedrch T h us . R is somehou 3 roLits o
subtle but ss~er t uu l pr it icipk” of 01 .1,11 ui:,i ~
dist,ir ice . ~is ~ eli ~is ,i let ter . There is
lion t~ r mr3rlted in our d,ii l\ I i\ es more spitr3hrtV ri iplicit ri F sit is or dir iin -
ik, thiotig tit of 35 5\ iilbCl IC re t r i0\ ,iI ttl3rl
•\rr t ’\enl rrio re striki n g rris t ,lrice of the role u o 11,1\ re3li:e
oh sp3tidIit\ ri coiiiniioni e\ perit’rlct ’ is t h e ~
ccl iorence ind persistence of ‘‘ irn ,igt ’r\ ‘ ‘

In summnar’A- . it is precisely the insight I’

Tu o inds’idu,ils ,irgunnig ~i topic in t ront ot ibout hio ~ e tend to retri e\ e items tro ri’i
~t ) I ~ ~
.1 ,li’kh.’rlrd uI l refer e,ichi other to di3— desk tops . f rom tiles 3nd book shekes ,

g r ,iiiis equation s and terniis Ofi t h e I, ’\ en mo r n erased blackboards, that lies

Isis’s oh where thuo\ had t’ieeri w ritte n . heart of the spatial data iiidrsloe
~il tile
even long after the~ fsi ~ e been er,istsi’ merit con cept u e find item s on the L’ ,isIs
oh a riior e on less detuiite sense of their
locatron in a fani ìi l iam space . u hichi space
rrr ,i be
~ ac’ti,iattv present or teti’ier ’nbered

Ariotser stuJ\ (SutIrlod in that s,mns’ pro- Uieso two s sit i ,il thioinos spts . itic iIl
p05 1! looked to Its’ t ’~~~ Soil. itic ri of ~r ( 1 ~~~ r 1,’SO r sited
~ ~
w ith Dr Cr ,lig Fields , Sen ior
sc,1l’ i ’ ? as a I I r at r r \ to r orq 1ni .’ in infor- Program Manager in Itie C Per i)elic s
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“1.11,01) lfl t ’ rtu,il bulletin 1 ssi rd ” This Tech ir)oIoq\ Ofhice . As a result we sta r ted
tern) reF ers to Its’ Ior rri uuj ,il iori of an to e\plo ro the potentia lities of a sp iti iII\.
‘lOi iC it 1 SlOt ’ which Occupies no “real oriented Jat,i 1)ar),jgerner )t s stern~ ~‘ i
~ can nor s
space but contain a nliultid irite risj on al window into~data ” Tbio
Urea! deal 1,ls well as otter the saris’ outcorlie bi,is been th it over the past two
spatial organ .’alional cueirig as to the ~
ve irs , ur 11,ler lb ie aegis of DARPA , the
t 1er ,1bo ut5 t material that re,il work ~
~ ~ ~ Archite cture Machine Group has been
s u rtaces do The tacit si:e of a “field” of ex perimenting with the creation of an
information to be portrayed in com puter infor m ation ns.lrlagement s\ stern whose
graphics need riot be limited by the size distinguishing c harac terist ic is that it
of the ph ysical display. Since it is virtual . exp loits tfie user ’ s sense of Spat ialit\ for
its apparent size and graphic organiza- purposes of organizing and tell i0viilC)
tion are open to user defin ition in the data a spatial data-n’nanagenient
un constrained sense of Ivan Sutherlan d’s sy stem , or SDMS .
characterizat ion of a computer display
as “ a window on Alice ’s Wonderland”
(“Co m puter Displays.” Scientific Amen-
,S lT ? . June 1970).

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A tel ev isl on proj ec tor in t he

I Is’ noLixed ,iiiiL’ii5iiir ’ i ’ ii ivt ’vts ,i I the Vtv ’ br,ive itts’nniptet1 It) cte ,ik’ ani interface

room adj acent to the media ~ ~
w i rinoli is riot . i Iii my, nsii mow - band .. pont

room back—projects upon the Pnt ” st”n lOt’ (Of a oh nain oh If it ” I ,innlos qer mIt ’
large screen t otheuser ’ s ui lieu of son n rt ’thi ulq nsn ont ’ ufilit , in ian us I’nole ’’ in itt ) .111 in ibm nation b ank . tf iI b a n k
itself au abstnaclly ,iddnessed sot~ of
initeniti o n ia l , however It rr ’t lt ’ i’ti; con ivi c
tionls amid positions about t int ’ m ’n at uni ’ a n si untan iqible s Rahfien . we have alteunpied
ton e of isnInsun lonnIpulen infl ijC ti n ’i That nadioally ho 101 3Sf ffie setting is an unIon
~ ~

we brav o ~lItenll ptori to ~iotuali :t” in n lIne national s unrou rsi whe ne in the user is
nierlia noonni setting Just ,ms tInt’ hianiris directly engaged with data bodied f o r t h
rini i i1i rr it ’Ji,~ ’y of Iotii ’hi st ’nis it i’ pads i i i visioni , sound , arid touch , data ini bsi bit
~ -
suu g .1i ’sfs , i litt” na l ninpationot’ with nit5i n inig a spatially detin iit& ” ‘‘ virtual ’’ won ld that
iblos ,ifiout daf t , sul If s ’ rieco m as epnto can be ullenact ivioly oxploned and nn,ivi
n rrL - (’ (i ui thir ’ u’lr ’ ’tio u m of tIi sl L’ of chain cjat rsi
~ ~ ~ ~
n ”t rits tIi ~im on r isa’ II nat ‘iston l i i isen s
~ ~
uliust live un St ’~ 0 nt ’ . ,is( ’ohR ’ st ’f ti rrg ;
(~ ‘r 5 ’ tIlt ” I ‘nitl ’ ij tir ’ tni this nt ”pont

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The apparemit n ito of tr , iv I is proportional

Let us say that you push the loystnck to
to the pressi in e the u ser exerts on the lOV the right and away from you. This action
slick At niax inliriun i pressure . it takes will set you helicoptering across Data-
about twenty st ’con R is to travel acro ss arid to the ‘‘ northeast. On the big screen

Dat aland , ~is illustrated iii this example you will see material scudding by in a
database . from its oastem ni to western southwesterly direction: that is , the irnti.ii-
sin dons tive sense of miioveniemit will be that of a
window looking out over a world passimig
During flight , the riser is given visual by below Simultaneously, the highlighted
botslL ’iar ’k of two kinds, rectangle on the auxiliary view at your
right hand will track your northeastward
1 progress.
movement of the r’naternal across the
“window ” oh the large scree n : Complementing joystick control of flight
over Dataland is “teleporation ” by direct
2 touch Traversing relatively large dis-
track unig of the path of the window by Ihe tamices with the joystick cami be tri.istratimi g:
highli ghted rectangle on the auxiliary for the veteram i user, this of tori represents
m onitor “dead tun’ne.” Accordingly, the u se r is
given the option of indicating where he
wants to go directly on the touch-
sensitive “world view .” The highlighted
“you-are-here ” rectatigle will disappear
from its current location , to reappear
centered at t h e spot indicated by the
finger touch. On the large screen , the
“ magnified” view of the old location dis-
appears , to be replaced by the lust-
in nulncated locale.
_ _ _ _ _
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~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

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— a-
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~~ •_
—— —~
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—— .I — ~~~~~

Faces which are unrecogniz-

ableand tinyon Dataland as
The level of visual detail in items pro- A similar principle holds in the area of
vided on the auxiliary world-map view audition. On a certain popular television
monltor become detalledend deserves comment. In everyday life, we game show (“Name That Tune”), per- p
clear when zoomed-incapon
need some minimal amount of visual sons who are particularly well informed
detail to identify an item that we have about popular music as well as alert can
never seen before. If an item is small in sometimes identify (“recognize”) a song
suze, or small because distant , it can lack on the basis of no more than its first two
sufficient shape or figural detail to enable or three notes. Consider , for example , the
us to discern what it is. However , recog- first two notes of the melody “Auld Lang
nition of already familiar items requires Syne.” The clue that the song about to be
less fugural detail. We readily recognize heard is associated with a holiday, the
friends way down a street , at distances distinctive tonal interval of the first two
where visual acuity is insufficient to pro- notes of the song. can be sufficient to
vide facial details. We recognize them on define the intersection of context (New
the basis of gait. relative size , general Year’s Eve) and tonalities , as. indeed ,
shape or “visual envelope ,” as well as by “Auld Lang Syne.”
context , that is , by expecting a figure
with such-and-such-color clothes to The recognition situation , as opposed to
appear in such-and-such a place, the identification situation . is what we
anticipate to be the operating condition
Or, take the example of a Coca-Cola sign for the typical user of SDMS. That is, the
down the street. At a distance at which we array of highly familiar items in Dataland
cannot distinguish the individual letters is “searched .” not by a deep visual anal-
of the sign , we yet recognize it as being a ysis of every item before one’s view , but
“Coke ” sign. The fact that it appears over by relatively “shallow ” visual processing.
a drugstore or variety store supports quite adequate for the recognition of
contextually this act of recognition, familiar items in familiar places.


—‘ l ’ _‘ 4 ” —
~~ ’. ~ ~
Sound too , can be ,ir in aki,ibIo ii , i ga- U iose in iu 3thier sounds did much to The No heastem Coast of
tional aid mi SDMS. space ~ ~ ~
as c ued b\ c reate a sense of region amid mieigh- the United States seen from
afa r. Asate lli tei mage of the
sound can have an implicit extent much borhood:’a feeling of pro x imllit . much as New England coastline is
greaten than that boumide, i b\’ the ‘~ sij al ~
the bell s , hammerings , traffic noise, ins etattheed g e.
“window ” onto Dataland given b the playgr ound chatter of t h e real world fill
lange-s cr een new Off-screen voices ,
~ t hings out. At nuonnenits in na m ating
becomn inig ran1uall audible as one ~
~ across Dataland . depending upon the
approac hes sonic item or area , can route taken , sound can be t h e sole direc-
serve to orient amid guide t m onal cue, should onem ’m ’iom ’nentarily miot
be consulting the world view auxi hiam\”
‘‘ ’’

Two exaniiples oh sounds that we have monitor but watchim ig the large screem
en’nployed include
We note in passing that t h e user is given
1 interactive control of the loudness level of
an off- screen voice , in stereo , reciting sound through gesturing upon either of
“This is MIT This us MIT,. ..” the voice the sniiall , touch-sensitive pads on the
leading the traveler in Dataland first to armiis of the chair. Circlnmig with the finger-
the vncnnnty of , and then to, a certauni ti p in a coumiterclockwise direct ion atten-
“glyph ” bearing the initials MIT, which uates the volume of sound, amid a circling
v~as the source of the sound: gesture clockwise causes volume to
a gray telephone wit h white touch-tone With respect to n avigatio n around Data-
buttons (not activated for “dialing.” but land, we have so far talked only about
potentially so), which rings louder and movement over the surface of the plane
louder upon approach. of data at a constant “altitude. ” How then
does the user manage to get at the data
detected at a distance?


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At a distance ~and at low Wh ile it iui iqhi t at first seenni that such dis - To zoonn ni u pon an hem of interest is II)
resolution , this image on
u ities nun nnnaqe sh i,nmpi ness rluniniq oddness tlrat mte n n r Ion u nposos oh

Dataland isc leart y a letter. con tin

Letterhead logos , despite
~~~~ n n c~ni onl y 1 s disarivunitaqoor IS , ii ‘ispection Fon somi me ten ins , sin nply to
II ~ o ire circunr istanices nun which n Lick sn no tn ~) ho II nenu will car so lb su n to g~inn
reliable cues for sender ’s of Ii )~~ m rm hem visual detail followed by the n rot only in size hr it in nnlormnationi .
identity . sudden initrodrnctiomi of linen detail n u ikos in icr (5 sod detail , fin u n hul nn ioatnon’n , rrolo’ .
good sense in termns of in ’nlorin atnoni pro- ~
nid , iii son nio CaSes. sound arid move
sem itatnoni m enu . Id approach tb ’ienni is to activate

them , With oth er items . son rnr ’ fur t her risen

In the ripper ruqht , on northeast , corn ier of initiative such ,ns “touch selection ” mniav
)at,iI,im 5 1 5 an anea allocated to And un t n ‘ _ Ill ’ involved as i part of ii mi en r’ in item ac-
li re Macbrine Group cor nosp onmrlennr ’o ’’
live pnocr”ss of p0111501.
with our nose inc h sponsor , DARPA .
Inn this ~inea is a Iocsimnile of a letter , cairn
plete with ’n Ietterhe, ’d amid siqts’iture.
W hen appro ach ed , the k’t lon insli.-ed
looks like a loller b ut is ,is yet i inireada-
1)10 At 0 cent aur threshold nnearm iess . tI me
text su rirlen ‘nly qani is in cl, in mty an id
I )OuS r m mu u~~ p e r f e c t l y k ‘ ( l it u i . ’

Perusing Data

F r’igic ,illy disti nct fro nm m ti,ndi,nq a contain 0mm motion of perusal includes a cl isu; of
lenin n i l )at ,iLm mnrl is pt ’Il/.s/fl rl lb i ,il m tennm mn “ rI it,i typos ” whinc ’bm . m hi i. ’ni ,iiIdmt ’ssod .
~ ~
place Onici.’ the riser bias boum i rl the len in pmoyo to be rmnn n isria ll y nnc b n mu n otion .
amid .‘oam umerl ni on it , thue sptucitir ’ honn in colon , mid s oun d One of Ihest ’ i ii. ’\\ d,nt. n
that perusal lakes is con nrlitio nier l 1 ~ the typos is yet ,mn old ann ul I, i nnmi lm an one
nn at um mo of bbs ’ d it,i . the ‘‘book’’

In dim oct con itn ash to n natem nab lb nit is “nut T he risen coon ns in i on n rx Ii , it a~upe,in ;; In on r I
tbme r o ,” visib le , to be dt ’ okrped inn f r ill oLi n to be smnni pl a rectangle ‘\t close
~ ~
simply I i\’ ,ip ’mn o,’ichi , one miiate mi,ils wh ich ons’nigli n,nrgo , tIme .‘olon p,ntcbn mains
reed to Lie “pei r iseri wb rem e pen ris il

detail iii lb no trim nu n oh son no bion icon it, ml
m nn i. ’,nn is open unnug imp a votninui e . slanting n Lul,ick nor s of “c hn ,im ,ictom s ” mnnm pl\ inig .1
hIm clip, sek ’ctim mq p,in t urf i set (11 slides ~
pm mm itoi.i title U pon 1 ot ‘ii yi. ‘ In no, in on
to Is’ soon m , and so on . lb no essen tial nrieo
~mppr o~mcbi . the black higunes gm~ i. ’ r~. i\ to
is that the risen oponms imp amid develops readable text , gi~ m mi g the title oh tbm t ’ itoni ,
bins mn ’n t em cb ’ ma n ’mgo with Ibme data m ono on wb ’mmch is nma ( ‘Ii.’, ii k SOOl) 05 mnn n b ll \ rig a
loss innte ma, ’ti ely tb’ imouqh ulm nec h touic b’m in ~
~ book - like mnn,igo
a ‘‘b ua m’mrls-or ’n nnannnie r lIre lmc tno r ’iary

son iso of “perusal” is II nat of “ sun oy on The risen , of u ’ uui in so, km no s that the nec
~ ~
se mi tiny, ur sort ie thi or orighi im u ’ss or rlt ”ta il ‘‘ t mmiu ,j be is a ‘‘ I- took .’’ tm .ir rig put it th eme ri
It is th ins ‘I mq,l ( 7r ” ( 1 quality oh person data the first plar ’e F bowo\ on . 1 he is a sub
in terc h an ge t lm , it we mn ’itend by thins scriber to a .‘o nniprite n n ’m etwonk based
te mm n nm m ’mology ‘‘book rut the m o n th ’ sons ice , and bias
per Ii,ips requested or In, is a stan 1(1mm i~~
onion Ion books , the book mina be one tie
h’i,ms yet to 500 , li,m\ nn mg lu st ippoaned on
thie Datalaisl stm nlace inn .i cert ~mmni OrIS Ion
the data plane son rig is ,i ‘‘brook drop ’’
for mnicon nmni g u’o nilniiimnimc ,ltno nus v bm nc bu are
book like ~

- -
- . -.-~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~ --
_ _ _
-- - . 5_ _
- ~~~~~~~~~~~


r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Th. image of the ’’telev is io n tbme inlenl is not to Lute a mra st ,nh gm c I hius , tIne p .iu)e Ihi F” p om ‘ is nl ~’mt lnn tohu ’s r ms It
‘ ‘

set” serves as locale marker -

m niip n es smo m u of tIn s. ’ t’ a\ bot ”kn. ~ise ul k

~ Pns.)’ los ti lt ’ risen tt Ibm fs. ”o~lt’ m ,it ’k tb ii t .i
~ lu,is tu mnioul Ifis. din os.’tnlr i,ib mt t al it me
tortelevlsion da t a t y p e s o n
Dataland . On thetube face of au ik ‘ks. ’ th is. ’ s.’lectm mc fmmeph ~ics. ’ tt itt u plastic p,ige ,

the set can be a “ program
back . lit ba is lbm o F ‘an pose is qi it o Ionic an imnmiahno n 1 con r s.”sFlon idm n ig to tont\ . 1111 on
guide”, or, as in the example - ~
on the fo llow ing pages . a pic— tm omi iI I im st lb is. ” page is a in nit oh . ippr e I nckt ,nn ii Sps.”cntrc all\ it I s.”in m51,itt ”s ba r
~ ~ ~

to n al label wh ich becomes

dynam ic upo;; approach.
hie m isioni oh tbis. ” book , nt is a “bite ;~l .’s.” il tilt ’ i15s.”i . Ui 1110 conit e\t at I bis. ’ neas.lmnnu oh
ch irm n i k ~~ F\lu ’ket at Ibis. ’ nii ,its.”m ia b fhi,iI ails.’ s.’onii~~ rm t s.’n ts. ”h s.”t in st ill Io\t . thus. ’ t i m n, ’ t , ’r r, n l
ts. ’s. ’hs ammo can take in coniihontab k, in n eulnit ,ilemit oh tt thie u at tim. ” p.uis.’
‘o rlnast to tIn e stnetcb im nq et en onit mnul .
g ites lottie reader at tm ,ndi tm o nia b t” ,une ,l
nbi thmniih ess ‘t iarac te n oh scmolhed ts. ”\t pm mm nte s.l nnie ul ma th is. ’ sense of knicit ~m m n, ~
~ ~
St ’ ’omnd t h e page son~ es s ,m pnogness t ’bii ”ne \ O U ,lns. ’ inn tIme nnn at e ni ,nI Mare germ
mi ian ks.”m thm n ormg b ’n t h is. ’ te\t ni ~ ‘‘ mlii ls.~Fla5t
s.”m aI k’ . it n ~ ,ini m n is tami ce oh t inat t t o ~‘ In ~ ’n’;~s. ”
n;s. ’m ns~ ’ ~~‘ mt ti s. ’ailt inlrious scro lling, n;iit ’Ii to term in a “niiou im ,l t m ulr nc na l . a m i r ,n’k i; mi. i
natuma l , ,li st ’rs. ’ts.’ u nm nt s at pnogmess ~U 0 lot s\stem ln . on built - in te,itrine oh ,mn mni eti nrinui
e\ plncnl in n the mileul ir i i i . •im id . it bolt nieces that 50!\ 05 I bis. ’Ii iniction oh lehtm nq t or i
s ,mmt b\ t Int ’ neas.le m , r ui imst be elt o mllr ih lt knott “t t t i e r s .’ tOr i one ” kisei.l oni loca
- ntn ;t m , u’te uI , 05; ;lt r m m] mi 0 liOn s. ’ bu m s.l s.’ni tiom ial ~‘;ies an sing ou t at Il - s. ’ basis.” sin inc
sorm is. ’ ton ’ne to th i s. ’ re ,ndmmn g t,iss tun e oh th is. ’ niuo ~li rimii itselt

One nas.lical ulepa ntrm ns. ’tm onii t hus. ” aud i

nom i.’o nn i.’s. ’pt at t h e book , e\s.’ept ,in
,idrmnuit ”mah ed ml such page s. ’onnien lImp
,i n imn i ia t ns. n is th is meps. ’mm I bias in its uipps. ’m
~ ~
helt bua nis.i paej s. ’ t ’iin iis. ’n S iS t h is. ” l .iu ’t ttu ,it
tttmnht ” sonlis.’ p,ngs. ” ilbusti. ’t tioni s ttill L~ s. ’ st i r
Ii .Is. , otb iem illrn s lna t no n ’ns t nII Its. ’ nno\ 05 .
~ ’s ~

oi ,nmim mii ,nt es.l tin, ign om its . tt nib am tt nib ion it
s~ imnul ,it ’t ’t n m iF 0mlm nlls. ”mils Ib is. ’ (“o ;;;sI~nIit\
p P ~ ~
u~I s i mmis.l ‘on. rn ~ilml eec. in ;mon u pen r irit th is. ’
~ ~
bOtIk tom connm’nient inponu it ;; s.~\\ml ts. ’\t ,m m ~ I
mli , 511 ,ih i n is , .m n is.i 0\ en i toad itse bb to t oni

~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~ ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- —- - -,
~~~~~~~~ ‘-

Zooming -tn approach to

telev;su o n set ” on Dataland
(left column) , enlarges the
television set ’ s screen to
become effective ly as large -

as the screen to the user ’ s

f r o n t (ri gh t column). The
‘blocky ” digital image
becomes replaced by a
dynamic image in color ,
from videodisc, launching
into con t i nuous liveaction
(opposite page).

- —
— C

34 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

‘ “ .
. .- - ‘ .- --
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i i , i i i t t, , , I~ , ttoit, ,, t i t , lu, -k
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In lim It ,i,i,I i i i,i,h 4m ‘ , i ,,, i’ .
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~~~~~~~~~ - • ~~~~

~ ~~~—
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~


Nearin g Boston , tIm e tri anq u.

- -
- — - ‘ -
— ..
~~ :~~ ~~ _
-. -
a ‘
• . ar runway patterns of Logan
~~~~~ I~•_ ~
— — International Airport come
into sighl at lowe r hell (ne tt
coiu mm ) I nail y . central Bos-
t oi l and Charles River basin
• - appear nr ighl cohtimnim . to t )
- - . and midd le) .


— - —
~ ~~~~~ . To thi s poimmI , all images a rt ’
‘ 5

— — retrieved ho rn magneti c

media Threl ina l i ina g e . a
map, replaces the satel ii te
- . ima g ery, it comes ot t the
optical v ideodisc

- — • ‘.
— ~


i~i~o~~ a

The ”active process~~In thiS to ms. ’capntin lote. ib is. ” ti nt ; ! ket nnn ,mp \\ ,mn ; ~Vu ’ e \ t m u~u
’t tbms. ’m s.”pentonrs.” oh ks.”i, nap
case a calculator , is ill ustr at-
thi s. ” tal’ mit ” ot cs. mnts.”rlts oh tins. ’ - book
It n s. ”s to g m m mt\ ilonig tt rt ln en il ,nnqe nmis.”mnt s ,nf
ed by the photog raph ic ~
thi s. ’ n ,‘pe m lo ins. ” oh data t\ p05 ,is n ns. ’t\ data

image on the large screen. - mllatt in ig this. ” nis s. ’m ,ms. ’ ’t ’

, n;n ; Is.) ss. ’Is. ’s. ’t s. sI ss. ” m ’
tis.mnis ~mt this. ’ ts.’\t ~~ 5s.n ’(irki it ~k’ s. ’mt ken, hi, f)t’5 mu ”q iiir t ” omnh”nmmmn ~ Lit SOilis.” pm mnic rp it ’
sion. which ca nb e invoked nap. e’s.enm iplib med Pt this. ” t u rns. ” s.’onm nit e r niot ,is.’co n i nmis. ’d f a n b\ ,ìii\ pns.’t nouslt
ts. 1s. \ i5ls.~ i i sot . ’ uIs.’ t n ’ ms. ” i.l ks.”t n i _ I b m
s.1~~ ~~~~~~~ \\ i tti this. ”
t elephone a dictaph one . ena bles t~sen nniten,nctionl t\ rtl m ttb iot , I i s . ” ml
even a telev ision . s. ’sss.”ns.’t ’ b m m s.x ’ s. ” sn;s. ” n; at’ s.’n linus.’ 1 his. ” th i rr ul F im ntb ne r ,in nonq data t\ ps.”s ni Dat,il,nmid
it Ps. ’ tIne L’\Nl ISAI ii mi ~ige ks. ’t nm n ~1p. t hi, itdepant bm onn th u s.” usuo l ins. ’ tbio ss.” lii i!
bunctionis t\ itb i n s.”sps.” n’t ho the I ‘\Nt 1S,\1 one ~mmu mce5st ‘s 1 fiat is, SDMS’s Rit~il,ind
inni,IC 1s. ” as the “wn m r Id t rs. ”t~ ” ,iuxi ln im ~ m iro mu i - bias m modes on its sun tact ” . indic.its.”d t in,
ton tim ni c t no m us w ith ms. ”s~ m s. ’ct to Dotolond at ,nppnopm m~nte gIn, ph is , wbui cbi mn iaks. ” cent,Un
barge. a “ t o ni , m ms. ’ bue na ” nn~mnkem , naspond- bunctions ,it ,iilabls.” to thie usem
mug to st -n lO\ stick n n, it rgatn a n 1 ,ibs.ii it ~i
sp,k’m ” This. ” kay nip associoted witb u this. ” ‘\ sps.”cmous examn ipls.” is this. ” ex istenic s.” in
“slr ~Is.” colIs.”ctn an 1 ’ residin ig at this. ” mm rap of Dotatam id oh th ie in i ioge of a b no n is.I is.”ls.I
R’nsts. ’nmi p, ntbi m n the New Enigbanid I. AND - c~m lcimlo ton . 1he usem can .- ,“onm n s.lmi s.”ctlt’ nip
SAl nn m m a g s.” . exemuip libies thi s.” bounthi t\ pa, to It . Theme then appeons On tile snmioll ke\
used to nnkn mi,ige data in, P05 t\’lir clm one m a p nilon nitot a capn, at thins c,ik”ul,iton
essen rti , ill, cI n~mm ,mc ter i.’able Pt “mu mmnt ns. ”m ” mnmu ags. ’ The usem ca mi s.1mts. ”ctl ~ ton it ’ll thi e
ss.mnui o ons.I s.” nes.l ss.’nrs. ” s oh tennis , ,mni y amm o of iniiaqe sunt ,ice on the nilonitom to imiput
which the usen num ,n t dwell ann hon sc’miie onith mn ieti c pnob lemun s . lust ,is with ,mn
ti n usps.”c lies.I ps.’!nod oh tin ins.” acts. nil c,ils.”i i i, itom lb ins pam, in s.”\O nl iple
oh ~i pnocs.”ss . pemhaps tn m\ - n,l l 0! “ c uts. ” , ”
points t ile t~ at ho wh,it wil l at eni t nm.u ll \ be
ann mnut s.”mestin g arid pat\-s. ”m hi ml ~‘l,nss at
dolo b\ b1 5

—. - - -5-
- ‘- — ’ - ’.
-- . _ _ _ _ _

II turns Quit to his. ’ line cmmss. ’ tha t ni ~mv u g,liuon I Beyond soun d as a data type amid mis
at em Dololon nd with tint ” joystick us so ann mImnnnO tahiln g muodaluty . our work wu hh u
em uuu nnemnll y mmn d un ihe mt ’mnt ly “mt ’spa mnst ’ conuu - ss.iunid ,ns m “ nnavu qatu on ia l ,mm d ” bra s built
~ ~
pahible ” that tine novice user g ,mnm ns profu- ,u m r ,i ~npms. ”cial uou of its ululily b r quun damm cs. ’
cien icy inn hu gh ! mu well inn Is. ”m a m nu un im ,mhe ,u m md onient aliom ’m ,ns well as Ion Is enrich—
Om ms. ” (if Ibie pu mn nn e ,m tln ~mctu nrrrs oi s~icbn a unuq tt unc huonn an; a r& ’du unus.Lr m mi anna for wbu at
st sls.’n m n IS the ns. ’,mnh in ne ss with w imich tInt ’ is gom mmg omi vusnu nIly 1 rinse s.ncc,lsianns
new i son In’n ’or m nos a s.’an n mj n’ts.’n nt driven
when our owmn ex pem uninenta l sound sys -

lenin bmas boon teminpor . m m mly down Ii, iv’s.’

‘\i’t ’n ’ nu np ,mmn n , mug tbue no pmul ,1i’tli umsu t uon i at i ’nnn rvmmrco s. I us ihiol nt’s. ’ would Ins.” loatbi to
“ piloting ” piaiuu ’ion in ’n~ u s rapid ;issmm nni latuo ni ret s.un nn ts.u a totally siletut (1,11,1 world. Coin-
)‘, the not i t ’s. ’ of Ibre j m , i~ ib ik ’ inimagon ’,- oh cli usioin: soumnd , we ll -oncb nes tm ,u it ’nl , us u -n i-
this. ’ D,mta lanmd sumf ,u’ ,’ inn ,m “st m ,mln al ” ,mn,’

ciol , A spolr.rl ( I,lIa - mnr ,mnr ,mgt ’ mnne nt sn ,sls. ’mnr

Almnio sb mn nn mmi s. ” d uats. ’Iv. Ibm s. ’ nrs. ’n-t ust’m hns.n t unis mu st bn ,mt -s. ’ it ,
to m o to r in ts. ”n ums In’, i is. ”ss. ’m ml ninn i r t in ‘~rm ,m r - ;
lb me ls.’Ihen to this. ” n ighit ,mi mt I m ont h s.ut the Wbu ule we lean led nu n_uch concen r un g sps. ’
j m s. ” s. ’m n sqi jars.’,” inn “line t t ’llow n oct. inn jlon ; cii mc uIs. ”smg mu fe llu uns. ”s of our SDMS effort .
inn Ibis.” so m itbr o , mst c am m nt ’ m Allh nonugln , of ~
ns. ”alu, ’ ,mt rons also ommn ’ngod about t uurt he m
(‘0 1 ir s.’ , thus way of reqordun o d,iI,i us polennlialuties at tine spatial thanne. Sonic
intended m u t h e system ’s , t hus. ” hns. ”g m m im im m m g of of lbn oso inidication s for fu m b ume durs. ”chi onis
disc m.mssumnq ul iha mu th u s nuios.Ie lu ’, m movics. ’ ,‘m n e set fort h inn flue following ss. ”ct arm .
users us cur otmfyunq ly s nor ml , mm iaumi is


‘ —‘ ‘~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Future Directions

Progress in SDMS n, mtu ru mn q on_mn tim st hwo As .ini o\.nmn iEnk’ , no’nmnsu .In _ ”n dol t typical at
ye,in s of pursuumuq spatiality as .i ,mno til bras a connn lnan uy ’s pen som mniol bile. I“i& ’ti ins. ” :; of
s. ”m uc oiu r. mg enh us Ia cbi. ui t a prospectus iii ommnp loys. ”s.”s would ms. ”smds. ’ turn ss. ’s.,’t ’n nuib,u n \
mu s. ’’s.f st eps bbic mb us , mdv ust ” s.Ily s. ’x ti t ’ m m is.’ in sham age n ’nns. ” s.. Iua, am un.1 D,ilalanns.I tt tim j Im I
t e nnnr s of positio n s take n , bnavs.u ,un urndu (n,l lut s. ’ I ni ut trl.m mik .in i’, n ”f nn,’s. ’
baniqk ”s. Tiut” um sn_”n nuu uqhu t tbn s. ”ni 51 ‘s.’cmf t ’ Ins;
F- uutuu ne directio n s elucidated umicliu i.le bli(use Ins..umu . - ’o m ub ,il ,n\ns lu ’s. Ins.’ .i ilis.” ,iSim ms. ’ s.’nt .igs. ’
i ll ’lu pis.’iol 51lmi bi ,IliIy . c 1,i, ’o- cs.nnit u mn c 1~ iuI amìs.i Ibis.” t s. ’ mt mt ’,mI ,m\un ; ~us stn muus. ’bl uumn j luke
displayin g , s.’yo-gesture coon dimiation i , y ears of ss. ’m tics. ’, solon’,’ls. ’vt ’I inn nu nan i, igs.’

vai n ’s.” ti n in inn g with ova i-ann l, uct , e\ Iilait nuil nes tnomnsmbu luty. Ous ’s.’ sels.”cIs.’s.1 , thus. ’ ti n, ’
im un tine uusom ‘s nuear—hiofd , user position hires wou uki Ins.” an iIt ’ns. ’d (Inn Ibis. ’ II’, iii th in;
~ nq thu ru nnuqh n .1 sp,mcs.” ss.’u rsun n s. ’d “lab
senusum 3 ~ s~u,ice , with ,n\ s.’n lip .mnus.I i’Iiisis. ’u mug,
I’ mcket
m ost pm obabln,’ ibis. ’ d.mb,i nt sri It I In s. ’
seam oh ned wit h lb us.’ km nowls.”uIn ~ ‘ Ib u , it Mn
Thue n hem umm idor lyun iq “topIcal spabu ol uby ” is Sn nubbi (th in_ I s. ’omm n bn ,mi ry s f ou imu di mug b , ibh u t ’P us
sum n rpk’ . thu s.’topn_uqroph iy oh D;ilal oniul is sonuuewhs.”ms.”at uuppem mig h t ,inn d this. ” aIs.” lnt
n_ nrq,mn nm , ’t ” u,I oni b lue bIn,’, ,ms ,i tunmctio i r oh n_ user emy In to is urn Ibis. ’ south ntt s. ’st
ss.’Is.’ct s.”d ,i\s.~s Ih ose ,n\s.”5 .me n ’Ini nss. ’m
by hire uuss. ’m on tine b ’cmsns oh wli,ml data -

tbumnnemi sm orn s one liulged a~npmopn iaht ’ fin n

:o n nn n s.’ sj is. ’n ’ uimn ’ task , fn oh hms. ”n words . um mi luk s. ”
tine c u unm s.nnib ;lrnonu (1s. ”nu n (’tlh, ~nicbuuq ma nu iS .m n ’
riot stons. ”d , m mi s.b lath urn omit” place . mi mI t annin
part oh ml cbian iqunuq 3- I) spam.’s. ’

- - - - - --

r ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~

We propose to unnipleruiemnl .1 topical Tiums themne will niclumdo unuclum sts. ”n in ig nr 1

SDMS. witlnmnn Ibis.” s. ’t isti nnq syste m , umsuing cedures tbial pmov us.Io ths. - in open cbnamng-
build mmi g lyps.”s Tine selection ol dab mug , nuonibinear ,i\t ’s wb imln _’ thus. ” uss. ”m :o inn rn;
com es from on_mr 54 , 000 differe mut -tr annie inn order to “ sf nmeas.l on_il ” s.nvor lapping
videodmsc that was nu n,ms.Is. .’ in collaboration data. Whiat we sh ou ld lt,’,mini .ire lessons
with tine MIT .m rcinmtec bn_ ire slide library comucer lnunug people ’s ability to cms. sm te
annd cont iinns ,ml ’nou il 20 .000 slides of mnienlol sp.mceS an nd linen to so ,mmc lr Ibienn
American Arch umtecture , At tins writin g.
those “tr onu ns. ”s ” .m e addition ally described A critical focus ot fuirlb men researc h
urn a (I,ml. m shruc ln_ ure wh’cln mnicluds.”s slate , involves .n set of themunes m ovin g In_u do
con_unity , city, architects ’ nos . d.itos oh with lbne active enigagemnomnb of line uss.”m inn
con struct Ion , arid twenuty bn_uildilng types. tine ennvironnmuieruta l space of tIne in u ts.”m face ,
Tine data lend tfiemunse lves to traditmomual expamndinng tbne spatial s.Io rnaunu to emico nnu -

spatiality (me , tiiey can be viewed on a pass tine real-space chian - is. ’ten ms ti s.’~ of
nuiap of the US). but they also fall omnto user action s Tbne oven mull unnlemitio n i5 to
muonispatnaf .i\OS luke dale of construction , ren der line sysberu u coqnnuzam ’mt of bin_nw thus. ”
physical scale , degree of public access , n_user us operatnng in his personal spacs.n.
arid the luke . Inn thus. ’ case oh ulale amnd s u e .IS Ihnis space unulerse cis wutbn the sh,mmo s. 1
(X ,mnid Y . respoclively), if we u nit our spare of the inb n_” m b, ’mca durecbuoi ’i al mtms. ’s i n n
ss. ’lectu onm to post-Civil War , we cain look Iookninq. sfneakurm n,1 toucinung. gestui rmlng.

for this.’ World Tm. u ha Center un thin_I north- togetbie r with a systenun .nw, in s.”m ness ot
s.” .ist amid Gr. mmul ’ s tonimb ,nI line lower left , user positnoin amnd proxi n unit ies
Annnomng these thue nui es is t u e ,iw ;mns. ”uin_”ss of
where tine user is looking Eye con ut,ms. ’l is
ann inunportanut adlulmuct inn inn _ mnnamn m ien pen -

soinal e\s.lbiamiqe amid , inn gelneral . ,n prnnius.”

imndicator of t ue focus oh ,mctuvs. ” .iw ,nn em ness


, ~~~~~~~ , ,, ,
~, - m~~ ’~~~~~~~~~~ ‘ - ‘ -
This. ” opponlumnu il’,’ bnn _ ”rn _ ’ us ts.nn, .m rruonug olhis. ”n Span_ ’e n.m mgu mrg bechu mn ugui es tbn ,il ps.’ nnuui t
Ibu nmu gs , .ini et-s. ’ c an nt nn ill s. ’,I m n t mm , ul s.’,m mm m

~~ thus. ’:1’, :;ts. ’iu u ti n knnt ntt tt Irs. ’ ns. ’ Ibis. ” uus s.” m in; inn
s.’n ,m . ” tbn .mI us , a nh msp l.m n ,- tiu ,ml points , paris , thus. ” space of thus. ” uni ts. ’n boos. ” , plus Ibis. ’ un;s. ’m
.‘oam mus l m , m ~s. ’ln ; , ,ms ,m fn _ i n uc tmo m n of ntbus. ’ns. ’ Ibus. ’ hin t , .iltutiis.Ie , hi ,i n,s.’ i ntri n sic iiss. ” n; ‘\ :;t:;
usn_’n us kun_ nkunu g In this. ” n_”omnt s.’ t ob Ihi s. ” ts.’m mu ,nt h u t 1 ’ , I ‘ann i e :;ln ,is. ’s. ’ 5s. ’mi n ;t ”m :; ummlot i
unuu ,Ign_ ’rn,- inn SDMS o ton ulnsn~’u usst ’tI , 1mm m: ;m \ s. ’ln, uhus lnoss. ’tI ,ihioiil a st unt oh “ i

s u b nl m tm s. ”s m uuigbit umic liiul s. ’ s.’vs. ’ni the tn t m , ml acks.”t as hnu u ltomus , cuith bunk s , on s. ’p.ii uls. ’ tts. ’:;
s.””s.amii ple of .m sp.mti , ills., duspem sed ss. ’t oh tt ii u1ti s.’st, ml nlms h ,i s. ’om n upu ils.’n in rIs.’m “ n s. ’t. minIs. ’
uIn_ ”nuus , ~un_ ’rfu ,m~ s i, i ’ s. ’s , s.’, ms.’bi u t nt-h rich m li nt tu n i n _ um s. ’ n 1s.’mm n.m kin us.~ thus. ” nnu un nuns. ’nut , mr

“b .mlks ” whie ni en,n_’ ,m ths.Inn _”sss.” s.l t in , Ibus. ’ uiss. ”n , posu hun_unu .mm ud .itliliids.’ nit Ibis. ’ iiss.’n ‘\ muno nu g
Ibis. ” s.Im recbe d g.m .s. ’ n mss. ’nI Ii’, Ibis. ’ sn, sbs.’m mm ,ms otbu em h um notion us , su ic fu kin, itt Is. ’,Igs. ’ s.’,m m u
.mn inuu lnluci t ‘‘ cn_ nnu un nu,mmnd ’’ n_un .mcl ml ss.” ls. ”c lis.”lp tin ns. ’ n_ ’sl ,ml ulu s hu hr. it ’kmn ug con ul. ms. ’t Of On i
tin_un A mun_ulbu s. ”m e”s.aru ulnl n_’ would I us. ” .ini s. ’m masH ocuml s. um um s.’hn_ ”m , m u u.m kmnu g ss.’nm sinu g
unuraqe ,, , m nusip, wh umt ’b n Ioc,mll n, s.”x p.mnu ds nt’I us. ”mn _ ’ n_ inns. ” is lookin g .m minors. ’ is. ’. mlu , ;lio
.ini_ I gain s detail as • m bu n ch _nm i s.ul Ibis. ” pain it pr unpn_ usil non i urn a sIn, n u .mm ru u c am it iron inn ns. ’m it
amid dn_ lnmlt uonn of ‘‘looks ’’

I b i s.’ ss.”i rss.’n_nt sp in ’s. ’ urn .mnu d ,it tins. ” imi ln_ ”m -

b, mcs.’ umuclui d s.”s st star ii .int . m ns. ”n ross unb Ibis. ”

u ser m resi n bueln .1 lb m s.” lou is.” ol .ipp ounu tmm non ubs
ur n Ibi s.’ nui s.”duo ron_urn . s. ’sl’ns. ’( ’u. mll \ this. ” iups. ’nr
nu s.’ss n_nh Ibi s.” cbr.iu m , inn v ils. ’s Ibis. ’ uuss. ’n to gel
(II) until n_nb Ibis. ” cbn .iim Ibis.” nuuoms. ” umu nnuu s. ’ ,ml& ”ln,
tn_u enl(1.ige bumnn is elb w ibhu Ibi s.” u1.i b ,i . (3es-
lu ri n g, ,m n nn i waving, p omnulm mu g s.’5h”s.’ci,ill t
mu cs. ur u l n _ unn (’Im( nm u witbu linu s. ” of s ig bmt un u uhn c.m
tuonis cap lum n s.”n_I Ibim ot i ghu ulnus.n h )tn i su ns. ’ s. ’t s. ’
tnoc kunl (], Ct’(uuml(l en _In_nw thus. ” nr uunn ms. ’ In, its. ’
s1n , mu ’s.” LieI ’~ves.”ni u uss.’m •iniil :;\ sts. ’n mu nt’mlb u
58 conuimu it mniu ’ .ml vs.’ nu n” .in unri g

— -~~~~~-
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‘-~~‘ - “-‘-—~~~~“
With body sensing in the user near-field , These themes , s omewhat syno pti c ally
pushing items of virtual data about in a expressed . implicate actions in an
now-tangible 3-D space arises as a pos- explicit space. coextensive with the real
subility. Or , traffic-patr ol-like direction of room space at the user-system interface ,
items str eaming by in patterns for on-the- a shared space which can be artfully
fl y perusal . The dynamics of orchestra- integrated with the virtual spaces which
tuon , literall y luke those of conducting a have been the focus of this , our work ,
symphony, arise as realities, especially so far.
pertinent in an environment of spatially
distinct sounds and voices in an octa- At stake here is a user-system interface ,
phoni c surround. Ponnting to virt ua l a data space . so enriched and quick-
• talkers with indications to speak , to hurry ened that the human becomes more
up, to pause, becomes repertorial for the than a dimensionless point , the space at - ‘

user , now ‘ fleshed out ” at least minimally the interface something other than empty
in dot form in the augmented space of volumes. The long-term goal is the
the interface, utmost in usability, where the user ’s nat-
ural modalities and capacities for commu-
Voice direction with eye contact , a natu- nucative expression meet with perceptive ,
ral combination in the extra system real complementary system response.
world , persist in the realm of user-system
interchange as a viable modality. The
ability to voice-activate takes on more
precise meaning and possibilities in con-
junction with the ability to address by
voice and eye simultaneously in a coor-

dinated fashion. To be able to point by

gesture as well defines yet an additional
dimension of voice-and-eye dynamics.


___________ J
Copyright .‘ 1979by the I’ bin _ ” ‘. is.’nt 5 arud conmcli ismunm is rn th u s mIt i55 i\t ’t V~knuIs
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. All rights ni ns. ’ut ,ims. ’ tbnoss.” of Ibis. ” ,mn _ ilhin _ nm . .mns.1 shun _un_ mId M, is.’mi m n_ ’mit l m ubomnmuatut un u Sn, n;t, ’in n:;
res.r’ved . l’h e contents of not u s. ’ mm r ts. ’ n pm s.”tonI .ms nis. ’i’s.’ss ,i mi ln, ms. ’prs. ” C~s.imu ipn_ mIs.’m (.i’ m.ipbi ucs
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Research f’ m s. ’” n ’ts -\gs.’mm n ’n,, or Ibis.” UmlnIs. ’d
~‘ ils.’s is. ” . s.’n mmm i men it Pm in ulm m ug
Printed in the United States n_,
of Amer ica I bums t t n l n u nmi s. ” bias l’s. s. ” s. ’mi pm mn ut s. ’d mu .ini s.’dn
Library ot Cong ress Number Work Spn umisn ’ms. ’ti Inn , liar m ot 400(1m ’m npl s. ’:; Suippls.” iuus. ” tum rm ml : ;
78—78256 L )eb s.’r uss. ’ .\ ~ It ,mm in’s. ’t I f-Iess.’,mm cbn Pm ols.” chs S nm pm nil mmig I isi\ s.’ ins. ’s.’r u aL’l, in us. ‘j tn m ’n n n
‘\ ~ ts. ’m ion, c)thics.” ,it NLtt oh Rs.’se ,mmcbu
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Tec’bm m un_nIn_ug’,’ l131’vI u_ ”s. nn ~0nm .it ian i
Cn_nr ’m nn uuo mi d Sn, sts.’m nmn ; “.t l, nt ” m m ns. ’l mn _ ’s Pmn ’s.n~ n ,mn nm 1s.’kbm nn n nu x i,.” t nnpt nm ,itu on
Cointn. mcl nuu im u ul u s. ” n M1) .APn_) . - 7 ’ — C Pod : Bs.’ll Nonlb ms. ’mn Rs. ’:;s. ’, u i , ’ii
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b”b ngr aphun,
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